by Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 27, 2024
Mercola Website
Spanish version

Story at-a-glance
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is commonly mischaracterized as a
harmful waste product of respiration and is falsely
blamed for disrupting the planetary climate
is an essential gas necessary for life. Moreover, its
impact on Earth's temperatures is negligible, and will
remain negligible even if the current concentration in
the atmosphere were to double. A 100% increase of CO2,
from 400 ppm to 800 ppm, would decrease radiation into
space by just 1.1%, resulting in a 0.7 degree C increase
of the average earth temperature
0.7 degree C difference means there's no climate
emergency, and no matter what we do to reduce CO2
emissions, it's not going to impact global temperatures.
To fabricate an emergency where there is none, it is
assumed that massive positive feedbacks are involved.
However, most natural feedbacks are negative, not
positive, so isn't it likely the 0.7 degree C increase
is an overestimation to begin with
There's no single temperature of the Earth. It varies by
location and altitude. For every kilometer of altitude,
you have an average cooling of 6.6 degrees C
Higher CO2 levels will
green the planet, making it more hospitable to plant
life. The more CO2 there is, the better plants and trees
grow. CO2 also reduces the water needs of plants,
reducing the risks
associated with droughts
Explore this
eye-opening lecture
by professor
William Happer
as he dismantles
the myths
carbon dioxide.
From challenging
characterization as a pollutant,
to exposing the
flaws in climate sensitivity models,
Happer delivers
a compelling argument
that questions
the very foundation
of the climate
change narrative.
Uncover the real
impact of CO2
and the
potential consequences
of misguided
climate policies.
The video far below, "CO2 -
The Gas of Life," features a lecture given at the
Summit Old Guard Meeting in New Jersey, October 3, 2023, by
William Happer, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of physics at
Princeton University and former scientific adviser to the Bush and
Trump administrations.
The topic:
carbon dioxide (CO2), commonly mischaracterized as a
harmful waste product of respiration and a pollutant that is
disrupting the planetary climate.
As explained by Happer in this lecture,
CO2 is
actually an essential gas necessary for life.
Moreover, its impact on Earth's temperatures is
negligible, and will remain negligible even if the current
concentration in the atmosphere were to double.
CO2 Is Not a Pollutant
At present, the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere at a few
thousand feet of elevation is around 430 parts per million (ppm).
Closer to the ground, concentrations vary widely,
both by location and time of day. This is because ground-level
readings are impacted by photosynthesis and the respiration of
insects and the like.
In the room where Happer was giving his lecture, the CO2 reading was
1,800 ppm - the result of having a large group of people breathing
in a closed space. Air conditioning systems have CO2 meters that
turn on fans to bring outdoor air inside when levels get too high.
The question of what is too high is an important one, considering
The Great Resetters are pushing a
green agenda that demands the
dismantling of energy infrastructure and farming in the name of
climate change, which quite obviously threatens our quality
of life and food supply.
Ultimately, it may threaten human existence
The fact of the matter is that CO2 is not the "bad guy" it's made
out to be, and the "net zero" agenda is wholly inappropriate if
maintaining life on Earth is part of the equation.
"CO2 is a very essential and natural part of
life," Happer says.
"It is the gas of life. We're made of carbon
after all, mostly carbon, and we breathe out a lot of CO2 a day
just by living. Each of us breathes out about 2 pounds of CO2 a
Multiply that by 8 billion people and 365
days a year, and just [by] living, people are a non-negligible
part of the CO2 budget of the Earth.
Nevertheless, we are living through a crusade against so-called
pollutant CO2.
People talk about carbon pollution. [But] every
one of us is polluting Earth by breathing, [so] if you want to
stop polluting... apparently God wants us to commit suicide ...
We're doing all sorts of crazy things because of this alleged
pollutant... more and more beautiful meadows are being covered
with black solar panels.
It doesn't work very well; it doesn't
work at all at night.
It doesn't work on cloudy days.
It doesn't work terribly well in the
middle of the winter because of the angle of the sun.
But nevertheless we're doing it.
We're being misled into climate hysteria, and
if you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it. It was
published first in 1841, called 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions
and the Madness of Crowds.'
It's as relevant today as it was then ...
I'm a physicist. I'm proud to say that no one could call me a
climate scientist, but I know a lot about climate and I was a
coauthor of one of the first books on the effects of carbon
dioxide 41 years ago.
This was a study done by
the Jason Group
which I was a member of.
I was chairman for a while and it had really
good people there."
Long-Term Impact of Increasing
Atmospheric CO2
The key question when it comes to
global warming is,
how much do you warm the Earth if you double
the atmospheric CO2 concentration?
This is called the climate sensitivity question...
The GUESS is that doubling CO2 would result in a
3-degree centigrade rise in the global temperature.
"It was not based on any hard calculations,"
Happer says.
"It was because of group-think. That's what
everybody else thought, and so that's what we thought. Now, in
my defense, one of the reasons I didn't pay much attention to
this [is because] I was working on something at this time that I
thought was much more important.
So, let me tell you about that, so you get a
feeling for why I think I'm qualified to pontificate about this
It was the beginning of the Strategic Defense Initiative, of
Star Wars...
Reagan... wanted some way to defend the
United States so that we didn't have to have this mass suicide
pact, and among other things we considered using high-powered
lasers to burn up incoming missiles ...
But here's the problem.
If you take the 1 megawatt laser on the
ground and you send it toward the missile, by the time it gets
to the missile, the beam - instead of focusing all the power on
the missile - breaks up into hundreds of sub beams - speckles -
and this was something that was well-known to astronomers.
You have the same problem when you're looking
at distant stars and galaxies.
Astronomers knew how to fix this... If you can measure how much
this wave is bent, then you can bounce it off a mirror bent in
the opposite direction, and when the wave bounces up it's
absolutely flat.
That's called adaptive optics and it works
beautifully. Then, when you focus the corrected beam, you get a
single spot instead of hundreds of [beams].
The trouble with that is that if you look at the night sky,
there are only four or five stars that are bright enough to have
enough photons to do the measurement of the distortion of the
So, we had a classified meeting in the summer of 1982.
There were a number of Air Force officers
there who explained the problem. By chance, I knew how to solve
You can make an artificial star anywhere in the sky by shining a
laser tuned to the sodium frequency onto the layer of sodium
above our heads, at 90 to 100 kilometers."
While the Air Force was initially dubious about
there being a sodium layer in the atmosphere, they did eventually
build the sodium laser proposed by Happer, and if you go to any
ground-based telescope today, you'll usually see one or two of them.
Anyway, that story was simply to impress you with
the fact that Happer knows what he's talking about when it comes to
atmospheric constituents and their related phenomena...
CO2 Has No
Discernible Impact on Earth Temperatures
According to the climate alarmists, rising CO2 will result in
warming that will 'threaten' all life on earth...
In actuality, however, CO2,
"is a very puny tool to do anything to the
climate," Happer says.
Keep in mind that there's no single temperature
on the Earth. It varies by location and altitude.
For every
kilometer of altitude, you have an average cooling of 6.6 degrees C.
This is known as the lapse rate...
That cooling continues up to the troposphere,
where it stops.
The cooling is due to the fact that warm air rises and cool air
"It's the convection that sets that rapid
drop of temperatures - 6-and-a-half degrees per kilometer,"
Happer says.
He then explains the following graph, which
details the thermal radiation to space from the Earth, assuming a
surface temperature of 15.5 degrees C.
The greenhouse gases is the area beneath the
jagged black curve.
According to Happer, this is only 70% of what it would be without
greenhouse gases, which is shown as the smooth blue curve, because
as the sun heats the earth, greenhouse gases - mostly water vapor -
impede cooling.
The most important part of this graph is the red jagged line, shown
here with a red arrow pointing to it.
That red line shows the effect that a doubling (a
100% increase) of CO2 would have on the surface temperature of
Earth. As you can see, it's negligible...
It decreases radiation into space by just 1.1%.

As noted by Happer:
"Let that sink in.
We're far from doubling [CO2] today. It'll
take a long time, [and] it only causes a 1% change.
So, CO2 is a
very poor greenhouse gas. It's not an efficient greenhouse gas."
If you remove ALL CO2, you end up with the green
jagged curve.
As you can see, the green and black jagged lines
run parallel with the exception of one spot. There's a huge effect
if you go from zero CO2 to 400 ppm (green arrow).
But it's again
negligible when you go from 400 ppm to 800 ppm (black arrow).
As explained by Happer:
"You get all of the effect in the first
little bit of added CO2...
So, it's really true that doubling CO2 only
causes a 1% decrease of radiation.
The IPCC [Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change] gets the same answer so this is not
really controversial, although they will never show you the
curve or tell you that it's 1%.
That would interfere with 'the narrative'...
So, this is radiation to space. How do you change that into a
temperature? They're worried that we'll get intolerable warming
of the surface of the Earth where we live, or other parts of the
Here again it's important to do the first order calculation...
and it says that the warming from doubling CO2 is...
less than
one degree... 0.7 [degree] C.
Very small. You really can't feel that..."
Why, then, the Alarm Over Rising
Needless to say, this is a huge problem for the climate science
community, because a 0.7 degree C difference means there's no
climate emergency, and no matter what we do to reduce CO2 emissions,
it's not going to impact the climate.
So, to fabricate an emergency where there really is
none, the IPCC,
"assumes enormous positive feedbacks," Happer says.
Because CO2 is not a potent greenhouse gas, the
tiny direct warming caused by it is amplified by factors of anywhere
from four to six to make it seem like it has a discernible impact.
"I like to say it's affirmative action for
CO2," Happer says.
"It's not very good at warming but if you
assume lots of feedback, you can keep the money coming in."
The problem with that is that most who have a
background in physical chemistry and physics know that most natural
feedbacks are negative, not positive...!
"The 0.7 degree C of warming you get
when you
double the CO2
is probably an overestimate,
there are probably
negative feedbacks operating
in this very complicated climate system
that we
live in."
Happer, Ph.D.
This is known as
Le Chatelier Principle, named after the
French chemist who first discovered that,
"when a simple system in thermodynamic
equilibrium is subjected to a change in concentration,
temperature, volume or pressure... the system changes to a new
equilibrium and... the change partly counteracts the applied
So, the 0.7 degree C of warming you get when you
double the CO2 is,
"probably an overestimate," Happer says,
"because there are probably negative feedbacks operating in this
very complicated climate system that we live in.
The atmosphere, the oceans, everything is
The key take-home from all this is that whether
we're at 400 ppm of CO2 or 800 ppm doesn't matter when it comes to
impacting the temperature of the earth.
In short,
the climate
hysteria is just that: an hysteria...!
It's not based on any real threat.
Only if we
were able to get to absolute zero CO2 would there be a change, but
doing so also means,
we'd exterminate all living things on the
It's nothing short of a suicide agenda...!
More CO2 Will Green the Planet
As explained by Happer, more CO2 will green the planet, making it
more hospitable to plant life.
The more CO2 there is, the better plants and
trees grow, so if we want lush forests and bountiful harvests,
cutting CO2 is the last thing we'd want to do.
"All plants grow better with more CO2 [in the
air]," he says.
"Plants are really starved [of] CO2 today. We
know plants need many essential nutrients. They need nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium; most important of all they need water.
But they also need CO2, and like many of the
other nutrients, CO2 today is in short supply."
CO2 benefits plants by reducing their water
needs, hence less risk from drought. Higher CO2 levels also reduce
harmful photorespiration.
According to Happer, C3-type plants lose about
25% of their photosynthesis potential due to increased
photorespiration. For more in-depth information about the role of
CO2 in plant growth and photosynthesis, please view the
below video.
This discussion begins around the 40-minute mark.
Lies, Ignorance, Stupidity or
Something Else...?
In closing, Happer makes an effort to explain what's driving the
climate hysteria...:
"In spite of incontrovertible arguments that
there is no climate emergency - CO2 is good for the Earth - the
campaign to banish CO2, 'net zero,' has been very successful.
So, how can that be?
I'm really out of my depth here because now
I'm talking about human nature. I'm really good with instruments
and with solving differential equations but I'm not very good at
understanding human beings.
But here are some of the drivers:
noble lies
political lies
Noble lies goes back to Plato who
discusses it in 'The Republic.'
'In politics, a noble lie is a myth or
untruth, often, but not invariably of a religious nature,
knowingly propagated by an elite to maintain social harmony
or to advance an agenda.'
And here there's a clear agenda.
If you could somehow unite mankind to fight
some external threat, for example CO2 pollution, then we won't
fight each other. There won't be wars. So, I think many sincere
people have latched on to the CO2 narrative partly for that
You can actually read about it in the early
writings of
the Club of Rome.
Then there are political lies...
This is one my favorite H.L. Menken
'The whole aim of practical politics is
to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led
to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of
hobgoblins, all of them imaginary'."
Ignorance, of course, is widespread, and largely
based on incomplete knowledge or a flawed understanding of the
And what of stupidity...?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the few German
clergymen who opposed Hitler and eventually paid for his
public dissent with his life, once wrote about human stupidity...:
"Against stupidity we have no defense.
Neither protest nor force can touch it.
Reasoning is of no use.
Facts that contradict personal prejudices can
simply be disbelieved - indeed, the fool can counter by
criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be
pushed aside as trivial exceptions.
So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely
self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it
does not take much to make them aggressive.
For that reason, greater caution is called
for than with a malicious one."
Happer himself has experienced the danger of
opposing stupidity.
"I regularly get phone calls threatening me,
my wife and children with death," he says.
"So, what kind of movement is this?"
A.S. Pushkin once said,
"If there should happen to be a trough, there
will be pigs."
And climate science is currently where the big
bucks are - provided your work furthers
the global warming narrative
and the need for
net zero emissions.
Whatever the drivers are, responsible people everywhere need to push
back against the false climate change narrative and the net zero
agenda, as it will accomplish nothing in terms of normalizing
but will rapidly erode quality of life
and the sustainability of food production, and shift wealth
into the hands of the few...!
"CO2 -
The Gas of Life"
William Happer