by Mikki Willis
August 16, 2024
Received via Email

Like clockwork...
the WHO has just declared
Monkeypox a,
"public health emergency of international
Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to
our rapidly declining world can see that we are headed for another
(if not a series of) planned events.
It will be fascinating to see how many
Americans will submit this time around...
When we pulled back the curtain on
COVID in 2020, few were ready to
see what was being revealed.
Today, most people have come to terms with the
heartbreaking fact that we are the
target of a very dark,
anti-human, anti-nature, anti-family, and
anti-God agenda...
Those who have yet to see, don't want to see.
As they say,
"ignorance is bliss"..
What they don't tell us is, blissful ignorance
has an expiration date.
Soon, even the mask wearers will be forced to
see the harsh reality they've helped to create.
The question is,
How bad does it have to get before we, the
people, get off our asses and do something?
Where are the men of this Nation?
Where are the fathers?
If you're one of the few who have given your
life to this historic moment, God bless you!
If you're one of the millions who have yet to
stand up and speak out, what are you waiting for? Seriously...
Gloves off...!
What we're facing is nothing new.
The masses have always been controlled by
small groups of narcissistic tyrants.
Go back as far as the cradle of civilization and
ask yourself,
"How did they do it?
How did a few fat and flimsy royal types
overpower thousands of behemoth slaves in an era prior to guns
and surveillance?"
Mind control...!
Not much has changed since then.
However, what has changed is significant!
Today, we have the ability to share
information, person-to-person, on a global scale.
The very technologies that are being used to
destroy us can also be used to sustain us.
What we have at our fingertips no people in
history have ever had access to.
We have the ability to be the first
generation to stop history from repeating itself.
Social media can be used as a weapon
or as a tool...
It is a bullhorn that can be used to amplify
your voice or theirs.
To spread your truth or their lies.
I've always found it fascinating that the Holy
Bible states, "In the beginning was the word," and that the very
first amendment of the US Constitution is about the protection of
free speech.
Our voices matter.
YOUR voice matters.
Now more than ever...!
Are you going to allow another round of
assaults against your civil and human rights, or this time will
you say something?
Will you allow the discomfort of disagreeing
with your friends and family to stop you from doing what you
know is right, or will you stand in the fire in the name of love
and life?
Contrary to the plot of every Marvel movie,
there is no superhero coming to save us.
For well over 30 years, I've been studying the
work of
Joseph Campbell, who dedicated
his life to mapping what he called The Hero's Journey...!
What Mr. Campbell discovered was that there's a
common thread within the stories humans have been sharing since the
beginning of time.
It goes something like this…
An everyday person is confronted by a
challenge between life and death.
A challenge far too big for them to handle…
or so they think. They set out on a quest to find a hero with
the strength to take on the challenge.
Along the way, they endure trials and
tribulations that push them beyond their personal boundaries of
self-imposed limitations. What doesn't kill them only makes them
Ultimately, what they discover is,
"the force is within. I am the one."
This is your journey.
Your story.
You are the hero you've been waiting