by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
March 13, 2011
Examiner Website
Two independent witnesses, one in Sweden and one
in the U.S., have confirmed in separate interviews with reporter Alfred
Lambremont Webre a new and chilling form of remote electromagnetic warfare
undertaken by
FEMA (U.S. Federal Emergency Management
Agency) against civilians for kidnapping targeted civilians’ “minds, psyches
and souls” around the world through non-locational technology and
imprisoning them against their will in the bodies of U.S. citizen inmates in
FEMA camps in the U.S.

Reported FEMA camp at El
Reno, OK
Photo: FEMA
Jordan Cansington, an autopsy technician and pop singer from
Stockholm, Sweden, has confirmed that a sophisticated FEMA “dream warfare”
electromagnetic weapons system captured her mind, psyche and soul during the
dream state using non-locational technology and implanted these in the body
of a male inmate of a FEMA camp located in the U.S.
Ms. Cansington’s FEMA capture occurred in March 2011. The male inmate was a
U.S. citizen about her age, in his mid-twenties.
Ms. Cansington stated that the FEMA camp where her mind, psyche and soul was
held against her will inside the body of the male inmate was filled with
similar inmates, many of whom had been captured through this same method of
“mind, psyche and soul” capture.
Ms. Cansington stated she was not able to obtain the exact physical address
of the FEMA camp in the U.S. where she was held during her captivity. She
was, however, able to draw a recreation of the layout of the FEMA camp where
she was held during the "dream warfare" non-locational illegal detention of
her "mind, psyche and soul".
Ms. Cansington states that FEMA camp
where she was held is located in Oklahoma, and that the layout of
the FEMA camp is somewhat similar to an alleged FEMA camp at El
Reno, Oklahoma (above photo). Ms. Cansington is currently working ascertain the exact location of
the FEMA camp where she was held, using a
Googlemap list of FEMA camps.
The targeted FEMA camp population appeared to be highly psychic individuals
who have special
psychic powers, can be considered “Indigos” and have
attitudes against the
New World Order.
Ms. Cansington stated that she was able to free her "mind, psyche, and soul"
from the body of the FEMA camp inmate after several days because of her
strong “mind, psyche, and soul” abilities and focused spiritual energies.
About FEMA "dream
warfare" abduction
Information by Gustave Reinfeldt, son of Swedish
Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt
Ms. Cansington stated that she has reported the FEMA illegal “dream warfare”
abduction to a personal friend, Gustave Reinfeldt, son of
Sweden’s sitting Prime Minister Hon. Fredrik Reinfeldt.
Ms. Cansington stated that while Gustave
Reinfeldt believed the authenticity of her experience, he was at a loss of
any practical action he could take for redress and grievance.
Readers can see a drawing by Jordan Cansington of the layout of the FEMA
Camp where her “mind, psyche and soul” were abducted using FEMA non-locational
“dream warfare” technology”:
FEMA “Dream
Warfare” technology confirmed by 2nd independent witness
A second independent witness, a U.S. citizen and resident who preferred to
remain anonymous, confirmed that she has suffered a similar unlawful
abduction of her “mind, psyche and spirit” by the FEMA “dream warfare”
electromagnetic technology.
The witness confirmed to reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre that her “mind, psyche, and spirit” were abducted to a FEMA
camp, where she was held in the body of a female inmate of the FEMA camp.
This second witness also confirmed that a friend of hers who was abducted by
FEMA “dream warfare” technology died at the FEMA camp.
FEMA “Dream Warfare” technology
...confirmed in prior interview regarding grey
ET soul transfer technology
The existence of electromagnetic technology similar to the FEMA “Dream
Warfare” technology was confirmed in an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview released on January 19, 2011, where Suzanne
Hansen, Founding Director of UFOCUS NZ Research Network (New Zealand)
publicly reveals the unique and compelling history of how she first met the
soul of her son aboard a Grey ET spacecraft when she was only 8 years old
and her son appeared as a “Ball of Light.”
In her interview, Ms. Hansen reveals that later in her life, after she was
married and pregnant with her son, she was taken aboard a
Grey ET spacecraft, where she met her son’s soul once more as “a Ball of Light.”
this occasion, her son’s
Soul was inserted into her womb and her son’s body
in a procedure by the Grey ETs, who also gave her deep information about the
future positive social role her son would play on Earth.
Throughout her
life, Ms. Hansen states, her experiences with the Grey ETs were
“transformational, purposeful, and positive.”
Secret grey ET treaties
...and misappropriation of “mind, psyche, and soul”
non-locational transfer technology
Using secret treaties, many of the technologies of grey extraterrestrial
civilizations, including 4th dimensional non-locational “mind, psyche, and
soul” transfer technologies such as those allegedly employed in the illegal
kidnapping of Ms. Cansington and a 2nd independent U.S. citizen to FEMA
camps were transferred by the grey ET civilizations to the U.S. government
black budget agencies.
These U.S. government agencies, such as FEMA, may have apparently either
used, adapted or misappropriated these grey ET “mind, psyche, and soul”
electromagnetic non-locational transfer technologies to be able to kidnap
the “mind, psyche, and soul” of an innocent individuals around the world and
“enmesh” them into the body of a U.S. inmate at the FEMA camp.
To discuss these U.S. government secret treaties with grey and other ET
civilizations, Researcher Jim Nichols joins
Age of Discovery on March 26,
2011 at 7:00 pm PST (10:00 pm EST) on Ustream.tv with,
Public crusade to liberate similar “dream warfare” victims in FEMA camps
Ms. Cansington has vowed a public crusade to bring this new form of mind,
psychic and soul warfare by FEMA to public light, and to liberate those held
in the FEMA camps in the U.S.
Ms. Cansington is in touch with a network of individuals who either have
been abducted by this FEMA “dream warfare” electromagnetic technology into
FEMA camps, or who are aware of it and who are attempting to bring this new
form of warfare to public light and to liberate those individuals who are
being held illegally in FEMA camps.
Part of the challenge in identifying the victims in this new form of illegal
international abduction by FEMA is that the victims’ “minds, psyches and
souls” are held prisoner inside the bodies of other inmates, thus making
positive identification in the 3rd dimension difficult.
2008 Public Warning about FEMA dream warfare by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Ms. Cansington was able to locate reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre on March
12, 2011 through an
Internet webpage that posted an email sent
out by this reporter in 2008 warning the public against this type of FEMA
“dream warfare”.
How to evaluate the FEMA programs
...for unlawful abduction of individuals
worldwide using “mind psyche soul” non-locational transfer technology
FEMA “dream warfare” non-locational transfer technology exists
“dream warfare” non-locational transfer technology exists for abducting
“mind psyche and soul” of an individual and enmeshing these in the body of
an inmate at a FEMA camp exists and has been demonstrated in grey ET ships,
in the
soul enmeshment of a married pregnant woman and the soul of her son.
FEMA and/or some
black budget agency of the U.S. government including but
not limited to
CIA, NRA, or some related agency more probably
than not has misappropriated and retro-adapted the grey ET soul non-locational
transfer and enmeshment technology to a mission of abducting the “minds
psyches and souls” of innocent individuals around the world into the bodies
of inmates at FEMA camps in the U.S.
Targeting individuals of high psychic and soul capacity
By the evidence
of witnesses, FEMA appears to be targeting individuals such as Jordan Cansington and the 2nd independent U.S. citizen witness who are of high
psychic and soul capacity.
FEMA’s intent appears to be to engage in
spiritual warfare, by derailing the soul mission and path of these
individuals, on behalf of a international war crimes racketeering
organization, who some refer to as the Illuminati.
Unlawful activity of FEMA
This unlawful activity of FEMA, which
constitutes crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide under the Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva Conventions, must
be made public and prosecuted without delay by public prosecutors in nations
that are signatories to the Rome Statute of the International Court.
U.S. Congress & Executive branch co-opted
The U.S. Congress and U.S.
Executive branch appear to have been co-opted by the international war crimes
racketeering organization (Illuminati) that exercise command and control
over these FEMA “dream warfare technologies.
A veritable constitutional
revolution at the ballot boxes in the 2012 U.S. Federal election therefore
is in order, to rid the U.S. Congress and Executive branch of any taint of
operatives of the Illuminati, and the restoration to the U.S. of a democracy
by, with and for the people of the U.S.
ET disclosure
ET disclosure and truth-amnesty process aimed at full
public disclosure of all crimes committed as a result of ET secret treaties
ET technology transfer and adaptation for war crimes purposed must be
undertaken as part of a 2012 U.S. Presidential platform
A full investigation of all FEMA concentration camps, including
those holding FEMA “dream warfare” non-locational “mind psyche and soul”
prisoners in the bodies of inmates in these camps, or in their own bodies,
must be undertaken immediately under the Rome Statute of the International
Court, the Geneva Conventions, and the War Crimes provisions of the U.S.
Code Annotated (USCA).
Additional Information