by Zen Gardner
22 September 2010
BeforeItsNews Website
Looks like V-rizin' wants to "Rule the Air!" with their
death-dealing microwaves....
"Rule the Air!" - Verizon
The assumptive message?
..."Oh how we love getting blasted with our phone signals!! You
rock, Verizon!... bring on the microwaves, robo-automation and
anything else! We are techno-crazy and love it so!"
Wrong! Don't tell us what we want, Big Corp, we're sick of it!
So Who Else Claims to 'Rule the Air'?

Lucifer falling....
Actually, ruling the air is not an original idea.
Someone wrote
something about this two thousand years ago that doesn't have good
implications for Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Nokia and all the
rest of these techno-wizards:
"Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this
world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit
that now worketh in the children of disobedience."
Ephesians 2:2
According to the Bible, Satan or Lucifer has set himself up as a
counterfeit of the true creator God. As the prince of the power of
the air, then, he broadcasts his evil, rebellious attitudes and
humanity crippling message and influences. Hmmm...
Hey, if the shoe fits, phone companies, wear it!
They're clearly part of the Luciferian agenda of the Illuminati, and
this is just another facet of their devilish attempt to rule the
Diabolical Microwaves
If you don't go for the esoteric connections, the effects of these
cell towers and other microwave technologies bear witness to their
While they make light of these death-dealing devices and
pretend they're innocuous, the unwitting sheeple wither and die from
mutated brain cells, injured immune and nervous systems, organ
damage, and our children have genetically altered offspring within 2

Death Towers getting bigger and badder all the time...
We Live in 'Electromagnetic Soup'
The "electrosmog" that first began developing with the rollout of
the electrical grid a century ago and now envelops every inhabitant
of Earth is responsible for many of the diseases that impair or kill
In 2007, the Bioinitiative Working Group released a 650-page report
citing more than 2,000 studies (many very recent) that detail the
toxic effects of EMFs from all sources.
Chronic exposure to even
low-level radiation (like that from cell phones), can cause a
variety of cancers, impair immunity, and contribute to Alzheimer's
disease and dementia, heart disease, and many other ailments.
"For the first time in our evolutionary history, we have generated
an entire secondary, virtual, densely complex environment - an
electromagnetic soup - that essentially overlaps the human nervous
system," says Michael Persinger, PhD, a neuroscientist at Laurentian
University who has studied the effects of EMFs on cancer cells.
And it appears that, more than a century after Thomas Edison
switched on his first light bulb, the health consequences of that
continual overlap are just now beginning to be documented.

They Didn't Have to Use These Damaging Frequencies
- They CHOSE To!
Retired British military intelligence scientist
Barrie Trower who
for years worked in microwave and stealth warfare, has been speaking
out and supplying scientific documentation regarding the serious
dangers of EMFs, and getting results.
He said,
During the 1950s and 1960s during the Cold War, it was
realized by
accident that microwaves could be used as stealth weapons when the
Russians beamed the American embassy during the Cold War and it gave
everybody working in the embassy cancer, breast cancers, leukemias
whatever, and it was realized then that low level microwaves were
the perfect stealth weapon to be used on dissident groups around the
world, because you could make dissident groups sick, give them
cancer, change their mental outlook on life without them even
knowing they were being radiated.
The electromagnetic spectrum is a band that goes from gamma rays and
x-rays at one end, the very high energy waves, and it comes down
through visible light, which is also some radiation, and then it
goes through infrared microwaves, TV and radio.
Now the only ones
which really affect us in the communications industry are the
microwaves, and microwaves have a special ability to interfere with
water, which is how microwave ovens work, and we are made of water.
All of our chemical and electrical signals involve water in the
body, somehow, electrical communications in the body. So, the
industry has picked the worst possible part of the electromagnetic
spectrum to give to young children and to adults (with regards to
cell phones).
The Frightening Effects of WiFi and Cell Phone Radiation on Young
Trower: I have three research papers. I am a scientific adviser to
five organizations.
Part of my brief is I read international
scientific papers, I retranslate them into a language that most
people can understand, which is how I advise.
I have three papers showing that low level microwaves can interfere
with the genetics in the ovarian follicles. Now what that means in
everyday language, different from boys, young girls when they’re
born, they will have up to four hundred eggs in their ovaries.
microwaves can damage the genetic structure, we now know, in those
So, when this young girl grows up, gets married, and has
children, if she has a daughter, this particular mitochondrial
genetic damage is irreparable. There is nothing at all that can
repair it.
Read full transcript of interview with Barrie Trower
here, or listen
it below:
Barrie Trower speaks about Microwave Radiation
On August 24, 2010, Mr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a
microwave weapons expert and who worked for the Royal Navy and the
British Secret Service, gave a talk at the University of Toronto
about the health effects of WiFi and other forms of microwave
Mr. Trower came out of retirement because he was concerned that the
microwave frequencies and intensities to which children are exposed
in schools are similar to those used for microwave weapons. He
provided Dr. Havas with a copy of a talk he gave to the King of
Botswana earlier this year (April 2010) and that document can be
viewed here.
Read article in Toronto Star August 26, 2010: ”U.K. Expert Warns
against Wi-Fi.”
Here is a PDF of his credentials and a
presentation to the Welsh
These Wicked 'Phone Companies' Love to Put Towers Near Schools,
Hospitals and Population Centers
If you've driven around noticing these proliferating phone towers or
masts, you'll notice how many have been diabolically placed near
schools, institutions, businesses and housing areas.
You can be sure
the 'Phone Company' is well aware of what they're doing and the
dangerous effects.
We're dealing with intentional harm to our young
people by the same corporate devils who
genetically modify our
poison our water with fluoride, and add carcinogenic
genetically altering
additives to our food.

...tower in schoolyard...with
chemtrails to boot.....

Are All These Towers Just For Cell Phones?
The use of EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) is one of our
controllers most effective stealth technologies.
Besides breaking
down human health, the human brain is known to operate at a certain
frequency, and is easily accessed and manipulated within that range
using the 'right' technology. You can be sure the Powers That Be are
using these for other purposes as well.
From Educate-yourself.org:
Worldwide Electronic Mind Control via 'Cell Phone' Towers
OCC elf tower The day is now approaching in which government mind
control technologies will be directed at you, your neighbors, and
your loved ones.
Every single day, equipment is being erected and
installed in this country with the hidden purpose of exerting mind
control over the entire population.
Everywhere in this country (and
overseas), ELF/microwave transmission towers are being erected. No
one is saying anything, but you're expected to presume that they're
for cell phones.
Do you really think that we need that much 'cell
phone' transmission capability, every few blocks? Do you realize how
very little energy is used by genuine cell phone usage?
Yet these
towers are capable of putting out levels of power that exceed cell
phone requirements by a wide margin.
These mind control technologies have been in place for a long time.
It's not an accident that the frequency band chosen for cell phone
use just happens to match the second order waves that
Wilhelm Reich
discovered in the late1940's to effect thought transmission and
allow the mind to be manipulated without the victim realizing it.
Reich worked on this project secretly for the CIA for over 5 years,
from 1947-1952, until he realized who
the CIA was planning to use
the mind control on - the American people. He was outraged that he
was deceived and used for such a treasonous motive and swore never
to cooperate with the CIA, FDA, etc. again.
Reich was covertly
murdered in Federal prison in 1957, just a few weeks before he was
due to be released, having been in prison for 2 years on a trumped
up charge leading to a contempt of court citation.
A method was discovered to disable these ELF towers from exerting
their mind control functions by placing a simple device known as an
orgone generator within a radius of 1,300 feet of these towers.
These microwave towers are used in conjunction with
HAARP based
technology to not only affect subliminal mind control influences,
but also to control the weather, the creation of artificially
induced drought conditions are also greatly influenced by the
chemtrail spraying operations
which take place daily over the skies in America and in many
other countries.
Can We Stop Cell Phone Tower Construction?
by Lynn Quiring, RPh, CCN, NMD
Logical Health LLC

Deadly Cell-Phone Towers
'Unfortunately, there is not much one can do to stop the
proliferation and continued build out of cell phone towers and
Although thought to be legislation about deregulation
issues, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) was really an open
invitation for the cell phone industry to place their towers
anywhere they wanted.
Section 704 of the TCA basically states that
local authorities can't ban the placement of towers in their
The law says:
"No State or local government or
instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction,
and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the
basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to
the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission's
regulations concerning such emissions."
So legally the local
government can't refuse the construction of a cell phone tower in
your neighborhood!
Any challenge by local communities could easily
end up in federal court. Our lawmakers have basically given the cell
phone industry free reign to install these towers wherever they
want. And, by the way, the cell phone industry helped write this
legislation that our government officials passed as law!
The public,
therefore, now has no voice and no vote.
Is there something wrong
with this picture? Why didn't our public officials represent the
people instead of big business? Why would you let the very industry
you're trying to regulate write it's own laws?
How Many Cell Phone Towers Are Near You?
The average person lives within one-half mile of a cell phone tower.
Have you ever wondered how close you live or work to one of these
Would it bother you if one were right in your backyard?
many of these towers and antennas do you think there are in your
immediate area?
Find out by visiting the website
www.antennasearch.com. Simply type in your address and you'll get a
listing and a map of all the towers and antennas within a short
radius of your address.
Like most people you'll probably gasp when
you see the numbers. These towers are literally everywhere.
and hundreds of them are probably located within a few miles of your
home or office.
What Can We Do?
Obviously, we can't escape the exposure. We've established that
fact. So what can we do to minimize the damage?
Here are few ideas:
We need to limit our exposure any way possible.
Don't live near a cell phone tower if you have a choice. Don't buy a
home near one even if the price is right. Limit your use of wireless
devices. Go back to 'wired' connections whenever possible.
your health through proper nutrition and good hydration. Eat foods
high in antioxidants and take supplements. Eat organically as much
as possible.
There is no safe distance to locate away from a mast
tower. Obviously, the closer to the tower the greater the exposure
risk so do locate as far away as possible.
Whenever possible
encourage your local government officials to consider transitioning
to the use of fiber optic cable. Most of it has already been laid
underground. It's just not being used. There are no masts with fiber
optics and the small amount of radiation at the exits can be
neutralized with technology now available.
Discourage the use of
Wi-Fi in schools by meeting with your school officials and school
boards. Wi-Fi hotspots are popping up everywhere now. Even whole
cities are going wireless with the installation of Wi-Fi. Again,
it's all done through a wireless signal, which is damaging to your
Don't let cell phone companies install cell phone antennas
on the roofs of schools where your children attend. The radio waves
are disruptive to their ability to focus, not to mention the health
hazards we've already outlined. If you can't change your current
situation there is some hope.
There are some intervention devices
now available that you can use in your home, school and office to
help lessen the risk of exposure. Some very good cutting-edge
technology has been developed that will intervene and help mitigate
the damage being done by wireless connections.'
Protect Yourself and Your Family
If you look up EMF protection devices, you'll find plenty.
One particular technology I find particularly intriguing is the
Orgone Technology mentioned above. This is believed to work at the
quantum level and to be able to convert the negative entropy of
these destructive waves into a positive force. It so far cannot be
fully scientifically quantified, but there is a growing army of
enthusiasts who are experimenting with orgonite devices and getting
amazing results.
Knowing what we do regarding the crystalline structure of the
universe, I find it intuitively makes a lot of sense, especially
when coupled with prayer or intention. Our own magnificent bodies
are crystalline, for which reason we need to realize we are either
receiving and amplifying this negative entropy, or helping to
convert it to a positive force.
It's certainly something worth
We're under attack.
We need to be informed, aware and willing to
inform others, as well as help effect changes to help people escape
the effects of these debilitating technologies as much as possible.
As more and more people become aware of these facts, the change of
consciousness and behavior that ensues will continue to transform
our planet.
These are serious times we live in, and we need to
respond accordingly.
