by Michael Salla
KONA, Hawaii
August 4, 2008
ExopoliticsYahooGroup Website
On 08/08/08 a multinational consortium of citizen
organizations conducts a positive intention event concerning
government and corporate agreements involving extraterrestrial life
and technology. The goal is to expose and nullify these agreements
due to their non-representational status.
On 08/08/08 at 8 pm [UT/GMT] individuals
and small groups around the planet will convene to celebrate the
inaugural Galactic Freedom Day.
According to event organizers, the event will start the process
of ending agreements concerning extraterrestrial life that have been
secretly entered into by a range of government authorized agencies,
departments and corporations. In some cases, these pacts involve
representatives of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations whose
existence has not been disclosed to the general public.
The goals and objectives of these secret agreements have been with a
variety of Extraterrestrial groups which in many cases have acted
unethically towards human civilization. These “Secret Agreement” ETs
appear to have entered into operational agreements with governments,
corporations, and private groups who are part of the ruling elite
and permanent war economy.
These “Secret Agreement” ETs do not include ethical Extraterrestrial
civilizations now visiting Earth who are here to assist humanity in
its evolution, and with whom humanity should seek strategic
Representatives of one such civilization
reportedly met with U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower on Feb.
19-20, 1954 at Edwards Air Force Base, CA. and urged the USA to
abandon their nuclear weapons program on the grounds that nuclear
weapons were harmful to the biosphere, to humanity, and to the
dimensional ecology. The U.S. government responded 9 days later by
testing a 15 megaton H-Bomb in Bravo Test.
There is speculation that ethical ETs
are restrained by the Prime Directive from directly interfering in
human affairs, something which the “Secret Agreement” ETs have
violated in their power-oriented agreements with the earth’s power
Evidence of
Unethical & Unconstitutional ET-Govt. Secret Agreements
Extensive testimonial evidence exists of secret government and
corporate agreements concerning extraterrestrial civilizations. The
evidence suggests that such agreements have been in place since at
least the 1950s in the United States with the covert cooperation of
other major nations.
A select group of whistleblowers have
come forward to offer testimony of events or documents they
witnessed that support the existence of such agreements. What
follows are some of the testimonies of whistleblowers for whom
public documentation is available. Such documentation supports their
claims of being at classified locations where events or documents
suggesting secret agreements may have been witnessed as they claim.
Lt. Col.
Philip Corso was a military
intelligence officer, a decorated former battalion commander and
served in the Eisenhower administration as a military liaison. He
finished his military career as head of Foreign Technology Desk,
for the U.S. Army from 1961-1963 where he was responsible for
seeding extraterrestrial technologies in select corporations for
He alludes to secret agreements where
extraterrestrials exploited military concerns over premature
disclosure in the following passage:
“We had negotiated a kind of
surrender with them [extraterrestrials] as long as we couldn’t
fight them. They dictated the terms because they knew what we
most feared was disclosure.”
Day After Roswell - 1997, 292.]
Charles Hall was a former
weatherman for the U.S. Air Force from 1963 to 1967. He was
stationed at Nellis Air Force Base where he witnessed
extraterrestrials regularly meeting with senior military leaders.
He claims that secret underground bases
were built to house the extraterrestrials and their advanced
interstellar ships:
“The USAF was obviously willing to
give them [extraterrestrials] as much of any food item that they
requested, no questions asked. The USAF was obviously entirely
willing to give them both food and non-animal based clothing
items ( cotton, nylon, etc.) without limit for use as trading
materials....The hanger appeared to have been entirely
constructed by the USAF for use by the tall whites.
For example, the inside of the
hanger looked just like any other ordinary aircraft hanger. It
included ordinary fire extinguishers, arrows marking exits, etc.
In addition to writing and signs on the walls in English, it
also include hieroglyphics and icons used by the aliens. The
alien writing was done in pink paint against a white
White’ Extraterrestrials,
Technology Transfer and Resource
Extraction from Earth
Clark McClelland was a former
Space Craft Operator who during his 34 year career from 1958-1992,
served on the Mercury, Apollo, SkyLab, Space Shuttle and
International Space Station.
During a Space Shuttle mission, he
witnessed an extraterrestrial communicating with tethered
“I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO,
Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET
on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space
Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright
in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO
tethered US NASA Astronauts!
I also observed on my monitors, the
spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to
the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this
incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time
to memorize all that I was observing. IT WAS AN ET and Alien
Star Ship! A friend of mine later contacted me and said that
this person had also observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET INSIDE the
missions were DoD (Pentagon) TOP SECRET (TS) encounters!”
NASA Space Craft Operator Witnessed Extraterrestrial in Space
Shuttle Mission]
Don Philips was a former U.S. Air
Force and aerospace engineer with Lockheed Martin. He directly
worked on advanced aerospace projects, and witnessed events and
documents confirming that some of these projects were based on
extraterrestrial technologies.
In the following passage he refers to
secret documents and a film that describe a meeting between
President Eisenhower and extraterrestrials:
"We have records from 1954 that
[there] were meetings between our own leaders of this country
and ET’s here in California. And, as I understand it from the
written documentation, we were asked if we would allow them to
be here and do research. I have read that our reply was well,
how can we stop you? You are so advanced. And I will say by this
camera and this sound, that it was President Eisenhower that had
this meeting."
[“Testimony of Don Phillips,”
Disclosure, ed., Stephen Greer (Crossing Point, 2001) 379]
Dan Sherman was a former
electronic intelligence expert with U.S. Air Force who worked with
the National Security Agency on a highly classified program called
Project Preserve Destiny that used "intuitive communications" with
extraterrestrials. He received specialized training that used innate
intuitive or psychic abilities without his normal military superiors
being informed.
In the following passage he writes about
his growing disenchantment with the Project based on data confirming
extraterrestrial abductions were being relayed by extraterrestrials
to governmental authorities:
“The bitterness began a few months
after I had started to receive comms from Bones [an
extraterrestrial]. It hit a sharp incline when I began to
receive the abduction comms and now it hit a crescendo. I was
tired of being supposedly so important because of my abilities,
yet treated like an underling with no need-to-know.... Why the
abduction data? Why had everything been passed in code, mostly,
until now? ...
I finally came to the conclusion,
after reporting over 20 apparent abduction scenarios, that I
wanted no part of the program any longer. Although I had no
reason to believe anyone was being maliciously harmed, I did get
a feeling that the abductions I was reporting were part of some
sort of higher calling and the feelings of the people involved
took a back seat to that calling.”
Black: Project Preserve Destiny - 1988]
Clifford Stone is a retired
Staff Sergeant U.S. Army who secretly worked for 22 years in
classified projects aimed at the retrieval of crashed
extraterrestrial vehicles.
In the following he describes a meeting
with an extraterrestrial at the Pentagon in 1969 after he first
began his military service:
“When I got to Fort Meade where he
was supposed to be [a friend at the National Security Agency],
they said, well, he is going to be tied up ... This person says,
by the way, have you ever been to the Pentagon? Well at this
time I had never been at the Pentagon.... Why don't we go ahead
and give you the twenty-five cent tour. So we went on over....
When we get out there, there are two monorails there.
I mean, there are monorails under
the Pentagon.... When we got out, he says, well let me show you
some interesting sites down this corridor here. So we are going
down the corridor and it looked like there was a door at the far
end of that corridor.... Well, when you go through the door
there is like a field table there. And behind the field table
you had this little entity [an extraterrestrial]. The entity was
a little bigger than the 3, 3 1/2 foot tall entities that are a
lot of times reported.
But there were two men on either
side of the table slightly behind the creature. When I turned
around, I looked right into the eyes of this little creature.
And you know, it's like you are seeing it but everything is
being pulled from your mind - he was reading my whole life.... I
remember going down and grabbing a hold of my head like this and
falling to the floor. The next thing I remember I wake up and I
am back in my friend's office [back at Fort Mead].... I will go
this far to state that there is an interaction between entities
and certain Government agencies within the U.S. Government.”
[“Testimony of Clifford Stone,”
Disclosure, Stephen Greer -
2001, 332]
Capt. Bill Uhouse is former US
Marine Corps, USAF and aerospace engineer.
He participated in meetings where an
extraterrestrial would enter and give advice on advanced engineering
"We had meetings and I ended up in a
meeting with an alien. I called him J-Rod - of course, that's
what they called him.... The alien used to come in with [Dr
Edward] Teller and some of the other guys, occasionally to
handle questions that maybe we'd have. You know? But you have to
understand that everything was specific to the group. If it
wasn't specific to the group, you couldn't talk about it. It was
on need-to-know basis.
And [the ET] he'd talk. He would
talk, but he'd sound just like as if you spoke - he'd sound just
like as if you spoke... The preparation we had before meeting
this alien was, basically, going through all of the different
nationalities in the world.... So basically, the alien was only
giving engineering advice and science advice... Sometimes you'd
get into a spot where you [would] try and try and try, and it
wouldn't work.
And that's where he'd [the alien]
come in. They would tell him to look at this and see what we did
[“Testimony of Captain Bill
Disclosure, Stephen Greer -
2001, 386-87]
The above and further whistleblower
testimonies providing first hand evidence of secret government and
corporate agreements concerning extraterrestrial life and technology
is available at "Disclosure
Informers - Evidence".
How to
distinguish between “Secret Agreement” ETs and Ethical
At the May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project press conference, Dr.
Carol Rosin of the Institute
for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) shared Dr. Wernher von Braun’s
whistleblower revelation of a phased “Psyops” to continue the
permanent war economy after the collapse of the “permanent enemy” of
Phase I - A False War on
Terror - Fulfilled by the False Flag Operation of 9/11 and the
Global War on Terror
Phase II - A False War
against the Near Earth Objects - Attempts at this are seen daily
by prognostications of asteroids and meteors about to hit Earth.
Phase III - An "Invasion" of
the “Secret Agreement” ETs - The 2008 Stephenville, TX
Disclosure Management Ops (Jan. 8, 2008 UFO Sighting 10 miles
from the Texas Whiten House) may be the initial phases of a
longer term Trojan Horse PsyOps using “Secret Agreement” ETs or
Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) integrated with
UN and other State Actors to achieve
New World Order political
control objectives.
citizens can take against the “Secret ET-Govt Agreements”
Media – Write letters to
the Editor of your local and national newspapers, magazines,
TV like Larry King Live etc. alerting them of the “Secret
ET-Govt Agreements” , and demanding an investigative report.
Federal Government – Fax
or write letters to your congressperson, member of
parliament alerting them of the “Secret ET-Govt Agreements”
and demanding an official inquiry.
Municipal Initiative –
Start a municipal ET ballot initiative like the Extra
Campaign in Denver, CO., for a citizen-initiated
Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission that will investigated
“Secret ET-Govt Agreements” as they affect the citizenry.
Positive Intention – Join
in the Galactic Freedom Day Positive Intention Event
starting at 8pm [UT/GMT] on 8/8/08