by Galactic Anthropology
October 26, 2024
GalacticAnthropology Website

Illustration of a person having an aura
that some Pleiadeans might
as producing an 'auric stench'
On October 24, 2024 Dr.
Michael Salla published the second interview with
Brit Elders. 1,3
Brit Elders was one of the co-authors of two
books published in 1979 and 1982 that described the case of the
Billy Meier. 4
This article zooms in on a phenomenon
that was mentioned during that interview, namely 'auric stench'.
Before we reach the 'auric stench' itself, I would first like to
talk a bit about where you can find more on Swiss contactee Billy
Meier and the Pleiadeans (Plejaren) he claims to have had contact with.
Since I prefer not to repeat information when I
have already written about it elsewhere, I would like to invite the
reader to take a look at the article on Billy Meier on this website
from December 2023. 5
Thor Han shared some intriguing information on
Meier there.
Billy Meier's first contact was with
Semjase, who - and this was
confirmed by Thor Han 5 - is a lady from the
Galactic Federation
of Worlds who is originally from Erra, a planet in the
Taygeta or
Ashaara system. 6
Erra is a planet that is mainly inhabited by a
blonde species called the 'Ahil' or 'Ahel'. 8
The most famous representative from Erra on this website
undoubtfully is Thor Han Eredyon himself. 9 We have also gotten to
know Reyna who is Vanessa's contact who also is from this planet.
You can read more about her experiences with Erra
at. 10
We also dedicated a page to one of the flowers of
the planet, that would also be introduced to our planet some time in
the future. 11
In the excerpt below you can hear Brit Elders give a fine
description of what Pleiadeans call an auric stench...
It refers to the condition of many of the
fields of human on our planet, which would be of a a rather bad
energetic hygiene.
Elena Danaan has told us about,
the 'Ahil way' of
dealing with emotions, 13 which is characterized by a very rapid
experiencing of the emotion.
This allows the Ahil to also quickly remove the charge from their
We, humans, tend to hold on to our emotions.
This would often lead to them getting stuck in
our auric field, producing a kind of negative 'stench'
that would
have a nauseating effect on
the Pleiadeans.
This would allow them to only remain amongst
humans for a relatively short period of time.
Let's hear Brit Elders explain it all:
Brit Elders speaks about Auric Stench
and how it affects Pleiadean
People 1
William Tompkins says to have worked with a couple of Pleiadeans
during the construction of space technology.
You can read about the Burbanks Pleiadeans in
another article. 14 One of his partners was called Jessica, which
we later learned was another name for
Maria Orsic. 15
Billy Meier was once shown a picture of Maria
Orsic and he was sure this was the same lady that he had met.
However, although they all have this attractive blonde Nordic look,
Maria Orsic was not Semjase. 5
Billy Meier and UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Part 2:
Interview with Brit Elders
You can find the first interview here:
Billy Meier and UFO Contact from the Pleiades: Interview
with Brit Elders (part I)
The website of
Brit Elders
In 2024 both volumes were bundled into a
45th anniversary Edition:
UFO…Contact from the Pleiades (45th Anniversary Edition):
Volumes I & II
The Case of Billy Meier
The Locals on Erra don't call their star Taygeta of course, because that is a name created by humans
on Earth. They call their planet Ashaara. You can see a list
of planets and stars on 7 that gives both the local and
our names of various planets and stars in our galaxy.
The Real Names of Various Stars - How they are called by the
Getting Acquainted with the Ahil
On The Connection between Thor Han and Elena Danaan
The Astral Planes of 5D Erra
The Vanilla-like Smell of Flowers from Erra
Energy Alchemy
Processing Emotions in the Ahel way
The Six Burbank Extraterrestrial Nordics and their Families
Maria Orsic as a Fifth Column from the Galactic Federation
of Worlds