While there are a number
of other extraterrestrial races who have been reported by whistleblowers
and/or contactees, evidence points to the races examined above as
having most significance for humanity.
The primary means of distinguishing the races
above is the degree to which they participate in technology exchanges
and joint projects with the shadow governments in the US
and elsewhere. Those races grouped into the first category are to
varying degrees part of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex
(MIEC) that secretly consumes vast resources through
black budgets
in the US
and elsewhere, and initiates covert projects that harm private citizens,
developing nations, and the global environment.
In contrast, those extraterrestrial races outside
of the MIEC have only minimal impact on human society since they
are prevented from any large scale interaction due to the agreements
that bind together the MIEC. These agreements are either exclusive
as to which races can cooperate with shadow governments, or result
in races outside the agreements adopting a non-intervention policy.
The systemic global problems
caused by the MIEC are an increasing burden and immediate threat
to human freedom and sovereignty.
Continuing with the current strategic response
to the extraterrestrial presence by shadow governments, plays into
the hands of those extraterrestrials who wish to deprive humanity
of its sovereignty and freedom. The alternative is to work with
those extraterrestrials outside the MIEC that appear to have the
best interests of humanity at heart.
Cooperating with extraterrestrial
races outside of MIEC provides an important opportunity for those
private citizens who are concerned about the secret agreements between
government agencies and those extraterrestrial races who are part
of the MIEC.
Working with extraterrestrial races whose activities
lie in the realm of human emancipation, consciousness raising and
conflict resolution, provide important global solutions to the harmful
effect of a vast MIEC that continues to remain clandestine, non-accountable,
and unrepresentative.
The opportunity to address the systemic global
problems caused by almost 50 years of secret agreements with extraterrestrial
races lies before each individual concerned about the future of
humanity and the Earth. Private citizens and small groups have the
ability capacity to identify, find and cooperate with those extraterrestrial
races that can assist in providing global solutions that lead to
the liberation, consciousness raising and sovereignty of humanity.
As individuals and small groups ponder the enormous challenges of
working with extraterrestrial races outside of the MIEC, they might
take comfort in the words of Margaret Mead:
"Never doubt that
a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has!"

Paola Harris, Connecting the Dates … Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenon (Wildflower
Press, 2003) 76
For discussion of the contactee and abductee
distinction, see Timothy Good, Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial
Colonization on Earth (Avon Books, 1998) 1-2.
For a detailed study of seven different categories
of evidentiary sources for the extraterrestrial presence, and
ranking for their reliability, see Michael Salla, Exopolitics:
Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion
Books, 2004) ch. 1. An earlier version of this chapter
See for example Paola Harris, Connecting the Dots, 94-95.
Paola Harris, Connecting the Dots, 98.
For an interview with Alex Collier, see Paola
Harris, Connecting the Dots,
140-45. Also available online at:
. Another UFO researcher that found Collier to be consistent with
his own independent research and extensive database of whistleblower
testimonies is John Grace (aka., Val Valerian) who wrote the Matrix
series of books which can be found
See Michael Salla, Stephen Hawking, Black Holes
and Alex Collier,
Alex Collier, “More on The Sirians,” Defending
Sacred Ground: The Story of Alex Collier and his Lifetime Personal
Contact with the Zenetaen Culture of Andromeda (Brotherton
Press, 1997) ch 5.
For description of how this ‘shadow government’
has evolved in the US,
see Salla, Exopolitics:
Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial
Presence, ch. 2.
See Salla, Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial
Presence, chs. 2 & 3.
Quoted in George C. Andrews, Extraterresrials Among Us (Llewellyn Publications, 1993)
See David Jacobs, The
Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda (Simon & Schuster, 1999).
Corso, The Day After
Roswell, 292.
Milton William Cooper, “Origin,
Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12,” Behold a Pale Horse
See Branton “A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out,” in The Dulce
Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth (Inner Light, 199) ch.
See Michael Salla,
“The Dulce Report: Investigating Alleged Human Rights Abuses at
a Joint US Government-Extraterrestrial Base at
Dulce, New Mexico,”
(Sept 25, 2003). Available
Lacerta File, “Interview with a Reptiloid,”
Alex Collier, “More on Civilizations in Various
Star Systems,” Defending Sacred Ground, ch
John Quinn, Phoenix Undead: The
Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today
Preston Nichols, Montauk
Experiments in Time (Skybooks, 1999) 65,70
Alex Collier, “More on The Sirians,” Defending
Sacred Ground, ch 5.
See Collier, “Leading Edge Follow Up Interview,
1996” Defending Sacred Ground, ch 5. Available
Daniel M. Salter, Life
With a Cosmos Clearance (Light Technology, 2003) 186-88.
See Salter, Life
With a Cosmos Clearance 181-85.
See Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelth Planet (Harper Collins Publishers,
Zecharia Sitchin, Genesis Revisited (Hearst Books, 1990).
For description
of the power politics system created to deal with extraterrestrials,
see Michael Salla, “The Failure of
Power Politics as a Strategic Response to the Extraterrestrial
Presence – Developing Human Capacity as a Viable Global Defense
Strategy ,” Research Study #7 (January 1, 2004)
See Michael Salla, “Eisenhower’s
1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary
of First Contact?” Research Study #8 (Febuary
12, 2004)
See Alex Collier, “More on The Sirians,” Defending Sacred Ground, ch 5,
; George Andrews, Extra-terrestrial
Friends and Foes (Illuminet Press,
1993); and “Billy Meier Interview,” (November
20, 1988). For a short description of a number of star systems with
celestial data, and some information of the extraterrestrial races
claimed to originate from these, see
Collier, “The ET Global Connection: A Lecture
by Alex Collier,” Defending Sacred Ground, ch.
For discussion of the different ways extraterrestrials
perceive humanity, see Michael Salla,
Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence, 153-69.
Richard Byrd, The
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard Byrd (Inner Light Publications,
1992). Admiral Byrd’s Diary is
Dianne Robbins, Telos: The Call Goes Out from the Hollow Earth and the Underground Cities (Onelight.com Publishing, 2001).
Brad and Francie Steiger, The Star People (Berkeley Books, 1981).
See for example, George Adamski, Inside
the Flying Saucers, available online at:
. For discussion of experiences of an extensive number of contactees,
see Timothy Good, Alien
Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization on Earth.
See Kinder, Light
Years. Also, Michael Horn is the US
representative for Meier and has a website that provides details
of the dialogue between skeptics and those supporting Meier’s
See Gary
Kinder, Light Years: An Investigation into the Extraterrestrial Experiences of
Eduard Meier (Publisher Group West, 1987).
Stevens, UFO Contact from the Pleiades, ch. 4. Available
See Joshua David Stone, Hidden
Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension (Light Technology Publishing, 1995) 38.
“Arcturian Channel”
(January 10, 2004)
available online at:
. The author of this report has personally interviewed, questioned
and listened to the individual receiving these telepathic communications
from Arcturians and found the information to be consistent, coherent
and credible.
Wendell Stevens, UFO
Contact from the Pleiades, ch. 4. Available
For description of the Pleiadians first meeting with
Meier and the special role they ascribed to him, see Meier,
“First conversation with the UFO person,” Tuesday, January 28, 1975, available online at:
Wendell Stevens, UFO
Contact from the Pleiades, ch. 4.
Collier, “The ET Global Connection: A Lecture
by Alex Collier,” Defending Sacred Ground, ch.
Meier, “First conversation with the UFO person,” Tuesday,
January 28, 1975, available online at:
Alex Collier - on Reptilians: Leading Edge Follow-up
Interview, Leading Edge Interview by Val Valerian, May 5, 1996. Reprinted in Sacred Space
See Graham Bethune, Pleiadians
from Alcyone (Cosmic Intelligence Awareness, 1998).
George Andrews, Extra-Terrestrial
Friends and Foes, 141.
Andrews, Extra-Terrestrial
Friends and Foes, 149.
Andrews, Extra-Terrestrial
Friends and Foes, 147.
See Andrews, Extra-Terrestrial
Friends and Foes, 143.
Andrews, Extra-Terrestrial
Friends and Foes, 153.
Andrews, Extra-Terrestrial
Friends and Foes, 164.
Alex Collier, “More on The Sirians,” Defending
Sacred Ground: ch 5.
HERE For online
quote see Alex Collier, Leading Edge Followup
Interview by Val Valerian, May
5, 1996,
See Forest Crawford,
In the issue of "UFO JOURNAL OF FACTS" (Box 17206., Tucson, AZ 85710), Spring, 1991. For online references, see Branton,
Secrets of the Mojave,
Forest Crawford, quote from Branton, “Secrets of the Mojave,”
HERE. Original source is, Crawford, "UFO JOURNAL OF FACTS"
(Box 17206., Tucson, AZ 85710), Spring, 1991.
This torture allegedly occurred under the orders
of the astronomer Frank Drake who it was claimed headed the covert
mission. See Alex Collier, “Galactic Interplay Behind the Scenes,”
Defending Sacred Ground,” ch, 4,
HERE. See John
Lear Briefing for confirmation that Frank Drake was involved,
“Arcturian Channel”
(January 10, 2004) available online at:
. The author of this report has personally interviewed, questioned
and listened to the individual receiving these telepathic communications
from Arcturians and found the information to be consistent, coherent
and credible.
Forest Crawford,
Journal of Facts (Spring,
1991). For references, see Branton,
Secrets of the Mojave,
Forest Crawford,
Journal of Facts (Spring,
1991). For references, see Branton,
Secrets of the Mojave,
Alex Collier, “The
Andromeda Council,” Defending Sacred Ground, ch 1.
See Robert Temple, The
Sirius Mystery (Destiny Books, 1987) 204-27.
Alex Collier, “More on Civilizations in Various
Star Systems,” Defending Sacred Ground, ch
This would be a planetary model of the bio-magnetic
system of the human body, see Robert O. Becker, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life (HarperCollins Publishers, 1987). See also Bruce L.
Cathie, The Energy Grid (Adventures
Unlimited Press, 1997).
“Arcturian Channel”
(January 10, 2004)
available online at:
. The author of this report has personally interviewed, questioned
and listened to the individual receiving these telepathic communications
from Arcturians and found the information to be consistent, coherent
and credible.
See Antonio Ribera and Wendelle
Stevens, UFO
Contact from Planet Ummo (UFO Photo Archives, 1986).
For online information on the Ummites, see, “A case with a high
level on the technical information given from UMMO - a civilization
in the first steps of interplanetary crossing through space,”
available at:
See Ribera and Stevens, UFO Contact from Planet Ummo. For
online details of the landing see “A case with a high level on
the technical information given from UMMO - a civilization in
the first steps of interplanetary crossing through space,” available
See Collier, “Leading Edge Interviews 1996,”
Defending Sacred Ground, ch. 4.
John Quinn, Phoenix Undead: The
Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today
Al Bielak Interview, 1991. Available
"Arcturian Channel,"
(Jan 10, 2004) available online at:
. The author of this report has personally interviewed, questioned
and listened to the individual receiving these telepathic communications
from Arcturians and found the information to be consistent, coherent
and credible.
Andrews, Extra-terrestrial
Friends and Foes, 158.
Alex Collier, “More on The Sirians,” Defending
Sacred Ground, ch 5. For online
quote see Alex Collier, Leading Edge Followup
Interview by Val Valerian, May
5, 1996,
Norm J. Milanovich, We, The Arcturians (A True Experience) (Athena Publishing, 1990).
Milanovich, We, The Arcturians, back cover.
Arcturian Channel”
(January 10, 2004) available online at:
. The author of this report has personally interviewed, questioned
and listened to the individual receiving these telepathic communications
from Arcturians and found the information to be consistent, coherent
and credible.
See Michael Salla,
“The Black Budget Report, An Investigation into the CIA’s ‘Black
Budget’ and the Second Manhattan Project,” Scoop
(30 January, 2004)
