1900 Scientists say 'Climate Change Not Caused by CO2' -
The real Environment Movement was Hijacked
According to 'Direct Atmospheric
Measurements' CO²
Levels were above 400 ppm in the 1940s...
Albert Einstein - "CO² Can't Store
Español |
Bienvenido a la 'Nueva Economía'
Bill Gates' creepy and costly
'Plan to Destroy the Atmosphere' and store CO²
Underground moves forward in Can...
Español |
Bill Gates "Guerrero" del Clima y
Super Emisor
Bill Gates launches new 'Netflix
Series' that lays out Mass Suicide Plan for Global Human
Dioxide CO² is the Gas of Life - Debunking Climate Hysteria
Carbon Dioxide does Not cause 'Global Warming' - Top
Climate expert Blows Whistle
Dioxide is Life - Not a Pollutant
Carbon Dioxide Levels, 'Man-Made'
Global Warming and Other Official Pseudoscience
Carbon on Earth originates from
Interstellar Medium - Researchers Say
Carbon Scam by United Nations and
World Bank Behind "Genocidal" Land Grabs
Español |
China sigue Riéndose de las
Tonterías Occidentales sobre la "Energía Verde"
Español |
- "Clima
- La Película" - La Fría Verdad
Climate Change and the Crisis of
Pseudoscience - John F. Clauser
- "Climate
- The Movie" - The Cold Truth
CO² and The Ideology of Climate
- The Forces Behind "Carbon-Centric Environmentalism"
CO² Generators to Double Plant
is Plant Food' - Australian Group signs International
Declaration denying Climate Science
CO² is the
Greening Molecule - Elevated CO² levels increase Vegetation
Growth and Water Availability
CO² Levels are So High Plants will
start Having Orgasms...
CO² Myth Busted - Why We Need More
Carbon Dioxide to Grow Food and Forests
CO² -
One of Life's Most Essential
Confirming CO²'s
Non-involvement in Global Warming
Consulting firm McKinsey estimates
$9 Trillion per year cost for 'Climate Accords'
Español |
COP25 - El Fracaso en la Cumbre
para Regular los Mercados Relacionados con el Carbono
Español |
Dos nuevos Artículos Científicos
arrojan más Dudas sobre la Contribución Humana al
'Calentamiento Global'
Español |
El Consumo Mundial de Carbón
alcanza su Máximo Registro Histórico
Español |
El Dióxido de Carbono CO² es el Gas de la Vida -
Desacreditando la Histeria Climática
Elevated Carbon Dioxide Making
Arid Regions Greener
Español |
El "Fin Del Mundo por CO²"
se Retrasa por Errores Matemáticos
Español |
G20 ya No Promete reducir las Emisiones de Carbono - CO²
Español |
El Gran Engaño del
Crédito del Carbono
Español |
El Secuestro de lo 'Verde' - De
'la Belleza y la Biodiversidad' a 'la Falsificación y el
Español |
En el
Océano Profundo las Bacterias pueden utilizar la Energía
del Azufre para fijar CO²
Español |
Europa Gastará el 10 por ciento Anual de todo su PIB
para 'Reducir' las Emisiones de CO²
Español |
Experimento al Aire Libre en el
Mundo Real destruye la Narrativa del 'Calentamiento
Facebook and Global Warming -
Extending its Legacy of Science Denial
Forests Emerge as a Major
Overlooked Climate Factor
Forests the size of France Regrown
since 2000 - Study Suggests
Former President of Greenpeace
Scientifically Rips Climate Change to Shreds
For once, I agree with Greenpeace
- Carbon Offsets are a 'Global Con Job'
Fossil Fuels are the Greenest of
Energy Sources
Español |
Ganador del Nobel refuta la
Narrativa del Cambio Climático - Señala un Factor
German Physicist Says CO²
Affecting Climate Change is "Sheer Absurdity"
Grassland Plants show surprising
Appetite for Carbon Dioxide
Guess How Much CO² Humanity
Contributes to "Global Warming"?
How Much CO²
is in a Raindrop? The Ocean? The Air?
How Well has Media and Government
Informed the Public about CO² Levels in the Air?
Español |
Icebergs, Gin-tonics y Cambio
In Defense of CO²
- Astro-Climatology, Climategate and Common Sense
In Love with CO²
and Bicarbonates
Español |
Agricultura del Carbono - ¿"Genial" para los Gigantes
Agroquímicos y los inversores como Bill Gates, pero...
Español |
La Creencia Que el CO² Puede
Regular el Clima es Un "Absurdo Total"
- Entrevista al Físico y Meteorólogo...
Español |
La NASA confirma que la Argentina
es uno de los Pocos Países del Mundo con Balance
Positivo de Carbono
Español |
La NASA confirma que la Tierra es
Más Verde que hace 20 Años
Life Depends on Carbon Dioxide CO²
Long-living Tropical Trees do the
Heavy Carbon Lifting
Mathematical Errors Overestimate
Persistence of CO² in Atmosphere
- Royal Society Humiliated by Global...
CO² is GOOD for Earth - Seeing is Believing
NASA declares Carbon Dioxide is Greening the Earth
NASA Study Proves Carbon Dioxide
Cools Atmosphere
- New Discovery
Nature controls Carbon Dioxide -
Not Man
No, Earth IS NOT in a
'Climate Emergency' - Delingpole
Español |
No hay "Emergencia" Climática -
Científicos de la Declaración Europea del Clima escriben
a Naciones Unidas
Español |
No, la Tierra NO ESTÁ en
una 'Emergencia Climática' - Delingpole
Rise in 'Climate Disasters' despite record CO² - Climatologist
at COP28 says blaming the Energy Industry for the Climate
'Crisis' like 'Blaming Farmers for Obesity'
Over a Thousand Top Scientists conclude "There Is No Climate
Plants absorb 31% more CO² than Previously Thought
Possibly the 'Best Thing you will
ever Read' on Global Warming - The István Markó
Post-Gore and The Coming Carbon
Prominent Scientists Declare
Climate Claims Ahead of United Nations Summit
- 'Irrational', 'Based on...
Real-World Outdoor Experiment
destroys 'Global Warming Narrative'
Rising Carbon Dioxide is
Making the Earth Greener
Rising CO² producing "Miracle"
Re-greening Effects across the Planet as global Tree
Cover rapidly Expands
Royal Society Lecturer Says CO²
Not Effecting Earth's Temperature
- Globalists Switching Gears
Scam Claims that Humans' 'Carbon Emissions cause Global
Warming' are a 'Hoax' - Experts Warn...!
Scientists Confirm Slight Global
Warming Greening the Antarctic Peninsula with New Life
Scientists show Solar System
processes Control the 'Carbon Cycle' throughout Earth's
Several 'Bullet Points' proving
the Sun causes Global Warming - Not CO²...
Español |
Sobre el Carbono y el Cambio Climático
The Absurd CO² Scam - PsyOp
Climate Change
The Belief that CO² Can Regulate
Climate is "Sheer Absurdity"
- Says Prominent German Meteorologist
The Biggest Deception in History -
Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change
The Climate Change Mental Asylum -
Fanatics suffering from Ideological Insanity
The Climate Scam revealed by COP28
The Evidence Proves that CO² is
Not a Greenhouse Gas
The Four Known Scientific Ways CO²
Cools Earth's Climate
The Great Carbon Credit
The Hijacking of 'Green' - From
'Beauty and Biodiversity' to 'Fakery and Fascism'
The Little Ice Age which has
Already Started - The Sun drives the Climate Change -
Valentina Zharkova
The Not-So-Scary Truth about
'Climate Change'...
The Paris Climate Accord is
Genocide against Plants, Forests and All Life on our
The Profound Junk Science of
The Real Science behind Carbon
There is No Climate 'Emergency' -
European Climate Declaration Scientists write to United
The U.N. seeks Control over
Agriculture - Blames for 'Global Warming'
This is what 'They Don't Want You
to Know' about the Climate Agenda - Dr. W. Soon's
interview by T. Carlson
Thousands of Scientists Unite to
End "Climate Emergency" Hysteria
To end Climate Lunacy stop
treating Warming and CO²
Top Experts expose WEF's
Anti-Carbon Agenda as a Hoax - 'Pure Junk Science'
Trees Talk to Each Other in a
Language We Can Learn
Undeniable fact that "Carbon
Dioxide" is NOT a "pollutant" but a Giver of Life - Open
Letter to Canada's P.Minister
Español |
Estudio revela que las Plantas son capaces de Absorber
más Dióxido de Carbono de lo que se pensaba
United Nations 'Anti-Human Push'
to De-Carbonize the World
United Nations calls for Economic
Ruin to 'Diffuse the Climate Time-Bomb'
United Nations Carbon Regime
Devastate Humanity
Warming 'Not Possible' because CO²
retains Heat for only 0.0001 Seconds - Says Physicist
We Need More CO²
in the Atmosphere, Not Less
While the Climate Always has and
Always will Change, there is no Climate Crisis
Why Environmentalists are
Celebrating Rising CO² Levels - Al Gore Backlash
Wind Farms Are Net Carbon Dioxide Emitters
Wind Farms Will Create More Carbon
- Say Scientists
Additional Information |
Absolute Zero
Carbon Dioxide Emissions at an
Italian Mineral Spring
Carbon Dioxide in Greenhouses
Carbon Dioxide - The Good News
Climate Change - Incorrect
Information on Pre-Industrial CO²
CO² is Not Causing Climate Change
CO² - The
Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time
Español |
El Calentamiento Global Por CO²
Es Un Fraude
Failed 'Doom Forecasts' destroy
Alarmists Credibility
Global Land Change from 1982 to
Global Warming-Cooling mimic Solar
Variations (150-year delay), absolving CO², portending
50 Cooler Years...
Greening of the Earth and Its
Higher global gross primary
productivity under future climate with more advanced
representations of photosynthesis
Measuring Ice Mass from Space... - Satellite Data shows
Antarctica continues Adding It
New Studies show Warming and
Drought were as severe before 1900 with CO² under 300
Solar Cycles, Not CO²,
Determine Climate
Solar Cycles, Not CO²,
Determine Climate
- The Ice Age Is Coming!
The Greening of the Globe
The Net-Zero Challenge -
Fast-Forward to Decisive Climate Action - WEF Insight
There's No Correlation Between CO²
and Climate Change
Unexpected Reversal of C³
versus C4 Grass response to Elevated CO²
during a 20-year Field Experiment
While the Climate Always Has and
Always Will Change - There Is no Climate Crisis -
Complete Version
Carbon and Taxes - Carbono e Impuestos |
Alarmists Fake Grassroots Effort
to Guarantee Carbon Taxes
Tax Proven Useless Against "Global Warming"
Charade of Man-Made Climate Change Will Trick You Into
Paying Carbon Taxes
Copenhagen's Hidden Agenda - The
Multibillion Trade in Carbon Derivatives
- Architect of Credit Default...
If Carbon Dioxide is So Bad for
The Planet, Why do Greenhouse Growers buy CO² Generators
to Double...
Italiano |
Il Finanziamento della Agenda 2030
è diventato Impossibile
Español |
La Financiación de la 'Agenda
2030' se ha vuelto Imposible
Is a Carbon Tax what You Really
Want? - Stop and Think for a Moment...
Net Zero - Cero Neto |
Español |
Bill Gates promueve el "Cero Neto"
("Net Zero") como Solución al Cambio Climático
Español |
BlackRock quita apoyo a los
objetivos "ambientalistas" de la ONU y se retira del
programa 'Net Zero Asset...'
BP ditches 'Net Zero' Push - Halts all 'Renewable'
Español |
Cero Absoluto - La Agenda Global
Español |
El 'Cientificismo' y los Modelos Climáticos del Gobierno
para Quitarle la Tierra a los Agricultores
Español |
El "Net Zero" nunca Funcionará...
John Kerry's Daughter pushes WEF's 'Net Zero' Agenda -
Public compliance 'No Longer a Choice'
Español |
La Mitad del Mundo se enfrenta al
Hambre bajo las 'Políticas Net Zero' - Dicen dos
importantes Científicos...
Español |
La Verdad sobre el 'Net Zero' -
Una Agenda Diabólica vendida como una 'Fórmula
Español |
Movimiento de Agricultores en
Holanda llega al Nuevo Gobierno y arremete contra el "Pacto
Net Zero CO² Emissions - A Damaging and Totally
Unnecessary Goal
Net Zero Housing - The Dark Side
of 'Smart' Living and Personal Autonomy
Net Zero is a Scam - Built on the Myth of "Global
- 'Net
Zero' is Completely Pointless - According to the Work of
Two Distinguished Atmospheric Scientists
Net-Zero - The War on Carbon and Humans Intensifies
Report says
'Green Transition is Crumbling' - But will Eurocrats let go
of their "Net Zero Fantasy" Pet Proj?
Reuters admits Net Zero has Failed as Fossil Fuels
remain Dominant Energy Choice
South America's Offshore Oil
buries 'Net Zero' Agenda - Crude Reality
Dutch Revolt Against Net Zero
The 'Final Nail in the Coffin' of
the Global Environmental Agenda...? - President Trump
The Fury of Europe's Farmers
shocks EU Technocrats
Trudeau's 'Climate Obsession' runs
into a pesky thing called Reality
Trump is dismantling 'Biden's
Green New Scam' and restoring Energy Freedom
WEF's "Net Zero" Goals could kill
4+ Billion People |
Well-Funded Climate Activists
waging Psychological Warfare on the Public
Books-Reports-Treatises |
Elevated CO² Concentrations
contribute to a Closer Relationship between Vegetation
Growth and Water...
Extraordinary Popular Delusions
and the Madness of Crowds - by Charles Mackay
Inconvenient Facts - The Science
that Al Gore doesn't want You to Know
- by Gregory Wrightstone
Historical Growth in Global Terrestrial gross Primary Production
- by J.E. Campbell, J.A. Berry, U. Seibt
Net Isotopic Signature of
Atmospheric CO² Sources and Sinks - No Change since the
Little Ice Age
- by D.K.
The Positive Impact of Human CO²
Emissions on the Survival of Life on Earth -
by Patrick Moore
Unsettled - What Climate Science
Tells Us, What it Doesn't, and Why it Matters
- by Steven Koonin
Multimedia |
Bill Gates' Agenda to Chop Down
Climate, the Movie - The Cold
Español |
El Gran Fraude del Calentamiento
Español |
El Papa Francisco a Favor de la
Inquisición Climática |
Español |
La Historia del Suelo |
Español |
La ONU está detrás de la Estafa
del Cambio Climático - Agenda 2030
Italiano |
La Storia del Suolo |
Scientist exposes "Climate
Religion" and its Anti-Liberty Agenda - István Markó
The Soil Story |
Related Reports |
Antarctica Rediscovered
- Main File
Chemtrails and Geoengineering
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Free Energy
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects
- Main File
Global Cooling
- Main File
La Teoria de Gaia - The Gaia
- Main File
Oil Industry
- Producers of Energy and Disasters
- Main File
Planetophysical State of The Earth
and Life