
by Greg Jenner
Abbotsford, B.C. Canada
DarkStar1 Website
I must admit, I felt a little uneasy
reading through the material of Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB).
From what I have read, Hitler and the Nazi’s depended heavily upon
her teachings. There was a substantial Tibetan and Chinese community
in Berlin thanks to the society’s occult interests and by 1941 there
was more than one thousand Tibetans living in and around Berlin.
For some reason I got the impression she had an axe to grind with
Christianity and held the Luciferians in a positive
light. On that note, I suppose you could say I do not agree with all
of her esoteric philosophy.
Despite all of that, however, I trudged through her work, and
gathered some interesting passages from her book titled: ‘The
Secret Doctrine’ 1888 that relate to Nibiru and the Dark Star.
The references are broken down into three headings:
1) Rosicrucians
2) Our Solar System’s
Two Companions – Nibiru and the Dark Star
3) Nemesis, the Grand
Cycle and the Zodiac
I’ve inserted [Brackets] and CAPITALS to
emphasize my argument.
I the first thing that perked my interest, within her two-volume
set, was how the ‘Rosicrucian’ name came about:
“At this stage of the re-awakening
of the Universe, the sacred symbolism represents…. a perfect
Circle with the (root) point in the Centre. This sign was
universal, therefore we find it in the Kabala also. The Western
Kabala, however, now in the hands of Christian mystics, ignores
it altogether, though it is plainly shown in the Zohar.
"These sectarians begin at the end, and show as the SYMBOL OF
PREGENETIC KOSMOS this sign, calling it "the Union of the Rose
and Cross," the great mystery of occult generation, from whence
the name - Rosicrucians (Rose Cross)!”
Vol.1; Page 19.
According to my research Rosicrucians
and Theosophists have acquired and continue to search for ancient
knowledge from manuscripts and books, some actually hidden within
the bowels of the Earth.
HPB states possible locations as to
where these ancient documents might be:
“A. Wilder says that Gan-duniyas is
a name of Babylonia. In the Chaldean ‘Book of Numbers’ the
location is designated in numerals and in the cipher Rosicrucian
manuscript, left by Count St. Germain, it is fully described.”
Vol. 2; page 202 [So it
would seem Count St. Germain was a key person involved with
esoteric secret knowledge—GJ]
“It has been claimed in ALL AGES that ever since the destruction
of the Alexandrian Library (see Isis Unveiled, Vol. II., p. 27),
every work of a character that might have led the profane to the
ultimate discovery and comprehension of some of the mysteries of
the Secret Science, was, owing to the combined efforts of the
members of the Brotherhoods, diligently searched for. It is
added, moreover, by those who know, that once found, save three
copies left and stored safely away, such works were all
destroyed. In India, the last of the precious manuscripts were
secured and hidden during the reign of the Emperor Akbar”.
“It is maintained, furthermore, that every sacred book of that
kind, whose text was not sufficiently veiled in symbolism, or
which had any direct references to the ancient mysteries, after
having been carefully copied in cryptographic characters, such
as to defy the art of the best and cleverest paleographer, was
also destroyed to the last copy. During Akbar's reign, some
fanatical courtiers, displeased at the Emperor's sinful prying
into the religions of the infidels, themselves helped the
Brahmans to conceal their MSS. Such was Badaoni, who had an
undisguised horror for Akbar's mania for idolatrous religions.”
“Moreover in all the large and wealthy lamaseries, there are
whenever the gonpa and the lhakhang are situated in the
mountains. Beyond the Western Tsay-dam, in the solitary passes
of Kuen-lun [Karakorum mountains, Western Tibet] THERE ARE
SEVERAL SUCH HIDING PLACES. Along the ridge of Altyn-Toga, whose
soil no European foot has ever trodden so far, there exists a
certain hamlet, lost in a deep gorge. It is a small cluster of
houses, a hamlet rather than a monastery, with a poor-looking
temple in it, with one old lama, a hermit, living near by to
watch it.
"Pilgrims say that the subterranean galleries and halls under it
contain a collection of books, the number of which, according to
the accounts given, is too large to find room even in the
British Museum. [(According to the same tradition the now
desolate regions of the waterless land of Tarim - a true
wilderness in the heart of Turkestan - were in the days of old
covered with flourishing and wealthy cities. At present, hardly
a few verdant oases relieve its dead solitude. One such, sprung
on the sepulchre of a vast city swallowed by and buried under
the sandy soil of the desert, belongs to no one, but is often
visited by Mongolians and Buddhists. The same tradition speaks
of immense subterranean abodes, of large corridors filled with
tiles and cylinders. It may be an idle rumor, and it may be an
actual fact.)]”
"All this is very likely to provoke a smile of doubt. But then,
before the reader rejects the truthfulness of the reports, let
him pause and reflect over the following well known facts. The
collective researches of the Orientalists, and especially the
labors of late years of the students of comparative Philology
and the Science of Religions have led them to ascertain as
"An immense, incalculable number of MSS., and even printed works
known to have existed, are now to be found no more. They have
disappeared without leaving the slightest trace behind them.
Were they works of no importance they might, in the natural
course of time, have been left to perish, and their very names
would have been obliterated from human memory. But it is not so;
for, as now ascertained, most of them contained the true keys to
works still extant, and entirely incomprehensible, for the
greater portion of their readers, without those additional
volumes of Commentaries and explanations. Such are, for
instance, the works of Lao-tse, the predecessor of Confucius.”
“He is said to have written 930 books on Ethics and religions,
and seventy on magic, one thousand in all. His great work,
however, the heart of his doctrine, the "Tao-te-King," or the
sacred scriptures of the Taosse, has in it, as Stanislas
Julien shows, only "about 5,000 words" (Tao-te-King, p.
xxvii.), hardly a dozen of pages, yet Professor Max Muller finds
that "the text is unintelligible without commentaries, so that
Mr. Julien had to consult more than sixty commentators for the
purpose of his translation," the earliest going back as far as
the year 163 B.C., not earlier, as we see.
During the four centuries and a half
that preceded this earliest of the commentators there was ample
time to veil the true Lao-tse doctrine from all but his
initiated priests. The Japanese, among whom are now to be found
the most learned of the priests and followers of Lao-tse, simply
laugh at the blunders and hypotheses of the European Chinese
scholars; and tradition affirms that the commentaries to which
our Western Sinologues have access are not the real occult
records, but intentional veils, and that the true commentaries,
as well as almost all the texts, have long since disappeared
from the eyes of the profane.”
“The oasis of Tchertchen, for instance, situated about
4,000 feet above the level of the river Tchertchen-D'arya, is
surrounded with the ruins of archaic towns and cities in every
direction. There, some 3,000 human beings represent the relics
of about a hundred extinct nations and races -- the very names
of which are now unknown to our ethnologists. An anthropologist
would feel more than embarrassed to class, divide and subdivide
them; the more so, as the respective descendants of all these
antediluvian races and tribes know as little of their own
forefathers themselves, as if they had fallen from the moon.
When questioned about their origin,
they reply that they know not whence their fathers had come, but
had heard that their first (or earliest) men were ruled by the
great genii of these deserts. This may be put down to ignorance
and superstition, yet in view of the teachings of the Secret
Doctrine, the answer may be based upon primeval tradition.
Alone, the tribe of Khoorassan claims to have come from
what is now known as Afghanistan, long before the days of
Alexander, and brings legendary lore to that effect as
The Russian traveler, Colonel (now
General) Prjevalsky, found quite close to the oasis of
Tchertchen, the ruins of two enormous cities, the oldest of
which was, according to local tradition, ruined 3,000 years ago
by a hero and giant; and the other by the Mongolians in the
tenth century of our era.
"The emplacement of the two
cities is now covered, owing to shifting sands and the
desert wind, with strange and heterogeneous relics; with
broken china and kitchen utensils and human bones. The
natives often find copper and gold coins, melted silver,
ingots, diamonds, and turquoises, and what is the most
remarkable -- broken glass..."
"Coffins of some undecaying
wood, or material, also, within which beautifully preserved
embalmed bodies are found... The male mummies are all
waving hair... A vault was found with twelve dead men
sitting in it. Another time, in a separate coffin, a young
girl was discovered by us. Her eyes were closed with golden
discs, and the jaws held firm by a golden circlet running
from under the chin across the top of the head. Clad in a
narrow woolen garment, her bosom was covered with golden
stars, the feet being left naked."
(From a lecture by N. M.
To this, the famous traveler adds
that all along their way on the river Tchertchen they heard
legends about twenty-three towns buried ages ago by the shifting
sands of the deserts. The same tradition exists on the Lob-nor
and in the oasis of Kerya.”
“The traces of such civilization, and these and like traditions,
give us the right to credit other legendary lore warranted by
well educated and learned natives of India and Mongolia, when
they speak of IMMENSE LIBRARIES reclaimed from the sand,
together with various relics of ancient MAGIC lore, which have
all been safely stowed away. To recapitulate. The Secret
Doctrine was the universally diffused religion of the ancient
and prehistoric world. Proofs of its diffusion, authentic
records of its history, a complete chain of documents, showing
its character and presence in every land, together with the
teaching of all its great adepts, exist to this day in the
secret crypts of libraries belonging to the Occult Fraternity.”
“This statement is rendered more credible by a consideration of
the following facts:
the tradition of the thousands of ancient
parchments saved when the Alexandrian library was destroyed
thousands of Sanskrit works which disappeared in India in the reign of Akbar
the universal tradition in China and Japan that
the true old texts with the commentaries, which alone make them
comprehensible - amounting to many thousands of volumes - have
long passed out of the reach of profane hands
the disappearance
of the vast sacred and occult literature of Babylon
the loss of
those keys which alone could solve the thousand riddles of the
Egyptian hieroglyphic records
the tradition in India that the
real secret commentaries which alone make the Veda intelligible,
though no longer visible to profane eyes, still remain for the
initiate, hidden in secret caves and crypts
an identical
belief among the Buddhists, with regard to their secret books
“The Occultists assert that all these exist, safe from Western
spoliating hands, to re-appear in some more enlightened age, for
which in the words of the late Swami Dayanand Sarasvati,
"the Mlechchhas (outcasts, savages, those beyond the pale of
Aryan civilization) will have to wait.”
“For it is not the fault of the initiates that these documents
are now "lost" to the profane; nor was their policy dictated by
selfishness, or any desire to monopolize the life-giving sacred
lore. There were portions of the Secret Science that for
incalculable ages had to remain concealed from the profane gaze.
But this was because to impart to the unprepared multitude
secrets of such tremendous importance, was equivalent to giving
a child a lighted candle in a powder magazine.”
“Moreover, there is a well-known fact, a very curious one,
corroborated to the writer by a reverend gentleman attached for
years to a Russian Embassy -- namely, that there are several
documents in the St. Petersburg Imperial Libraries to show that,
even so late as during the days when Freemasonry, and Secret
Societies of Mystics flourished unimpeded in Russia, i.e., at
the end of the last and the beginning of the present century,
more than one Russian Mystic traveled to Tibet via the Ural
mountains in search of knowledge and initiation IN THE UNKNOWN
And more than one returned years
later, with a rich store of such information as could never have
been given him anywhere in Europe. Several cases could be cited,
and well-known names brought forward, but for the fact that such
publicity might annoy the surviving relatives of the said late
Initiates. Let any one look over the Annals and History of
Freemasonry in the archives of the Russian metropolis, and he
will assure himself of the fact stated.”
Vol. 1; Page xxiii to Page xxxvi
According to my research, four mystic
Tibet explorers come to mind for the quest of esoteric knowledge:
Theodore Illion—German (Darkness
Over Tibet - 1937)
Illion’s account of Tibet was
instrumental in persuading the NAZI government to send yearly
expeditions into Tibet. I should point out that Karl Haushofer
and Rudolf Hess were both Theosophists and suggest here that
Rudolf Hess personally knew of the Dark Star. I may address this
in a future essay.
Ferdinand Ossendowski—Russian
(Beasts, Men and Gods - 1922)
T. Lobsang Rampa (The Third
Eye - 1956)
Nicholas Roerich—Russian (Shambhalla
- 1930)
From the reports of these mystic
travelers, I believe Central Asia holds the key for unlocking a
wealth of esoteric knowledge, including our Dark Star binary system.
For a more in-depth look at these
explorers, see the ‘Nibiru
and the Subterranean Connection’.
HPB not only describes our own Sun but describes the Central Sun
(Center of our Galaxy—GJ) and TWO other SUNS in our Solar System!
Could the Polar Sun be Nibiru and
the Equatorial Sun be the Dark Star?
See below:
“Thus even the now exoteric
Kabalistic teachings speak of a Central Sun, and of three
SECONDARY SUNS in each solar system - our own included. As
shown in that able though too materialistic work, "New Aspects
of Life and Religion," which is a synopsis of the views of the Kabalists in an aspect deeply thought out and assimilated:
“The Central Sun... was to them (as much as to the Aryans) the
centre of Rest; the centre to which all motion was to be
ultimately referred. Round this central sun... 'the FIRST OF
ON AN EQUATORIAL PLANE'... and the third only was our visible
sun. These four solar bodies were 'the organs on whose action
what man calls the creation, the evolution of life on the
planet, earth, depends.' The channels through which the
influence of these bodies was conveyed to the Earth they (the
Kabalists) held to be electrical”
(p. 287)....
"The radiant energy flowing from the
central sun called the Earth into being as a watery globe,"
whose tendency, "as the nucleus of a planetary body, was to rush
to the (central) Sun... within the sphere of whose attraction it
had been created," "but the radiant energy, similarly
electrifying both, withheld the one from the other, and so
changed motion towards into motion round the centre of
attraction, which the revolving planet (Earth) thus sought to
“This Kabalistic view is here quoted, to show its perfect
identity in spirit with the Eastern doctrine. Explain, or
complete the teaching of the SEVEN SUNS with the seven systems
of planes of being, of which the "Suns" are the central bodies,
and you have the seven angelic planes, whose "Host" are gods
thereof, collectively. (See Comm. to Stanza VII Book I.) They
are the Head-group divided into four classes from the
incorporeal down to the semi-corporeal, which classes are
directly connected - though in very different ways as regards
voluntary connection and functions - with our mankind. They are
three, synthesized by the fourth (the first and highest), which
is called the "Central Sun" in the Kabalistic doctrine just
This is the great difference between
the Semitic and the Aryan Cosmogony; one materializing,
humanizes the mysteries of nature; the other spiritualizes
matter, and its physiology is always made subservient to
metaphysics. Thus, though the seventh principle reaches man
through all the phases of being, pure as an indiscrete element
and an impersonal unity, it passes through (the Kabala teaches
from) the CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN [Center of the Milky Way—GJ] and
Group the SECOND (THE POLAR SUN), which two radiate on man his
cement the Buddhi to Atman and the higher attributes of Manas,
while group Four (the spirit of our visible sun) endows him with
his Manas and its vehicle - the Kama rupa, or body of passions
and desires, the two elements of Ahamkara which evolve
individualized consciousness - the personal ego.”
Vol.2; Page 240.
Here is an interesting passage in which
I believe HPB describes Nibiru:
STANZA III. - Continued
“7. Behold, Oh Lanoo!
** the RADIANT CHILD of the two, the unparalleled
refulgent glory, bright space, SON OF DARK SPACE, who EMERGES
FROM THE DEPTHS of the great dark waters. It is Oeaohoo, the
younger, the (whom thou knowest now as kwan-shai-yin. --
comment) (a).
and Chatur takes to itself three, and the union produces the
Sapta (seven) in whom are the seven which become the Tridasa…
(the thrice ten) the hosts and the multitudes (b).
Lanoo is a student, a chela who studies practical Esotericism.
Here, HPB makes an interesting reference
to VULCAN stating its reign is 4,477 years. Although she states that
Suidas and Dr. Sepp erroneously said Vulcan’s reign was only 4,477
days. Could 4,477 years really be VULCAN’S orbit? Is Vulcan
Nibiru? I wonder...
See below:
“It has been urged against the
duration claimed by the Babylonians for their divine ages, that
Suidas shows the ancients counting, in their chronological
computations, days for years. Dr. Sepp in his ingenious
plagiarism -- exposed elsewhere -- of the Hindu 432 in thousands
and millions of years (the duration of the Yugas) which he
dwarfed to 4,320 lunar years before the "birth of Christ" -- as
"foreordained" in the sidereal (besides the invisible) heavens,
and proved "by the apparition of the Star of Bethlehem" --
appeals to Suidas and his authority.
But Suidas had no other warrant for
it than his own speculations, and he was no Initiate. He cites,
as a proof, VULCAN, in showing him as having, according to
chronological claim, REIGNED 4,477 YEARS, i.e., [or] 4,477 days,
as he thinks, or rendered in years, 12 years, 3 months, and 7
days; he has 5 days in his original -- thus committing an error
even in such an easy calculation. (See Suidas, art. [[Heelios]].)”
Vol. 1; Page 619 & 620.
I maintain that Nibiru coming
near the Sun and Earth would ‘trigger’ natural events such as
Enoch’s visionary Deluge, a pole shift and Sun wobble in which
HPB describes below:
PERIOD OF THE UNIVERSAL FLOOD. Precisely so; and the Secret
Doctrine teaches that that “order of nature” has been thus
altered, and the series of the Earth’s humanities too.
For, as the angel Uriel tells Enoch:
“Behold, I have showed thee all
things, O Enoch; and all things I have revealed to thee.
Thou seest the Sun, the Moon, and those which conduct the
stars in Heaven, which cause all their operations, seasons,
and arrivals to return. In the days of sinners THE YEARS
SHALL BE SHORTENED…. the moon shall change its laws, etc.”
(chap. lxxix).
In those days also, years before the
great Deluge that CARRIED AWAY THE ATLANTEANS and changed the
face of the whole earth—because “THE EARTH (ON ITS AXIS) BECAME
“And now a natural question. Who could have informed the
apocryphal author of this powerful vision (to whatever age he
may be assigned before the day of Galileo) that THE EARTH COULD
“There are many such “dark sayings” throughout Puranas, Bible
and Mythology; and to the occultist they divulge two facts:
(a) that the ancients knew as
well, and better, perhaps, than the moderns do, astronomy,
geognosy and cosmography in general
(b) that the globe and its
behavior have altered more than once since the primitive
state of things
Thus, on the blind faith of his
“ignorant” religion, which taught that PHAETON, in his desire to
learn the hidden truth, MADE THE SUN DEVIATE [dance and wobble—GJ]
Vol. 2; Pages 533, 534 &
Is HPB hinting that PHAETON was the
cause of Noah’s Flood? I tend to agree. PHAETON was one of the two
celestial bodies in the Nibiru/Dark Star system. See ‘Nibiru
and the Atlantean Connection’.
The following passages portray how HPB makes the connection between
“There is a purpose in every
important act of Nature, whose acts are all cyclic and
periodical. But spiritual Forces having been usually confused
with the purely physical, the former are denied by, and
therefore, have to remain unknown to Science, because left
“No metaphysician or theosophist could demur to these truths,
which are all embodied in esoteric teachings. There is a
predestination in the geological life of our globe, as in the
history, past and future, of races and nations. This is closely
connected with what we call Karma and Western Pantheists,
"NEMESIS" and "CYCLES." The law of evolution is now carrying us
along the ascending arc of our cycle, when the effects will be
once more re-merged into, and re-become the (now neutralized)
causes, and all things affected by the former will have regained
their original harmony. This will be the cycle of our special
"Round," a moment in the duration of the great cycle, or the
Vol. 1; Page 640 and 641.
“THE GRAND CYCLE includes the progress of mankind from the
appearance of primordial man of ethereal form. It runs through
the inner cycles of his (man's) progressive evolution from the
ethereal down to the semi-ethereal and purely physical: down to
the redemption of man from his coat of skin and matter, after
which it continues running its course downward and then upward
again, to meet at the culmination of a Round, when the
manvantaric "SERPENT SWALLOWS ITS TAIL" and seven minor cycles
are passed.
These are the great Racial Cycles
which affect equally all the nations and tribes included in that
special Race; but there are minor and national as well as tribal
cycles within those, which run independently of each other. They
are called in the Eastern esotericism the Karmic cycles. In the
West, since Pagan Wisdom has been repudiated as having grown
from and been developed by the dark powers supposed to be at
constant war and in opposition to the little tribal Jehovah --
the full and awful significance of the Greek Nemesis (or Karma)
has been entirely forgotten.
Otherwise Christians would have
better realized the profound truth that Nemesis is without
attributes; that while the dreaded goddess is absolute and
immutable as a Principle, it is we ourselves -- nations and
individuals -- who PROPEL HER TO ACTION and give the impulse to
mortals, but once created, it is they WHO MAKE OF HER EITHER A
Vol. 1; Page 642
HPB references how the Garuda Bird
(see image below) represents THE GREAT CYCLE. I argue the symbolism
shown here is uncannily similar to ‘the winged disc’ icon:
“Now, the Secret Doctrine furnishes
a key which reveals to us on indisputable grounds of comparative
analogy that GARUDA, the allegorical and monstrous half-man and
half-bird - the Vahan or vehicle on which Vishnu (who is Kâla,
“time”) is shown to ride - is the origin of all other such
allegories. He is the Indian PHOENIX, the emblem of cyclic and
periodical time, the “man-lion” Singha, of whose representations
the so-called “gnostic gems” are so full.
“Over the seven rays of the lion’s
crown, and corresponding to their points, stand in many cases,
the seven vowels of the Greek alphabet AEHIOY, testifying to
the Seven Heavens.” This is the Solar lion and the emblem of the
“Maha-Kalpa” co-eternal with Vishnu, and also, of course, the
emblem of the Sun, and Solar cycle.
"This is shown in the details of the allegory. At his birth,
Garuda is mistaken for Agni, the God of Fire, on account of this
(GARUDA”S) “DAZZLING SPLENDOUR,” and called thereupon
Gaganeswara, “LORD OF THE SKY.” Again, his being represented as
Osiris, and by many heads of allegorical monsters on the Abraxas
(gnostic) gems, with the head and beak of an eagle or a hawk
Son is JâTABU, THE CYCLE OF 60,000 years.”
Vol.2; Page 564
Here, HPB references ‘flaming
messengers’ and what they portend:
“This because their little
historical period, so called, allows them no margin for
comparison. Sidereal heaven is before them; and though their
spiritual vision is still unopened and the atmospheric dust of
terrestrial origin seals their sight and chains it to the limits
of physical systems, still they do not fail to perceive the
movements and note the behavior of meteors and comets. They
record the periodical advents of those wanderers and "FLAMING
MESSENGERS," and prophesy, in consequence, earthquakes, meteoric
showers, THE APPARITION OF CERTAIN STARS, comets, etc., etc. are
they soothsayers for all that? No, they are learned
“Why, then, should occultists and astrologers, as learned, be
disbelieved, when they prophesy the return of some cyclic event
on the same mathematical principle? Why should the claim that
they know it be ridiculed? Their forefathers and predecessors,
having recorded the recurrence of such events in their time and
day, throughout a period embracing hundreds of thousands of
years, the conjunction of the same constellations must
necessarily produce, if not quite the same, at any rate, similar
"Are the prophecies derided, because of the claim of the
hundreds of thousands of years of observation, and the millions
of years of the human races? In its turn modern Science is
laughed at for its far more modest geological and
anthropological figures, by those who hold to Biblical
chronology. Thus Karma adjusts even human laughter at the mutual
expense of sects, learned societies, and individuals.
"Yet in the prognostication of such future events, at any rate,
all foretold on the authority of CYCLIC RECURRENCES, there is no
psychic phenomenon involved. It is neither prevision, nor
prophecy; no more than is the signaling of a comet OR STAR,
mathematically correct computations which enable the wise men of
the east to foretell, for instance, that England is on the eve
of such or another catastrophe; France, nearing such a point of
her cycle, and Europe in general threatened with, or rather, on
the eve of, a cataclysm, which her own cycle of racial Karma has
led her to.
The reliability of the information
depends, of course, on the acceptation or rejection of the claim
for a tremendous period of historical observation. Eastern
Initiates maintain that they have preserved records of the
racial development and of EVENTS OF UNIVERSAL IMPORT ever since
the beginning of the Fourth Race -- that which preceded being
Moreover, those who believe in
Seership and Occult powers will have no difficulty in crediting
the general character, at least, of the information given, even
if traditional, once the latter is checked and corrected by the
corroboration of clairvoyance and esoteric knowledge. But in the
present case no such metaphysical belief is claimed as our chief
dependence, but a proof is given on what, to every Occultist, is
quite scientific evidence -- the records preserved through the
Zodiac for incalculable ages.”
“It is now amply proved that even horoscopes and judiciary
astrology are not quite based on a fiction, and that stars and
constellations, consequently, have an occult and mysterious
influence on, and connection with, individuals. And if with the
latter, why not with nations, races, and mankind in bulk? This,
again, is a claim made on the authority of the Zodiacal records.
We shall examine then, if you please, how far the Zodiac was
known to the ancients, and how far it is forgotten by the
Vol. 1; Page 646
This is an interesting passage. HPB
references a ‘TWELFTH STAR.’ Could this be, in any way,
connected to
“The Old Testament is full of
allusions to the twelve zodiacal signs, and the whole scheme is
built upon it -- heroes, personages, and events. Thus in the
dream of Joseph, who saw eleven "stars" bowing to the TWELFTH,
which was HIS “STAR”….[See Edgar Cayce’s HIS STAR
reference in ‘Nibiru
and the Atlantean Connection’—GJ]
The Roman Catholics have discovered
in it, moreover, a prophecy of CHRIST, WHO IS THAT TWELFTH STAR,
they say, and the eleven apostles; the absence of the twelfth
being also regarded as a prophetic allusion to the treachery of
Judas. The twelve sons of Jacob are again a reference to the
same, as justly pointed out by Villapandus (Temple de Jerusalem,
Vol. II., p. 2nd part, chap. xxx).
Sir James Malcolm, in his History of
Persia (ch. vii.), shows the Dabistan echoing all such
traditions about the Zodiac. He traces the invention of it to
the palmy days of the golden age of Iran, remarking that one of
the said traditions maintains that the genii of the planets are
represented under the same shapes and figures they had assumed,
when they showed themselves to several holy prophets, and have
thus led to the establishment of the rites based on the Zodiac.”
“Pythagoras, and after him Philo Judaeus, held the
number 12 as very sacred. "The dodecahedron is a perfect
number." It is the one among the signs of the Zodiac, Philo
adds, that the sun visits in twelve months, and it is to honor
that sign that Moses divided his nation into twelve tribes,
established the twelve cakes (Levit. xxiv., 5) of the shewbread,
and placed twelve precious stones around the ephod of the
pontiffs. (See De Profugis.)”
him for the conflagration of the world (pralaya), and another
for a deluge, is found to answer to the time given in an ancient
SIDEREAL YEAR OF 25,868 YEARS. The names of the Akkadian months
were called by, and derived from, the names of the signs of the
Zodiac, and the Akkadians themselves are far earlier than the
Mr. Proctor shows, in his
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy, that the ancient astronomers
had acquired a system of the most accurate astronomy 2,400 years
B.C.; the Hindus date their Kali Yug from a great periodical
conjunction of the planets thirty-one centuries B.C.; and,
withal, it is the Greeks belonging to the expedition of
Alexander the Great, who were the instructors of the Aryan
Hindus in astronomy!”
Vol.1; Page 649.
Continuing along, HPB states:
“There are those learned iconoclasts
among Egyptologists, who say that "when the Pharisees sought a
'sign from heaven' Jesus said, 'THERE SHALL NO SIGN BE
GIVEN BUT THE SIGN OF JONAS' (Mat. xvi. 4)... The sign of Jonas
is that of the Oan or fishman of Nineveh... Assuredly there was
no other sign than that of the SUN REBORN in Pisces. The voice
of the Secret Wisdom says those who are looking for signs can
have no other than that of the returning FISH-MAN ICHTHYS,
OANNES, or Jonas [Amphibian or one of the ‘Serpent Race.’ See
David Icke’s material—GJ]
-- who could not be made flesh."
It would appear that Kepler maintained it as a positive fact
that, at the moment of the "incarnation," all the planets were
in conjunction in the sign of Pisces, called by the Jews (the
Kabalists) the "constellation of the Messiah."
"It is in this constellation,"
he averred, "that was placed the STAR OF THE MAGI."
This statement, quoted by Dr.
Sepp (Vie de notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, Vol. I. p.
9), emboldened him to remark that,
"all the Jewish traditions while
that "it would absorb the seventy planets that preside over
the destinies of various nations on this globe. In virtue of
those natural prophecies," explains Dr. Sepp, "it was
written in the stars of the firmament that the Messiah would
be born in the lunar year of the world 4320, in that
memorable year when the entire choir of the planets would be
feasting its jubilee."”
Vol.1; Page 653
And lastly, HPB references a NEW SUN
that will triumphantly appear:
“Without stopping to notice this
very unscientific chronology more than is necessary, we may make
a few remarks that may be found to the point. These figures of
4,320 lunar years of the world (in the Bible the solar years are
used) are not fanciful, as such, even if their application is
quite erroneous; for they are only the distorted echo of the
primitive esoteric, and later on Brahminical doctrine concerning
the Yugas.
A "Day" of Brahma equals
4,320,000,000 years, as also a "Night" of Brahma, or the
duration of Pralaya, after which a NEW SUN rises triumphantly
over a new manvantara, for the septenary chain it illuminates.”
Vol.1; Page 655
As mentioned earlier, it seems likely that the Theosophists
and Rosicrucians have acquired and continue to search for
ancient manuscripts and documents buried deep within antediluvian
vaults around the globe.
‘The Secret Doctrine’ is a great
example of such a compilation of esoteric knowledge and I believe my
supporting list of evidence has brought forth a solid connection
between HPB’s material and the Dark Star binary system.