by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
June 3, 2010
Examiner Website
Spanish version
Anthony Kane, a black American
relative of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (former recipient of the
Nobel Peace Prize) and reported continuing contactee of
representatives of an apparent extraterrestrial, hyperdimensional
governance authority known as the “Council of Twelve,” has delivered
a number of specific datelines and predicted developments concerning
a dimensional shift which Earth and human consciousness is now
undergoing in relation to
the year 2012, according to information
Mr. Kane received from the “Council of Twelve.”
Mr. Kane describes the “Council of Twelve” as stating that during
the nine days from December 12, 2012 (12/12/12) to December 21,
2012, the
planet Earth will split dimensionally into two separate
Earths, each of which has different dimensional frequencies.

Anthony Kane
Dr. Martin Luther
King relative and ET contactee
Mr. Kane describes this as a process
analogous to the way that a single cell can split into two cells.
According to the “Council of Twelve,” humans with a consciousness
anchored in fear will remain in the third dimensional Earth.
Individuals who are experiencing a “conscious awakening” and putting
an effort into being conscious of the shift will migrate into the
new dimension of the fifth dimensional Earth.
Mr. Kane made these declarations in an in-depth 60-minute
ExopoliticsRadio interview with reporter Alfred L. Webre, which is
available far below.
As Examiner has reported in "Exopolitics researcher develops
evidence-based typology of extraterrestrial civilizations",
"Recent whistleblower, direct
witness and documentary evidence have led to the development of
new typology of extraterrestrial civilizations" which includes
"(C) Extraterrestrial governance authorities: Legally
constituted extraterrestrial governance authorities with
jurisdiction over a defined territory, such as the Milky Way
Galactic Federation, which has been empirically located in
replicable research."
In a
previous ExopoliticsRadio
interview, Mr. Kane reported his original contact in 2002 in
Seattle, WA with the “Council of Twelve” and on the training his
multi-dimensional hosts have been giving him for a dimensional shift
that planet Earth and all living creatures are now undergoing.
Mr. Kane reported being dimensionally
transported to many different worlds, and to meeting with an
interdimensional society and guide. Mr. Kane also reported his
initial contacts by the “Council of Twelve” were monitored by U.S.
military intelligence (who track the “Council of Twelve’s”
incursions into Earth’s dimension).
Mr. Kane recounts how U.S. military
intelligence networks then targeted him and ultimately
unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate him. Mr. Kane now lives in
another country.
The content of Mr. Kane’s messages from the “Council of Twelve” is
congruent with the content of the findings of scientists such as Dr.
Carl Johan Calleman, who is studying a shift of human consciousness
as it occurs during this similar 2012-related time period.
Examiner has reported in "Expert predicts end to hierarchies and
value of money, more ET/UFO disclosure starting July-Nov 2010" how,
“The period Nov. 7, 2009 to Nov. 2,
2010 will be characterized by the collapse of the U.K.-U.S. axis
of western domination, the dissolution of hierarchies, and an
end to the perceived value of money in its paper and electronic
digital formats, predicts Mayan calendar expert Dr. Carl Johan
These social breakdowns are part of
a period of transformation to a new era, characterized by
sharing rather than individual ownership, and by higher human
universal consciousness. The pace of extraterrestrial disclosure
is expected to accelerate after Nov. 2, 2010. Using the time
acceleration matrices of the Mayan calendar, Dr. Calleman
correctly predicted the first phase of the global financial
collapse for the period Nov. 19, 2007 - Nov. 8, 2008.”"
Listen to ExopoliticsRadio interview
with ET/UFO contactee Anthony Kane:
Radio Interview June, 2010
There is no
independent publicly available empirical evidence to prove the
existence of the “Council of Twelve”
Other than Mr. Kane’s eyewitness reports of his meetings with the
“Council of Twelve,” there is no independent empirical evidence in
the public domain of the existence of
interdimensional entities with
the properties that Mr. Kane describes.
Mr. Kane states that the
"Council of Twelve" visitations into Earth's environment are known
and monitored by U.S. military intelligence agencies.
After participating with Mr. Kane’s in
his two Exopolitics Radio interviews (below and above multimedia) and conducting many hours of face-to-face interviews along
with a check of Mr. Kane’s background, this reporter has concluded
that Mr. Kane is reporting in good faith multi-dimensional events he
Radio Interview December 16, 2009
Because of its congruence with other
2012-related materials, this reporter is publishing Mr. Kane’s
descriptions of apparent communications from the interdimensional
beings described as the “Council of Twelve” as exopolitically
congruent and relevant to a public interest study of
the year 2012.
For an in-depth description of Mr.
Kane’s experiences with the “Council of Twelve,” readers are
encouraged to listen to Mr. Kane’s first interview on Exopolitics
to the “Council of Twelve”
In his Exopolitics Radio interview, Mr. Kane introduces the “Council
of Twelve,” and describes his initial meeting with them as they
descended from their spacecraft in Seattle, WA in 2002.
The “Council of Twelve” appeared as
twelve human-like beings about 8-9 feet tall each.
Mr. Kane states,
“The Council of Twelve" describe
themselves as ‘first fragments of Prime Source.’ They are
completely non-physical beings that are every-dimensional.
"Council of Twelve" state that they,
‘split off parts of their
whole to create other worlds and Universes and races of Humans. In the Universe we and they are all human, as bipeds we are all
of the same template and that template is human.’”
‘every-dimensional’ shifting
In his above Exopolitics Radio interview, Mr. Kane relates the “Council of
Twelve’s” communication that we are experiencing an
“every-dimensional” shifting.
Mr. Kane summarizes,
“We are in an every-dimensional
shifting, a cleaning, a clearing and aligning of consciousness,
where there will soon be no past or future only the now. This
state of consciousness comes in to us as it already is
Their individual consciousness is
the place where people will decide on whether to transition to a
fifth dimensional existence or to stay in a third dimensional
existence. We still live with free will and you can exercise
this free will as to how you choose.
The shift of consciousness is part
of the Torsion Waves effect, the Galactic wind blowing through
our system to change and alter our DNA.”
2010 to 2012 and the
Earth’s light grid
During his Exopolitics Radio interview (above), Mr. Kane relates the
“Council of Twelve” discussing a series of significant triple dates
ranging from January 1, 2001 (01/01/01) through December 12, 2012
According to Mr. Kane, the “Council of Twelve” has stated,
“these triple dates are numeric
light codes that activate and open 12 major facets of
the Earth
grid over the 12 years from 2001 through 2012.”
In the interview, Mr. Kane discusses
some of the characteristics which the Council of Twelve described
may be associated with upcoming triple dates on October 10, 2010
(10/10/10), November 11, 2011 (11/11/11), and December 12, 2012
Mr. Kane describes the “Council of Twelve” as stating that during
the nine days from December 12, 2012 (12/12/12) to December 21,
2012, the planet Earth will
split dimensionally into two separate
Earths, each of which has different dimensional frequencies.
Kane describes this as a process analogous to the way that a single
cell can split into two cells.
According to the “Council of Twelve,”
Humans with a consciousness anchored in fear will remain in the third dimensional Earth
Individuals who are experiencing a “conscious awakening” and putting
an effort into being conscious of
the shift will migrate into the
new dimension of the fifth dimensional Earth
2010 - the
purge of the dark forces
When asked in the Exopolitics Radio interview above, what light activation
the triple date of October 10, 2010 (10/10/10) represents, Mr. Kane
replied, the beginning of,
“the purge of the dark forces. The
dark forces will have a rough fall.”
Mr. Kane describes a potential for both
in 2010:
Mr. Kane said,
“Get ready for the crash of 2010. It
is here and cannot be turned back.
entire planet is
financially insolvent and things will get increasingly difficult
to buy, prices will rise and people will not have not funds to
buy. It is as I said to you at the beginning of 2010, if you
have holdings bring them home to your house and make your house
your bank.
The built-in decline and faltering
of the banks is here and they are going to fall and take every
ones money with them.
The FDIC in the United States is
insolvent, borrowing years in advance to pay off the failing
banks. This is all by design and we saw it plainly by 2008 and
for certain in 2009. It is time to bring things close to your
breast and keep them there.
We mean to state some possible
actions, such as staying in your home after they foreclose and
the neighbors banding together to make sure that no one is
removed from their home.”
Mr. Kane continues,
“Now if we get extraterrestrial
disclosure finally which looks imminent this summer (2010), then
all bets are off for not only will the monetary system decline,
it will completely go away. We come into a time of great
spiritual awakening for the people of the planet as a whole in
the final months before ascension in December 12 - 21, 2012."
He states,
“Extraterrestrial disclosure is in
front of us as the 3rd and 4th dimensional
Off Worlders seek to
find some way to intercede and bring it about now. There is a
plethora of activity around the globe presently as the task of
extraterrestrial disclosure comes to its inevitable head.
It is
here and there is no turning back.
There are many on the planet that
are not ready for the information of extraterrestrial
disclosure, and the fallout for some will be dramatic and
devastating to their way of being. It is a necessary part of the
evolution of the planet and entire Universe."
Mr. Kane adds,
“There is no one way that this will
play out. There is no longer in the mix of humanity an absolute
for how extraterrestrial disclosure will play out; the only
certainty is ascension. As for the rest be prepared for
He states,
“There will be mass confusion, and
much disinformation by well intentioned people. The only way
through this is to be of service to others and to be living in a
place and a state of Love for yourself, for your fellow man, for
all life and for all things, no matter what. For love is the
only true power.”
The shift from
carbon-based to crystalline-based bodies
In his Exopolitics Radio interview above, Mr. Kane describes potential
shifts in one’s body.
He states,
“In the coming times it would be
wise to help protect yourself and your energy frequencies. Our
bodies will be shifting from carbon-based to crystalline-based
The planet Earth is crystalline. We are matching the
frequencies of the crystalline Earth and require inordinate
amounts of minerals for the transition that is happening
‘We are all born
originals - don't die a copy’
In the ExopoliticsRadio interview, Mr. Kane touches on people’s
attitudes towards themselves and one another.
Mr. Kane says,
“There is a saying ‘That we are all
born originals, don't die a copy.’ I say that ‘we are all born
originals, then we learn how to be copies.’ In this learned
programming we learn how to dismiss our fellow human in an
effort to be seen as an ‘original,’ when in reality we are
acting out being a competing ‘copy.’
This just leaves you feeling like
you have lost something, you can't find it and don't know what
you are looking for.
Originality has nothing to do with
your bias, or your ego or your learned beliefs of separateness.
Originality is a state of integrity, a state of trust and truth
with and to yourself.”

Jon Kelly: Chart
Hyperdimensional ET vehicle vs. Perseid meteor
How to
evaluate Anthony Kane’s communications from the “Council of Twelve”
Inter-dimensional information
and the evidence-based typology of extraterrestrial and
hyperdimensional civilizations
Interdimensionally derived
information, if validated with other sources, can provide
useful contextual and problem-solving information.
Examiner has reported that,
“Recent whistleblower, direct
witness and documentary evidence have led to
the development
of new typology of extraterrestrial civilizations by author
Alfred L. Webre.
The new typology establishes the following
types for extraterrestrial civilizations and
extraterrestrial governance bodies as concerns
extraterrestrial law.
“The new evidence-based typological model divides
extraterrestrial civilizations into,
civilizations (3rd dimension), that is
Solar system
civilizations (3rd dimension) based in the third
dimension in our solar system, such as the
intelligent human civilization living under the
surface of Mars that reportedly enjoys a strategic
relationship with the United States government
Deep space civilizations
(3rd dimension), that is, intelligent
extraterrestrial civilizations that are based in the
third dimension and on a planet, solar system, or
space station in our or another galaxy or in some
other location in this known physical, third
dimension universe.
civilizations, that is intelligent civilizations that
are based in dimensions or universes parallel or
encompassing our own dimension and that may use
technologically advanced physical form and/or transport
when entering our known dimension or universe. With
regard to extraterrestrial law and governance, the new
extraterrestrial civilizations typology identifies
Extraterrestrial governance
authorities: Legally constituted extraterrestrial
governance authorities with jurisdiction over a defined
territory, such as the Milky Way Galactic Federation,
which has been empirically located in replicable
The “Council of Twelve” would
hypothetically fall within the typology of (C): that is,

Calleman - Time acceleration wave curve
Planetary ascension and a
dimensional shift circa 2012
ascension and a
dimensional shift of human consciousness and perhaps of the
resident home frequency of the Earth are memes which are
current in the 2012-related literature.
meme is the
core of the message of the “Council of Twelve.”
For our human purposes, a key question is whether Mr. Kane’s
experiences are authentic, and whether the information being
imparted by the “Council of Twelve” is true and should be
taken to heart, at least as an operating possibility.
There is a congruency between certain aspects of the
messages of the “Council of Twelve” about a dimensional
shift circa
2012 and certain science-based projections,
which raise the probability that the model of reality that
the “Council of Twelve” is presenting may contain elements
of the truth.
For example,
Examiner has reported:
The universal axis and
energy waves of transformation
“In Figure A (above),
Dr. Carl Johan Calleman plots what he describes as a
wave-curve of oscillating energy waves that emanate from
the Universal axis - the core of the physical known
universe as described in his most recent book,
Purposeful Universe.
"According to Dr. Calleman, alternating waves of
universe core energy in turn are mediated through our
galactic center and are what drive the evolution of
human consciousness. Since the “Big Bang” 16 billion
years ago, these waves of energy have been disseminated
in alternating format of “boom” and “bust” creating the
circumstance of conflict and uncertainty in our reality.
“For example (Figure A), the beginning of the global
economic downturn on Nov. 18, 2007 initiated a
“contraction” period, followed by an “expansion” period
starting Nov. 8, 2008
with the election of Barack Obama,
followed by a contraction period with the fall of the
U.S. dollar, starting Nov. 7, 2009.
“On Nov. 2, 2010, an “expansion” period is scheduled to
commence, characterized by the dissolution of
hierarchies that have kept the human potential under
unnecessary controls.”
On Oct. 28, 2011 (Figure A),
according to Dr. Calleman, the universal alternating energy
wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of
a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status - a
virtual “Garden of Eden”.
Dr. Calleman writes,
“human consciousness will
continue to be transformed step by step in accordance
with this plan until we come to the real end date of the
process of creation, October 28, 2011.
At this date the
highest quantum state of the universe will be attained
( 13 Ahau in the Mayan
Calendar) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will
come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet.”
The model of transformation and
consciousness shift that Dr. Calleman describes appears to
be more gradual than that described by the “Council of
As Dr. Calleman states,
following October 28, 2011,
The essential message of both insights - that of Dr.
Calleman and the hypothetical “Council of Twelve” appears to
be the importance to individual humans of conscious
awareness of a shift of consciousness and dimensions that is
occurring at this time and is interactive with larger cosmic
Dr. Calleman has implemented the Conscious Convergence
website to focalize awareness of welcoming a new
consciousness of unity on Earth, July 17-18, 2010, which
readers can contact via email
Mayan Elders
will honor the Conscious Convergence
According to Dr. Calleman,
“Three Mayan elders, Don Alejandro
Oxlaj, Don Rigoberto Itzep and Hunbatz Men, have pledged to
participate in the Conscious Convergence, July 17-18, 2010
through performing ceremonies on these dates.
The three elders are among the most
respected and well-known representatives of the Mayan people yet
having somewhat different roles in this tradition.”