by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
January 13, 2011
Examiner Website
A remarkable
UFO wave over Moscow, Russia in early January 2011 has
reportedly confirmed the predictions of an apparent regional
galactic governance council that its interdimensional spacecraft
would appear over Moscow Russia at that time.
On Dec. 3, 2010, the now deceased Canadian former NORAD officer
Stanley A. Fulham
publicly wrote:
“In my last ‘Reading’ with the
Transcendors on Tuesday, October 13th, 2010, the
Transcendors advised me of the following predictions on
the Pleiadian UFO displays:
There will be a major UFO
display over Moscow between the end of the first part of
January 2011 and the second week of January 2011.
This ‘display’ will be followed
by a major display over London approximately seven-days
predicted ‘Council’ UFO overflights - New York and Moscow
This appearance of apparent Pleiadean UFO craft over Moscow,
Russia marks the third independent occasion that inter-dimensional
messages inspired by an apparent galactic governance council and
predicting an overflight of Pleiadean spacecraft over a major urban
area have in fact been accurately fulfilled.
Oct. 13, 2010 (New York) - The
first occasion was a council prediction through Stanley A.
Fulham that galactic governance council ships would appear
over New York on the night of Oct. 13, 2010. In fact, UFOs
did appear then and were filmed, and can be seen by
Nov. 24, 2010 - The second
occasion was a council prediction though a former
NATO-Spanish intelligence agent who was contacted
interdimensionally by representatives of the reported
regional galactic governance council on Nov. 9, 2010 and
told that the council ships would appear over Manhattan, New
York City on Nov. 24, 2010.
In fact, UFOs did appear then and were
filmed and can be seen by
clicking here.
The Jan 2011
UFO sightings over Moscow, Russia
The documented sightings of apparent Pleiadean UFO galactic
governance council ships that fulfill Mr. Fulham’s Dec. 3, 2010
prediction include the following:
UFOs in Moscow on January 12,
2011 at 21:24
Daylight UFO in Russia (Moscow)
on January 7, 2011 at 17:00
UFOs in Russia Moscow on January
7, 2011 at 17:15 +Stop frames
Exclusive UFOs in Moscow on
October 04, 2010 at 18:53
UFO in Russia (Moscow) on
January 3, 2011 at 21:56
UFO in Russia ( Moscow) January
3, 2011
UFO (Moscow January 02, 2011)
(Daytime flashing disc-shaped UFO first seen at 1:18, series
of flashes starting at 1:38, disc re-appears at 1:49, again
at 1:54, again at 1:59 and starts to flash rapidly, again at
2:02, at 2:43 it begins to flash very rapidly and brightly
until the disc re-appears and flashes at 2:52, the disc
re-appears at 2:59 and starts to flash very brightly again,
finally the disc re-appears and begins to flash very
brightly again until the video ends at 3:35)
UFOs in Moscow on January 12,
2011 at 21:24
Moscow UFO
...further confirm ‘working hypothesis’ of
galactic governance council
The existence and information about the reported council of alien
civilizations as a 'working hypothesis' based on evidence presented
initially by the now deceased Stanley A Fulham, and now also by the
former NATO-Spanish intelligence agent as another apparent
communication channels of this same regional galactic governance
Since Stanley A. Fulham had accelerating pancreatic cancer in Nov.
2010, what seems to have occurred is that this interdimensional
source stating it is representing the galactic governance council is
now coming through other individuals with new information and
predicted, confirmed UFO sightings.
The essence of the council's message is that in an extraordinary
meeting around Jan 2010 (Earth time), members of the council met and
determined to set aside the law of non-intervention, as it made a
factual determination that the ecology of the Earth was on the verge
of collapse and beyond the capability of human technology to
forestall collapse and species extinction.
A leading atmospheric scientist, member of the U.N. IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change made the same evaluation
of the Earth's ecology as on the verge of collapse to this reporter
five years ago in an interview.
Accordingly, the council indicated it had made a decision to
intervene with advanced technology (probably 'Pleiadean') by 2015 (if
not before) and clean the atmosphere of the Earth.
The council is
also seeking to make a world speech explaining their ecological plan
in 2014 (if not before).
Both Mr. Fulham and the NATO-Spanish
intelligence officer mentioned that their interdimensional sources
indicated large-scale social, financial, governmental, etc. changes
would take place on the planet 2011-14.
From the available evidence, it would seem that the galactic
governance council has the ability to identify and create credible
sources for further information and updates (should all of this
scenario be in fact true and authentic).
I would note the Mr. Fulham's book
Challenges of Change is the
product of 10 years of research and interaction with a
council-connected source, and contains a blueprint of the council
plan 2010-2015.
The Moscow UFO
sightings and the USA-Russia ‘Conspiracy of Silence’
The January 2011 apparent galactic governance UFO sightings over
Moscow Russia undescore an apparent determination by the ET council
to break the USA-Russia ‘conspiracy of silence’ around the
extraterrestrial presence and the dire danger that the Earth’s
ecology and our Earthling human survival may be in, should this
information be correct.
In his last communiqué on Dec. 3, 2010 before his untimely death,
Stanley A. Fulham emphasized that breaking the conspiracy of
silence by the U.S. and Russia on the extraterrestrial presence was
a major goal of the galactic governance council.
Mr. Fulham wrote,
“The UFO ‘intervention process’ will
have a major impact on the U.S. and Russian governments. This
will be the catalyst that will break the ‘conspiracy of
The NATO-Spanish intelligence agent also
stated that he was told the galactic governance council would be
sending communications to the U.S. government in December 2010
urging them to join in the extraterrestrial intervention and
ecology-cleaning process.
London or
Paris UFO sightings in mid-Jan 2011?
According to Stanley A. Fulham’s Dec. 3, 2010 communiqué, the next
wave of predicted Pleiadean UFO regional galactic governance council
“‘display’ will be followed by a
major display over London approximately seven-days later.”
A close associate of the now deceased
Mr. Fulham on Jan. 12, 2011 sent the following advisory to this
reporter Alfred L. Webre:
“Stan mentioned he wasn't exactly
sure for the longest time if the next event was going to be
London or Paris, but after much deliberation, finally settled on
“He was hoping to have another reading with the Transcendors to
try to "fine tune" a more exact date and place, but was too weak
and ill.
“I thought I should mention that to someone in advance, just in
case it turns out to be Paris, and the time frame is a bit off.”