by Ki’ Lia
February 2010
2012GoddessCosmos Website
My recruitment into a classified project
Time & Quantum Access Technologies
and Gaia’s urgent call for
a section for beginners to global conspiracy knowledge.
For those who are
already informed,
you can skip to the core Mars Colony
recruitment story
here below.
Like many who are
awakening in these End Times or Shift of Ages, I know I
am a spiritual being having a temporary human
experience. The challenges are rough, yet what’s on the
other side is beyond imaginable.
Always unfathomable to me is how very little our current
reality is based on true wisdom, compassion and the laws
of nature. How much longer are we going to endure the
lies of society… from media, politics, religion, money,
science... to the lies within all of us as human
individuals? How much longer are we going to let our
planet devolve? Be overrun by
the elite game players of
war, famine, disease and negativity? How much longer are
truth-tellers, dissidents and revolutionaries going to
be ridiculed, shut down, silenced or even killed?
What if after dozens to hundreds to thousands of years
of the cover-up of our real star origins and neighbors,
the truth comes out and the world finally knows that we
are not alone in the universe?
How could the truth of this magnitude be kept hidden for
so long? How and when could mass
Disclosure happen? How
will the world change? How can we prepare?
Disclosure has been a major 'meme' accelerating in the
alternative media. It is the tangible form of the
‘Ascension’ or consciousness movement – this expansion
beyond our physical form and the returning to our true
eternal selves as originating from the stars.
Disclosure involves a highly complex set of topics:
exopolitics, UFO sightings & crashes, ET contact, free
energy & quantum travels, alternative medicine,
metaphysics, psychic abilities, secret societies &
Global Elite NWO agendas, Mayan Calendar & 2012
prophecies, Atlantis & ancient civilizations, return of
Divine Feminine & Sacred Union, common origin myths of
world religions, geomagnetic & solar system changes,
sacred geometry, the endless rabbit hole, etc...
I used to read books on conspiracies (like David Icke’s
Biggest Secret), which were very fascinating and
resonating to me about what was going on at this crazy
planet in all its multi-layers. However, I didn’t fully
grasp how deep the rabbit hole was or how I could ever
possibly be related to a global conspiracy until I
encountered this Mars colony project that I will be
describing later here.
Despite being naive to how evil
deliberately deceives and manipulates, I always was
trying to unlock what was happening. I knew I was being
led into something full of treachery, yet I remained
conscious and alert.
For those just entering these topics, be excited,
discerning and forewarned. For quite some time, these
things have been ridiculed and suppressed as the fringe,
loony and out-there by fierce, unethical
government-sanctioned operations (i.e., 1950's CIA
Robertson Panel). A disinformation campaign is a
cleverly packaged message alternating between phrases of
truths and lies, which leaves the receiver confused,
disoriented or indifferent.
Many times however, the ET/UFO disinformation operation
is so embedded into a culture (in mainstream as well as
alternative media) that it becomes part of the esoteric
truth canon, and it’s hard to tell fact from fiction,
except for the genuine and investigative seer. These
fields of study have been corrupted and distorted so
much that the gems of absolute truth are few and far
In a higher perspective, if these mass institutional
lies are still happening, then we as a collective
society is still playing the patriarchal, divisive game
of abuser and victim. External forces are only
responding to a polarity within us.
When we activate the
forgotten Goddess out of her long silence or oppression,
then her harmony will balance the etheric realms and in
turn a physical tipping point or critical mass that will
trigger Disclosure – this revealing of the shadows of
the planet and catapulting us into love.
How can we navigate and sift through this rapid influx
of information coming from all over the place,
especially this World Wide Web? How do we reconcile all
the various prophecies about
2012 and beyond, and create
and prepare for our collective future?
Famous prophets throughout the ages have warned us about
being on a timeline of catastrophe. Famous prophets have
given us grand visions of a timeline of enlightenment
and transcendence. Many prophets, not so famous, have
been also apathetic and cynical about any change
Anybody who claims to know all the answers is false.
Anybody who claims they are the only one able to save
humanity is false. It’s a collective effort, and no one
in a human body knows everything. Trusted leaders will
make their mark, but each person has her/his unique and
precious role.
Some of the popular prophets can be seen as time
travelers who are accessing different timelines when the
things they are predicting for this current timeline
have already occurred. When their prediction is made
here in this timeline, the vibration of the words and
message cause a ripple in the matrix or ‘Butterfly
Effect’ that inevitably changes things.
Scientists who make theories and predictions based
purely on 3D empirical evidence without factoring in
their interfacing consciousness, or the ‘observer
effect’ in quantum physics, are missing a whole lot of
truth. While the hard data might be accurate, a forecast
about the future would be faulty without the
consideration of the power of people’s consciousness and
intent to alter events.
The awakened collective and Mother Earth
Gaia are
orchestrating this shift.
She is the voice of true
change, compassion, divine justice and forgiveness. When
we speak with her guidance and voice, we will dissolve
the masculine dominance that has been happening in the
past few thousand years and create a sacred marriage in
the universal matrix of reality.
Out of this union,
the divine child is born. We all will be reborn. |
This is a glimpse into a personal experience of how a few years ago
I, Ki’ Lia, got recruited into an extremely dangerous mission to
Mars, and my strange and profound encounter with secret society
agents and their use of time and quantum access technologies to
manipulate our collective evolution.
This is a revelation about how government agencies currently have
been establishing Mars as a survival colony and how the
widely-prophesied date of 2012 has been seen as diverging into two
major timelines, either catastrophe or transcendence.
While those not familiar with any of these concepts might find my
story unbelievable and shocking, my story is organically emerging
and being normalized in an exopolitical context as established by
many courageous new and longtime whistleblowers and researchers of
classified trillion-dollar
Black Budget projects. I’m not asking
anyone to believe in any particular ideology or philosophy, rather
I’m sharing my genuine experiences and understandings in hopes that
others will explore and pursue the truths apart from the lies as fed
to us from all angles in society.
I was recruited as an interdisciplinary designer and futurist who
has been consulting and collaborating with many renowned new
paradigm leaders.
Primarily though, I have been a virtuoso artist in
music, design, dance and writing, who has exhibited numerous praised
works. I am also a multidimensional guide who has given hundreds of
transformative readings and healings. I am also a human with the
spectrum of emotions and flaws, who is vulnerable to this negative
With an arts degree from Stanford University, I have been
developing sacred song-dance rituals and a holographic theater model
in relative seclusion, but am now publicly emerging to stand with
other truth-tellers.
I am critically urging all world leaders and governments to disclose
their engagement with
UFOs and
extraterrestrial civilizations and
their core cover-up of life on Mars. I believe this information is
unethically withheld beyond ordinary reasons of security. And time
is running out for humanity to awaken from our slumber.
We all have a universal right to know and to live prosperously, so I
am asking all citizens to be educated about our stellar history and
destiny, as hidden in plain sight throughout all of society.
the keys to unlock our highest knowledge and potential, I believe we
can build together an unprecedented, enlightened civilization.
I grew up as precocious and ‘psychic’ but didn’t have the
metaphysical language to express my worldview until my late teens
when I was exposed to more of the radical culture of my birthplace
San Francisco. I knew I was very different, like the storied alien
who got dropped and abandoned on Earth.
Unusually fascinated with
the intergalactic storylines of Star Wars and Star Trek, I had
little idea though that they contained variations of the truth of
the multidimensional tales of our universe.
In the rapidly rising UFO/ET Disclosure
movement, respected whistleblowers consistently state that the genre
of science fiction was created to hide classified secrets and
perpetuate disinformation about governments’ engagement with alien
species and worlds (see
interview with military whistleblower Bob Dean).
I had great visions of the future and/or memories of the ancient
past of advanced Space Age or Golden Age civilizations, and was
driven to build holographic temple-theaters for music, dance, art,
storytelling and journeying into inner and outer cosmos. However, my
throat felt suffocated and my body was paralyzed, and I felt that
nothing I could do or say could ever match the perfection of Source
or a Force of Nature that I knew so well deep within.
I could not
understand how people were completely out of touch with their spirit
and were not making every moment dedicated to serving a Utopic
vision of the future. I gained my degree in the arts from Stanford
University, as well as several certifications from leading-edge
schools. When I was in college, my psychic sensitivity was immense,
and my womb and entire body felt bombarded constantly by global
doomsday thoughts.
I could barely watch the news, as the shock and
brutality of war and poverty just devastated my entire system.
Later, through much corroboration, I would realize that I probably
sensitively was picking up and being directly hit by heavy negative
frequencies transmitted from underground military labs as revealed
by a scientific insider (Leuren Moret, see below video),
which would relate to an agenda of a scientist I would later
encounter in my Mars recruitment.
To outsiders, I appeared to have
high spiritual and physical health, while reputable holistic
physicians did confirm my longtime, hidden symptoms of
PTSD and
electromagnetic targeting; and trusted psychics would mention my
being under heavy etheric attack.
What I knew then was that what I was experiencing was the Earth’s
wounds as my own, and I had to go through the archetypal wheel of
human experiences to grasp and transform that pain. I would
accelerate through a decade long series of nonstop tests and trials,
including mediating highly unusual tragedies and experiencing
physical illnesses or emotional crises as premonitions before major
global events such as
9/11, Iraq War and natural disasters.
Receiving numerous supernatural signs and omens, such as angelic
light, flashing stars and UFO sightings, were critical in helping me
to understand what was happening and the meaning of my path. I
acquired great strength in recovering quickly and finding the next,
greater level of my mission.
Frantically studying and researching
for answers and cures, I was strategizing all sorts of
multidisciplinary projects based on
the ‘Gaia’ theory and our vital
spiritual, ecological and societal interconnections – also called
the Universal God/dess blueprint (Isis, Venus, Shakti and her
thousand names), not the cliché glamour or New Age goddess, but the
ancient and timeless Mother force, unified with the Father force, to
govern the elements, cosmic spheres and all life cycles through
unconditional love and wisdom.
With huge ambitions, I was urgent to
find others who wanted to end global tyranny and to remember and
rebuild ultimate Paradise on Earth.
Many missing puzzle pieces of my journey began to fall actually into
place in my late 20’s, when I encountered something extremely
dangerous concerning a
Mars colony, global security, the fate of the
human race and the famous date of 2012 – a potent marker embedded in
my spiritual DNA and the basis of my ongoing interdisciplinary
My account here of my experience with this Black Ops project is
based on years of meditation, various spiritual practices and
attunement to my ‘Higher Self.’ It’s not derived from any sort of
implanted memories or hallucinations.
No one has ever doubted my
integrity, however if anyone in the future does, I stand strong to
my truth, and many people in my life stand witness to me. As a creed
in whistleblower lands, the best and safest place to hide is out in
the open, and so I am choosing to come forward.
Also, I have nothing more to lose. And
everything to gain in helping humanity grow.
This is the part of my path I shared with my friend Laura Magdalene
Eisenhower, who is an incredible healer, guide and creative soul.
Right after
9/11 and in the midst of much global turmoil, we
synchronistically met at a psychic program, where we were recognized
for our charismatic presence and accurate skills. Encountering her
vibrant and free-loving spirit and seeing her symbol-weaving ancient
story in her tattoos and talismans, I felt an instant recognition.
Realizing we had been experiencing parallel traumas, since childhood
and in the program, we also left the place at the same time.
Several years of friendship later, in the spring of 2006 in
Washington DC, I met her and her new romantic partner, who I will
call Agent X. He claimed to know himself archetypally as Joseph of Arimathea/Osiris/Orion and affiliated with different, interlinked
secret societies, e.g.
Knights Templar and Freemasons.
He and Laura
quickly formed an intimate relationship, and I helped conduct a
‘Divine Union’ rites of passage for them.
Agent X revealed that his group had identified her through her
bloodline, as the matrilineal great-granddaughter of 34th U.S.
President Eisenhower (and the Allied Commander who defeated Hitler).
As well, they knew her as a unique reincarnation of
Magdalene/Sophia/Isis (ever since she was young, many psychics have
recognized her).
He also said his group was interested in her twin
sons, who they knew as Romulus and Remus (founders of Rome) and the
hero twin archetypes in the Mayan prophecy.
They had a list of male partners, who she could be with in possible
timelines, and he was one of them. They targeted her (especially her
heart) and these men through electromagnetic or psychic weaponry,
and indeed many men tried to destroy her throughout her life. Agent
X admitted that he (as well as his parents) was implanted with a
chip and had a multiple personality disorder, which involves very
sudden robotic and abusive behaviors.
This is the typical profile of
someone who was subjected to well-documented
MK-ULTRA experiments
and multi-generational occult ritual abuse.
While Agent X didn’t reveal what he knew about me or how I could
have been identified in various timelines, Laura herself has
confirmed to me my own inner knowledge of my very few incarnations.
Like her, I’ve met also a series of men who were variously Nazi
manipulated and ET abused since childhood and who created very
uneasy environments for me.
Their data about Laura and her partners
were seemingly gathered through a time viewing device (which they
had called ‘Looking Glass’)
or ‘Orion’s Cube’
or possibly through
remote viewing or even
time travel – all part of
their cadre of top classified technologies (already disclosed in
increasing black projects literature).
Credible whistleblowers have proposed too that I could be a ‘person
of interest.’
This includes lawyer
Andrew D. Basiago who was
recruited into DARPA’s Project Pegasus in the 1960’s-70’s to
teleport to Mars based on
Tesla technologies, and who also attests
to the use of time devices known as ‘Chronovisors’ in order to
collect data about future leaders, as well as able to track past
Also, another insider, time scientist and ex-Air Force employee
David Lewis Anderson (below
video), recently has resurfaced in public to confirm
the experiments of time travel and Project Pegasus activities, and
how the misuse of time technologies is an issue that can’t be at all
Meeting Agent X for the first time, he gave me much confidential and
startling intel about what he and his group knew:
In the context of these profound shifts in the universe, Agent X
discussed his brilliant vision for a new space initiative – an
awe-inspiring plan to explore the next frontiers of space in service
to mankind’s unity and consciousness expansion.
His plan included:
a colonization mission to
Mars or
Moon as a
commercial-government-academic partnership
a separate, firewalled academy to train new explorers in multidimensional living
and prepare the public for First Contact with ETs.
He designated me
as the main fundraiser for the space initiative as well as the head
of his proposed academy. He intuitively saw that I was destined to
do this and greatly encouraged my initiative.
This vision to
terraform Mars and develop a 21st century Starfleet
Academy activated my childhood sparks to venture through space.
Though to be given an opportunity to help colonize off-worlds was
something I would never have thought of in a million years. Having
never shied away from an adventure, I dove right in and started
adapting my lifelong temple-theater vision.
In congruence, I also just had started working with a futures
nonprofit think-tank on another quixotic plan – a world-class ecocity
project that could exemplify, foster and network emerging
sustainable hubs around the planet, which are urgently necessary to
resettle rapid, mass migrant populations.
Moreover, in my typical over-committing style, while I was formally consulting for small
leadership trainings and web start-ups, I was developing a venture
philanthropy model that could fund many landmark projects with my
collaborators, who were all leading pioneers in sustainable
building, integrative health, virtual entertainment and
We all had great individual drive and pragmatic
solutions to help mankind, yet what we needed was a solid,
cooperative and financially rewarding infrastructure, which is what
Agent X was looking for as well.
My science and business background wasn’t extensive, but as a quick
multidimensional learner, I could immediately spot key alliances and
best of breed technologies. I had made links to significantly
wealthy people for my various ventures, but I continuously
questioned why the heck with all their connections would they want
me involved.
Well, Agent X recognized my leadership and visionary
skills, and wanted funds coming through his intimate allies, in
order for him to achieve some equal footing with his senior
He assembled a core team headed by chief scientist Dr
Harold E.
(Hal) Puthoff, the
well-documented scientist of
zero point field physics,
viewing and
mind control technologies, who was educated at Stanford
and sponsored by the CIA, various government agencies and private
corporate interests.
Agent X proposed a board of directors involving
the most renowned futurists, astronauts and space entrepreneurs, who
were all affiliated or already working with his circle. He also was
conversing with a state senator and suggesting that the Air Force
could be shuffling tens of thousands for this project. Under high
confidentiality, I would receive many project emails and occasional
phone updates about team meetings and business plans.
They discussed
the rush toward commercialization and privatization, the Space Race
with other major nations and the Disclosure playbook involving many
secret societies.
I was sent for review many scientific documents about the key
technology components:
As well as regarding:
vehicle design, land, air and aquatic robotic
artificial intelligence
advanced communications and
knowledge transfer
architectural compositions and other capacities
to terraform and replenish life on Mars
I also was asked to look
into other aerospace academies, virtual reality,
weapons, invisible shielding and a whole spectrum of exotic, quantum
access technologies.
Needless to say, the information influx and research potentials
completely overwhelmed the bejeezus out of me. It was both my sci-fi
dream and nightmare coming into reality. At the time, I was not
well-versed with the hidden space program as publicly leaked by
several whistleblowers in alternative media. From a psychic view, I
knew the existence of ETs and intergalactic travel, but I didn’t
understand what the government was doing in classified Black Budget
So throughout my experience, I was trying to grasp the
legitimacy of this recruitment, as well as the reality of the
mind-boggling complexity of scientific, political and cultural
aspects this project entailed.
For 6 months, in the swirl of my other projects, I was envisioning
all intersecting project possibilities, researching, strategizing,
designing and locating allies. In constant fear of asking for more
information, I kept questioning what was being hidden and what was
being made visible to me, and why.
Throughout my work, I questioned whether this plan was either:
A Cover Project
It could have been a way to distract the public
from the military’s ‘real’ activities, i.e., their already existing spacefleet and colony on Mars (as whistleblowers testify).
He did reveal that one of his adjacent companies was acting as a
Agent X could have been teleporting to Mars already using remote
viewing methods (as exopolitician Alfred Webre describes
or through ‘stargates’ – aka wormholes that enable a travel shortcut
between two points in vast space or time.
As well, stargate is a
lost soul technology of ancient Egyptian, Sumerian and Holy Grail
symbolism (see mythologist
William Henry’s analysis of the
Illuminati and Stargates). Agent X never mentioned using
the publicly leaked ‘Jumproom’ teleportation method (like an
but he very well could have been.
A Real Project
Along with their zero point physics, remote
viewing and stargate travel capacities, they could have been
actually set on building new spacecraft that could transport large
cargo for Mars terraforming purposes. Whistleblowers testify that
travel through artificial stargates was allowed only for humans
carrying no metal components (see
whistleblower site).
The project also could have been a distorted version of NASA’s
Ares/Orion Mars mission and
affiliated with other private agendas (see
I suspected that Agent X was intersecting with a wide variety of
factions – some that seemed benevolent but most were mixed and very
So basically this appeared to be a very big convoluted and
manipulative mess.
Underlying this space project was a massive amount of terror,
survival and manipulation, and the urgent need to escape
deliberately planned (through wars and a global depopulation agenda)
or foreseen cataclysms (through Looking Glass) in 2012.
Agent X was
convinced that Armageddon was taking place with World War 3/4 in the
horizon, and there was nothing anybody could do about it. He told us
we were part of the select few who would escape on ships called
‘Sophia’ and ‘Merlin,’ and we would seed a new civilization on Mars
(whereby the Moon was the initial publicized goal).
We realized that
they wanted to control the transformative effect of Isis (Laura as
Magdalene-Isis aspect and I, Quan Yin-Isis), Osiris and the Holy
Grail (i.e., royal, divine blood) power (see William Henry's
research), and escalate their
dominance on and off planet.
Their plans later would become
mainstream propaganda as revealed in Hollywood’s ‘2012’ movie and
its marketing site, which even describes a
survival lottery and various escape havens.
Since my early 20’s, I intuitively knew about the 2012 period as a
quantum leap to a new world for everyone and for me personally, and
read books about it. So when Agent X talked about how this mission
was tied to this date, a huge concrete puzzle piece landed.
entire life experiences were preparing me for this scenario.
group of men I was involved with was incredibly veiled and had a lot
of misused power, and I knew I had to climb their hierarchal ladder
and try to steer the project away from any doom and quickly toward
building Paradise for everybody on Earth, Mars, wherever and
anywhere in the cosmos.
Meanwhile, Laura had been reluctantly preparing to be the main
multidimensional teacher of the proposed academy, and courageously
was refusing to go along with Agent X’s belief of a negative global
outcome and being taken to Mars. She was fighting for her strong
belief in how we could regenerate life fully on Earth.
While we were
on opposite coasts, I was there to hear about a disturbing series
of events involving Agent X’s erratic and paranoid mind controlled
behaviors, especially after his meetings with his team.
I would give
her psychic readings about the situation, such as telling her
phrases that Agent X was programmed deliberately to repeat, and she
would confirm my accuracies. One time in our phone conversations, I
suddenly became frightened about our line being tapped, and about
half an hour later, Agent X notified that he was circling her block
because agents indeed were spying. My intuitions have always alerted
me to danger, and so I feel very protected.
While I have felt
internal chasms, I have never been afraid of being externally
threatened, and for better or worse, I don’t really take that many
By Winter 2006, after much personal doubt about my involvement in
the project and endless external challenges, as well as seeing the
danger involved (including Agent X discovering a murdered body), I
naturally transitioned out of my role, and Laura and Agent X’s
relationship ended as well.
I discovered later that the project went
public and entered the Google Lunar X Prize competition, while the
underlying premise of possible 2012 catastrophes and a populated
Mars still remaining hidden.
As of December 2009, Agent X is still publicly mentioning his
research and development. Protection of Agent X’s identity is
necessary because he is a victim of brutal mind control who needs
great healing and transformation.
After leaving the situation, I realized that there was no way they
could fulfill their dubious plans successfully. They were not
supposed to lose the game in their minds, but they were not going to
give up easily. We thought of the various schemes they could
conceive to gain control through timeline access, cloning and their
whole bag of crazy, misused technologies.
However, the main battle
for Laura and I was over.
Later, I came across a prominent
whistleblower (who since has been heavily compromised and hence
being publicly discredited) and his 2007 account of how the timeline
(http://projectcamelot.org/2009.html) has shifted into the positive one, as seen through Looking Glass.
This resonated deeply.
Again, my story may sound way far out in space somewhere for those
newly encountering conspiracy facts (not just theories), but I ask
that everyone do their own research on all my discussed topics for
yourselves. I hope my personal recruitment will make more sense
later to those who become better informed. I myself am on a
continuing quest for more answers to my own puzzle and to our
macrocosmic one of course.
For corroborating evidence and resources, please see
These are the supporting reference topics:
To learn more about 2012 and ways to
empower yourself and your community, please
see here.
Now in the beginning of 2010, having regained my voice and
livelihood that has been hyperdimensionally suppressed since young
(through cutting-edge, holistic voice analysis methods, my vocal
harmonics have been analyzed as being capable of reaching the
collective subconscious)… and having seen enough strong if not
irrefutable corroborating evidence and testimony that fill in the
gaps of our recruitment experience, I am asking that serious
investigations be made into the real agenda and cover-up, of the
existing Mars colony as a survival plan for
a planned or
foreseen disastrous 2012 Earth timeline.
I truly want to see the END of the era of secrecy and the critical
release of quantum leap solutions and technologies for the benefit
of all.
There are simply no more excuses for apathy, resistance, fear,
ridicule, ignorance or dismissal… and follow status quo, i.e., the
perpetuated, embedded lies of mainstream media and society.
amount of ethical and independent news articles, shows and forums is
rising daily to reveal the shadow players hiding truths from the
populace. The path toward truth is difficult indeed – in separating
the Truth from planted disinformation (in both mainstream AND
alternative media), or simple misinformation (such as lack of
compassionate insight), but it is the ONLY path to take.
The trick
is to develop the art of discernment and a relationship with your
Higher Self – to determine what resonates to your entire mind, body,
heart and soul.
I am incredibly grateful for all the brave individuals who have
stepped forward with their truth and facing seemingly insurmountable
As we continue toward 2012, in this ‘time acceleration
matrix’ of the
Mayan Calendar (see researchers
Barbara Hand Clow, and
Carl Johan Calleman), I/We ask all
those who have been a victim of Black Ops or time viewing and
quantum access activities and all those on a global healing mission
at no matter stage –– to gather, find answers and implement
solutions together.
We must come together and stand for all the children of Mother Gaia,
those without voices, women and men, young and elderly,
disenfranchised and without adequate food or technology, animals and
trees – for all who want a world filled with everlasting peace,
wellness and prosperity.
As a citizen of the United States, I/We urgently ask President
Barack Obama to foster his pledge to
Open Government policy and
truly stand for the best interests of the people of our nation. I/We
ask that he live up to his Nobel Peace Prize and stand for the
entire global family. So, I/We call for open congressional hearings
and scrupulous investigations into the trillion-dollar
Black Budget Operations. In deep forgiveness, I would be there to testify as
a witness.
I/We demand the hidden controllers of our planet to emerge from
their shadows.
Those who have been destroying the planet through
war, earth disasters, pollution, pandemics, food poisoning, media
lies, mind control, subversion of divine female/male and beyond.
They will be put on trial not for retribution but for re-integration
into society and under amnesty as long as they stop with their evil
plans for the human race.
The cycle of violence MUST end, and
compassionate and restorative justice will prevail.
I/We call every single person of every age, race, faith and
background to stand up for the Truth... of our loving and laughing
eternal soul nature. Our internal reunion with the Divine Feminine
and Masculine. Our power of consciousness to heal, travel and
manifest instantaneously. And our magnificent
galactic heritage and
We must rebuild our civilization and restore our lost
Shambhala, Eden or Heaven on Earth.
Every feeling, thought and act right now can change things
immeasurably... Please never underestimate your power. We each can
make the Age of Peace and Enlightenment happen in this timeless
We are mere reflections of the infinite cosmic soul. Incredibly
crazy, ridiculous, enlightened and ever joyous... through it all...
We are all One. We are ALL in this together.
Eternal Love and Wisdom to All,
Ki’ Lia
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