MS: Dr.
Michael Salla - TH: Thor Han Eredyon (Relayed through
Elena Danaan)
TH: Hi, Michael.
MS: Hi. Thank you for answering my questions. I would like to begin
with a little bit of history of the Ahel and how they started their
colony on their planet.
When did that begin?
TH: Oh, you want to know our history?
MS: Yes.
TH: We started in the Man System, in the constellation formed in the
sky, named by you,
Lyra. After our star system was attacked by the
Ciakahrr forces, we migrated to different parts of this galaxy.
was a Diaspora.
We arrived in the Pleiades, which was an ancient
project for
The stars there were very young.
were no planets, no worlds to settle on.
We resumed the terraforming
procedure on the Ashaara system that you call
Taygeta, but we were
not the only Ahel colony in this galaxy, in this sector of the
We terraformed planets around Ashaara and occupied all of
We were not on our own, only Ahel.
There were also
that answering your question?
MS: Thank you, yes.
So how was your community led? How were the
first Ahel led? What kind of political system did they have? Was it
a democracy? Was it a kingship?
TH: We had a monarchy on our home world,
Then we changed. We
kept the monarchy family, and we changed to a more people system
that you call democracy. With the government and the council, the
royal family still remains to this day, having a part to play in the
great council of Ashaara.
Every planet in our system has its own
government, and there is a greater council for the Ashaara system.
MS: During your establishment of a colony in the Taygeta system, did
you run across other civilizations like the Anunnaki or the
TH: The Old Empire had possessions everywhere.
Pleiades were within
the custody of the Anakh Empire, but there wasn't any problem to
settle there. The Anakh Empire didn't look for conflict.
We could
settle there and have our own new territory within the Anakh Empire.
We didn't meet Ciakahrrs. We did not come across Ciakahrrs while
settling in Ashaara and other star systems.
In Manahu, that you call
Pleiades, Ciakahrr came after.
We managed to take them out and keep
them at bay.
MS: So, has the relationship with the Anakh Empire remained
Have you had any changes in the relationship? Like with
them having beings like Enlil becoming more aggressive or
TH: Enlil was never focused on the Pleiades.
His focus was on the
Galactic Sovereignty regarding the Sol System. We were never in
trouble with Enlil.
The Anakh Empire protected us. We were far from
what was happening on Terra. Although in the vicinity, we were not
concerned by the events on Terra.
MS: When you say the AnaKh Empire protected you, was it because they
had superior technology or because they had superior magic or occult
TH: Because we were on their territory. It was like a sort of
allegiance if you will.
MS: An allegiance, right, an alliance.
TH: An alliance. Alliance is right word too.
MS: What was the relationship with
the Andromedans?
Did you meet the Andromedans before your colony, the Errahel, found the Pleiades, or
did the Andromedans play a role?
TH: The Zenae helped us.
They were not involved with our
but they helped us settling in Pleiades. We always had a good
relationship with this older organization, that is the Zenatean
Alliance or as you name it, the Andromedans Council.
We always had
good relationships with them. They are much older than us and the
Galactic Federation of Worlds.
They do not seek conflict. They do
not seek to get involved in conflicts, not physically, but they will
act from behind. They are a spiritual, wise organization.
It gathers
the most advanced races in this quadrant and some other parts of the
galaxy, that gathers people with a high level of spiritual
We are like brothers. We look after each other.
MS: With the monarchical system that currently exists in the
Pleiades, in the home world, Erra, how are the monarchs chosen? And
how is there a family, a royal family?
What kind of power and
influence did they have?
TH: It is hereditary.
The influence and power now is very little. In
the past, when we were living in Man, the power was everything. When
we migrated with a few members of our royal family, the power became
We decided to change the structure of our political system, to
be more adapted to a coexistence with other species and other
Pleiades are all inhabited. I cannot say the number
because it changes.
A lot of different cultures...
MS: Did the Errahel ever have a problem with
the Deep State or with
an Illuminati faction, or a group that was associated with black
TH: They hate us because we see them.
We have this particular
ability to see through them. Then they hate us. When they capture
us, they try to know how this ability works, how it is structured in
our brain.
As many other human races, advanced, we can see through
the darkness. We have had many problems with the evil faction of the Anakh Empire, led by the son of the High King,
He focused his
attention on Terra, but we were never welcome. They hated us, Errahel
from Pleiades. Especially when we decided to create the Galactic
Federation of Worlds.
It was a common creation with many cultures,
but we led it. We […] a project outside in the councils.
Because we
never wanted this to happen again, when the Man system was invaded
by the
Ciakahrr Empire and destroyed, taken over.
We wanted to
create an organization that would gather cultures.
We would protect
each other, and support and assist each other, and put in common all
our forces. So that when something happens somewhere, we can defend
each other. And Yuh hates this.
The Anakh Empire never cared about
the Galactic Federation of Worlds; it wasn't their story. They
didn't care. They didn't fight. But Yuh hates the Federation. Yes,
we always had problems with Yuh regarding the events around Terra.
Not in Ashaara, not in Manahu; Pleiades as you named them.
MS: So with the Errahel home-world, is there a presidency?
Is there
something like a federation of different nations, and how are
leaders elected or chosen?
TH: There is a council that gathers representatives of each of the
Five representatives per […]. And this council takes decisions
for the whole Ashaara system. We are unique to Ashaara. Every star
system has their own structure.
The decisions are taken first on the
planet by the people, and submitted to representatives of different
geographical areas, for each planet in the Ashaara system.
geographical area, with number depends on the size of the planet,
each geographical area has representatives. You would call it "governor".
The governors go to the council and the council of the
planet decides and when the council of the planet has decided, they
refer to the higher council of Ashaara.
Then, it is voted. […] as
fairly as we can.
The royal families are two in the Ashaara system:
They both have
different bloodlines.
We are brothers with the Taal. We are very
much united in spirit and in politics. I am not mentioning the
separatist faction that went to Jahia that you call Alcyone.
Decisions are voted. This is how we do it.
It takes time but it is
the fairest way of getting things done.
MS: When did the Pleiades or the Errahil first established contact
with humanity on Earth?
Was it before the Anakh Empire began their
genetic experiments or after?
TH: We arrived on Terra when you had a civilization that was
Atlaa, held by a good faction of the Anakh Empire and
the Intergalactic Confederation.
We arrived there and had a colony
settling in Atlaa, we were very welcome.
We were brothers with them,
in spirit. Not in blood; in spirit. This was the first time when we
arrived on Terra and left a colony there.
The colony didn't remain
long because Atlaa was destroyed by the negative faction of the
Anakh Empire: Yuh...
MS: Have the Errahel ever had anything like, here we call them
ascended masters, or masters of wisdom, beings that excel in high
degree of cosmic unity or oneness?
Have these beings played a role
in the Errahel society or colonization efforts?
TH: We have such persons and it occurs more often than it occurs on
These people among us generally form a council. They
would choose to join the councils. We need them in the councils but
many of them join seminaries, places where they teach.
they teach for a period of time and then they retreat, and they will
teach again for a period of time.
They are Elders. We call them
It is welcome that they come with us on missions and
explorations, we have them one on each ship. If we can, if it is
possible. They are the Elders, they can transcend densities.
We can
see them as transparent sometimes, but we feel them. They can take
solid matter whenever they want. They are very special.
They have achieved
the evolution of consciousness but with more […].
MS: Does
Ea or Enki, does he… what kind of role has he played with
the Errahel historically?
TH: He protected us when we were on Terra.
He always was curious
about our society. We revered him as king of Atlaa. Our colony was
under his protection. We were in good terms. I wasn't part of the
Errahil, you understand, when I was in Atlaa. I wasn't incarnated as
an Errahel.
I was incarnated as an Altean.
MS: When did the Alteans and the other members of the Intergalactic
Confederation made contact with the Errahel colonies in the
TH: In the Pleiades, in Manahu, the Intergalactic Confederation was
coming sometimes, sending Envoys and messengers, to visit us, and
sometimes they have helped terraforming our worlds because they have
this knowledge, more than […].
But they didn't stay. Sometimes they
would come, and they would go, and come again, millennia after.
always were in good terms. The Intergalactic Confederation, and as
you name the Alteans specifically, never interfered in the
development of a culture. They always observed, watched how the
culture would evolve.
You know, in our star system,
Man, the
original star system in the constellation that visually
you name Lyra, we were created, seeded first, by the Intergalactic
Confederation. We were the root races of all the humans in this
The Alteans and the Intergalactic Confederation decided to
conduct two more experiments.
Terra was one of them.
The other
experiment is in the opposite quadrant of this galaxy.
On Terra, the
Intergalactic Confederation decided to conduct an experiment that
would be unique.
Not one root race per world, but one race that
would gather many other root races in their genetics...
This was new.
This was an experiment and it was very precious.
In the Pleiades,
Ashaara system, we were root races and we still are root races. Taal
are unimportant and very widespread root race for humans in that
galaxy. Ahil, not that much.
MS: After the destruction of
Atlantis, which we date to
approximately 9600 BC, and the rise of
the Sumerian civilization in
3800 BC, were there any other great civilizations on Earth that
existed or established contact with the Errahel?
TH: Are you speaking about the period
before Atlaa was created?
MS: After Atlaa was destroyed and before the Sumerian civilization
began, there seems to be a big gap in our history from around 9600
BC to around 3800 BC, that very little is known what existed there,
some is speculation.
So do you have any information about this
TH: You need to understand that these were dark ages where the
planet was very much damaged.
The sky was toxic, the air was toxic,
the land was not ready to be worked.
No one was there to help re-terraforming
the planet.
Yuh had made of this world a hell, inhospitable world.
So populations, when they came back to the surface, they strived to
There wasn't any significant civilization but
many small
centers of civilization, that were not qualifiable as civilizations
but more as communities, gathering of humans who tried to get
But Yuh and his forces were there, stopping them,
tormenting them. He was angry at them. He didn't want any
civilization to strive. Until he took the decision to set a system,
that would allow civilizations to grow but under his control.
would grow civilizations as you grow a forest, as you plant seeds,
and he would control them entirely through to this day.
MS: So after the destruction of Atlaa and Atlantis, one area of all
this, if you can explain this, on the one hand, Ea and his
scientists escaped or went into hibernation.
But then, with the
creation of the Sumerian civilization in 3800 BC, we hear of some
cities were under the control of Enlil, some cities under the
control of Enki, and other entities that were both with the positive
and negative factions.
So can you explain, with the Sumerian
civilization, each city, who was in control?
Was it just other
different Anunnaki fighting amongst each other for control and
influence of the Sumerian civilization?
TH: These records are more ancient than Atlaa.
What has survived in
the area of Mesopotamia are the memories of ancient fights. The
cities were rebuilt and the people kept the memory of the ancient
gods, as they called them. It will be Ea to tell the story.
But I
can assure that the cities were rebuilt and the civilization grew
again under the protectorate of the […] Ea needs to say this. I will say
it as well. Yuh had total control over Mesopotamia after the great
MS: I'd like to talk now about the present era on Earth. Right now
there is this great conflict in the Ukraine.
So how much of that
conflict is due to this space ark in the area of Ukraine called
TH: Yes. The ark is not the totality of the reasons for this
The Ark was something that everyone wanted to own. Now it
is in good hands but this is not the main problem. The other
problem, which is the first source for this conflict, is the deep
underground laboratories and slave facilities.
Also the making of
There is a very big factory of weapon making in the deep
Technology, very harmful, that has been
This was a problem.
It was a big nest for the
We, as allied with the Earth Alliance, have been working with
Putin to eradicate these practice, to cleanse these undergrounds.
This is the main action. That the Ark was there, also, it was a
The Deep State as you name it, always wanted to have this
technology, and they set their laboratories around the place where
the Ark is, trying to study it.
They had their team around it all
the time.
They were looking for the right DNA.
They never found it.
Once they found a man, a Russian man, who had the right DNA.
used him to get the technology to work. But they killed him because
they used him in the wrong way. Too much, intense. He died. This man
is not known. He was captured. They are looking for others. They
were looking for others.
For now, the problem is secured.
This was
the reason for
the conflict...
MS: Something that many people are speculating about is why has it
taken the Russian military so long to defeat the Ukrainian military,
which is much smaller.
So is this because there were many
soldiers and clones and artificial life forms acting as special
forces, working with the Ukrainians, that helped them in the war
against Russia?
TH: It was strategical. You know, they owned deep underground
These are like labyrinths.
This is very difficult to
The Earth Alliance had tremendous difficulty to get to only an
For sure, the deep, dark forces in this underground had
conducted experiments in the laboratories. The laboratories were not
only to conduct experiments, also to manufacture deadly poisonous
Yes, they engineered life forms that were a byproduct of
human, organic life forms. These are not humans. They are very tall
and they are engineered
synthetic life forms from human DNA.
had help from Yuh's factions:
the knowledge of genetics to engineer
these creatures...
You can name them super soldiers. It took very long
because as long as Yuh was in power on Terra, he supported all the
armies of your enemies.
When he was taken from Terra, things
accelerated. Things accelerated until this is sorted.
It will be
soon over...
Do not listen to what
the mainstream information is
telling you.
This is not how it looks like.
The forces of good, the
Earth Alliance, are having the hand on this area.
There is less
conflict than you are shown.
The conflict is lesser.
There is more
control from the good side, as you name it.
It will be soon over.
mainstream information is telling you that there will be a big
This war will
not happen.
They want to focus your attention on
creating this war, on creating the frequency of conflict...
manipulate people of Terra by making them believe something
emotionally imprinting your reality. And you make it happen. You
entice it. You create the frequency.
Millions of people create the
same frequency, a thought-form that imprints the reality. And then
it influences the people of the area your mind focused on. And the
people in the area makes the conflict happen.
This is how they
Believe me, the conflict in Ukraine is
lesser than you are
MS: There are many people that believe that we are just witnessing a
political show to wake up people that are still asleep.
And that
Donald Trump still has a lot of power behind the scenes as the true
President or Leader of the United States.
Who does the Federation
recognize as the legitimate leader of the United States?
TH: If you speak to your audience on your media, I do hope you will
not attract troubles.
We recognize Trump as an ally.
We have always
used him, worked with him. He is special in his ways.
We do not
agree with his way of living all the time. He is a human.
But we
helped him get all the power with the timeline war. We helped him.
He has a very close ally, physically with him.
She is part of the
Federation. She helped him on our behalf to secure the timeline.
needed him because he is not interested in personal power.
He is not
part of what you name the Deep State.
Although he is a human with
flaws, it was the best solution because he is not seeking any more
personal political power.
He wants the good for humanity despite his
personal choice for his life.
You understand, we do not support
everything he has done regarding his life.
But we have helped him
get all the power because we needed someone like him.
MS: So this Professor
Haim Eshed who said sometime in 2020 that
President Trump was working with the Galactic Federation…
TH: That was correct.
MS: And that the Federation said that the time was not yet right for
disclosure because the technology still was not advanced enough on
our planet.
So all of that is correct, and that still is correct? We
are still technologically not yet ready?
TH: Haim Eshed was correct but he didn't say it exactly how it is.
At the time he said it and this is worth for today. The technology
is not ready because it is retained from you. You should have this
But if it is given back by the dark ones to you, they
will use it as well openly. There is also another dimension Haim
Eshed never spoke about because he was afraid to be judged on this,
and that it would take away from his credibility.
This is the
consciousness aspect of this issue.
Humanity's consciousness of
Terra is still tamed down to un-knowing, to un-awareness, and we are
working very much on getting the most humans as possible of Terra to
unlock their consciousness and their awareness.
This is the work of
the Envoys and
the Contactees...
Haim Eshed was correct on everything.
He could have spoken more but he was cautious. He wanted to remain
credible so he said very little, and also we are working. We have
been working with him.
Now we leave him in peace. We have been
working with him.
Then always we told him not to speak. He spoke
when he spoke, with power avail. And all was monitored. Humanity of
Terra needed to become aware of certain aspects, especially before
the problematic events of the United States triggered
with fake
They needed to know who he is working with who.
MS: Recently we have had a whistleblower come forward,
David Grush,
who has revealed information about corporations building or working
on captured
alien spacecraft.
Are his revelations part of this plan
that was given to General VanHerck in January of this year?
TH: I cannot speak about this topic but I can tell you that
everything this man said is correct.
Only he commented on his way of
thinking which is also part of the plan. He commented that "Galactics are a threat". You know, when you play a card in a game
as you play on Terra, you need to be very clever.
I cannot comment
more on David Grusch.
MS: I have just released an update from my Army source JP who says
that he went to a facility where there were four time travel
One to the year 2090, one to the year 2050, one to the year
1945 and the other to the year 1550.
Do you know anything about who
is working with the military in developing and using those
travel devices and what is their objective?
TH: This is us.
We are working with the Earth Alliance and certain
aspects of the military.
Your contact JP is working with the good
side and he is used to reveal the truth. These time devices, we have
helped the military to develop that because the other side was
developing also, Nebu technology related to time travel.
You know it
has been a time war. And we have helped our friends, our allies on
They are key points in anchoring a timeline. You do not
anchor a timeline just on one point but on a web of many points,
like a mesh if you want.
These dates, are dates in the past and in
the future of this timeline, to make sure it is anchored and to make
bridges, to create, "quantum" as you name it, links to anchor the
Things are going to change, and these particular points,
they are points of weakness, they are bifurcations of time. Time, as
you know, is not linear.
It is not ephemeral or abstract;
time is
something that has no value in the absolute. It is a web like a
grid, if you will, and each point on the grid are bifurcations.
need to secure them.
MS: JP has talked a lot about the orbs being released by the
Arcs, that are monitoring our planetary situation and seeking the
crews of the space arcs.
How long will that process continue for,
and when can we expect the Space Arks to appear or will something
else happen before they appear?
TH: These Arks, these ships, are technology very much wanted by what
you name the Deep State.
When the crews are made known to the
audience of the public, well they will be in danger if the Deep
state is still in power. Of course, they hold a little power still.
Because I will tell you:
they are not in complete power anymore;
they are dying out. Their power is fading...
So I do not give a date
precisely when the Arks will be validated to be activated.
We are
not the ones to decide. You understand, this is not our technology.
This is the Intergalactic Confederation and the Anakh technologies.
So we do not know, as the Federation, when they will decide to
activate them. You need to ask
Oona, she will know more. We know
their plans, but what they think they do not always tell.
You know,
they oversee us. They do not always tell us everything that is in
their plans. We have, as I would say, more reasonable relationships
with the Envoys of the Anakh Empire in this star system.
The Alteans
and the others often change their thought.
They have their own
council and they will decide and let us know.
MS: At the
Jupiter in Accords in 2021, it appeared that a decision
was made that the United States Space Command would play a
leadership role in coordinating all of the nations on Earth in
relations with the
Galactic Federation, Andromeda Council, and other
Does that situation still continue? Is
Space Command
at the core of the Earth Alliance?
TH: Yes this situation continues through to this day.
There has been
since, many struggles for power because Terrans are Terrans. They
lack of wisdom, they need to develop their wisdom.
Your military
spirit has been trained to obey orders, and seek for competition and
power games.
This is not really good. So, power struggles have
occurred since, but the structure in itself is still stable. No one
has changed their mind.
The Accords haven't been rescinded or
MS: Is an example of this power struggle the one between General
Glen VanHerck, head of northern Command and NORAD, with the Space
Command where he was very critical of the power that Space Commands
believes it has in space affairs, and nuclear affairs.
Would that be
a good example of this power struggle, even within the United States
TH: This is to me a good example.
I haven't meet Dickinson; I have
met VanHerck. VanHerck is a very proud man, he likes to control
everything. He is very good for his position. This is why he has
been chosen.
You need to understand, when these men arrive at such a
responsibility, they are chosen for their skills of power, wanting
power, wanting to control everything.
They are despicable at keeping
their positions. They are ready to do anything to keep their
positions of power.
They forget about humility. They forget about
their equality to other human beings, but this is why they are
chosen. The empathy is very weak.
I met VanHerck, he is a very proud
man and very efficient in his work. This is why he was chosen. And I
can understand struggles for power, but this is ridiculous; they
should all work together.
We tried to advice them, they do not
listen. They need to work together. These two organizations are
meant to work together.
These human games should
MS: So my final question is:
on Earth, we have a tradition of
ascended masters working behind the scenes to improve the destiny of
our world.
Do these ascended masters play a role in these events
that we are discussing, such as the agreements between the Galactic
Federation and the Earth Alliance, of the appearance of space arks?
TH: The decisions are made politically, they are made by military
and councils.
There are what you name
ascended masters on your
planet as well. They do not take part in the political decisions but
they are holding behind the scenes the frequency of the planet.
frequency of the collective unconscious of your people. They will
not present themselves at the councils, but they are here, helping
your species on Terra.
On our world, on Erra, they are part of
councils, because the structure of our councils is ready to accept
this type of character, of persons.
On Terra, this is not yet ready.
I know you have other questions about what you name ascended
masters. These are humans who have reached the achievement of
knowing who they are.
Their consciousness is connected directly with
13th density of consciousness, and they can connect upward
frequencies and downward frequencies.
One day, most of your species
on Terra will obtain, will reach out to this state of being. You
will be masters and teachers for many other cultures. This is who
you are meant to be.
When Oona speaks about the experiment too me,
she emphasizes on this aspect,
that they made these humans for one
day to be great teachers in this galaxy.
They will join membership
with the
Andromedan Council that we name
Zenatean Alliance. And they
will be great teachers.
Ascended masters are for the moment, for the
time being on Terra, a differentiation term or title. Soon it will
be the norm for most of humanity of Terra.
This is what you become,
when you are free from your chains; you ascend into the higher
frequency of
consciousness of who you are.
MS: Those are the questions I have. Do you have any, Elena, to ask?
ED: No, I liked to step back and I don't have any further question.
MS: Well thank you Thor Han for answering my questions, I very much
appreciate it.
TH: We will do this again, throughout your journey on these lands.
enjoy very much watching through Elena's eyes, and listening
sometimes. She knows I am listening. We will have this conversation
again before she leaves you physically. If you wish so.
MS: That would be wonderful and an honor.
TH: Have a nice journey to your destination, Michael. I will watch
over you from above. I am delighted to do so.
MS: Thank you.
TH: I will now close the communication, and speak again very soon.