by Michael Salla, Ph.D.
March 17, 20009
TheExaminer Website

United Nations
Today a select group of United Nations
officials learn about war and peace from the perspective of life on
an extraterrestrial mothership with much battle experience. It won’t
however be real life extraterrestrial veterans imparting their
knowledge of war and peace in space, but the creators and cast
members from the popular TV series, Battlestar Galactica.
The UN Department of Public Information
(DPI) and the Sci Fi channel are co-hosting the event which will be
moderated by Whoopi Goldberg. The event will explore “themes of
importance to both the United Nations and Battlestar Galactica."
These include:
It is hoped that discussing themes in
relation to the Sci Fi series which depicts extraterrestrial
civilizations experiencing war and peace will give fresh
perspectives on contemporary global problems.
Juan Carlos Brandt, Chief of Advocacy and Special Events at the UN
explained that the initiative grew out of the Sci Fi channel’s
interest in participating in the Secretary-General’s Creative
Outreach Initiative.
The initiative was launched in July 2008
by Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and aimed to foster collaboration
between the entertainment industry and the UN.
“They came to us and explained that
there were themes common to both the show and the UN” according
to Mr. Brandt, and “that those themes could be discussed here in
a serious manner.”
He explained that this will be the first
time that a TV show has been invited to participate in a UN panel
discussion. A webcast and a transcript of the panel discussion is
planned to be later released by the Sci Fi channel.
choice of Battlestar Galactica to cast light on global
conflicts is intended to seriously explore the virtues of
reconciling cultures with a history of armed conflict. The show
depicts human looking extraterrestrials looking for a new world
inhabited by a thirteenth tribe of humanity that escaped the
genocidal war that destroyed the home worlds of the original twelve
human tribes.
The 50,000 humans that escaped the
carnage are pursued by a group of cybernetic extraterrestrials
called Cylons bent on the destruction of all human life. The
begin to replicate with organic bodies and infiltrate the escaping
human society. By the end of the fourth season of the show, the
humans and Cylons have learned the painful lessons of war.
They were finally ready to seriously
embark on a new adventure of reconciliation and dialogue, by
integrating the two warring extraterrestrial groups into a new
I asked Mr Brandt,
“in what way does the Battlestar
Galactica depiction of extraterrestrial life practicing
reconciliation and dialogue assist humanity in preparations for
a future where extraterrestrial life may be discovered?”
He responded with a selection from a
speech from Asha-Rose Migiro, Deputy Secretary-General of the United
"Nobody can close their doors to
cultural intervention. And if we're talking of peace and
security, we have to talk of the different cultures that there
are, the different beliefs, and how human beings should learn to
live with one another. So this is one way that also contributes
to peace, contributes to stability and, therefore, creates the
conditions for development."
Battlestar Galactica takes themes
related to past genocidal conflicts and more recent ethnic cleansing
campaigns, to the level of a planet wide war of extermination by
cybernetic extraterrestrials that have learned to infiltrate human
society. This would certainly not be the form of “cultural
intervention” envisaged by Ms Migiro.
However, is it coincidental that another
famous Hollywood actor, President Ronald Reagan, who visited the UN
said something eerily similar about the cultural intervention to be
expected from extraterrestrial life, and the need for humanity to
President Reagan speech UN General Assembly
The possibility of cultural intervention by extraterrestrials was
considered in 1960 by the Brookings Institute that was commissioned
by NASA to write a report to the US Congress about the peaceful uses
of space.
Brookings Report described the cultural impact of the
discovery of extraterrestrial life and the risk of civilizational
The report said:
"The consequences for attitudes and
values are unpredictable, but would vary profoundly in different
cultures and between groups within complex societies; a crucial
factor would be the nature of the communication between us and
the other beings.
Whether or not earth would be
inspired to an all-out space effort by such a discovery is moot:
societies sure of their own place in the universe have
disintegrated when confronted by a superior society, and others
have survived even though changed. Clearly, the better we can
come to understand the factors involved in responding to such
crises the better prepared we may be."
Among the UN officials scheduled to
attend the Battlestar Galactic panel discussion is Dr
Robert Orr, Assistant Secretary General for Policy Coordination
and Strategic Planning. He earlier served at the U.S. National
Security Council, where he was in charge of peacekeeping and
humanitarian operations.
If the United Nations were to ever be
seriously confronted with issues of reconciliation and dialogue with
extraterrestrial life in conflict with humanity, Dr. Orr would be
high on the list of UN officials qualified to lead such an effort.
The themes of human rights; children and armed conflict; terrorism;
and “reconciliation and dialogue among civilizations and faiths”,
are certainly perennial global problems worth considering from a
fresh perspective. The UN can benefit greatly from considering these
themes from the perspective offered by the creators and cast of the
Battlestar Galactica series.
The choice of Battlestar Galactica
in discussing themes of war and peace from a fictional
extraterrestrial perspective, however, does run a risk. The show
perpetuates the anthropomorphic idea that genocidal human conflict
is as much a part of extraterrestrial behaviors as they are human.
While humanity may have much experience with genocidal conflict, it
is certainly not something that ought to be automatically projected
onto extraterrestrial life.
The UN may well consider implementing a
1978 UN General Assembly Decision 33/426 (see below insert) that called for
“Member States to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national
level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial
Perhaps then humanity would not risk
mistakenly projecting genocidal human conflict to possible galactic
U.N. ‘Battlestar Galactica' Forum
Omits ET/UFOs on 30th Anniversary of U.N. ET/UFOs
by Alfred Webre
March 18, 2009
TheExaminer Website
A March 17, 2009
United Nations ‘Battlestar Galactica” forum
failed to mention
extraterrestrial civilizations on
the 30th anniversary of a U.N. General Assembly decision on
establishing an agency for unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and
extraterrestrial life.
In an exclusive Examiner.com post-event interview, Juan
Carlos Brandt, U.N. spokesperson for an invitation-only forum
‘Battlestar Galactica’ at the United Nations admitted that,
“extraterrestrials were not
mentioned at the Battlestar Galactica forum.
Extraterrestrials were not brought up by anyone on the U.N.
side, or on the audience side.”
About 100 New York City high school
students were invited to attend the forum, held in the U.N.’s
Economic and Social Council Chamber, and ask questions of moderator
Whoopi Goldberg, actors Edward James Olmos and Mary
McDonnell as well as representatives from the United Nations’
offices of the secretary general and high commissioner for human
The omission of any mention of extraterrestrial civilizations
is startling because Battlestar Galactica is about a
extraterrestrial civilizations, and the year 2009 marks the 30th
anniversary of United Nations General Assembly Decision 33/426,
on the,
“establishment of an agency or a
department of the United Nations for undertaking,
co-coordinating and disseminating the results of research into
unidentified flying objects
(UFOs) and related phenomena.”
United Nations
General Assembly Decision 33/426 (1978)
[Reproduced from Resolutions and Decisions Adopted
by the General Assembly during its 33rd Session
(1978-1979): A/33/45 (GAOR, 33rd Session, Suppl. No.
33/426. Establishment of an agency or a department
of the United Nations for undertaking, coordinating
and disseminating the results of research into
unidentified flying objects and related phenomena.
At its 87th plenary
meeting, on 18 December 1978, the General Assembly,
on the recommendation of the Special Political
Committee adopted the following text as representing
the consensus of the members of the Assembly:
The General
Assembly has taken note of the statements made,
and draft resolutions submitted, by Grenada at
the thirty-second and thirty-third sessions of
the General Assembly regarding unidentified
flying objects and related phenomena.
General Assembly invites interested Member
States to take appropriate steps to coordinate
on a national level scientific research and
investigation into extraterrestrial life,
including unidentified flying objects, and to
inform the Secretary-General of the
observations, research and evaluation of such
The General
Assembly requests the Secretary-general to
transmit the statements of the delegation of
Grenada and the relevant documentation to the
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space,
so that it may consider them at its session in
The Committee on
the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space will permit
Grenada, upon its request, to present its views
to the Committee at its session in 1979. the
committee's deliberation will be included in its
report which will be considered by the General
Assembly at its thirty-fourth session."
Battlestar Galactica forum lauded
The U.N. Battlestar Galactica forum appears has been lauded
in the mainstream media, where over 130 articles appeared both prior
to an after the forum, praising the forum for its openness, and for
sparking debate on real world issues the U.N. and the TV series deal
Edward James Olmos, star of the
Battlestar Galactica series, for example stated at the forum:
“They’ll never be able to stop using
the word “race” as a cultural determinant. I just heard one of
the most prolific statements done by one of the great
humanitarians, he’s really trying to organize and bring us
together, and he used the word “race” as if there is a Latino
race, an Asian race, an indigenous race, a Caucasian race.
There’s no such thing as a Latino
race. There never has been. There never will be. There’s
only one race, and that’s what the show brought out. That is the
human race, period.”
Reasons why
extraterrestrials were not mentioned at U.N. forum
Why did not any of the senior United Nations officials, any of the
actors like Whoopi Goldberg and Edward James Olmos, or any of the
100 high school students attending the U.N. forum on Battlestar
Galactica, raise a question about the relevance of
extraterrestrial civilizations to the issues being discussed or to
the United Nations itself?
Mr. Brandt, U.N. Chief of Advocacy and Special Events,
attempted an answer on behalf of the U.N. Secretariat.
He stated that the,
“people attending the forum might
have thought that it was more important to resolve problems on
our own planet before looking to civilizations on another
We can only speculate that the
socializing effect of the
CIA 1953 Robertson Panel, which has
functionally prohibited public discourse of the extraterrestrial
presence in the mainstream media and in government kept the minds of
the audience of high school children and the likes of The View
host Whoopi Goldberg from asking even one “ET-related” question.
The UN &
extraterrestrial civilizations - One (1) member nation is needed
U.N. General Assembly Decision 33/426, adopted December 18, 1978,
"invites interested Member States to
take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level
scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial
life, including unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and to
inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and
evaluation of such activities.”
I asked U.N. spokesperson Brandt, who
stated he had seen a copy of UNGA Decision 33/426, 1978 several
years ago, whether the United Nations would entertain a similar
forum to the Battlestar Galactica forum on the question of
the extraterrestrial presence.
He stated unequivocally,
“if there is one (1) U.N. member
state that would ask for a meeting on extraterrestrials, it
would take place. The U.N. Secretariat is not going to create a
forum on extraterrestrial civilizations on its own.”
U.N. spokesperson Brandt’s attitude
toward UNGA 33/426, 1978 is very similar to that of the office of
Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann, the
former Sandinista foreign minister of Nicaragua (1979-90), who is
the President of the 63rd U.N. General Assembly.
When I spoke with the Ambassador
Norman Miranda, President
Brockman's Chief of Cabinet regarding implementation of U.N.
General Assembly Decision 33/426 on extraterrestrial life, Dr.
Miranda stated that President Brockmann's office would be very
willing to go forward with the implementation of UNGA Decision
33/426 if one (1) U.N. member nation were file a resolution for
its implementation.
The challenge
- Find one (1) U.N. member nation to implement UNGA 33/426, 1978
The U.N. member nation of Granada, whose
Prime Minister Sir
Eric Gairy was reportedly an
ET/UFO contactee, and whose office
had reportedly found the body of an extraterrestrial washed ashore
on Granadan beaches originally introduced UNGA Decision 33/426.
Although the U.S. delegation attempted
to derail UNGA Decision 33/426, the U.N. General Assembly adopted
It is now 30 years after its adoption, and UNGA Decision
33/426 has not been implemented. All that it would take to break the
embargo on the extraterrestrial presence would be for one of the 192
member nations of the United Nations to sponsor a resolution at the
United Nations General Assembly to that effect.
The Chief of Cabinet of the U.N. General
Assembly President, Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann, has said that his
office is ready to move forward with the resolution implementing
UNGA 33/426. President D’Escoto Brockman will be in office until the
end of the U.N. 63rd session in September 2009.
Who is our new Sir Eric Gairy, Prime Minister of Granada? Are the
ranks of present world leaders so devoid of vision and courage that
no single leader can step forward and sponsor a simple resolution at
the U.N. General Assembly?
A civil society effort, including Ambassador James McDonald
of the
Institute for Multi-track Diplomacy,
Michael Salla of the
Exopolitics Institute, Victor Viggiani of Exopolitics
Toronto and Alfred Lambremont Webre of the
Institute for Cooperation in Space
(ICIS), has been launched to locate that far-sighted U.N. member
nation that will introduce a resolution to implement UNGA Decision
Please feel free to contact this reporter with any leads to a U.N.
member nation that may wish to introduce this implementing
resolution at the United Nations General Assembly.
Why does
it matter that the U.N. recognize the extraterrestrial issue?
Skeptics of the human governance process may argue that
the United Nations is hopelessly
co-opted as the instrumentality of a genocidal and anti-democratic
“new world order” to be implemented by
corrupted elites such as
the Rockefeller and City of London,
Bilderberger group control groups.
Historically, that may or may not be the
case, and fundamental U.N. reform including abolition of the
Security Council, and the establishment of a constitutional,
democratically elected Earth Legislature may cure many of the
current infirmities of the United Nations.
We would point out that it is precisely the instrumentalities of the
war economy on Earth that have perpetuated the embargo on public
discourse of an extraterrestrial presence, starting with the
Durant Report of the 1953 CIA Robertson Panel.
It is time to overturn this embargo and start an open world
discourse on the extraterrestrial presence.
If the extraterrestrial presence is ethical and has the human
interest at heart, opening public discourse on this subject is in
the public interest and part of our rights under the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
If there is any specific extraterrestrial civilization that has
entered into secret agreements with terrestrial authorities or is
infiltrating our international and constitutional order, then it is
absolutely necessary for the security of our planet and, as Edward
James Olmos says, “the human race” that the full extraterrestrial
presence be studied at the level of the United Nations on the public
As Admiral Adama (Edward James Olmos) said at the U.N. forum,
“There is only one race: the human
race. SO SAY WE ALL!"
Our future exopolitical research may
need to determine just how prevalent the human race may be among
intelligent species among the 750 billion to 1 trillion solar masses
of the
Milky Way galaxy and in other
Discussion of these key issues is one of the fundamental reasons why
we need the extraterrestrial presence as part of public discourse at
the United Nations.