by Michael Salla
GalacticFreedomDay Website
What follows is evidence in the form of
first hand testimonies of those claiming to have witnessed events or
documents suggesting the existence of secret agreements concerning
and/or with extraterrestrial life.
These agreements involve government
agencies, military departments, corporations with representatives of
one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. The evidence suggests
that such agreements have been in place since at least the 1950s in
the United States, and other major countries have provided different
levels of support to these.
The witnesses below have been divided
into the following three categories.
Those with military, government
or corporate backgrounds, who have held various security
classifications for whom public documentation is available
to confirm their credentials. Public documentation supports
their claims of being at classified facilities where events
or documents suggesting secret agreements may have been
witnessed as they claim.
Civilian Witnesses
Those with civilian backgrounds
who did not hold any security classification for the event
or document which they witnessed. Nevertheless, public
documentation is available to confirm their professional
credentials which helps make them credible witnesses of the
events or documents they claim to have observed.
Unconfirmed Witnesses
Those for whom no reliable
public documentation is available to confirm their
credentials. This does not, however, dismiss the testimony
of those whose credentials have not been publicly confirmed.
There is a reason to believe that in some cases
documentation may have been expunged from public records as
a security precaution for those employed in highly
classified projects involving extraterrestrial life.
Witnesses with 'confirmed' credentials
are the most credible sources for confirming the existence of secret
agreements concerning or with extraterrestrial life.
This is especially the case for those
claiming to have worked on classified military or corporate
projects, and possessed security classifications. What follows are
all based on first hand testimonies that could be admitted into a
court of law and/or Congressional investigation of extraterrestrial
Witness testimonies are presented in
alphabetical order in each of the three categories.
(public documentation available to substantiating
William Cooper was a member of the U.S. naval
intelligence briefing team for the Commander of the Pacific
Fleet. During his military service, he witnessed naval
documents describing the recent history of extraterrestrial
life on Earth, and how extraterrestrials have interacted
with various government and corporate entities.
"Later in 1954 the race of
large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the
Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic
agreement was reached. This race identified themselves
as originating from a Planet around a red star in the
Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They
stated that their planet was dying and that at some
unknown future time they would no longer be able to
survive there."
Bill Cooper's Speech at
MUFON 1989 Symposium
Concerning MJ-12
Lt. Col.
Corso was a military intelligence officer, a
decorated former battalion commander and served in the
Eisenhower administration as a military liaison. He finished
his military career as head of Foreign Technology Desk, for
the U.S. Army from 1961-1963 where he was responsible for
seeding extraterrestrial technologies in select corporations
for development.
He alludes to secret agreements
where extraterrestrials exploited military concerns over
premature disclosure in the following passage:
“We had negotiated a kind of
surrender with them [extraterrestrials] as long as we
couldn’t fight them. They dictated the terms because
they knew what we most feared was disclosure.”
The Day After Roswell - 1997, 292
Richard Doty was a
former Special Agent for the U.S. Air Force Office of
Special Investigations (AFOSI). He was personally
in charge of an AFOSI effort to discredit Paul Bennewitz
and derail a forthcoming documentary by Linda Moulton
In 2006, he was listed as
co-author of a book where he described his own experiences
concerning extraterrestrial life and technology, and aspects
of his former career.
There is a closed
circuit/videotape interview of an alien (EBE-2 ...) that
was an exchanged guest here starting from 1964 until
1964. An AF Colonel did the interview. I attended that
interview... From EBE-2 we learned a great deal of
information about their race, culture and spacecraft.
A third alien, EBE-3 was
part of the same exchange program starting in 1979 until
1989.... The extraterrestrials, who are guests of the US
government, reside in a number of different quarters
around the US.... The National Security Agency has
devised a communications system to communicate with the
aliens. It's some type of electronic binary pulse. The
communications takes place between the Earth and the
alien ships. There are reportedly receiving points in
Nevada and California.
The communications are
translated by a computer, which gives the landing
coordinates to the National Security Agency, so we know
the location of the landing and the purpose, i.e...,
collect resources for their spacecraft or to have verbal
Robert Collins, et al.,
Exempt from Disclosure, 2nd Edition, 73, 75
Charles Hall
was a former weatherman for the U.S. Air Force from 1963 to
1967. He was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base where he
witnessed extraterrestrials regularly meeting with senior
military leaders.
He claims that secret
underground bases were built to house the extraterrestrials
and their advanced interstellar ships:
The USAF was obviously
willing to give them [extraterrestrials] as much of any
food item that they requested, no questions asked. The
USAF was obviously entirely willing to give them both
food and non-animal based clothing items (cotton,
nylon, etc.) without limit for use as trading
materials.... The hanger appeared to have been entirely
constructed by the USAF for use by the tall whites.
example, the inside of the hanger looked just like any
other ordinary aircraft hanger. It included ordinary
fire extinguishers, arrows marking exits, etc. In
addition to writing and signs on the walls in English,
it also include hieroglyphics and icons used by the
aliens. The alien writing was done in pink paint against
a white background.
‘Tall White’ Extraterrestrials,
Technology Transfer and Resource Extraction from Earth
Clark McClelland was a
former Space Craft Operator who during his 34 year career
from 1958-1992, served on the Mercury, Apollo, SkyLab, Space
Shuttle and International Space Station.
During a Space Shuttle mission,
he witnessed an extraterrestrial communicating with tethered
I, Clark C. McClelland,
former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an
8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while
on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control
Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space
Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO
tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my
monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a
stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle
main engine pods.
I observed this incident for
about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to
memorize all that I was observing. IT WAS AN ET and
Alien Star Ship! A friend of mine later contacted me and
said that this person had also observed an 8 to 9 foot
inside OUR Shuttle! BOTH missions were DoD (Pentagon)
TOP SECRET (TS) encounters!
Retired NASA Space Craft Operator
Witnessed Extraterrestrial in Space Shuttle Mission
Don Philips was a former
U.S. Air Force and aerospace engineer with Lockheed Martin.
He directly worked on advanced aerospace projects, and
witnessed events and documents confirming that some of these
projects were based on extraterrestrial technologies.
In the following passage he
refers to secret documents and a film that describe a
meeting between President Eisenhower and extraterrestrials:
"We have records from 1954
that [there] were meetings between our own leaders of
this country and ET’s here in California. And, as I
understand it from the written documentation, we were
asked if we would allow them to be here and do research.
I have read that our reply
was well, how can we stop you? You are so advanced. And
I will say by this camera and this sound, that it was
President Eisenhower that had this meeting."
“Testimony of Don
Disclosure, Stephen
Greer - 2001, 379
Dan Sherman was a
former electronic intelligence expert with U.S. Air Force
who worked with the National Security Agency on a highly
classified program called Project Preserve Destiny that used
"intuitive communications" with extraterrestrials. He
received specialized training that used innate intuitive or
psychic abilities without his normal military superiors
being informed.
In the following passage he
writes about his growing disenchantment with the Project
based on data confirming extraterrestrial abductions were
being relayed by extraterrestrials to governmental
The bitterness began a few
months after I had started to receive comms from Bones
[an extraterrestrial]. It hit a sharp incline when I
began to receive the abduction comms and now it hit a
crescendo. I was tired of being supposedly so important
because of my abilities, yet treated like an underling
with no need-to-know.... Why the abduction data? Why had
everything been passed in code, mostly, until now? ...
I finally came to the
conclusion, after reporting over 20 apparent abduction
scenarios, that I wanted no part of the program any
longer. Although I had no reason to believe anyone was
being maliciously harmed, I did get a feeling that the
abductions I was reporting were part of some sort of
higher calling and the feelings of the people involved
took a back seat to that calling.
Above Black: Project Preserve
Destiny - 1988, 134, 136
Clifford Stone
is a retired Staff Sergeant U.S. Army who secretly worked
for 22 years in classified projects aimed at the retrieval
of crashed extraterrestrial vehicles.
In the following he describes a
meeting with an extraterrestrial at the Pentagon in 1969
after he first began his military service:
When I got to Fort Meade
where he was supposed to be [a friend at the National
Security Agency], they said, well, he is going to be
tied up ... This person says, by the way, have you ever
been to the Pentagon? Well at this time I had never been
at the Pentagon.... Why don't we go ahead and give you
the twenty-five cent tour.
So we went on over.... When
we get out there, there are two monorails there. I mean,
there are monorails under the Pentagon.... When we got
out, he says, well let me show you some interesting
sites down this corridor here. So we are going down the
corridor and it looked like there was a door at the far
end of that corridor.... Well, when you go through the
door there is like a field table there.
And behind the field table
you had this little entity [an extraterrestrial]. The
entity was a little bigger than the 3, 3 1/2 foot tall
entities that are a lot of times reported. But there
were two men on either side of the table slightly behind
the creature. When I turned around, I looked right into
the eyes of this little creature. And you know, it's
like you are seeing it but everything is being pulled
from your mind - he was reading my whole life.... I
remember going down and grabbing a hold of my head like
this and falling to the floor.
The next thing I remember I
wake up and I am back in my friend's office [back at
Fort Mead].... I will go this far to state that there is
an interaction between entities and certain Government
agencies within the U.S. Government.
“Testimony of Clifford
Disclosure, Stephen
Greer - 2001, 332.
Charles Suggs, Sr., was a
former Commander in the U.S. Navy. His son, Charles Suggs,
Jr., relates what his father told him about an incident
President Eisenhower in 1954.
Commander Suggs was allegedly
physically present at the meeting which according to Don
Philips (see above) was visually taped:
"Charlie's father, Navy
Commander Charles Suggs accompanied Pres. Ike along with
others on Feb. 20th. They met and spoke with 2
white-haired Nordics that had pale blue eyes and
colorless lips.
The spokesman stood a number
of feet away from Ike and would not let him approach any
closer. A second nordic stood on the extended ramp of a
bi-convex saucer that stood on tripod landing gear on
the landing strip.
According to Charlie, there were B-58
Hustlers on the field even though the first one did not
fly officially till 1956. These visitors said they came
from another solar system. They posed detailed questions
about our nuclear testing."
Personal notes from
William Hamilton from a 1991 interview with Commander
Suggs son, Sgt Charles Suggs, Jr.
Capt. Bill Uhouse is
former US Marine Corps, USAF and aerospace engineer.
He participated in meetings
where an extraterrestrial would enter and give advice on
advanced engineering problems:
"We had meetings and I ended
up in a meeting with an alien. I called him J-Rod - of
course, that's what they called him.... The alien used
to come in with [Dr Edward] Teller and some of the other
guys, occasionally to handle questions that maybe we'd
have. You know? But you have to understand that
everything was specific to the group. If it wasn't
specific to the group, you couldn't talk about it. It
was on need-to-know basis.
And [the ET] he'd talk. He
would talk, but he'd sound just like as if you spoke -
he'd sound just like as if you spoke... The preparation
we had before meeting this alien was, basically, going
through all of the different nationalities in the
world.... So basically, the alien was only giving
engineering advice and science advice... Sometimes you'd
get into a spot where you [would] try and try and try,
and it wouldn't work. And that's where he'd [the alien]
come in.
They would tell him to look
at this and see what we did wrong."
“Testimony of Captain
Bill Uhouse,”
Disclosure, Stephen
Greer - 2001, 386-87
Civilian Witnesses
(public documentation available substantiating credentials)
Paul Bennewitz was an electronic communications
specialist with a number of U.S. patents. In 1978 he began
to monitor electronic communications in conjuction with
sightings of UFOs and abduction of civilians in vicinity of
Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 1980 he relayed the results of
his electronic intercepts to the Air Force Office of Special
Investigations which allegedly attempted to discredit him by
compromising his data with misinformation.
At the same time, another
government agency, the NSA, reportedly provided Bennewitz
funding to continue his electronic study. Bennewitz was
convinced that he had electronic evidence of aliens residing
in an underground facility at Dulce New Mexico that were
there as a result of secret agreements.
In his
Project Beta report,
Bennewitz refers to an incident involving a fire fight in
the underground facility between military personnel and
He wrote:
It is important to note at
the outset that the alien is devious, employs deception,
and have no intent of any apparent peace making process
and obviously does not adhere to any prior arrangement
... It is not the intent of this report to criticize or
point fingers.
Obviously who ever made the
initial agreement was operating on our basis of logic
and not that of the alien and in so doing apparently
walked innocently in time into a trap. The alien
indicated that the "Greys", apparently the group
initially envolved [sic] in the agreement were still
upset about the initial capture and subsequent death of
the first eight of their -co-fellows.
Cited in Greg Bishop,
Project Beta -
2005, 236-37
Bob Lazar worked at Los
Alamos National Laboratories as a technician when he claims
he met with Dr Edward Teller during a June 27, 1982 lecture.
Lazar says Teller was reading a front page story in the Los
Alamos Monitor about Lazar's jet propelled car when Lazar
walked up and identified himself. Teller was later contacted
for a job recommendation.
Lazar claims that he was
successful in being employed in a secret facility called S-4
that worked on reverse engineering project. He claimed that
the Department of Naval Intelligence was his employer.
Public documentation is available to prove Lazar had worked
at Los Alamos as he claimed, that the Los Alamos Monitor ran
a story on his jet propelled car, and that Lazar received at
least one payment from the Department of Naval Intelligence
in the period claimed he worked at S-4 (1989).
Lazar has since gone on to
establish a company that specialize in a range of innovative
propulsion and energy systems. Other aspects of Lazar's
education and employment have not been publicly verified.
The following passage describes
some of Lazar's claims concerning a briefing document he
claims to have witnessed confirming a firefight between
extraterrestrials and military personnel at a secret
facility in 1979.
[T]he most astounding
information came from more than two hundred pages of
"briefing" documents he [Lazar] was required to read to
prepare him for his job.... One intriguing aspect of
Lazar's briefing concerned his description of an
apparent battle between aliens and humans at a secret
based in 1979.
He said he read that a human
guard tried to take a weapon into the alien's area,
which resulted in fatal head wounds to security
personnel. Lazar's description of this incident matches
exactly with an account by UFO researcher Paul Bennewitz.
above and also similarities with the Dulce incident
described by Phil Schneider below - quote from Jim Marrs,
Alien Agenda - 1997, 270-71
Unconfirmed Witnesses
(no public documentation available to substantiate
Thomas Castello was an alleged security officer at a
secret joint U.S. extraterrestrial
base at Dulce, New
Mexico. He went underground after deciding to disclose the
following information.
He has been met by a few UFO
researchers to whom he passed on his story, but has
disappeared without confirmation of his background or story.
In the following passage, he
describes some problems that often arose between humans and
extraterrestrials working together at a secret underground
"Since I was the Senior
Security Technician at that base, I had to communicate
with them on a daily basis. If there were any problems
that involved security or video cameras, I was the one
they called. It was the reptilian "working caste" that
usually did the physical labor in the lower levels at
Decisions involving that
caste were usually made by the white Draco. When human
workers caused problems for the working caste, the reptoids went to the white Draconian 'boss', and the
Draco called me. At times, it felt like it was a never
ending problem. Several human workers resented the "no
nonsense" or "get back to work" attitude the working
caste lives by. When needed, intervention became a vital
The biggest problem were
human workers who foolishly wandered around near the
"OFF LIMITS" areas of the "Alien Section." I guess it's
human nature to be curious and to wonder what is past
the barriers. Too often someone found a way to bypass
the barriers and nosed around. The camera's near the
entrance usually stopped them before they got themselves
in serious trouble. A few times I had to formerly
request the return of a human worker.”
Cited in Branton,
The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien
Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth (Inner Light, 199)
ch. 11.
Dan Burisch allegedly
worked on classified microbiology projects at
Area 51 and
S-4. He began to disclose details of his classified work on
extraterrestrial projects while actively working on these.
This is unprecedented since it is a clear violation of
security procedures for classified projects. In all known
previous cases, such violation has led to the termination of
the violator's involvement in such projects.
Furthermore, there is much
controversy over the validity of Dan Burish's credentials
such as his Ph.D.
In the following passage from an
affidavit he signed in April 2005, he describes his
participation in secret negotiations with extraterrestrials
which resulted in a Treaty called Tau-9:
"You have also been a party
during the negotiations of a treaty known as the "Tau-9
Conference for the Preservation of Humanity", between
present human authorities and certain individuals
representing themselves as extraterrestrial peoples,
with their origin alleged to you as the star
constellations "Reticulum" and "Orion."
You have had physical
interaction with at least one such extraterrestrial."
The Dan Burisch Affidavit and
Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Michael Wolf allegedly
worked on an extensive number of of secret extraterrestrial
related projects. He claims to have worked on a top secret "Alphacom
Team" whose responsibility was to acclimate the global
public to extraterrestrial life. He claims to have a number
of advanced degrees but to date there has been public
confirmation of his alleged credentials or classified
In the following passage, he
describes some of the secret agreements reached between
elements of the U.S. government and different
extraterrestrial civilizations:
Dr. Wolf states that the
most important mission objective of his Alphacom Team
was resumption of negotiations with the visiting Star
Nations. In the 1950s-1960s, the U.S. Administration
entered into agreement discussions
with the Zetas
(so-called Greys) from the fourth planet of the star
system Zeta Reticuli, and other star peoples, but these
agreements were never ratified as Constitutionally
The Zetas shared certain of
their technological advances with government scientists,
apparently often while prisoner "guests" within secure
underground military installations in Nevada and New
Within MJ-12 UFO-Secrecy Management Group Reveals
Insider Secrets"
Phil Schneider
allegedly worked as a civil engineer on the construction of
deep underground military bases. He claims to have witnessed
documents and personally experienced events proving the
existence of extraterrestrials.
He claims that secret agreements
were entered into with extraterrestrials by the U.S.
government back in 1954, and furthermore, that he was
directly involved with a firefight with extraterrestrials in
1979 at a classified facility at Dulce New Mexico (as
earlier described by Paul Bennewitz):
"Back in 1954, under the
Eisenhower administration, the federal government
decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United
States and
form a treaty with alien entities. It was
called the 1954 Greada Treaty, which basically made the
agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows
and test their implanting techniques on a few human
beings, but that they had to give details about the
people involved.
Slowly, the aliens altered
the bargain until they decided they wouldn't abide by it
all all." Back in 1979, this was the reality, and the
fire-fight at Dulce occurred quite by accident. I was
involved in building an addition to the deep underground
military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest
base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep.
At that particular time, we had drilled four distinct
holes in the desert, and we were going to link them
together and blow out large sections at a time.
My job was to go down the
holes and check the rock samples, and recommend the
explosive to deal with the particular rock. As I was
headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a large
cavern that was full of outer-space aliens, otherwise
known as large Greys. I shot two of them. At that time,
there were 30 people down there. About 40 more came down
after this started, and all of them got killed. We had
surprised a whole underground base of existing aliens.
Mutual UFO Network Conference
Presentation, May 1995
The above list of witness statements is
a work in progress and is being compiled by Dr Michael Salla
for an upcoming study on secret agreements with extraterrestrial
If you know of credible whistleblowers
or witnesses who have made statements concerning secret government
or corporate agreements involving extraterrestrial life or
technology, please contact Dr Salla at: