On February
20, 1954, a delegation of ‘human looking’
races met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful
effort to reach an agreement on the US’s
thermonuclear nuclear weapons program.
The apparent stumbling block was that these extraterrestrial
races were not willing to provide technology that might be used
by the military-industrial interests that dominated the Eisenhower
administration and set the tone for subsequent extraterrestrial
– human dialogue.
The principled opposition of this group of extraterrestrials
to being co-opted into an emerging military-industrial-extraterrestrial
complex (MIEC) marks an important indicator of
a large grouping
of ‘human’ extraterrestrial races who lie outside of the web of
interlocking interests that make up the MIEC in the US and elsewhere
on the planet.
This second group of extraterrestrials
is primarily ‘human’ and can easily integrate with human society
in the manner described by Dean and others where they can be indistinguishable
from the rest of humanity.
These races are described to be from star systems
such as Lyra,
Pleiades, Sirius,
Procyon, Tau Ceti, Ummo,
and Arcturus who have provided some of the genetic material for
the seeding of humanity on Earth.
According to Alex Collier, a total of 22 extraterrestrial
races have provided genetic material for the ‘human experiment’.
These include Reptilian, Gray and
Anunnaki races described earlier
as well as those races in this second group which Collier describes
as ‘benevolent’:
That we, as
a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, are possessors
of a vast gene pool consisting of many different racial memory
banks, also consisting of at least 22 different races. Because
of our genetic heritage, and because we are spirit, the benevolent
extraterrestrial races actually view us as being royalty.
As a result of this genetic
linkage, the extraterrestrials in this group outside of the MIEC
apparently view humanity in much the way a protective parent might
view an adolescent son/daughter in a dangerous environment.
The vital interests of races in this category
are to ensure that global humanity evolves in a responsible way
without endangering both itself and the greater galactic community
of which it is part.
There are two parts to this
grouping of extraterrestrials. The first are ‘extraterrestrials’
that have historically inhabited the Earth’s subterranean dwellings,
and are described as remnants of ancient human civilization that
followed a separate evolutionary path to surface humanity.
The second
are extraterrestrials that have ‘off-world’ origins but have humanoid
features to the extent that some of them
can easily intermingle
with the rest of humanity without being easily identified.
The subterranean ‘extraterrestrials’
are described to be remnants of previous human civilizations on
the Earth’s surface such as
Lemuria and
Atlantis and are thus genetically
related to humanity.
The most famous description of one of these
ancient races is found in the posthumously published ‘diaries’
of Admiral Richard Byrd who describes a secret expedition to the
Pole where he was taken into the subterranean dwelling of an advanced
race with Nordic physical characteristics.
He was shown some of
the wondrous technology of this society and also met the leader
of this advanced subterranean race who allegedly said:
’We have let you enter
here because you are of noble character and well-known on the
Surface World, Admiral’ … you are in the domain of the Arianni,
the Inner World of the Earth…. Admiral, I shall tell you why you
have been summoned here. Our interest rightly begins just after
your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, Japan.
It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the
"Flugelrads", to your surface world to investigate what
your race had done….
You see, we have never interfered before
in your race’s wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you
have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man,
namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already
delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do
not heed.
Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our
world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many
thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral.’
While there continues to
be controversy over the veracity of Admiral Byrd’s diaries, there
are a number of reported encounters with representatives of an advanced
subterranean human race.
A large subterranean city called Telos
is argued to lie below Mt Shasta, California
and has been described by individuals who have either physically
traveled to this city and witnessed it, or those who claim to have
telepathically communicated with the occupants of this city.
UFO researcher, William Hamilton, claims to have met representatives
of Telos who described to him the advanced technology and structure
of Telos and their connection to the former civilization of
Hamilton described a Telosian, ‘Bonnie’, and her family as follows:
Bonnie, her mother (Rana
Mu), her father (Ra Mu), her sister Judy, her cousins
Lorae and
Matox, live and move in our society, returning frequently to
for rest and recuperation. Bonnie relates that her people use
boring machines to bore tunnels in the Earth. These boring machines
heat the rock to incandescence, and then vitrify it, thus eliminating
the need for beams and supports.
A tube transit tunnel is used
to connect the cities that exist in various subterranean regions
in our hemisphere. The tube trains are propelled by electromagnetic
impulses up to speeds of 2500 mph. One tube connects with one
of their cities in the Matto Grosso jungle of Brazil.
They grow food hydroponically under full-spectrum lighting with
their gardens attended by automatons. The food and resources of Telos are distributed in plenty to the million-and- a-half population
that thrives on a no-money economy.
According to the
Robbins, who claims to have telepathically communicated with
the Telosians, they are the remnants of the Ancient Lemuria who made
Mt Shasta their home after the destruction of their continent.
Originally numbering 15,000, this Lemurian remnant
has apparently flourished in the underground caverns of Mt Shasta
and grown to a population of 1.5 million where psychotronic technologies,
involving crystals and the highly developed mental abilities of
the Telosians, are used to maintain an incredibly advanced society
that interacts with extraterrestrials from a number of star systems.
The Telosians are reported to specialize in maintaining human longevity,
and integrating harmonious technologies and belief systems for surface
based humans. The Telosians and other subterranean ‘extraterrestrials’
seek to curtail the most damaging aspects of human-extraterrestrial
technological agreements while assisting in the evolutionary growth
in human consciousness.
The main activities of the Telosians can
be inferred to be in,
helping surface humanity learn of its ancient
Earth history
restore human longevity
changing unhealthy belief
protecting the environment
The global solutions provided
by the Telosians include:
The ‘off-world’
human looking
extraterrestrial have been claimed to have provided some of the
genetic material for human evolution, and that many of these extraterrestrials
have allowed some of their personnel to incarnate as ‘star seeds’
on Earth in human families. These ‘star seeds’, ‘star children’
or ‘star people’ are described by Brad and Francie Steiger as individuals
whose ‘souls’ were formally incarnated on the worlds of other star
systems and then traveled to Earth and decided to incarnate here
in order to boost the evolutionary development of humanity.
Most of humanity would consider this group of
extraterrestrials to be ‘benevolent’ as described by ‘contactees’
such as George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassell,
Howard Menger, Paul Villa,
Billy Meier and
Alex Collier who each explain
the nature of their voluntary interactions with these human looking
These contactees often provide physical evidence
in the form of photographs, film and/or witnesses of their contacts
with extraterrestrial races. The most extensively documented and
researched contactee is Eduard ‘Billy’ Meier who provided much physical
evidence for investigators. These off world human extraterrestrial
races appear to have different ‘specialties’ as a result of unique
histories and planetary migrations due to galactic upheavals and
It is worth exploring the main activities of each race
to understand how they either currently interact with humanity or
how they may better interact with humanity to address global problems.
It is appropriate to begin the discussion
of these ‘off world’ extraterrestrial races and their main activities
by focusing on a star system that has been described as the source
for the spread of human civilization in the Milky War galaxy,
the constellation of Lyra.
One of the first ‘contactees’ to describe Lyra was Billy Meier who received much public attention as a result
of his alleged visits from Pleiadians/Plejarans from 1975 to 1986
which he supported with material evidence that continues to confound
those skeptical of Meier’s claims.
Comprehensive investigations by a number of
individuals and organizations found that Meier’s evidence was
not fabricated and therefore constituted significant support for
his testimony of extraterrestrial contact.
Due to the amount of physical evidence he had
provided over the years, Meier has gained great credibility, and
the consistency and coherence of his testimonies suggest that
he is indeed an important spokesperson for an extraterrestrial
Meier was told by his
[Plejadians] contacts of the star system of Lyra and its human inhabitants:
The "Swiss"
Plejadians have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently
ours, as originating (before the Plejades) in a far sun-system
in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra,
for which we have called them Lyrians in the same manner as we
refer to the human beings from what we call the Pleiades.
early Lyrians in their numerous migrations in their great Space
Arks went to many other star systems and found suitable habitations,
and put down colonies, such of which flourished and eventually
launched their own space travelers.
Meier further reported of
a physical contact with a Lyran ship in 1977 where the
Lyrans described
their world and the other star systems with whom they cooperated.
Alex Collier describes the start of
the Lyran
civilization as revealed to him by extraterrestrials from
Based on the age of the
Suns and the planets in our galaxy, it was decided that the human
life form was to be created in the Lyran system. The human race
lived there for approximately 40 million years, evolving. The
orientation of the human race in Lyrae was agricultural in nature.
Apparently, we were very plentiful and abundant, and lived in
The Lyrans posses
features and are quite possibly the ‘Elohim’ described in religious
traditions both on Earth and around the galaxy. Due to the Lyrans
role in the genesis of the human presence in the galaxy, the Lyrans
can understandably be argued to have the most detailed understanding
of human origins and galactic history.
They can be described as
the ‘Galactic historians’ for the human species. It can be inferred
that the Lyrans help in disseminating the truth about the evolution
of human races in the galaxy, and have a deep understanding of galactic
human culture and of the ‘human spirit’.
The Lyrans have been further
described as follows:
Those from
Lyra have an
affinity for origins and ancient histories. So they would be useful
to you to understand the past in order to transform it. As you
understand your past and your origins you may be able in consciousness
to go back, pattern by and pattern, peel off the layers of the
onion, and find your true nature.
They would be excellent guides
in this process, this psychological process for humanity, of understanding
its motivations and its history and how it came to be.
In conclusion,
the Lyrans’
main activities are,
The global solutions the Lyrans provide include,
accurate information about human history
understanding galactic
discovery of the human essence
diplomacy and conflict
global education
Billy Meier further described
the Pleiadians,
descendents of the Lyrans, had migrated between
a number of star systems before finally settling in the Pleiades
The ancient
history of the early Pleiadian ancestors in another home sun system
was also described and how they came to travel to the Pleiades.
A much earlier migration to this solar system is also described
and how and why it failed. The one third survivors of the Pleiadian
ancestors’ original planet, after its devastation, evolved a new
technology, and designed and built the great-spacer evacuation
arks in just 900 years, and began to launch them everywhere for
many hundreds of years more.
The extraterrestrials visiting Switzerland
are the descendants of one of those space arks which occupied
one of the three planets engineered for human habitation, in one
of the sun-systems in what we call the Pleiades today.
They have
experienced great gains and great losses many times over since
that time. In a very real sense, we are descendants of their earliest
colonists attempting to settle in this solar system, together
with an assortment of aborigines and human exiles from a number
of places.
The particular star system
from which Meier’s Pleiadians originate is Taygeta and the
planet is Erra.
The Pleiadians from Taygeta identified
as one of their chosen ‘representatives’ with a mission to bring
the truth of the extraterrestrial presence to humanity.
Semjase, the Pleiadian female who made contact
with Meier, described the Pleiadians as follows:
We are neither guardians
of Earth beings nor God-sent angels or similar. Many persons suggest
we are watching over Earth and her beings and would control their
fates. This is not true, because we only perform a self-selected
mission which has nothing to do with supervising or regulating
Earth fates. Thus it is wrong to expose us as superterrestrial
messengers and guardians.
The Pleiadians identified
a key aspect of their mission is to warn humanity of the Grays which
they described as follows:
33. There are also different
life forms that have acquired much knowledge and have freed themselves
from their environment. They travel through space and occasionally
come to Earth
34. Many of them are rather unpleasant
creatures and live in a type of barbarism that frequently is nearly
as bad as the terrestrials.
35. You should be aware
of them because they often attack and destroy everything that
gets in their way.
36. Many times they have
even destroyed whole planets or forced their inhabitants into
37. It is one of our missions
to warn the people on Earth of these creatures.
38. Let this be known
to the Earth people because the time is approaching when a conflict
with these degenerate human creatures [Grays] becomes unavoidable.
According to
Collier, the
Grays and Pleiadians are involved in armed skirmishes in the solar
system and other systems such as Sirius B.
Other key aspects of the Pleiadian mission according
to Meier, are to assist in the uplift of human consciousness and
to promote the unity of religion.
Significantly, the Pleiadians were dismissive
of the claims of many other contactees such as Adamski, and thereby
implied some exclusivity in relating the truths and dynamics of
the extraterrestrial presence.
Interestingly, Collier claimed that
some Pleiadians
groups such as those from Alcyone operate with ‘hidden agendas’,
while those from Teygeta (e.g., Meier’s Pleiadians) are described
as genuinely assisting humanity.
Despite the possible ‘hidden agenda’ of some Pleiadians, most testimony and evidence points to Pleiadians in
general having positive interactions with humans, and that they
do much to assist in the elevation of human consciousness and assisting
humanity in finding freedom from Gray/Reptilian influence.
In conclusion, the main activity of
the Pleiadians
appears to be,
The Pleiadians can
assist in find global solutions such as,
Nordic Rigelians
One of the many human space colonies spawned
by the Lyrans was eventually established on planets in
the Rigel
solar system in the Orion Constellation. At some point in its
history, Rigel with its Nordic population presumably underwent
a destructive civil war and was taken over by Grays.
to George Andrews, a Nordic from the star system of Procyon,
revealed much information about the Rigelians, Procyons and Grays
to a human contactee whose information was consistent with other
sources and Andrews concluded was credible.
The contactee described Khyla as follows:
Khyla looked like a tall
handsome human, slender but muscular, masculine yet ethereal.
He appeared either naturally or artificially to have black around
his eyes, almost like kohl [coal]. His face was close to exquisite,
but definitely masculine. He had a gaunt face with high cheekbones
and piercing cobalt-blue eyes. He had fine blond hair that was
almost shoulder-length.
He had a muscular neck. His skin was pale
flesh color, with a whitish overtone. It is hard to gauge his
exact height because of the circumstances under which our encounter
occurred, but it was somewhere between six and seven feet.
Andrews writes about the
history of Rigel as revealed by Khyla to the contactee:
The ancestors of the
Grays were once tall Blonds. The Great War took place…. Before
the great war, Rigel was a vast empire, which had been the source
of most galactic seeding. All Rigelians were tall Blonds. A colony
had already been established on Procyon.
The Great War was a civil
war of Rigelians versus Rigelians, and lasted the equivalent of
three Earth centuries. A group of Rigelians who realized that
the Great War was about to break out took off for the Procyon
colony in crude, clandestinely built ships. … They were the only Rigelians to escape the cataclysmic devastation.
All those who
had remained on Rigel were transformed into short Grays.
It appears that
Rigel underwent
a planet wide nuclear war and environmental collapse that led to
life in underground shelters. It is very unlikely that the transformation
of Nordic Rigelians involved them becoming ‘short Grays’ whose genetic
material is generally accepted as inferior to human races such as
the Nordics.
The genetic mutation process would have taken much
longer than the three centuries mentioned. It is more likely that
the surviving Rigelian Nordics were incorporated into a planet wide
genetic hybridization program by ‘short Grays’ from a star system
such as Zeta Reticulum who had covertly infiltrated and undermined
Rigel prior to and/or during the Great War on Rigel.
The short Grays
most likely succeeded in genetically engineering the ‘Tall Grays’
using genetic material from the Nordic survivors who were too weak
to resist the Gray hybridization agenda.
These Rigelian ‘tall Grays’
subsequently play a key role in diplomatic initiatives by
the Grays
and serving as a genetic model for new human-Gray hybrid races that
allegedly represent the best of both species.
Most of the Rigelians who fled their planet
traveled to the star system of Procyon to restart their civilization.
Procyon is a binary star system about 11.4 light years from Earth,
and it was apparently the fourth planet in this system that the
Rigelians established their new colony.
According to Andrews, the colony of Procyon
flourished until it became embroiled in sinister effort by
Grays that now populated Rigel to subvert Procyon.
Khyla described
the process adopted by the Grays in their subversion of
The Grays began to visit
us, first a few as ambassadors, then as specialists in various
domains where their expertise could be useful to us, as participants
in different programs that involved mutual collaboration, and
finally as tourists. What had begun as a trickle became a flood,
as they came in ever-increasing numbers, slowly but surely infiltrating
our society at all levels, penetrating even the most secret of
our elite power groups….
Just as on your planet they began by
unobtrusively gaining control over key members of the CIA and
KGB through techniques unknown to them, such as telepathic hypnosis
that manipulates the reptilian levels of the brain, so on
through the same techniques … they established a kind of telepathic
hypnotic control over our leaders.
Over our leaders and over almost
all of us, because it was as if we were under a spell that was
leading us to our doom, as if we were being programmed by a type
of ritual black magic that we did not realize existed.
Khyla went on to describe
the eventual take over of Procyon by the Grays and the enslavement
of most Procyons that did not escape.
Using advanced time travel
technology which involved ‘multidimensional consciousness’, something
which the Grays apparently could not duplicate due to their degraded
genetic bodies, a significant number of Procyons were able to escape
and began a liberation war from the ‘remote corridors of time’.
Significantly, the Procyons describe how some of their resistance
techniques would be relevant to the situation on Earth:
… it would be suicidal
to attempt to fight the Grays directly with the weapons now at
your disposal. One must be rational in attempting to fight back,
and understand the proper way to proceed. Your own consciousness
is the most potent weapon that is available to you at the present
The most effective way to fight the Grays is to
change the
level of your consciousness from linear thinking to multi-dimensional
awareness…. They have the technology to throw your planet out
of orbit, but there is one key ability that you have and they
do not have: the ability to hold in mind imagery that inspires
an individual to realize his or her direct personal connection
to the source of all that is… That is your key to victory.
According to
Alex Collier,
the Procyons have recently liberated their world from Gray influence
and he describes the Procyons as currently “gung ho” when it comes
to dealing with the Grays.
In conclusion,
the Procyons
main activity is,
in effectively resisting the extraterrestrial subversion
by developing a ‘multidimensional consciousness’
using mind imagery
to protect oneself from extraterrestrial mind control
unfriendly extraterrestrial activity
The global solutions that
the Procyons can assist in include,
exposing extraterrestrial subversion
helping end global secrecy of the extraterrestrial presence
multidimensional consciousness
deprogramming mind control
universal human rights
developing the internet and global communication
Tau Cetians
Other human populated worlds are apparently
the star systems of
Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. The researcher,
Frank Crawford, interviewed a number of individuals who had physical
contact with the Tau Cetians.
The first and most significant was an alleged
whistleblower who participated in crash retrievals of UFOs; a
live occupant was captured and interrogated by US national security
officials from a crash near
Phoenix, Arizona
in 1961.
‘Oscar’, the pseudonym used by the whistleblower, described
to Frank Crawford the origins of the captured extraterrestrial who
was nicknamed ‘Hank’:
It was later confirmed
by Hank that the stars of origin of his people were
Tau Ceti and
Epsilon Eridani. In later sessions Oscar discussed some reasons
for the presence of the aliens. He said the[y] do not like the
situation with some of the small grey aliens. He corrected us
when we used the term ’grey’ and said that they are actually white.
The Tau Cetians feel that the
abductions being carried out by
some of the Greys are a great injustice to humanity. ‘They are
a parasitic race that has and is preying on human civilizations
throughout the universe, Oscar relayed. He added that our government’s
involvement with the grays is very dangerous and out of control….
The Tau Cetians have been preyed upon by these aliens before and they
are working with other races and communities that were also victims….
(Oscar) wants people to know that if they are contacted by
the Tau Cetians (humans such as he described) to not be afraid because
they are here to help.
The revelations by ‘Hank’
suggest that the Tau Cetians are present to help deal with the covert
strategies and activities of the Grays.
They in particular are very
concerned about the nature of the agreements reached with them by
the US
‘shadow government’, and in helping individual ‘abductees’. According
to ‘Oscar’ the Tau Cetian, ‘Hank’, was tortured and that this nearly
caused an incident with other Tau Cetians who wanted to militarily
intervene on behalf of their captured colleague.
The events described by Oscar are consistent
with the main activity of the Tau Cetians as described in the following
telepathic communication:
“One of the races is from
Tau Ceti. They’re
specialists in intrigue and determining motivations of cloaked societies.
They understand the ways that subterfuge can cripple a system. So
they would be excellent contacts for undercover work.”
The second individual who
had physical contact with Tau Cetians was an abductee, Jill Waldport,
who described to Frank Crawford how she had been contacted by two
sets of extraterrestrials, the Grays and a human looking race that
attempted to help her in dealing with the Grays:
Jill informed me that
the aliens told her they didn’t like what some of the aliens were
doing to her without her consent. They had come to help her learn
how to overcome the DECEPTIONS of the Grays and to protect herself.
They explained that she needed to psychically build a shield around
herself, like a brick wall, when they came for her. This would
help keep her from being deceived by their MIND TRICKS. She tried
it the next time the Greys came or her and it ’seemed’ to work.
Crawford then revealed how
Jill described the origins of the benevolent extraterrestrials as
Tau Cetians:
At this point the correlation
counter in my mind was working overtime, so I decided to go for
gold and ask her if they told her where they were from. Believe
it or not she replied, ’Tau Seat-eye, does that make any sense?’
Later I mentioned to Oscar that I was investigating a case that
involved intense interaction with Grays and Tau Cetians showing
up to help. He asked where the case was from and I told him near Springfield, Illinois.
He rattled off a very accurate description of Jill and said he
was aware that she had been contacted.
In conclusion, the
Tau Cetians main
activities lies in,
raising awareness of how to deal with the subversion
of societies by extraterrestrial races
identifying corrupt elites
and institutions
uplifting human consciousness
strategies for negating advanced mind control techniques
global solutions they can assist in include,
exposing government/financial
corruption and elite manipulation
monitoring extraterrestrial
deprogramming mind control and implant removal
promoting multidimensional consciousness
diplomacy and conflict
Those ET’s from Andromeda
are also described by
Alex Collier as having been
direct descendents
of the Lyrans who experienced some difficulty when first leaving
the Lyran system due to predatory extraterrestrial races, but eventually
settled in the Andromeda constellation in the star system ’Zenetae’.
Collier describes the nature of the Andromedans as follows:
Everything that they create
technologically is used for the advancement of their race. It
is for educational purposes only. But, it can be used in defense.
No, they do not have a military, per se, they are scientists.
What they do is send their children to school anywhere from 150
to 200 years, in our linear time.
They teach their students all
of the arts and sciences. They are literally masters at everything.
Then, at that point, they have the choice in what it is they want
to do, and they can change their minds anytime and do something
else. So, they are given all the tools. Everything is for education.
Nothing is for distraction. They would never conceive of creating
television as a distraction. Never.
Everything is to help them
evolve, and their science and their technology can be used for
defensive purposes -- mostly the holographic stuff.
The most significant feature
of the Andromedans is that they are instrumental in
the Andromeda
Council which is a grouping of approximately 140 star systems who
deliberate upon Earth.
In a 1997 Interview, Collier described the
Council’s deliberations as follows:
Now, in our galaxy there
are many councils. I don’t know everything about all those councils,
but I do know about the Andromedan Council, which is
a group of
beings from 139 different star systems that come together and
discuss what is going on in the galaxy. It is not a political
body. What they have been recently discussing is the tyranny in
our future, 357 years from now, because that affects everybody.
Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that they
have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy
occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future. They
have traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able
to further track it down to Earth, Earths moon and
Mars. Those
three places.
The very first meeting the Andromedan Council had
was to decide whether or not to directly intervene with what was
going on here. According to Moraney, there were only 78 systems
that met this first time. Of those 78, just short of half decided
that they wanted nothing to do with us at all, regardless of the
problems. I think it is really important that you know why they
wanted nothing to do with us. We are talking about star systems
that are hundreds of millions of light years away from us. Even
some who have never met us.
They just knew the vibration of the
planet reflected those on it. The reasons why they wanted nothing
to do with us is that from their perspective, Earth humans don’t
respect themselves, each other or the planet. What possibly can
be the value of Earth humans? Fortunately, the majority of the
council gave the opinion that because Earth has been manipulated
for over 5,700 years, that we deserved an opportunity to prove
ourselves - to at least have a shot at proving the other part
of the council wrong.
The Andromedans’ chief activity
appears to be,
The global solutions they promote include,
assisting the
growth of psychic/crystal/rainbow children
peace education
elite manipulation
promoting improved global governance
and conflict resolution
Sirians from Sirius A
Now the next group of extraterrestrials
are described as coming from Sirius which is a
binary star system
that allegedly harbors advanced life around its two main stars,
Sirius A and B.
Sirius A is a blue white star that is approximately
8.6 light years from Earth, twenty times brighter than the sun,
and is the most brilliant star in the night sky.
In contrast, Sirius B is a white dwarf sun
that ranges between 8 to 32 astronomical units from Sirius A in
a highly elliptical orbit. Amazingly, an African tribe called
the Dogon, has an intricate understanding of this elliptical orbit
of Sirius B around Sirius A. This knowledge was apparently given
to their ancestors by advanced extraterrestrials from the Sirius
star system.
The Dogon described the Sirians as Amphibians
from a planet around Sirius B, which is consistent with
claim that one of the planets around Sirius B is “generally occupied
by reptilian and aquatic-type beings.”
Collier, however, describes the extraterrestrials
from Sirius A as human:
There is a race of beings
on Sirius A, the humans there are called the Katayy. They are
considered benevolent.… Many of the human races there are red-skinned.
Their ancestry is some of the first Lyraens that escaped with
the women and children during the war. In their oceans they have
whales, octopus and sharks.
They are a race that is artistic.
They have music and are connected to nature. They are builders
and not very political. Their governments are based on “spiritual
technology,” which uses sound and color.
If the Sirians
were originally
Lyrans escaping some cataclysmic interplanetary war, then it might
well be understandable how they developed an interest in building,
since the building of a new civilization on new world in the relative
young star system of Sirius A, would have been an urgent requirement.
Collier refers to the Sirians using sound and color as a kind of
’spiritual technology’ which suggests that they specialize in terraforming
planets and making them suitable for the evolution of life by altering
the ’bio-magnetic energy’ grid.
The following telepathic communication
provides more information on the Sirians as builders of new planetary
structures in terms of altering the ’bio-magnetic energy grid’ that
assist the evolution of humans and other life forms:
They are the original
builders of
your grid, the architecture on which your planet was
based. So therefore they are useful in discerning the
sacred geometry
and discerning the physical laws of your home world. They can
help you also in constructing the new grid, in constructing a
new system that is appropriate for your next challenges. So we
would say that the Sirians are excellent allies in the strategic
design work that lies ahead.
In conclusion, the main
activity that can be attributed to those extraterrestrials from
Sirius A is,
Those from Sirius A can assist in,
global solutions
such as environmental protection
promoting biodiversity
in consciousness raising
evolution of the biosphere
The Ummites are described as extraterrestrials
from the planet Ummo which is claimed to be 14.6 light years away,
and possibly located in the star system Wolf 424.
They played a significant role in disseminating
scientific technical literature and objects through Spain and
then relayed to the rest of Europe in the 1960s and 1970s from
a hidden base near a small town in the French province of ‘Basses
Alps’ (Lower Alps).
The Ummites contacted a select number of individuals
and distributed to them detailed technical information on different
technologies and revolutionary theories that would expand scientific
knowledge beyond the prevailing orthodoxies.
The only physical
contact the Ummites had with anybody, aside from phone calls and
sending technical information by regular mail, was with a hired
typist who described how he worked for and eventually discovered
the identities of the Ummites:
1967 and 1975 the members of the Madrid
group [Spanish
UFO researchers aware of the Ummites] received a letter from a
man who claimed to be the Ummites’ typist. Apparently, he had
advertised for work in a newspaper and had subsequently been visited
by two tall, fair-haired respectable dressed men. They told him
that they were Danish doctors and asked if he could type out scientific
material for them on a regular basis.
Initially all went well,
until the day he read the following sentence: ’We come from a
celestial body named Ummo which is 14.6 light years from the Earth.
- He took this at its face value and questioned the doctors -
eventually they admitted that they were not Danish doctors at
all, but extra-terrestrial visitors.
To prove their identity they
produced a tiny sphere just an inch or so in diameter, which one
of them placed in mid-air before the typist. He looked into it
and to his amazement saw a scene that had taken place in that
same office on the preceding day when his wife, fearing that the
Danish doctors might be spies.
was however a well recorded public event in the form of an Ummo
spacecraft that landed near Madrid
on June 10, 1967
that was announced by the Ummites several days before to a select
group of UFO researchers.
The Ummite’s approach appears to be one of helping
scientists develop innovative technologies and theories that assist
in addressing global problems that require technical solutions.
In 1973, due to the uncertainty over a nuclear war on Earth, the Ummites terminated their residence on Earth and departed.
They subsequently
sent the following message in 1980 to Dr Antonio Ribera, one of
the Spanish UFO researchers that had taken up their case:
For 30 years we have studied
your science, your culture, history and civilizations. All this
information we have carried from your Earth to Ummo in our titanium
crystals codified with data. We HAVE DEMONSTRATED to you our culture
and our technology in purely descriptive form - so you cannot
convert them or realize them practically. We have done this because
we note with sadness that you employ your sciences primarily for
war and the destruction of your own selves, which cont[inue] as
your principal objective. You are like children playing with terrible
and dangerous toys which will destroy you. WE CAN DO NOTHING!
A cosmic law says that each world must take its own path, to survive
or to perish. You have chosen the second. You are destroying your
planet - annihilating your species, and contaminating your atmosphere
and your seas until now this is irreversible. With sadness we
contemplate your insanity, and understand that the remedy is only
in yourselves.
We can not look forward a great distance into your
future because your psyche are completely unpredictable and capricious
bordering on paranoia. As your elder brothers in this cosmos,
we urgently desire with all our hearts your salvation. Do not
destroy your beautiful blue planet, a rare atmospheric world that
floats so majestically in space, so full of life. IT IS YOUR CHOICE.
While it cannot be known
exactly how influential the Ummites assistance has been since it
was largely covert, it certainly appears to have been significant
in sparking innovative scientific initiatives by range of technically
competent professionals and private citizens.
It can be concluded
that the Ummite’s main activity lies in,
The Ummites
can assist in global solutions surrounding,
Alpha Centaurians
Another extraterrestrial race that appears
to be playing a significant role in human affairs is from the Alpha Centauri star system. Alex Collier claims
the Alpha Centaurians
are one of the races visiting the Earth.
An alleged former employee of the covert
and Philadelphia projects,
Al Bielek, discussed a number of extraterrestrials including
Alpha Centaurians. Bielek’s testimony is perhaps one of the most
bizarre and controversial cases in UFO research yet his testimony
is coherent and consistent, and according to an independent investigator,
John Quinn, Bielek is very credible and there is much evidence to
support his claims.
The Alpha Centaurians, according to Bielek, apparently
provide a form of sanctuary and protection to humans that desire
assistance in dealing with the repressive polices of
the shadow
Bielek stated the nature of this agreement with
Alpha Centaurians in an interview:
AB [Al Bielek]: There are
shuttles regularly from this planet to Alpha Centauri 4 which
by agreement is a safe haven for people wanted by the U.S. Government.
There’s a treaty. It takes about 12 hours to get them. Apparently
they took all of their family which meant sisters, brothers, father,
mother, whatever, with them. As far as I know they’re still there.
SS [questioner]: Who runs the shuttle?
Presumably the Alpha Centauri Government, but I don’t know. But
it’s on a regular basis twice a week. The landing point I have no
idea where it is. Of course they guard it secret.
SS: What is their
body form like?
AB: Alpha Centauri? Like
humans, exactly the same. There’s a much lower population on their
planet. They’re not overpopulated. They’re an advanced civilization,
a little ahead of us - not a great deal, but somewhat ahead of
us. They don’t like things like government head-bashing and that
sort of thing and they way they treat some of the government agents
they no longer have any use for or whatever, if they are approached,
and I don’t know how it’s done, if they are approached and asked
for asylum, if they issue the card, you just get on the shuttle
and that’s it, you’re there. Beyond that I don’t know. I haven’t
seen them since.
This role of providing sanctuary
to humans threatened by the shadow government indicates that the
Alpha Centaurians are very interested in social justice and helping
in the transition of Earth towards a more trusting and nurturing
global society.
This is a theme elaborated upon in the following
telepathic communication from an independent source:
“Those from [Alpha] Centaurus have an open society,
a trusting and loving one, so they would be useful to you as you
begin to design the social rules for an alternative to a combative
or competitive social structure.”
The main activity of the
Alpha Centaurians can
therefore be inferred as,
The Global solutions that can be promoted by the
Alpha Centaurians
Return to Cosmos
The final extraterrestrial
race to be examined due to their significance are the Arcturians
who are described as once having seeded the Earth with their members
and presumably peacefully coexisted with other races. According
to Andrews:
"In antiquity this planet was divided into sectors
among four different groups: Blonds, Grays,
large lizard-like beings
from the Capella system, and beings from the Arcturus system."
Andrews goes on to describe
the Arcturians as
currently playing an observer role in the current battle between
extraterrestrial groups over Earth and her population. Collier describes
the Arcturians as also being one of the races interacting with the
Earth and that they are "trying to help."
Most information on the Arcturians comes from
those claiming to have telepathically communicated with them.
example, Dr Norma Milanovich in her book,
We, The Arcturians, describes
her communication with the Arcturians through a form of computer
aided automatic writing.
She claims the Arcturians are here to:
Earth as it enters a New Age of spirituality. They cannot interfere
with the free will or decision-making process of any Earthling,
but are here to educate and help raise the vibrations of all who
choose to journey to the new dimension the Earth is entering."
The Arcturians are described
as having a highly developed spiritual culture and technological
sophistication that gives them great influence in the galaxy. Another
individual who telepathically communicates with the Arcturians claims
they have the following mission on Earth:
The Arcturians are the
overall guides or administrators of the contact experience. They
have a desire generally to see this go well. To see you learn
as much as possible by this process and to assist you in any way
they can. However, their affinity is to the future of the planet
as a whole and they tend to have a hands-off approach as much
as possible.
They will tend to do the least amount of work for
the greatest effect. You’ll find them to be efficient and quite
creative in this. They may be useful to you in learning how to
play, how to wait for the right timing, and how to do the very
few important things that you must do to succeed.
The Arcturians’ main activity
therefore appears to be one of,
The global solutions
the Arcturians contribute
to include,
transparent and accountable global governance
global financial
political and societal systems
helping humanity
coordinate effectively with all extraterrestrial races
and conflict resolution
Summary Table 2
In conclusion, the main
activities of the Arcturians and other extraterrestrial races that
lie outside of the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex
can be summarized as follows in Table 2.
2. Extraterrestrial Races Outside the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial
ET Races
Main Activities
Assist in Global Solutions
Helping surface humanity
learn of its ancient Earth history, restore human longevity,
changing unhealthy belief systems & protecting the environment.
· Environmental Protection
· Promoting bio-diversity
· human health & longevity
· recovery of humanity’s history
Disseminating the
unique history of the human race in the galaxy, and assisting
in the understanding human motivations and potentials.
· recovery of humanity’s history
· understanding galactic history
· discovery of the human essence
· diplomacy & conflict resolution
· global education
humanity find freedom from oppressive structures through
consciousness raising
· universal human rights
· participatory democratic systems,
· evolution of human consciousness
· global education
Promoting effective
resistance to extraterrestrial subversion, developing ‘multidimensional
consciousness’, using mental imagery to prevent ET mind
control, monitoring unfriendly ET activity
· Exposing ET subversion
· ending global secrecy of ETs
· multidimensional consciousness
· deprogramming mind control
· universal human rights
· internet & global communication
Tau Cetians
(Tau Ceti)
Exposing ET subversion
& control, identifying corrupt elites & institutions,
uplifting human consciousness, negating ET mind control
and dealing with militarism.
· exposing government/ financial
corruption & elite manipulation
· monitoring ET infiltration,
· multidimensional consciousness
· deprogramming mind control
· conflict resolution |
Facilitating decisions
of the Galactic community in dealing with the current Earth
situation, innovative strategies for resolving conflict,
& the education of youth.
· education of psychic/crystal kids
· peace education
· exposing elite manipulation
· improved global governance
· diplomacy & conflict resolution
(Sirius A)
Assisting in building
a suitable ecological system for (human) evolution on Earth
by altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy grid’ of the planet.
· Environmental Protection
· Promoting bio-diversity
· raising human consciousness
· evolution of the biosphere
Sharing technical
information, transforming scientific culture, and global
· Transforming scientific paradigms
· Developing alternative technologies
· Educational reform
Alpha Centaurians
(Alpha Centauri)
Promoting social
justice and human freedom.
· Social justice at a global level
· zones of peace
· human rights
Integrating spiritual
values with advanced technologies, and in providing strategic
advice in transforming planetary systems.
global governance
· integrating global financial, political and societal systems
· coordinating relationships with ETs
· diplomacy and conflict resolution
