Winnipeg, MB (PRWEB)
September 13, 2010
PRWEB Website
Randy Kitchur
Amisk Enterprises Ltd., Spokesman for Mr. Fulham
(204) 416-5272 (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
A newly-published
book by a retired NORAD officer predicts October 13,
2010 as the tentative date for a fleet of
extraterrestrial vehicles to hover for hours over the
earth's principal cities.
Author says the event to be
the first in a series intended to avert a planetary
catastrophe resulting from increasing levels of
carbon-dioxide in the earth's atmosphere dangerously
approaching a "critical mass." |
"Occur this year, in what will surely be
one of the great dramas of our galaxy,
the introduction of their alien
civilizations and technologies to mankind.
We are not alone, and our world will
have changed forever."
A newly-published 352-page book by a
retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively
predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over
the world’s principal cities.
According to the author, the aliens will
neither land nor communicate on that date; they are aware from eons
of experience with other planets in similar conditions their sudden
intervention would cause fear and panic.
The book,
Challenges of Change (3rd ed.), reports this event will be
the initial interaction in a process leading to mankind’s acceptance
of the alien reality and technologies for the removal of poisonous
gases from the earth’s atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner.
The author draws upon his military experience with the UFO
phenomenon dating back to WW2, and later, with
NORAD and his
subsequent life-long association with a senior NORAD intelligence
officer who provided him a wealth of historical data relating to
NORAD’s experience with the UFO/alien reality which has never been
revealed to the public.
In the military's view, as conveyed to
and understood by Fulham, the public is not yet ready to accept an
alien reality.
Fulham writes it is generally recognized UFOs function beyond our
earth's physical laws, and has concluded answers to questions
regarding who they are, where are they from, why are they here, are
they a threat, and the mystery of abductions could only be found at
a higher dimension of reality.
For more than a decade, through the services of a world renowned
channeler, the author has communicated with an ethereal group of
entities known as the Transcendors - 43,000 very old souls
who combine their vast experience and knowledge through eons of
incarnations, providing advice and information to humans in search
of basic realities of mankind’s existence.
The book Challenges of Change reports on the author’s years of
communication with the Transcendors in a question and answer format
intended to inform and challenge.
The Transcendors reveal through the
author crucial information about urgent global challenges facing
mankind such as,
One revelation is
al Qaeda has a dirty nuclear bomb and WMD, but faces a moral
quandary over “containment of collateral damages.”
Utilizing the theme of the Four Horsemen as symbolic
metaphor, Fulham warns mankind will survive all of these future
challenges, except the CO2 pollution of our atmosphere.
According to information provided to the author by the Transcendors,
the build-up of CO2 pollution is rising 1% annually to a
“critical mass” of 22% in which mankind could not survive ”without
outside intervention.”
According to Fulham, the Transcendors state they have borne witness
to countless thousands of alien civilizations who polluted their
planets to total extinction where not a single being, animal or
plant survived. They urgently warn planet earth is presently on the
same self-destructive path.
Fulham reports the aliens are well aware
of our environmental crisis, and have benevolently decided to
rescue mankind in this vast universal drama.
Fulham has been in contact with a distinguished foreign ambassador
who read the book with great interest and dispatched it to his home
government, where it was translated and studied by hundreds of their
top government officials.
A website containing videos of the author discussing his research
conclusions and other vital information can be
visited here.
Fulham clarifies there are no absolutes; the principle of free will
and choice that exits with all souls precludes all absolute
realities, and aliens may decide to postpone their intervention
- but the Transcendors confirm it will nonetheless occur in 2010.
Quoting the author, the event will,
"occur this year, in what will
surely be one of the great dramas of our galaxy, the
introduction of their alien civilizations and technologies to
mankind. We are not alone, and our world will have changed
Interview to Stanley A. Fulham
Challenges of Change
October 2010
from ChallengesOfChange Website
Foos, Orbs & Interdimensional Angels
TRANS (the Transcendors): Yes, they (Foo
Fighters/Orbs) are based on an electrical-magnetic field, but
also they are an information gathering process that have been
seen and photographed all over the world and not just over crop
circles. They are like miniature computers that are sent out
from a 'Mothership' to define the reality and to get as much
information as it can. They are often identified as
"ball-lightning." It is a scanning technology.
Their sudden
appearance in unusual situations can be both frightening and
challenging. In one case, a small globe of light entered a
commercial airliner in flight and floated slowly down the aisle
between the rows of passengers, and disappeared at the rear of
the aircraft. This is a classic example of their intelligent
control by the Motherships.
However, again, aliens are not
infallible. Serious problems have occurred when the energy
packed probes have crashed into hydro terminals, or explosive
tanks. The aliens are not perfect, accidents do happen.
SAF (Stanley A. Fulham): Which alien race has these Orbs?
Bootes. Mind you, they are not always Bootes objects.
They can result from dimensional shifts as well; but most of
them can be described as remote measuring devices which the
Bootes use to monitor various activities of mankind.
SAF: I would think that the Bootes know us very well.
TRANS: Indeed, scientifically, they know it better than you do.
Emotionally, they have no concept.
SAF: Well, you would think that they are also fully aware of our
environmental crisis and that they would do something about
TRANS: If it were of scientific interest You respond on a
concept of emotions, they don't. They also watch how your body
mutates to its environment. So, again, you are like a Petrie
dish, and they are watching the cause and effect.
You are a very interesting species. You are the only species who
will put monetary gain over your physical well being. Think of
it as a scientist without an emotional investment, who looks at
the Earth and sees a massive contradiction of realities, and
attempts to understand the hows, the whys, and all the rest of
SAF: There have been some individuals who claim to communicate
with the Orbs - at least a couple of books have been written about
their experiences. Since the Bootes Orbs are purely monitoring
devices, they would not be communicating with humans. So what is
the reality here?
TRANS: Indeed, but there are different kinds of Orbs that
emanate out of other dimensional realities (mainly the fourth)
that are sent to Earth to do the same thing that the Bootes Orbs
do - monitoring the Earth and humanity. They are like a window
looking into your world. Not a negative reality, but a
commitment to assist with information and create interest.
Orb is basically a very high technological device that
eliminates the more challenging and often dangerous use of
Communication with these extraterrestrial monitoring devices
depends on the perceptual abilities of the human observer. There
are some who are able to tap into other dimensional realities
like in a heightened mental state, others are just being fooled
Unfortunately, me results are off-times confused.
The perceptions
lies in the eyes of the beholder and their interpretation of
such; it may be religion, or the alien reality, etc.
Interdimensional Angels
SAF: Recently we have been witnessing in our skies, a phenomena
of a different form - “lights” in various shapes, seemingly
non-physical and obviously under intelligent control in their
contacts with human beings. From all reports and communications,
these strange visitors identify themselves as Interdimensional
They revealed that they were of a higher order and not
aliens in our general concepts of those beings. In their
communications with our contact and with others on Earth - whom
they identify as their “Ambassadors” - they declared,
“We are
from the Creator. We were present at the Creation and are
Creators ourselves.”
Obviously, the Interdimensional Angels were
from a spiritual realm in the vast Cosmos and that they were not
from another planetary system within our third dimensional
It is a fascinating phenomena and I decided to
investigate this mystery with the Transcendor Group.
Where are these spiritual entities called Interdimensional
Angels from - are they from the spiritual plane?
TRANS: Basically yes; but mostly from the Seventh Dimensional
reality which is often referred to as the Angelic reality where
all angels exist, although they are not all angels. The concept
of angels is firstly, they have no souls. Angels are a concept
of Creative Consciousness.
They are of pure spirit created from
God and since they have no souls, they do not have Free Will and
Choice which all soul beings have in order to experience and
progress in God’s eternal creation.
SAF: Do they have individuality?
TRANS: These entities you speak of, the Interdimensional Angels
do, because they have souls. The angels do not.
SAF: What is the objective of their interaction with humans?
TRANS: Awareness and understanding - that you are not alone in
this universe. The Interdimensional Angels provide an awareness
that there is more than just a physical existence; there is a
continuity of existence beyond the body. So, their appearance is
an affirming of the spiritual state itself, that you exist
beyond your dimensional reality and they are there to confirm
that in your world.
The Interdimensional Angels are also learning. They are learning
what it is like in a third dimensional reality. They are
learning what it is like in an extremely competitive reality of
our third dimension - up and down, right and wrong, good and
bad, and the extreme competitiveness in which you exist. The
emotional energies of your earth are unique in the universe, and
for many aliens with little or no emotions it is extremely
difficult to understand, if at all.
SAF: How did the Interdimensional Angels contact the humans on
Earth whom we call "Ambassadors"?
TRANS: The individuals are open to intuitive levels. One would
need a certain state of mind consciousness and would have to be
receptive in order to be receptive of the interaction.
SAF: Do the Interdimensional Angels have many contacts
(Ambassadors) on Earth?
TRANS: There are several hundred of them and their interaction
with the Interdimensional Angels varies; some are more clear,
some are a little distorted, some are more frequent. It varies
according to their interaction.
SAF: The Interdimensional Angels said that they are coming back
and the world needs be ready to meet them. That sounds rather
ominous. What is the implication of such?
TRANS: That is an interpretive concept. Don’t all things end?
The Interdimensional Angels are indicating that you don’t have
to take the negative paths - there are more positive ways. You
don’t have to choose warfare over peace in order to prosper and
Basically, mankind is rising to another level of spirituality
and your materialism consciousness becomes less. It reflects the
end of one consciousness, but it is not the end of mankind.
Mankind will survive, but in a higher spiritual consciousness.
Already, there are large number of entities who have incarnated
on Earth with a higher spiritual awareness. They are now
teenagers and many in their twenties and early thirties. They
don’t see differences, they don’t see separation. They see
commonality, they see sameness.
They will help in raising
mankind’s spiritual awareness to a higher level which is
essential if you are to meet and overcome the great changes of
the future.
Updated for clarification: Challenges of
Change - The Sources of Information
Randy Kitchur: Your book, Challenges of Change, has presented
highly controversial and challenging information to the public
as our readers have reported. Could you tell us more about your
sources, including a general review of your background?
Stan Fulham: I served with RCAF in Bomber Command during World
War II. I was shot down on a raid over Germany in November 1943,
where I was taken prisoner. At first, I was held in hospitals,
then in Stalag 1XC, (a prisoner-of-war camp) near Memel,
Lithuania, then to Stalag 357 in Torun, Poland. When the
Russians advanced across Poland, we were shipped in boxcars and
others on a forced march to a camp near Hanover. I saw the end
of the war while on a grim forced march. We were liberated in
May 1945.
I had my first experience with UFOs on a hot summer day in
Stalag 357. It flew high and fast in a bright blue sky. It had
no wings and it made no sound. We knew from our air force
training on aircraft recognition that this was no ordinary
aircraft and assumed it was a German rocket. However, it was
flying in the wrong direction, east to west.
We prisoners discussed this strange aerial display, but it never
occurred to anyone that it was an alien craft. An alien reality
was not part of people’s concept at that time. Years later, we
realized that we had witnessed an alien spacecraft.
There were several fighter pilots in our hut.
They talked of
their experiences with what we called foo fighters. (The term
Foo Fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II
to describe various mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the
skies over both the European and Pacific Theatre of Operations.)
Again, we had no concept of an alien craft.
The irony is that we
thought these Foo Fighters had to be some new German monitoring
technology and the Germans thought they were an Allied device.
It was not until after the war when both sides discovered that
the Foo Fighters were a foreign technology of a possible alien
Actually, I now know they were Pleiadian monitoring
devices, which are reported on elsewhere on this website.
RK: Years later, working in NORAD, you had a rather unique
experience with UFOs. Could you describe that event?
SAF: One night when I reported for duty at the radar base, two
UFOs hovered near the airbase, obviously monitoring activity on
the base. I scrambled the standby jet fighters to investigate
the alien intruders. No sooner were they airborne than the UFOs
streaked away at phenomenal speeds and hovered over the Pacific
Ocean west of Vancouver, BC. When the jets approached, they flew
away. I filed a report of the incident.
RK: What was the reaction of the authorities to this incident?
SAF: In the morning, the base commander called and said,
media are calling about strange lights in the sky last night,
but as you know, nothing unusual happened last night, so there
is no reason for us to be speaking to the media.”
This was a
standard response to the public, relating to the UFO phenomena
under a U.S./Canada Agreement established in 1956, regulating
the control of information on UFOs. The UFO incident was soon
forgotten as the media returned to their more mundane items of
public interest.
RK: Did NORAD take any interest in the event?
SAF: Yes. NORAD called for a meeting with the Squadron
Commander, the Technical Officer and myself.
This incident and
the reports were reviewed with the objective of refining the
reporting process regarding the aerodynamics, physical features
and actions of the UFOs. There was really nothing new or unique
about this particular UFO incident. The reader is aware that
there are hundreds of reports and books written about these UFO
encounters. Invariably, NORAD investigated these events but
their reports remain classified.
During this meeting, I met and developed a life-long friendship
with one of the senior NORAD intelligence officers. For obvious
reasons, he requested anonymity. Later, he was an advisor to the
Defense Department. On this issue of confidentiality on the
alien phenomena, he told me of an incident that reflected the
military mind set, the so-called “conspiracy of silence.”
Several NORAD intelligence officers were having a conversation
with a General at a NORAD officer’s mess. The General told them
of his appearance before a Congressional Committee (in camera)
relating to continental defense, which of course included NORAD.
The General said angrily,
“Those sons-of-bitches ridiculed me,
they humiliated me, they suggested that perhaps NORAD officers
were suffering from delusions and illusions.”
An officer
suggested that if the public were more aware of the alien
phenomena, then the politicians’ reactions would be more open to
discussion on the issue.
The General interrupted with,
“Ah, the
public - it’s just too uneducated, too uninformed and
misinformed and just too stupid to cope with the reality of an
alien reality.”
And then the General turned to Dave, my friend,
and warned him,
“And I tell you Dave, if you want a career in
this Air Force, you keep your mouth shut about UFOs.”
respected that advice throughout his career and accepted the
military mind set that the public is not ready for an alien
During our military careers and in retirement, Dave told me of
his investigations into many strange and mysterious incidents
with UFOs and aliens which were never revealed to the public,
although he suspected that some day all of that classified
information would be revealed. Since he was with NORAD from the
very beginning, he was aware of the historical environment that
gave rise to the “conspiracy of silence.”
His comments on the
origin of
MJ12 are included in Challenges of Change as well as
his knowledge of the alien interaction with U.S. nuclear missile
sites. Dave’s comments on MJ12 - short for Majestic 12 - are
given elsewhere on this website and in Challenges of Change.
This is no longer secret information, because authors such as
Robert Hastings and many others, have spoken publicly and have
written about this dramatic alien interaction with our missile
My principal source, The Transcendors, have
corroborated this information, and further informed me that the
Russians went through the same dramatic experience as documented
in Challenges of Change.
In addition to these credible and authoritative sources of Dave
and the Transcendors, I have had hundreds of conversations with
military and commercial aircrew about their encounters with
But NORAD doesn’t have all the answers, although it is fully
aware of the secret operations of the UFO Cabal in Area 51
(Details of this are given in the next below article, “UFO Display 13 October 2010.") So Dave, like myself, and
thousands of Air Force staff retired with the same questions - who were they, where were they from, why are they here, and are
they a threat?
I consulted scientists and ufologists and have read practically
every book published on the UFO phenomena for the past 50 years.
They had no answers to my questions. The cynics, unable to
explain the phenomena, would resort to ridicule, saying that the
observers must be suffering from delusions and illusions.
But NORAD and hundreds of military and commercial aircrews knew
RK: Challenges of Change reports that the UFOs violated all of
our third dimension physical laws.
They flew into the side of
mountains or plunged into the sea at phenomenal speeds without
any explosion or sound, only to reappear shortly after,
completely unscathed, and fly away at phenomenal speeds. You
tracked the UFOs on radar - they appeared and disappeared
What conclusions did you draw from these strange and
unworldly incidents?
SAF: I concluded that their sudden appearance and disappearance
within our third dimensional reality indicated that their
technology allowed them to instantly convert to a higher
vibrational frequency, a higher dimensional level, possibly of
the fourth dimension, perhaps higher. They were literally out of
this world.
RK: So you decided to search for your answers in a higher
dimension, rather than in our third dimension?
SAF: An associate and spiritual friend advised me that the
answers to the alien phenomena were entirely known to the
spiritual world, since nothing in the universe is hidden from
that realm.
She introduced me to Rik Thurston, a reputable and
spiritual person who has been channeling for people throughout
the world for the past thirty years. As a channeler, he acts as
a medium in a trance during communications with the Transcendors
and is not aware of the dialogue. Their responses to my
inquiries for the past twelve years regarding the alien
phenomena and other important issues are documented in my book.
The intent of my book is to bring awareness to those who desire
such information. My book is intended for those who are seeking
for truth, however challenging that may be; but this cannot be
achieved with a closed mind.
To the seekers, I say the Transcendors’ information is something you should consider,
something you should think about.
The Transcendors consist of 43,000 very old souls who interact
as a single mind and blend their wealth of experience and
knowledge to provide advice and assistance to entities
throughout the Universe. In their previous lives, they have been
great political and military leaders, scientists and
philosophers. There are those who have started religions and
those who have ended religions.
There are those entities who
have achieved great power and dominance, not only on Earth, but
on other planets and spiritual realms. What a vast wealth of
knowledge and experience they have! And their mission is to
assist souls on their journey through the “rugged trail” of
thousands of incarnations throughout the universe with advice
and information from their knowledge and the Akashic Records.
Since the spiritual entities have no voice box, they communicate
by thought through the channeler’s voice box to individuals on
The Transcendors say,
“We have chosen to speak to you
in this manner because it is the easiest and fastest means
of communications within your physical reality. Other forms
of communication have no personal relationship and there is
not that quality of love.
“We do not sit in judgment of anyone. We do not tell you to
do this or that. We do not override the decisions and the
choice of others, for Free Will and Choice are your
God-given rights and we cannot interfere with God’s gift to
each and everyone of us.”
The Transcendors hasten to add that
they are not unique.
There are many spiritual groups, like
themselves, who provide information and advice to assist people
on their path without violating Free Will and Choice to all
It matters not what the question or subject, however exotic and
recent or historical - the Transcendors will provide the answer,
thoroughly and without hesitation. There are several reasons for
this. First, all souls in the spiritual realm are non-separate,
providing a vast wealth of creation itself. Secondly, time does
not exist in the spiritual reality - the present and the future
are terms that reflect God’s creation in constant motion.
difficult as it may be to understand, the future probabilities
are all taking place now and the souls are in a constant state
of selecting one or more of those probabilities.
There is nothing hidden in God’s creation. Every thought, word
and deed is recorded in the Akashic Records from the very
beginning and all of that vast knowledge is available to the Transcendors. The Records hold the darkest secrets of the
universe “without judgment.” It reveals the deepest mysteries of
the aliens and their spaceships:
who are they, where are they
from, why are they here, are they a threat.
And they also answer
the mystery of abductions.
Current earth realities are also revealed. Massive earth changes
- earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes,
floods and droughts - will devastate earth in the period
2010-2012. Nations will disappear and new lands will rise, and
the entire world will struggle with millions of environmental
refugees in search of food and water.
Challenges of Change
documents these apocalyptic events. The world is facing economic
and financial collapse and international terrorism is growing in
its threats.
Humanity can survive these disasters in reduced numbers,
according to the Transcendors, but it cannot survive the
environmental crisis with the CO2 pollution of our
atmosphere without outside intervention. The excess CO2
pollution is now at 9% [cumulatively over a length of time - NOT
per annum] and growing at 1% annually to the “critical mass” of
22% in which people cannot survive.
[Quoting the book, Challenges of Change, for clarification on
what is meant by the term growing "excess CO2 pollution."]
From pages 195-96:
SAF: "Carbon-monoxides,
nitrous-oxides and other gases are far more devastating to
the environment, but they exist in proportionally much
smaller amounts and therefore, my generalizations with
greenhouse gas emissions are in terms of carbon-dioxide. The
atmospheric levels of carbon-dioxide and methane are far in
excess of 'pre-industrial' levels.
The carbon dioxide
content in our atmosphere has risen from 180 parts per
million in 1850 to 320 ppm (world average) in 2010. This
represents a major increase.
SAF: What percentage increase has there been over the past
five years?
TRANS: Seventeen percent.
SAF: 17% and industrial growth worldwide is accelerating.
From pages 198-99:
TRANS: Let us talk of this in
terms of CO2 parts per million. Now, your tolerant level
afects many people, let's say 325 P.P.M. In many places like
China, (especially China) you are in the 350s, occasionally
spiking into the 370 PPM. So you are already toxic in some
Now, other areas are lower, because of air currents
and other factors, but if you average that out across the
Earth, then you are about 318 to 320 PPM. You are now
getting to the 325 PPM which will have a direct impact and
effect on many people, especially those with respiratory
problems, asthma etc., that will definitely impact. So, at
your present rate of pollution, you could well be at 370 PPM
by 2012.
Fortunately, for humanity, the Alien Council has decided to
rescue people from this impending apocalypse. The Council’s
gradual intervention to confirm their reality and peaceful
intent for their eventual interaction to clean up our
atmosphere, (perhaps in 2015 depending on conditions at that
time), is reported elsewhere on this website.
Through the Transcendors, we learn what happened to Iraq’s
WMD, to their top scientists, including several Russian
scientists and their families. We also learn that al Queda
has developed WMD and a “dirty nuclear bomb.”
The Transcendors report that hundreds of scientists and
technicians are working for al Queda in the Himalayan
Mountains. There is a moral conflict developing between the
scientists and the jihadists led by al Zawahiri, who would
choose martyrdom, but the scientists choose not. They face
another moral issue: who will be the target of their
devastating weapons. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims may
die in an attack on Israel, for these weapons recognize no
Al Zawahiri wonders, “Would Allah approve?” And
what would be the reaction from the Muslim world?
Al Queda
has a moral problem of containment of collateral damage. The
Transcendors suggest that a general amnesty from the United
States to al Queda could be considered at this critical
time, but they warn that there is little time left.
The Transcendors have revealed the possibility of a future
world that will challenge humanity to the limit. But there
is hope. The aliens have a technology that could help to
clean up our pollution and there will be free and clean
nuclear energy systems for all nations.
Above all, we need
humanity to rise to a new spiritual consciousness.
UFO Display 13 October 2010: The Probabilities
of Predictions
The Transcendors have predicted an alien spaceship display over our
principal cities on or about October 13, 2010.
This challenges the
belief system of most readers. One reason is because historically,
predicted events have not always happened. Another is that a lot of
people don’t believe that alien spaceships are real. Our military
and governments have covered up previous interactions with aliens.
And the final reason is religious; people think that believing in
spaceships would go against their concept of God.
I hasten to add that it is not my prediction. How could I possibly
know such an important event, universal in scope? Earlier, I have
reported that the aliens exist in a higher dimension and so does the
spiritual realm in which all souls exist. Since the souls at the
subconscious level are non-separate, then indeed, every thought,
word and deed is known to all souls. There is no individualism at
that level.
In addition, the Akashic Records reveal every thought, word and deed
from the very beginning of God’s creation. It contains all the major
and minor probabilities of our future existence, an incomprehensible
reality for humanity to accept and internalize.
Even the Transcendor
Group cannot explain this to us,
“because you have neither the
concepts, the syntax and the points of reference to understand these
I understand that disbelief; I’ve been there.
But, Challenges of
Change is not the forum to discuss and rationalize that reality of
creation. That will come later in a future book dealing with
religion and spirituality. However, there can be no understanding of
this particular reality, without a belief in the spirituality of
God’s creation. Without this fundamental belief, Challenges of
Change is extremely challenging to the cynic’s beliefs.
The probability of the future alien display of their spacecraft is
based on the probabilities of the future and the decisions of the
aliens at this time. These thoughts are all recorded in the Akashic
Records, available to all souls who have the ability to interpret
On this subject, the Transcendors comment:
“Yes, we tap into the
Akashic Records. Every thought you have ever had, every emotion you
have experienced, every movement you’ve ever made, is literally tied
in with the state of time itself. It continues to exist.
“Now think of it as an image in
water and the water is in a constant state of ripple, so it
varies and changes based upon perceptual reality. You actually
change your path to future experiences. It is all there: but
obviously it has to be interpreted. So, every single thought
you’ve ever had, every feeling, every movement all exist within
the Akashic Records and is open to interpretation.
The ability
to interpret becomes less, and you cannot base your perception
into the multitude of variables of probability if your soul does
not have the awareness of non-separation. The greater the
experiences of the soul, the greater the dimensional focus. It
is like ourselves. If we were all in one-dimensional reality
with one-dimensional focus, we would be one-dimensional.
because we are multi-dimensional, we can give multi-perceptions
of reality at any given time.”
The Transcendors explain that because
the abilities to interpret the Akashic Records vary greatly with the
souls, it explains why there is such a large variation of
predictions from clairvoyants and mystics.
The Akashic Records are
not a clear sequenced view of some event, such as we see in a movie.
It is a vast display of millions of probable events in the human
experience, and like the larger threads in the spider’s web, the
major probabilities are more visible, making it easier to interpret.
However, there is a further complication in the process. Time and
space do not exist in the spiritual realm. In fact, these elements
vary even amongst the alien civilizations. Time and space are not
universal realities.
The Transcendors explain that their view of the Akashic Records
functions on a vertical perception, not a lateral perception, such
as we have in our third dimension.
All events occurring in the
vertical display are taking place concurrently, so placing a date
and time on some future event can be a difficult process. The Mayan
and Nostradamus and other mystics' prophecies are remarkably
similar, but they may conflict in time and context, and the wording
of their predictions can also lead to misinterpretations.
There is another vital element that constantly changes the future
probabilities of the Akashic Records. These probabilities constantly
change from minor probabilities to major probabilities and vice
versa as a result of the soul’s Free Will and Choice, ubiquitous to
all souls in God’s creation.
The Alien Council of Eight (the Pleiadians, Alpha Centauri, Bootes,
Orions, Sirians, Zeta Reticuli, Pousetis and Comsulis) has
determined that they will intervene to rescue humanity from its path
of environmental destruction.
Countless thousands of alien
civilizations have polluted their planets to total extinction not
a single being, animal or plant survived. The Transcendors warn that
planet Earth is on that path of self destruction.
“It is not the
worst, but it is in the top 10%.”
The Transcendors say the Council
of Eight has decided we are worth saving.
The percentage of CO2 pollution of the Earth’s atmosphere is now at
9% (world average) increasing at 1% annually to the “critical mass”
of 22% in which humanity could not survive, according to the
Transcendors. I propose a public test of the toxicity of CO2
demonstrated and monitored by some environmental or public health
The aliens’ UFO display on 13 October 2010 is a tentative date. The
aliens function with their Free Will and Choice and may determine
that the conditions on Earth are so bad with the earth changes and
the world’s economic and financial collapse that their intervention
at that critical time would collapse humanity in massive panic, fear
and confusion.
If so, it will only be a temporary postponement of their
intervention because their UFO display is only the initial step in
preparing people for their intervention, possibly in 2015, without
creating massive fear and panic. The aliens have had eons of
experience on other planets with similar conditions. They are aware
that their sudden intervention could cause chaos amongst people of
all nations.
Humanity’s interaction with alien civilizations is not
a new experience; it has been a reality throughout our history.
The aliens’ intervention to save humanity from its environmental
crisis will be one of the great dramas in the universe and will be
watched by billions of aliens with great interest.
Perhaps they too
will ask,
“What art thou man, that the Aliens are mindful of thee?”
A major UFOlogist's concern is who is controlling this 'conspiracy
of silence' and why?
There are documents which identifies a
top-secret government association known as
MJ-12 as the controlling
agency. Stan Fulham has written about this secret association in his
book Challenges of Change and I have discussed his report on MJ-12
as follows.
The UFO/Alien phenomena is wrapped in hundreds of theories and
myths, many of them 'out of this world'.
The "conspiracy of silence"
has contributed to this confusion in the absence of factual
information that the public assumes a number of governments must
know, including the United States, Russia, China and in Europe.
Randy Kitchur: You have explored the
MJ-12 secret operation with two authentic and reliable sources, NORAD Intelligence and the Transcendor Group. Apparently, Dave,
the NORAD intelligence officer was thoroughly informed about
MJ-12, because NORAD, with its mandate for continental defense,
had a vested interest in all aircraft movements across North
America, otherwise it could not effectively function.
In its formative years in the 1950s and 1960s, the alien
spacecraft were still considered a threat, because there was so
little known about them. And so, what was happening in Area 51
was of vital interest to NORAD and there was communication
between them and the UFO Cabal. Apparently, in the early stages
of the UFO Cabal, it was treated with the greatest secret
classification ever established.
Could you tell us something
about that early UFO history?
Stanley A.Fulham: Yes. MJ-12 was established by President Truman
under a virtual cloak of paranoia, because the UFO/Alien
phenomena was still considered a potential threat. President
Truman demanded absolute secrecy on the subject of UFOs, and
that secret information would only be available to a select few
'top' people in Washington.
For example, they knew about the
abductions, but that mysterious interaction was never really
understood because of a lack of a common language. So, MJ-12 was
established under a great deal of suspicion and paranoia.
RK: Who were these 'top-level' people who were appointed to
SAF: According to my sources, it consisted of the President, the
Secretary of Defense, the Chief of Staff, the CIA, the FBI and
several top scientists who were previously involved with the
atomic and the Philadelphia Experiment. The MJ-12, like its
predecessor, the Philadelphia Experiment, received the highest
security classification of any government project. All were
sworn to absolute secrecy. MJ-12 grew paranoid with their
immense responsibilities and secret information.
President Roosevelt, and later, President Truman, had agreed to
the Bootes (Greys)
abductions as reported in Challenges of
Change, but they were still insecure and unsure of the aliens'
real motives. A basic premise of all the top authorities
involved with MJ-12 concluded that public disclosure of the
alien reality would panic the population and the introduction of
alien technology may put the U.S. economy in a tail spin.
RK: There were a lot people involved in such a highly sensitive
and secret organization. How they managed to maintain such a
"conspiracy of silence" for the last sixty plus years is
absolutely amazing. Challenges of Change reveals that MJ-12 has
changed substantially since its formation.
Could you tell our
readers how and why these changes have occurred?
SAF: Well, from the very start suspicions grew amongst the
secret group. Basically, the military didn't trust the
politicians and the civilians. After all, had not the military
successfully maintained a curtain of secrecy around the alien
reality since the 1920s. But, look what happened to the atomic
bomb and the
Philadelphia Experiment under civilian control
- all
their top-secret information and technology was lost to Russia.
Paranoia had gripped the United States in the post-war period.
There was a growing distrust and suspicions about the Jewish
scientists when word leaked out about the total loss of their
secret nuclear technology to Russia as a result of the spying of
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and others. And then there was the
loss of the Philadelphia Experiment secrets to Russia and the
top military knew who was responsible.
Later, the Senate
hearings under Senator Joe McCarthy heightened the paranoia that
gripped the American people about the infiltration of communists
into the American public systems.
RK: So, there were serious conflicts and distrust, however
polite, between the military on the one hand and the civilians
and politicians. But, you did mention that eventually, the
military did take over complete control of MJ-12.
SAF: Yes, you have to view MJ-12 in context of the frustrations
and the anger of the American public with the breaches of
national security at the highest levels that now posed a threat
to their nation. The American military were of the same mind,
and now, they had a General (Eisenhower) for a President, and
everyone understood that he was very suspicious of the civilian
and political power structure, but he had an absolute trust in
the military.
So, it was just a question of time before the military got rid
of all the civilians in MJ-12, including the FBI, and the CIA
was relegated to the sideline.
And ever since then, it has
managed to maintain the UFO Cabal in total secrecy, even from
the President. A senior NORAD Intelligence officer once said
that the military were determined that the loss of American
top-secret technology would never happen again.
And he exclaimed
"They have been successful beyond their wildest imagination."
The so-called "conspiracy of silence" about the UFO/alien
reality must be viewed in context of the information provided by
a senior Intelligence officer in NORAD and corroborated by the
Transcendors. Granted there were other concerns as well.
example, the military in charge of the UFO Cabal, were
absolutely convinced, as
President Eisenhower was when he
encountered the 'Pleiadians' at Edwards Air Force Base in 1954,
that mankind was simply not ready for such a shock to their
belief systems - after all, we are God's special creation, so how
can there be any beings more advanced than mankind?
We are so
important in the eyes of God, that he sent his beloved
son to
die on the cross for our sins.
And now, the government is going
to tell us that there are literally billions of alien
civilizations with technologies and a spiritualism vastly beyond
RK: Your book reports that the Russians may have more crashed
UFOs and alien bodies in cold storage than they have in Area 51.
You wrote that President Yeltsin was going to expose this alien
phenomena to the world publicly on Russian national TV.
The word
regarding Yeltsin's plan was leaked to the American UFO Cabal.
Apparently, they then contacted President Clinton with this
information, and he immediately called Yeltsin and begged him to
'back off', or there would be no financial loans from the IMF to
Russia. Yeltsin understood and he backed off.
Yet, President
Clinton claims he never did have access to the UFO Cabal and
their classified information?
SAF: Well, I can't speak for President Clinton on this vital
issue. Someone else with greater authority will have to ask him.
RK: There is a strong belief amongst some UFOlogists that
the Bilderbergers,
the Illuminati,
the Rockerfellers and other
powerful political and financial groups had infiltrated MJ-12
and have a controlling interest in that secret organization.
there any truth to these theories?
SAF: I asked the Transcendors about this speculation and I
think that their answer is right on the mark.
The Transcendors
"That is a conspiracy concept. Many years ago, the
American wealthy families tried to interact and influence this
top-secret operation. But, as we have discussed earlier, the
military side-tracked all civilian interest years ago, and it
has remained exclusively military."
The military is basically the primary focus and these civilian
financial groups have focused mainly on control of the economic
world, and the recent collapse of banks and other financial
institutions have seriously eroded the influence and control of
these wealthy groups.
They are so busy looking after their
economic interests, they have little interest in UFOs.
RK: And so the original structure of MJ-12 as set-up by
President Truman has not existed in that format for decades. It
is controlled by a small military group as you have described in
the chapter dealing with the 'conspiracy of silence,' and they
have hidden all that alien information because the public is not
ready to accept and interact with the alien reality - mankind
will panic in fear.
SAF: Yes! But there are other, I think, valid reasons for their
so called 'conspiracy of silence.'
The American taxpayers have
invested billions of dollars in extrapolating whatever
technology they can from the Bootes aliens with whom they
interact. The technology they derived for the stealth and other
aircraft just didn't 'drop from the sky,' so to speak.
It was
the result of many years of brilliant research and development
by the American scientists and technicians. Why should they now
hand over all of this effort and investment to foreign nations
who may some day use it against the United States? I happen to
agree with that rationale.
And then, there was another important reason for the silence on
UFOs. The Bootes aliens, themselves, did not want their
surreptitious abductions of humans to be made public, in case of
military action action against them. Not only that, but they
obviously did not want the other aliens to know too much about
their abductions of thousands of humans.
RK: That's an interesting rationale for the 'conspiracy of
silence' that UFOlogists, in general, are not aware of. But,
your book does ask for the removal of the 'conspiracy of
silence' by the military, did you not?
SAF: No, that's not quite so. As you are aware from Challenges
of Change, the world faces extinction from the carbon-dioxide
pollution of our atmosphere. Now, the Bootes have the CO2 filter
technology that could clean up our atmosphere, although the
process may take a year or two to do so.
So, I'm suggesting that the President of the United States
should demand, through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, the UFO Cabal (which maintains communications with
the Bootes) demand their CO2 filtering technology NOW; otherwise the
quid pro quo for their abductions, as agreed to by Roosevelt and
Truman will end, in the absence of any cooperation from the Bootes.
In the absence of Bootes compliance with this ultimatum,
military defensive measures to prevent further abductions will
be established in coordination with the Russian policy of
non-compliance with alien/human abductions.
The dissolution of the UFO Cabal is not my principal focus;
getting the Bootes CO2 technology is.
CHALLENGES OF CHANGE - Will Our World Be Forever Changed on
October 13, 2010?
The theme of Challenges of Change is reflected in the words: "Tis'
a Challenge of Change; And a Future with Hope."
The apocalyptic challenges are huge. Mankind will survive the
future earth changes, international terrorism and world economic
and financial collapse; but it cannot survive the growing
environmental pollution without "outside intervention."
The CO2 pollution of the Earth's atmosphere is now at 9%,
[*cumulatively over a length of time - NOT per annum]
increasing annually at 1% to the "critical mass" of 22%, in
which mankind could not survive.
The Alien Council of Eight (the 'Pleiadians', Alpha Centaurians,
Sirians, Orions, Bootes, Pousetis, Zeta Reticulis and Comsulis)
are fully aware of Earth's environmental disaster. It is a major
issue at the Council's meetings, and they have now decided to
intervene, but they are guided by the Universal laws of Free
Will and Choice. They will not interfere until the situation is
critical, perhaps in 2015, for mankind must learn from these
critical challenges, otherwise we will simply continue in our
destructive pollution.
Mankind is extremely fortunate that the Alien Council has
determined that mankind is worth saving, for there is hope with
our future spiritual development. There is nothing unique in our
Countless thousands of alien civilizations have
polluted their planets to total extinction, not a single being,
animal or insect survived in the absence of "outside
intervention," which invited the biblical paraphrase, "What are
thou man, that (God) the aliens are mindful of thee."
The Transcendors warn that we are looking at a huge cultural
change and the impact will have dramatic effect on our belief
systems, cultures, our myths of alien threats, economic
realities, etc. The Alien Council understands that; they have
had eons of experience with similar situations on other planets,
so it is not just a matter of cleaning up our planet, for they
are aware their intervention will cause massive panic and fear.
They have determined on their gradual introduction to mankind.
First, they will display their UFO spaceships for several hours
over our principal cities, tentatively planned for 13 October
2010, without landing or communication. More aggressive
interaction will take place until 2015, when they will commence
the removal of pollution from our atmosphere. This process will
take between 12 to 18 months, creating massive fear and panic of
an alien invasion, unless the public is conditioned to their
peaceful intent.
The Transcendors caution that there are no absolutes in the
universe, for all is subject to Free Will and Choice, in which
case, the UFO display may be postponed; but it will occur this
year in what will surely be one of the great dramas of our
galaxy, the introduction of their alien civilizations and
technologies to mankind.
We are not alone, and our world will
have changed forever.