by Baxter Dmitry

August 10, 2024
from ThePeoplesVoice Website



Baxter Dmitry

is a writer at The People's Voice.

He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one.

Live without fear.


Fumio Kishida,

Prime Minister of Japan

Japan has issued

an apology to its citizens

for the disastrous consequences

of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

and has launched far-reaching

scientific inquiries and criminal investigations

to establish the truth and punish

the perpetrators.

The Globalist Elite and Big Pharma are panicking, terrified of what the Japanese are finding, and they are doing everything they can to discredit these investigations, including ordering the mainstream media to initiate a total media blackout of any news coming out of Japan.

But we are not going to allow the elite to succeed in gaslighting the public any longer.


Japan are uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole world needs to hear this information.

A new Japanese study (Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna) published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research proves that,

Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain unauthorized "animated worm-like" entities, invisible to the human eye, that swim, wriggle, and assemble themselves into complex structures.

As the Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy from Okinawa Christian University explain,

these worm-like entities are responsible for causing clots inside millions of human bodies around the world since the mRNA roll out.

When these processes are replicated, the results are the same, as this far below deeply disturbing footage from Died Suddenly reveals.

But it gets even worse.

Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy isolated vaccine vials for three weeks, then examined them under 400 times magnification and found what they describe as,

"undisclosed additional engineered components"... also known as nanotechnology.

As Lee and Broudy observed, when the nanotechnology is energized it creates,

"discs, chains, spirals, tubes, and right-angle structures."


What are these nanorobots and why would Pfizer and Big Pharma want to secretly inject thousands of billions of them into unsuspecting human beings?

And when exactly does the nanotechnology "energize", you ask?

Lee and Broudy were astonished to find the,

"additional engineered components" energize when they are placed near cellphones or computers.

These are nanobots that communicate with a central database, the IP of which cannot be traced to a location or a single computer.

Are the vaccinated already walking, talking human cyborgs, fulfilling as yet unknown functions for the Global Elite - before they keel over and die at the flick of a switch?

Bill Gates wasn't joking when he let slip that mRNA contains "nanotechnology" that is "very self-assembling."

Evidence is now emerging that the elite have implemented their plan - without our consent - to turn the human race,

into a vast battery reserve to be harvested in secret...!

Unfortunately for the elite, this secret has been blown wide open by researchers in Japan and around the world.

We are onto them and their is a plan in place to serve them with the justice they so richly deserve...!

The Japanese study concludes that the smart microscopic components are part of the Global Elite's,

"long-planned well-funded Internet of Bodies," which was described as a kind of "synthetic global central nervous system" turning humans into controllable "Biohybrid Magnetic Robots."

They also demanded the labels "vaccine" and "safe and effective" be removed because the concoction injected into billions of people around the world is not a vaccine nor safe and effective.

The more we learn about the so-called vaccines, the more we understand that "safe and effective" is perhaps the biggest of the Big Lies the elite ever told...!

The lies don't stop there.


The Global Elite are determined to convince us that,

  • up is down

  • women have penises

  • open borders are a source of strength

  • owning nothing will make you happy...

They also want you to know that,

graphene oxide is "good" for you...!

The mainstream media are desperate to convince you this is just a conspiracy theory, but we have the evidence for you in black and white.

A patent granted to Bill Gates awarded the self-appointed world health czar the "exclusive rights" to,

computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks...

Microsoft was awarded US Patent 6,754,472, which is titled "Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body."

Which really should be science fiction, if you stop to think about it.

Did anybody consult you about whether you are willing to hand over to Bill Gates the exclusive rights to your body...?

The elite,

always tell us their plans, but nobody wants to take them at their word...

It's called Revelation of the Method,

a subliminal psychological warfare tool that serves as a clever and occult way of demoralizing the masses and increasing the powers of the elites who rule over us.

It's time we start taking these totalitarian criminals and psychopaths at their word.









Video also HERE, HERE and HERE...






Japan declares State of Emergency

 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid Vaccinated   -

by Medeea Greere

August 11, 2024

from AMG-News Website

Original Source The People's Voice
Spanish version
Information sent by CFGO


Fumio Kishida,

Prime Minister of Japan

Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically

visible Artificial Constructions in

Incubated Specimens of mRNA products

mainly from Pfizer and Moderna...


Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the "safe and effective" COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena.

The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna.


Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory "bench science" aiming to understand,

why serious debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect from the aggressively, marketed products.

The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification.


Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions.


From such research (Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna), reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables,

were pressed upon billions of individuals. In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous - on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable - visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes.

There were,

  • animated worm-like entities

  • discs

  • chains

  • spirals

  • tubes

  • right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them,

...and so forth.


All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures...


As time progressed during incubation,

simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions.

They resembled

carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains.

Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time.


Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.



Author Biographies

Young Mi Lee, MD, Practicing Physician, Hanna Women's Clinic Doryeong-ro 7, KumgSung Building, 2nd Fl., Jeju, Jejudo, 63098.

Young Mi Lee, MD, is a practicing physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, and is also a reproductive endocrinologist; because of her work over the last three years she has become an expert in stereomicroscopy and in the microbiology of incubated COVID-19 injectables, especially, Pfizer and Moderna

Daniel Broudy, PhD, Professor of Applied Linguistics, Okinawa Christian University.

Daniel Broudy holds a doctorate in applied psycholinguistics from the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University.


He is a professor of applied linguistics at Okinawa Christian University.


His research integrates research in cognitive linguistics, developmental and social psychology, semiotics, and communication theory as an effort to describe the ways in which centers of power organize campaigns of persuasion and engineer consent for policies and actions across cultures.

His work appears with,

Palgrave, Macmillan, Westminster University Press, Opole University Press, the University Press of Wrocław, Peter Lang, Media Theory, Ethical Space: The International Journal of Ethics, Peace News, Truthout, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Fast Capitalism, Propaganda in Focus, and System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics...

Global Nightmare

Japan has plunged the world into a state of shock and disbelief by declaring a state of emergency following the discovery of nanobots in the bodies of 96 million of its citizens.


These tiny, insidious devices, which the government claims were introduced through the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, have prompted a wave of scientific investigations and criminal probes, threatening to expose a conspiracy of unprecedented proportions.

The Global Elite and Big Pharma, rattled by the potential exposure of their alleged crimes, have scrambled to suppress the truth.


Yet, the Japanese government's bold move signals that a revolution is underway - one that the world must not ignore...




The Shocking Discovery - Nanobots in the Vaccinated

Japan's revelation has sent ripples across the globe, as the government revealed that nanobots were discovered in a staggering 96 million of its vaccinated citizens.


These nanobots, microscopic in size but potent in their potential for harm, are said to have been introduced into the population via the mRNA vaccines.


The implications of this discovery are profound and terrifying, as it raises the specter of a widespread, deliberate attack on human autonomy and health.

The discovery was made during routine post-vaccination monitoring, where a team of Japanese scientists noticed anomalies in the blood samples of vaccinated individuals.


Further investigations revealed the presence of these nanobots, which are capable of influencing both physical and mental processes.


The implications are dire: these devices can potentially control or manipulate human behavior, making this a matter of grave national security and public health.




Japan's Apology - A Government in Crisis

In a rare and humbling move, the Japanese government issued a formal apology to its citizens.

This apology was not merely a gesture, but a stark admission of the gravity of the situation.

The government acknowledged that the rollout of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, which were believed to be safe and effective, has led to unforeseen and catastrophic consequences.

This apology marks a critical turning point in Japan's handling of the pandemic and its aftermath.

It reflects the government's commitment to transparency and accountability, setting a powerful example for other nations.

Yet, the apology also underscores the severity of the situation:

millions of Japanese citizens have been unknowingly exposed to a technology that could have disastrous consequences for their health and freedom.



The Globalist Elite and Big Pharma - Panic and Denial

As Japan moves forward with its investigations, the Globalist Elite and Big Pharma are reportedly in a state of panic.


These powerful entities, long accused of manipulating public health for profit and control, are now facing the possibility of exposure on a scale never before imagined.


The fear is palpable, as they scramble to protect their interests and discredit Japan's findings.

Reports suggest that these elites are exerting enormous pressure on the mainstream media to maintain a total blackout on any news emerging from Japan.


This suppression of information is a classic tactic used to maintain control over public perception.


However, the Japanese government's determination to uncover the truth and hold those responsible accountable has the potential to break through this wall of silence.




The Media Blackout - Suppressing the Truth

In an era where information is more accessible than ever before, the notion of a media blackout seems almost inconceivable.

Yet, this is precisely what the Globalist Elite are attempting to achieve.

By silencing the media, they hope to prevent the spread of Japan's explosive findings and maintain their grip on global power.

This blackout is not just about suppressing news - it's about controlling the narrative.

The elite understand that if Japan's discoveries were to be widely disseminated, it could lead to a global awakening.


People would begin to question the true purpose of the mRNA vaccines and the motives of those who pushed for their widespread use.

This could unravel years of carefully constructed lies and deceptions, leading to a loss of trust in governments, pharmaceutical companies, and the media itself...!


Japan's Scientific Inquiries - A Search for Truth

In response to this crisis, Japan has launched an array of scientific inquiries aimed at uncovering the full extent of the damage caused by these nanobots.


These investigations are critical not only for Japan but for the entire world.


The results could have far-reaching implications, potentially reshaping our understanding of,

  • vaccines

  • public health

  • the balance of power between citizens and the state...

The Japanese government has assembled a team of top scientists, researchers, and medical professionals to lead these inquiries.


Their goal is to establish the truth about,

  • how these nanobots were introduced

  • what their intended purpose was

  • how they can be neutralized or removed

This is a monumental task, requiring the full cooperation of international experts and institutions.




Criminal Investigations - Justice for the Victims

Parallel to the scientific inquiries, Japan has also initiated criminal investigations to identify and prosecute those responsible for this atrocity.


These investigations are not limited to the national level but extend to international figures who may have played a role in this global conspiracy.


The Japanese government has vowed to leave no stone unturned in its pursuit of justice.

This aspect of Japan's response is particularly significant, as it represents a direct challenge to the global power structures that have long operated with impunity.


By holding individuals and organizations accountable, Japan is sending a clear message:

no one is above the law, and crimes against humanity will not go unpunished...



The Global Implications - A Call to Action

Japan's actions have not only exposed a potential global conspiracy but have also set a precedent for other nations.

The world is watching as Japan takes bold steps to protect its citizens and uncover the truth.

This is a pivotal moment in history, one that could inspire other countries to launch their own investigations and hold their leaders accountable.

The discovery of nanobots in the vaccinated population raises urgent questions about the true nature of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Were they genuinely intended to protect public health, or were they a means of exerting control over the global population?

The answers to these questions could reshape the future of humanity.



The Role of Independent Media - Breaking the Silence

In the face of the mainstream media blackout, independent media outlets have become the torchbearers of truth.


These platforms, often dismissed as conspiracy theorists, are now playing a crucial role in disseminating information about Japan's findings.


They are breaking through the wall of silence, ensuring that the public is informed and aware of the potential dangers they face.

Independent journalists, bloggers, and citizen reporters are working tirelessly to uncover and share the truth.

Their efforts are a testament to the power of grassroots movements and the importance of a free and open press.

As the Japanese investigations continue, these independent voices will be essential in keeping the public informed and holding those in power accountable.




The Japanese Public's Response - Fear, Anger, and Determination

The Japanese public has reacted to the government's revelations with a mix of fear, anger, and determination.


The discovery that they may have been unknowingly subjected to a dangerous experiment has understandably caused widespread alarm.

Yet, this fear is tempered by a growing resolve to seek justice and protect their rights.

Protests and demonstrations have erupted across the country, with citizens demanding answers and accountability.

The government's apology, while necessary, has not been enough to quell the public's outrage.


People are demanding concrete action, not just words.


They want to see those responsible brought to justice and steps taken to ensure that such a violation of trust can never happen again.



The Global Awakening - A Turning Point for Humanity

Japan's discovery and subsequent actions could mark the beginning of a global awakening.


As the truth about the mRNA vaccines and the presence of nanobots in the population becomes more widely known, people around the world are starting to question the narratives they have been fed.


This awakening is a threat to the Globalist Elite, who rely on public ignorance and complacency to maintain their power.

This is a crucial moment in history - a time when humanity must decide whether to continue down the path of blind trust in authority or to take a stand for truth and freedom.


Japan's actions have provided a catalyst for this awakening, challenging people to rethink everything they thought they knew about public health, government, and the nature of power.




The Path Forward - What Can Be Done?

In the wake of these revelations, it is imperative that the global community takes decisive action.


The following steps are crucial for addressing the crisis and preventing future abuses of power:


  • Global Investigations:

    Other nations must follow Japan's lead and launch their own investigations into the safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines.


    International cooperation will be essential in uncovering the full scope of this conspiracy.


  • Public Awareness Campaigns:

    Governments and independent organizations should launch campaigns to educate the public about the potential dangers of nanotechnology and the need for transparency in public health initiatives.


  • Accountability:

    Those responsible for introducing these nanobots into the population must be held accountable.


    This includes not only the individuals directly involved but also the institutions that allowed it to happen.


  • Regulation of Nanotechnology:

    As we move into an era where nanotechnology becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, it is essential that strict regulations are put in place to protect public health and safety.


  • Empowering Independent Media:

    In the face of media blackouts and censorship, it is more important than ever to support independent media outlets that are committed to uncovering and sharing the truth.


Conclusion - A Call to Action

Japan's discovery of nanobots in the vaccinated population is a wake-up call for the world.


It is a reminder that we must remain vigilant and question the actions of those in power.

The implications of this discovery are profound, potentially affecting every aspect of our lives.


But with awareness and action, we can turn this crisis into an opportunity for change.

The Global Elite may try to silence the truth, but the voices of the people cannot be easily suppressed.

Japan has set a powerful example by standing up for its citizens and pursuing the truth, no matter the cost.


Now, it is up to the rest of the world to follow suit.

This is not just Japan's fight,

it is a fight for the future of humanity...!


We must stand together, demand the truth, and hold those responsible accountable.


The time for complacency is over.

The time for action is now...!




