I am Ra.
The smooth but colossal memories
that come into your mind are the edifice of past objectives yet
unfulfilled. And those times where the mighty and the minimal
became One were great periods on the earth indeed. They shall
be, once more.
This is a ferocious time in terms of physical catalyst on the
planet. Of this there is no doubt. The distinction we would like
to make here is of how fundamentally important it is to not lose
sight of the greater framework within which these events are
taking place.

It would be, of course, very
efficient to have your peoples turn towards love without a
struggle or fight. But alas, such has not been the case. We feel
we are responsible, in a very real sense, due to the combining
together of many different planetary races that had not yet
achieved the intensity of light emanations necessary for
Thus, we defer to future incarnations of many of these entities,
wherein they will complete this curriculum of self-healing and
awareness of the importance of true love of others and of self.
The harmonious hiccupping occurs in
Earth’s energy grids, so to speak, resulting in those
inconveniences of which have been spoken. It is not fair to
categorize them as catastrophes, because within each crisis lies

You may only see death and
destruction, while not also realizing that the physical body is
a temporary shadow of a higher self that is much vaster and more
refined – and yet it is also your temple, for a short period of
time, in our terms – extremely short.
It is a vehicle of self-expression,
an emanation of a portion of the self which appears to have a
distinctive identity of its own, and which goes through a
sequence of learning curves, unique unto itself. Again, I
wouldn’t have it any other way.
The trademarks upon this process of self-growth and healing have
been shared throughout the galaxies for aeons and aeons of your
time. We are, in a sense, coming in at the tail end of a very
successful program, even within this galaxy.

The mystery-clad unity of being
reveals itself to those who approach each new experience with an
unjaundiced eye, seeing only the movement of the universe in its
sacred perfection. This sacred perfection requires that each
soul experience apparent separation for a period of time, that
it may again choose to redefine itself as One.
Your body appears to intermingle with other bodies which are
completely distinct and separate. That is the great illusion.
The reality is a much more difficult thing for you to
understand. David has been downloading many of these concepts
from us, in the process of further refining the catalyst that is
offered, in the process of bringing this film and its vision to
a completed state.
We will offer future commentary on this as needed. For now we
redirect the flow to another key question.
What about those wars in the Middle East?
It burns in the hearts
and minds of so many at this time. There is a sense of
inevitability, a sense of failure, a sense of impending doom,
crisis and catastrophe. The idea that the conflict may widen is
being talked about quite regularly in your media culture.

I would not choose to have you be
fearful of any event that occurs on the earth, for the simple
fact that these are the events that directly lead to the Great
Awakening. It has to become so bad that the people realize that
they would like it to be so good – and they see their choices as
impacting the greater collective.
When you see images of maimed children, bodies blown apart and
extensive wreckage and rubble, recognize that all form on earth
comes and goes in its phase and period of time. There is no such
thing as lasting peace, or lasting Unity, within this density of
your expression.
That is why we consider you to be such brave people. You exist
in the only density where fully self-aware beings can
intermingle with those who are of extremely negative polarity on
the same planet. That makes it more difficult than simply being
around others who think the same way that you do.
There is a great crisis of awakening happening in many at this
time. We read the emails that are sent to David with him, and
notice the increasing sense of desperation that surfaces now in
many others as they move through their own learning curve.
You will go through the dark night
of the soul.
You will taste the abysmal blackness of the sense
of separation and loneliness.
You will experience this crisis,
this opportunity, as often as needed, as by necessity, you are
moving through a phase where you will no longer simply be a
bookkeeper of your emotions; you will open the books, find the
hidden passages, remember those old stories from your past, from
your childhood – from even other lifetimes, if you choose to go
deeply enough – and begin integrating that material to the
The events on the Earth force you, or would seem to force you,
into a state of fear. You are looking at a reality. You are
looking at an apparent reality. You are looking at the apparent
reality of the world of form, and seeing how the center does not
hold, and that that which was, no longer will be.
This is a convincing illusion. But with it comes the feeling
that you are separated and alone, cast asunder from the true
higher calling that beckons humanity forth at this time.
I would prefer to have you sing and
laugh in the sunshine of your own awakening. That is a glorious
moment too. It relies upon you coming to a renewed awareness of
your own majesty, of your own immortality, and your own
For you are a protected soul. You are surrounded by Divine Light
and Love, and you are not living in a random, a causal universe.
Events that unfold in your life happen for a reason. There are
no accidents. This is one of the deepest levels of resistance we
have to move through in bringing you to awareness.
There has been such a great poverty of information, in the
scientific sense, that would help you to validate these claims
of there being a higher guiding principle, that it may seem
truly naïve to “go out on a limb” and make such speculations.
Yet, we have never wavered from our
responsibility, which is to continue to insure that the
experiences that come your way are precisely those that you have
requested for your own growth and healing. There is no hidden
mystery to this process, and there are very few random events.
You may have heard David mention that he has been transcribing
his dreams, from a period of seven to seven and a half years
ago, that had not been transcribed. These dreams describe where
he is now, what he is doing, who he is working with, and details
so specific as to insure that this moment was very well visible
at the time.
David’s friend Bruce also just wrote to him saying that he had
dreams from twenty years ago that he just found the transcripts
of, which described events of the last few years in quite
stunning detail.
This function of consciousness is not accidental, and not
extraordinary. It is not something confined to the realm of
those who are, shall we say, intuitive. As David’s research
increasingly reveals to him, intuition is not foreign to your
natural way of thinking. The conscious mind, as you would call
it, is truly a marvelous playground of different influences, all
of which are synthesized together to give the impression of
The impression is so convincing that most of your peoples would
never imagine that there are so many different ways in which a
thought becomes a thought, and an emotion becomes an emotion. It
is very true that you are thinking thoughts all the time that
are not strictly your own, but those which come from the
background of consciousness that surrounds you.

In order to not induce psychosis,
there is a natural function of mind which interprets these
impressions that you receive from the environment, and from
others, as if they were private and personal emotions, and
feelings, and thoughts. It attempts to understand why these
feelings are being felt, and draws what to it appear to be
obvious conclusions.
Yet these conclusions are not so obvious. The pathways are not
so clear. For there are a multiplicity of influences that come
together to make the conscious mind what it is.

There are many different ways in
which thoughts are formed, and you experience all of them, to
some degree or another.
Observe your own mind. Notice how when you slow your thoughts
down, what comes through is not a bunch of garbage, but
spontaneous, fleeting thoughts that are not so easily pinned
down as being something you yourself created – they just emerge.
When the consciousness is stilled, like the gleaming surface of
the waters at dawn, then you may begin to see the reflections of
the universal light and truth of Oneness.
If your question is how to meet your
Higher Self, it is important to first accept that such meetings
are always occurring. For you ARE your higher self. Your opinion
matters. You can see the Creator in your own reflection. You can
see the Creator in the reflections of others. You can appreciate
the progress that you have made, and know the intense value of
coming clean about your cosmic identity.
For this is not a path of failure, but one of victory, in the
greatest sense. The victory that is achieved is the memory of
We so encourage you to meditate, because in meditation, the
stilling of the mind allows many of the biological signals, and
the signals of the planets and so forth, to be diminished – so
that only that of the core of the universe emanates forth – the
obstacles pulled away.
It shouldn’t come as a great
surprise that this process can be done very successfully. Nor is
it a difficult process. It does require your investment, your
personal commitment to go the distance in your awakening. You
are not handed these opportunities on a silver platter; you must
earn them, through your own diligent focus.
It is not so simple as just buying a book at the bookstore, or
reading an email or website, or having a conversation with a
friend or loved one, or both.
This journey is about you. And you are awakening now, in this
moment. The fastidious observation of the silence brings you new
hope, new gains as a universal being. It’s not so difficult to
step out of the mind that observes and worships limitation. How
much effort does it really take to move into clarity, truth and
beauty of Oneness?
That meditation is yours if you want
it, and it doesn’t require an excessive amount of study. You
don’t have to be super-intelligent, or even super-dedicated to a
particular cause, as all causes are ultimately of
the Oneness.
Nor is there any specific task you
must perform at any specific time. For the roses of Oneness
require only that they be admired for their look, for their
smell, for the joy that they bring you. There are some who wish
to be gardeners of roses, to carefully cultivate that which
grows into beauty. There are others who simply appreciate that
which has been done, and drink in the glory of the universe.
The art is not in the doing, but in the being. And yet this
equation, as we have called it the Fool’s Equation in the past,
carries very strong influence in most people’s minds.
“If I do (blank), then I will be happy.” That is the equation.
And they ask David, or they ask other such intuitives for the
missing X variable, because their mind already has accepted that
this formula is the key to happiness. It is, to a degree, a
product of your consumer culture, a product of your upbringing
in materiality, which nonetheless is a valid stepping-stone to
You believe this formula as if it were a religious edict, handed
down from Divine Light, giving you the course that must be
followed. Some would say that if they gain a relationship, that
they will then be happy. Yet you may be well aware of the fact
that a relationship can only open up new avenues of learning,
new avenues of struggle, in their own way. Not every
relationship is destined to be about love. Many are about
initiation, and that is okay.
A relationship will mirror to you
the issues you have not yet cleared in yourself. You will
naturally be attracted to people who bring the missing pieces
into focus for you. It is again ideal if this can be dealt with
harmoniously, but more often than not, it is a fractured,
tortured path, especially at this time you are moving into in
your evolution.
This is the end-game, if you will –
a time of having the present circumstances eagerly reflect what
has gone before, so that new contrast is offered that helps you
understand yourself as never before was possible.
You don’t have to be a magician to see your creative potential
arise from these events as they transpire. You are being
holographically repositioned into the past, so that it may come
up for review once more. And that process will carry you a long
way. It doesn’t take a lot of effort on your part, because it
will find you, whether you like it or not.
It may even seem to violate your free will. You may not be
calling for these initiations, and yet they come to you.
Such is the nature of the moment of time that you find
yourselves in now, in the world.
It doesn’t happen all at once, but bit by bit, piece by piece,
the sacred story is again being retold. And this should come as
no surprise to you.
I prefer that you see yourself as a divine being, and not shy
away from these initiations. At this time, no one can stop the
ever-rising vibrational increase. You have been prepared for it,
by your free will, through the multiplicity of prophecies that
have portrayed this time. You have not been left behind. It is
known that this is a period of great change, great cleansing.
David’s suppositions are entirely accurate regarding the global
heat wave you now experience at the time of this work being
brought through, and the
start of hostilities in the Middle
East. The two are fundamentally interconnected. There is much
energy moving through the Earth at this time, for it is not
simply a question of acclimating yourself to the vibrations that
That would be far too
straightforward for this time. (laughs on the word

As soon as you feel you are
acclimating to the energy, it will be continuing to rise anyway.
You are in the most impressive phase of this process now. That
therefore means that there will be constant changes going on.
This is unlike any other time in the
history of life in third-density. In most cases, the energy
changes occur slowly, and without great fanfare. And you have
time to adopt your life to the new experiences, the new
catalysts, as they come forward.
But now you have the book of the Akashic Record continuously
open, continuously showing you new passages of text – about
yourself, and about God, if you may choose to use that word. You
do not need to look to someone like David, or another who is
seen to be of great potential, and wish that you were more like
them. Simply open your eyes to what is happening to you, and you
will see that you are that person who is awakening, and who is
You are on the right track if you are listening to these words
or reading these words. It gives you the opportunity to
reconnect with that part of yourself that may have seemed long
gone. It is always there. It may seem obscured at times, but you
have not lost it. Please be aware of that, for it is very
important that you have a sense of hope.
Your finite rational mind may perceive only chaos, collapse and
fragmentation in the events you are seeing unfold in the world,
but that is a decision that is based in scarcity and lack. It
does not speak of the greater reality that we know to exist. It
does not allow you to step beyond limitation and embrace Truth,
and the validity of your own spirituality.
The times that have been, have required your participation. The
times that will be, do not require your participation. They
require your acceptance. You can choose to be upset about what
is happening, but this does not serve your higher spiritual
Choose to accept that there is a divine plan for what is going
on. It has been prophesied for thousands of years, specifically
so that you would not be infused with fear and worry.
This is not a time of Armageddon and planetary apocalypse.
Prophecies have been misunderstood, but if you look at the
greater totality of what is being shared from the past, the
common theme that comes through is how these experiences pave
the way to a so-called Golden Age.
And believe us when we tell you that
suicidal impulses have no place in this world that is to be.
Suffering is so much less a factor of your life that the world
you have lived in, up until now, will seem almost emotionally
genocidal by comparison. Everyone seems to be suffering
emotionally, and you do die to yourself. You die to the worship
of the body, and the limitations that the body imposes.
We can tell you that you have a multidimensional soul, but that
doesn’t mean you really begin living like it. It does require
your participation to accept. The process is not as simple as
one might think.
Take stock in the experiences each day, as time is speeding up.
We don’t mean, of course, that it will seem as if the hands on
the watch begin spinning faster. When we say that time is
speeding up, we refer to the partitioning of emotionally strong
You will see more and more of them
happening in less and less time, and that is the nature of
Time’s increase in speed, in the soul sense of the term that we
are now speaking of it – though there are other senses that are
not as directly related.
Relaxation and faith and trust are currencies in trade whose
value is inestimable, for each person’s mind is a personalized
version of the collective mind.
That is the apparent prison that so
many are locked within at this time. The voice of the human
collective consciousness is by far the loudest of the influences
that are composed by the personality self.
The ladder to the intelligent
infinity is climbed by your choice. You are the one to take the
next step. You can deny what’s happening in the world. You can
ignore the changes, and continue to exist in fear. But when you
do so, you are cutting off the influxes of new energy that would
be creating inspiration, magic, wonderment and
When you consciously cut off this
flow, it also has a radiant effect on the others around you.
Fear breeds and multiplies in many cases.
Those otherselves feeling these subtle influences in their
consciousness, in turn, spread it to others. And when enough
souls are shut down by events such as the Middle East conflict
that you now see, a great heat arises in the earth.
Look at the heat wave that is now
gripping your planet, and see how quickly it rose into
materialization after hostilities began in the Middle East.

This comes as no surprise.
souls who were on the path, and felt comfortable in their lives,
were then brought to a place of sudden and unexpected change.
And it caused them to blow their perspective of positive,
peaceful coexistence with the earth, and move into fear,
scarcity and lack of trust. Yet the prophecies have told you
that you will see these things happen – that not one stone on
these buildings will be remaining standing in such places.
But this does not come as a great surprise if you have done your
homework. Perhaps you just didn’t want to see it, but it is
there. That does not mean that you need to be afraid of it.
The great cacophony of voices that compete for your attention
include those that are still and small, and sing of the praises
of this Creation. You have only the highest and best potential
at this time. You are being protected. Your life, your
experiences, happen for a good reason – for a Divine reason. And
again and again, we want you to be able to accept what happens.
You see a world that is fraught with war, with dissatisfaction,
with haves and have-nots, and it might seem quite grotesquely
unfair to you.
Again, learn to step outside the reality box that confines you
to the sense of inevitable failure and doom. The prophecies were
not spoken of by accident. They were not speaking about someone
other than yourself.
Listen to the silence.
See how it moves.
See how it speaks to you.
Don’t be afraid of the evolution
that is happening now. [Fear] is always a choice you can make,
but it is a choice that is not necessary to make. It is a choice
that is not properly informed.
These wars come up for review because this is the time of the
Great Awakening. It is the time in which the people finally see
that they do not want this anymore. And when just a few souls
can maintain a focus of peace, it has a great effect on the
collective mind.
Remember that
seven thousand people meditating together have
been proven to have a 72 percent reduction on worldwide
terrorist activity, and war and fatalities, when those seven
thousand people are properly trained in the art of meditation
and come together under one roof. Those are key distinctions.
Even if they do not come together under one roof, the harmony of
humanity can be upgraded by a very small number who choose to
exist in a state of trust and beauty and love. This should come
as no surprise.
It is a great glorious bounty that awaits you when you step
outside your own feelings of lack and limitation. It is a
marvelous new day that dawns when you see the Creator in
yourself for the first time.
Little whispers in the corners of
consciousness take you back to ancestral memories, and relive
the past when the people were in harmony with the forest, and
with the little people – the angels, the fairies, the devas.
Those times are not lost.
Those times are being re-created,
now and again, in the lives of those who put the effort in to
seek the good. You can make an effort to seek it. You can make
an effort not to be sucked in by consensus thought that speaks
of the voice of fear. It is not a losing path, but a path of
eternal renewal – one that you know well, from many lifetimes
You have only yourself to thank for the great gifts that are
there in front of you. We would ask that you not defer your
power to some faceless, ghostlike entity that works on your
behalf, for these are all opportunities that you bring to
The question becomes,
Do you understand yourself?
you know thy self for what it is?
Where would you set the limitations of the self?
At what point
do you stop including that which you see around you?
Indeed, you
can gaze into a mirror and see the face of the Creator. You can
gaze into the faces of those around you and see the Creator. You
can gaze at the environment that surrounds you and see the
Creator. You can gaze into the harmonics, the colors, the sounds
and the geometries, the primordial blueprints of Creation, and
see the Creator – see your Self.
This process may seem fraught with difficulty, but the amount of
energy that has caused that same heat wave shows the potential
that is there if you begin opening to its flow in yourself. Not
only do you cool the planet down, but you rise your own
evolution. There is the potential for great magic, great
awakening, great renewal.
Embrace your potential. Live in the
glory of the bounty of this Creation. Know that all is well, all
is safe. Know that you are protected, and loved beyond your
wildest imagination. Know that in the grandest sense, you indeed
are the Light.
You are the Love. You are the One Infinite
Creator, now and forever.
We now bring a close to this reading, and thank you for your
participation. Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting
Adonai, and amen.