George L.
Alien-UfosForum Website
I work as a writer and have friends who
are personal "friends" of the Bushes.
My first publishing contract
was with a man whose family is close friends of the Bushes (major
corporation owners). Over time, other friends (past and present)
have done business with, or shared contacts with the
Bush’s--including Cabinet level appointments. (I’m basically
antithetical, of a different political outlook and far removed, at
this point, from any Bush proximity).
In short, there is cross pollination,
and, for other, more important reasons, both ends of this spectrum
know about each other. Here, for the first time, in print, is a
story about Bush Sr. and suspicious doings surrounding the shooting
of Reagan.
*Note: as an "experiencer"
since 1995, I post in the aliens and ufo’s section often.
Weird as some of what follows sounds, this is the exact truth, as I
experienced it. Given the grave nature of the subject, I wouldn’t
report inaccurate details. I could say the following under oath and
not worry.
I’ve been an "experiencer" since 1995 (I’ve written about this on
the aliens/ufo’s thread--on unknowncountry.com’s mindframe section
see the thread about "hyperversals," for instance), and, beginning
in Dec. of ’05, a previously reliable, informative alien source
(who’d given info. about science, exopolitics and a critique of the
abducting federation) stated clearly, explicitly that George Bush
Sr. was a "direct operative" of the gray "federation," what
Philip Krapf refers to as the IFSP (Intergalactic Federation of
Sovereign Planets).
It wasn’t simply stated in passing. The
remark was repeated, expanded upon, tested and traced into a human
network of interactions, plus a larger kind of quantum memory in
time, so to speak, to show exactly how Bush is direct federation.
I’m but one of many experiencers who has written about interactions
with aliens. In my case, the interaction is semi-public, in that I
am part of a larger telepathic community of human interactions.
Given that the alien aspects draw great attention, any interaction
with me gets noticed, due to the unusual, and sometimes important,
nature of what is communicated.
I know this kind of material may be new to some, but the IFSP (gray
federation) intervention here is aggressive, and they have contacts
and material interactions here, on this planet. They also have an
abduction & breeding program and they implant, coerce and try to
manipulate--for a reason. Humans subsequently tested Bush remotely,
over and over again. I can’t say much about this, in order to not
betray who we are and what our methods are (not intrusive, not
"direct," of course). Bush is old now and easy to beat in such
regard. He tries to hide the tell-tale indicators of his
interactions, but can’t.
This came as but a mild surprise (to an experiencer and to those
accustomed to the new paradigm), given that Bush’s lifelong
superiors and cohorts have been members of
the Du Pont family, both
during Watergate, and in narco-intel. doings, and the black budget.
Bush is part of the Du Pont-Dulles-Bush faction in CIA corruption,
the worst of the worst. Bushes also share old family involvements
with fascism, and, in Gerard Colby Zilg’s first edition of
the Nylon Curtain (now called Du Pont Dynasty, in later editions), Zilg has a chart showing Du Ponts married to a "Bush" family,
presumably Bush-kin.
Du Ponts and
Rothschilds are the main names mentioned by
sympathetic, NON-federation aliens when giving humans a heads-up
about what may be the most important crisis in human history: the
so-called federation’s direct intervention here. The Biderman part
of the Du Pont family and the French part of the Rothschilds have
been directly pointed out as "direct operatives" of the federation.
Information of the sort is offered to help humans get up to speed on
the breeding program and an intervention that has caught many of us
blind-sided. We are also being cultivated to take on greater cosmic
responsibilities, mostly of an ecological sort.
Suffice it to say, the news about Bush (witnessed by others in the
human community of interaction) caused quite a stir and appears to
have put some of the IFSP plan into crisis mode. Through a
tendentious network of interactions here, military, intelligence,
governmental figures, other nations’ personnae, and many civilians,
reportedly thousands in number, have, by now, been apprised, in
various ways.
* My basis for
this assertion is my knowledge that numerous others track this
interaction, and have done so for years. In addition, one helpful
alien who communicates regularly (intending the info for more than
just myself; it isn’t personal, as such) stated that at least
"30,000 have to" track the interaction, at intervals, due to its
extraordinary nature. I’ve also put this news out in various places,
but have yet to do full justice to the subject.
I don’t keep info like that secret. My life could be in danger if I
didn’t get it out - it could die with me... I report at length and
write on such subjects, where I can. Venue is limited, but there are
creative ways of conveying the basic drift. It is most important.
Again, about Bush: From 1979-1984, I lived and did university study
in Denver. I also worked full-time in a hospital and did
investigative research, some campaign work (against Reagan’s
dundering war in C. America). I was even asked by a Senate
candidate’s press secretary to investigate a Republican rival for
legality of personal affairs.
During that time period, with a friend, I dug up info about
organized crime, political corruptions and more--some of which
touched upon national crime cases of note. Right after Reagan got
elected, on Capitol hill and around Denver arts and coffee, theater
and book stores where I tended to associate, a billboard announcing
the "Assassination Ball" was posted. I was aghast. Reagan was just
elected, and someone was sponsoring an Assassination Ball. It seemed
fishy. I wanted to go and see what it was about, but knew that the
Secret Service would be all over the thing. I didn’t want to look
stupid - I had deep contacts all over town.
The artwork on the bills was ghoulish - clearly, it was intended to
look like it was in the assassination of Reagan vein, it seemed.
Reagan hadn’t done anything yet. John Hinckley, the Reagan shooter,
apparently grew up in Denver and his family lived there - when those
Assassination Ball posters went up. Hinckley surely spent much of
his time in Denver. He probably knew it like the back of his hand.
The Hinckleys were corporate types and
were direct friends of the Bush family. According to a Houston Post
report right after Reagan was shot,
"Scott Hinckley, brother of John W.
Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, was to have dined
tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice
president’s sons."
Bush Sr. was CIA, a Du Pont loyalist
(anti-Du Pont elements in the CIA apparently helped take Nixon down
in Watergate, in part to set back organized crime-entwined Du Ponts,
who Nixon favored unquestioningly and favored fascism in the
1930’s - see
http://www.newsmakingnews.com/helmslobuono.htm for
After being shot by John Hinckley,
Reagan almost died, which would have put Bush in the presidency.
Again, Bush Sr. has been described as a reported "direct operative"
of the federation, or the IFSP (Intergalactic Federation of
Sovereign Planets), as Pultizer Prize winning LA Times
journalist Philip Krapf calls it in
his two books about his own
direct experiences with them. It would have been a most dangerous
Studying history, and in my other research, I’d investigated direct
involvements in the Kennedy assassination, which I can’t talk about
here. So, when anomalous remarks and seemingly non-human capacities
arose in bizarre staging surrounding the Reagan shooting, I was
curious. I shared the info I had, but at that time (1980’s) was
unequipped to remotely probe certain remarks by an ambiguous source
about killing Ronald Reagan.
Years later, believe it or not,
non-federation aliens pointed directly to the federation for having
manipulated those very remarks. It was weird--I didn’t know how to
approach the subject. But, over time, I opened it up for further
scrutiny. You would not believe the pains that I’ve taken to be fair
in such regard. I stand on my record, even though I was an active
opponent of Reagan’s brutal policies.
The Assassination Ball lent a cult-like stature to the idea of
assassinating Reagan, with billboards posted publicly! It was
entirely suspicious. Imagine John Hinckley seeing those same
billboards when, surely, almost without a doubt, he went to music,
theater, coffee houses and arts events, etc. in downtown Denver
where the bills were posted for weeks. If he were a mind control
type, or even if he was just unstable, he might have thought he
could be a big star, the connecting eminence of the Assassination
Ball glory. It would have led him, and possibly others, on.
What was going on? Many have suspected that Bush Sr. wanted Reagan
out, to have the office for himself. Ever read about Bush Sr. and
the Kennedy assassination? He wasn’t the main actor, BUT---he
appears to be guilty of deep involvements with various suspects. The
Nation even did a cover story about Bush Sr.’s apparent message to
J. Edgar Hoover, speaking for the CIA and denying assassination
involvements. His superiors, Du Ponts, are all over the
assassination, perhaps the prime organizing suspects (see Fletcher
Prouty’s story about Gen. Ed Lansdale and United Fruit, plus the
many Du Pont sponsorships of JFK assassination figures---all over
the map).
And, as CIA, Bush covered for its worst
crimes, the very worst---dope, murders and MUCH WORSE, as has his
son, Junior. See Daniel Hopsicker’s book
Welcome to Terror Land---it
shows just the tip of a monstrous iceberg.
The murder of Reagan by Hinckley would have put a direct operative
of the federation into the White House, reportedly, an epic
oversight on our part. Remember how, after re-election in 1972,
Nixon canned everyone but Bush Sr. He said Bush "will do anything
for us." Bush wanted to be president just a little too much. And
why? Was he tasked to do so?
More to the point, was Hinckley a mind control case, as some
suspect? Or was he just unstable and susceptible to a mind influence
"intervention." The methods necessary for just such an intervention
were EXACTLY what I witnessed in the months after Reagan was hit. It
was such bad timing, on the part of the culprits. Taken together
there’s reason to be suspicious:
the Assassination Ball, Bush as
direct federation (Junior continuing to cover for "the cabal"
and their narcotics, plus the Monarch program), the Hinckleys’
direct ties to
the Bush family (making them obvious to Bush Sr’s
goons), the bizarrely obvious tipping of assassination remarks
into investigators’ awareness--it all suggests that Bush Sr. may
have conspired to kill Reagan. Compared to other assassination
suspects, the public knows little about Hinckley’s background
and the home life of his family.
In Cathy O’Brien’s book
of America, about being used as a Monarch mind-control intelligence
and sex/blackmail operative, she describes how Reagan tasked her
with taking an NCL cruise liner, then a plane to Nicaragua to meet
with then-Sandinista president Daniel Ortega. Being a Monarch
"beta", she had sex with Ortega and gave him a peace overture from
Reagan, a call to allow US business to help develop Nicaragua.
Ortega gave a long, very diplomatic and
thoughtful, careful reply to Reagan, BUT, Cathy says the when she
returned to the White House to give Ortega’s response to Reagan,
Bush got to her first.
Like a bizarre hack, Bush Sr. manipulated Cathy to leave out most of
the message and told her to only say an insulting, minor part of the
wording to Reagan, which caused Reagan to go beet red and think
Ortega stupid, even more of an enemy. If Cathy is correct (her
memory is so vivid, it seems to be eidetic), Bush manipulated and
schemed behind Reagan’s back. A man who has had assassination
involvements, deep CIA ties
to Monarch and worse, a man who, now, is
described as "direct operative" of the IFSP (Intergalactic Federation of
Sovereign Planets), the gray-related
Also, years after the suspicious remarks incident, non-federation
aliens and I dragged out the subject of the remarks for
ever-watchful federation aliens to respond to. In a series of starts
and halts, a tipping of the subject into explicit details, one
federation alien reacted with anger at having exposed their apparent
complicity by probing, as though I were betraying my kind
(anti-Reagan) by digging, in the first place. Meanwhile, the
federation tries to play all parts against each other, for hegemony
reasons. Given their reported (and repeatedly probed) Du Pont and
Bush affiliations, they aren’t at all up to world peace standards,
regretfully to say.
This has been a most uncomfortable
subject for federation aliens, seemingly revealing moments in which
they try to play as though they’re the revolutionary "green blade"
of Neruda’s writings, while they’re actually steeped in innocents’
blood via their direct regime operatives, i.e. the arch-reactionary
"conservative" Du Pont(s) in question. They don’t like to be pinned
re the Reagan case, so they’ve haggled and postured in such regard,
but are extremely suspicious.
Even people of the so-called political
right are deeply suspicious of losing basic freedoms under Bush’s
bizarre rule of self-avowed "cabal" ~crazies. ("the cabal" is how
Wolfowitz, Rummy and Perle actually refer to themselves privately,
and "the crazies" is how Bush Sr. referred to Cheney,
Rumsfeld, and
Wolfowitz from 1988-1992)
Centuries ago, France had a Medici on the throne, resulting in the
mass murder of a French possible-king’s hundreds of aides and
guards. The Italian peninsula had the Borghia family, which
massacred many and killed several of those who displeased theme
every day, and put a Borghia in as pope who murdered his own family
members (see Jacob Burkhardt’s respected history of the period). At
present, the US has a black budget and arms/narco $ entwined family,
the Du Ponts, who were the equal of the Borghias in cruelty and mass
murder in Guatemala alone, let alone the rest of the world.
Du Pont’s United Fruit invented the
death squad and schemed the deaths of hundreds of thousands,
rivaling Roman gore in Central America, alone. Du Pont crimes
elsewhere (combining with Rockefellers’ CFR/Trilateral to plan and
profit by the Indonesian genocide and many other massive bloodbaths,
sponsoring anti-semitic propaganda during the Nazi era and even
militating for avowedly "fascist" rule here, according to a 1936
Congressional inquiry) vastly eclipse the mass murders of the
Borghia family. What do Du Ponts own? Part of GM, Boeing,
Du Pont
Chemical, Coke, Conoco, Phillips, and more. Get the picture?
Shouldn’t we be looking for crimes of the Monarch sort, here? Every
other regime in history has had similar developments. If it wasn’t
noble rape of peasants, it was cultish, mass murderous other. The US
is no different. Monarch isn’t unbelievable, but if you approach it
with the attitude that you never saw such a thing in church (see
Jesus covered with sadistic gore), in your middle class neighborhood
(see the kids video games), among your friends (as per the typical
NPR or corporate media dumbing down of outlook, the infantile
stereotype of advertising), then you won’t even look for it. It
seems ~ alien.
Meanwhile, what does massive narcotics trafficking in government and
dogfights over every single scrap of narco money among the complicit
breed in such minds?
Extremes of corruption. WORSE than France of De Sade, worse than
the Borghias. Face the facts, the US will be looked back upon and
regarded as innovative, but terribly corrupt, thick with heinous
criminals. Do we have any control of it? Do we have any
When you live in such a place, the tendency among popular outlets is
to deny, deny, deny. How many Germans worried about Jews being
sadistically butchered by Dr. Mengele in Auschwitz? Not many, at
all. They were living the good life. (Mengele pioneered some of the
tortures used in Monarch programming, and the reported child
sacrifices at
Bohemian Grove rival Nazi cruelty---the Bohemians
gather in dark hoods and do a nighttime ritual of sorts for Moloch,
god of child sacrifice.
They even kill the effigy of a child in
a torch lit ceremony, then some retreat to "the U.N.DERGROUND" rooms
there for other diversions, say Cathy O’Brien, Paul Bonacci, and
others) See their stories for details. They are lucid, supported by
corroborating accounts. Col. Michael Aquino, who was the Oliver
North among White House Republicans re Monarch abuse of sex slaves
(used to keep the elite free of risk exposure) did a satanic
ceremony in a German castle used by Himmler’s SS elite, says the San
Francisco Chronicle.
When you live in the belly of the beast, it’s easy to overlook such
ugly details. but, in other countries people take notice. Other
intelligence agencies are all over the story. They seem to see the
US government as compromised and porous, as is so demonstrably
evidenced in 9-11 (see Daniel Hopsickers book
Welcome to Terror
Land, showing that foreign intelligence had to know about the
hijackers’ ties to US cabal heroin traffic with Bin Laden, who had
near control of Afghanistan, the opium source of sources).
mind control victim Cathy
O’Brien’s husband and rescuer, intelligence insider Mark Phillips
writes about how he was about to do business with Alex Houston (a
Monarch operative) without knowing about Monarch, and, they were
signing a contract with the Chinese some 10-20 years ago. The
Chinese drew Mark aside and showed him photos of Alex Houston
sexually abusing a small, African American boy, then told him about
Houston and the Monarch program (Cathy and her daughter were
victimized, the young daughter sexually violated many times), and
Mark Phillips was aghast. He cut Alex Houston out of the deal,
contacted Cathy and rescued both she, and her daughter.
Foreign governments certainly know about
Monarch and MKULTRA
(intelligence agencies don’t have feel-good filters on their
thinking), and they see it as part of the US monopolar nightmare.
When you live in a county where such monstrous offenses occur, when
those coked up, dismissive children of the rich just laugh at your
idea about exposing Monarch (which provides some of them with easy
sex and other hush-hush diversions), don’t forget: the story is out.
Professionals are digging deep in dozens of nations’ intelligence
agencies. US official can easily be blackmailed, then they, in turn,
try to set up some dunce with a Monarch slave/photo’d liaison.
US government appears to be a sick joke, internationally, in such
To add some background, here’s a little more. Obviously, all alien experiencer reports sound unusual, at first. They’re different. If
you haven’t experienced any such, it might seem outlandish, but we
live in a nation where 40 percent, roughly 100 million voting adults
think that aliens have visited here, and a slightly lesser
percentage think the government has downed artifacts of alien
In my case, the precursors to having been included in interactions
with aliens are probably my penchant for investigative research, my
study of the underside of US history, my interest in new
developments in astrophysics and cosmology, plus my interest in
deepening the larger human commonality. For years I’ve interacted
with aliens in a way that is semi-public, in that most of the
process (still ongoing at this date) has been monitored by a larger
community of like-minded humans. Such interactions form part of yet
another threshold in human-alien interactions, an alien willingness
to come out from behind the curtain and semi-publicly help humans
understand subjects that, in the longer term, are of vital, global
concern. As such, I don’t consider the interactions as having been
directed on a personal level, given that they are of common concern.
To begin with, telepathy is possible via a brain’s propagation of
ELF-extremely low frequency waves (human brain frequencies are e.l.f.
and lower). Research has shown that extremely low frequency waves
can pass straight through the body of a human (or alien) and through
other dense structures. Why? Because any given atom is largely but a
void of seemingly empty space.
The nucleus of an atom can be compared
to a small, bizarrely fluctuating pea situated at mid-field in a
large football stadium, while the electron is but a tiny micro-dot
located way out in the furthest bleachers. So, certain kinds of
energy waves can pass through an atom easily. As was documented in a
series of groundbreaking experiments done under carefully controlled
conditions at the
Stanford Research Institute in Palo Alto during
the 1970’s, people can remotely view a distant person’s perceptions,
effectively reading another person’s thoughts.
So, how can we tell the difference between human and alien
telepathy? To begin with we must be able to sort out our own
thoughts from those of another human. In telepathic interactions,
the initiate must first become sensitized to the difference between
his or her own active thought processes and his/her more quiet
states of mind. As
Russell Targ, PhD, writes, in order to recognize
message content from an external source, one must be able to make
one’s mind essentially blank. Targ likens this state of mind to
stilled water, or a dark, black screen. As such, we can discern the
thoughts of others, which are unlike our own. They are out of
character. They have a different internal tenor and may contain
information and images that are entirely new to the receiver.
If the initiate cannot still his or her mind, he or she may not be
able to make such distinctions. For example, one must first become
skilled at noting the difference between one’s own thoughts, which
are subtler and more gently inter-dimensioned, versus one’s own
thoughts that have a nearly audio-like verbal character. Some of our
thoughts are framed in terms of how they might later be spoken,
while others are more complex and may converge from a number of
different internal perspectives.
Once the initiate can do so, he or she
will know his or her own internal tenor. Thoughts communicated by an
external source may have a more audio-like, verbal character. They
may diverge from the receiver’s accustomed way of thinking, hence
they are out of character. They stand out.
When we mull an idea over, we tend to examine it from a variety of
perspectives which have a soft and familiar precision in our minds.
A kind of internal dialogue may go on, yet we are in complete
control of it. A telepathically communicated message will diverge
from the receiver’s precise internal configuration. It will seem
different in a number of ways. More skilled telepathic communicators
can carefully monitor a receiver’s thoughts in order to pose certain
ideas at fairly natural-seeming junctures, yet, once the receiver is
able to still his or her own mind, he or she will note that the
external source communicates in a way that is unlike the receiver.
Over time, one gets a feel for how other humans think. This is
important because when an alien comes into the mixture (if such were
to happen), the alien’s thoughts will be strikingly different from
those of the receiver. The alien will begin from a more
scientifically and telepathically advanced frame of reference. To
the human receiver, the complexity and the insights conveyed by the
alien will seem unusually intelligent, highly profound and
Focused alien telepathy tends to arrive
in imagery that is subtler, with softer outlines, and more complex
than is the thought of a typical human. To the human initiate, such
thoughts may seem like surpassing genius, which they are, in a
sense. Telepathically communicated alien thoughts may involve a
variety of new ideas and artistic-seeming details, an astounding
inventiveness--sometimes even a complex kind of humor.
If this actually happens to you, you may want to inquire as to who
it is and why they are communicating with you. If you receive
answers that are definitely not you, not your way of thinking--and
you’re sure of it, you may engage in a kind of dialogue. Chances are
it won’t be entirely verbal. Why? Because aliens think in terms of a
highly complex, if not multi-dimensional geometry. Mathematicians
call such geometry "topology." Topology is the geometry of elastic,
flowing form (and extra-dimensional connectedness).
Aliens model their thoughts to both
mirror, and dimension through the elastic, ever-flowing forms of the
quantum continuum. Aliens think in terms of multiple thresholds
lying in between every single quantum---unlike most humans, who tend
to think that an electron is an electron, a distinct thing, of
sorts. Within those multiple thresholds lying between, if not
virtually connecting all quanta, aliens look for information content
that is often non-local in character. Apparently, aliens can drop
into such a configuration space (an extra dimension fluctuating
within such intervals) and can discern information content.
In 1995, I was "contacted" for the first time. The extra
communications to which I refer have continued to this day and have
diversified. I use a pseudonym to write on the web about such
subjects. As I would come to learn later, my initial contact appears
to have been of the "Elder" sort (see Alec Newald’s book), an
independent group that you may have read about re-ascertain safe haven
in the New Zealand area. As I found out, later, the Elder(s)
communicating were being ghosted by other, more advanced aliens.
Prior to Newald’s book, I had no information to specify the
contacters, who subsequently confirmed the Elder identity on
numerous occasions. The communications were explicit, deliberate,
and far beyond human capacity.
The conceptual awareness, certainly the
intelligence level, were astounding for me then (and still are, to
this day.) I was amazed, literally awed at both the nature and the
complexity of what was transpiring. I’d always suspected that there
was more, out there, but never expected it to enter directly into my
life. Frankly, the Einstein implications for mass and energy at the
speed of light, if not superluminal phasing, tended to dissuade me
from assuming that there were numerous alien visits to this planet.
Years later, while struggling to work out a coherent, "cohomological"
framework for ongoing phenomena (a logical model that agrees with
Edward Witten’s
M-theory of multiple mathematics for extra
dimensional phenomena, not just the one type of mathematics that we
learn in school), I happened upon
Scientific American’s Jan 2000
article on Negative Energy, which essentially agrees with part of
Col. Tom Bearden’s thesis about electromagnetism and
Prior to that time, I essentially searched within the implications
of Edward Witten’s M-theory for exceptions to the Einstein limit.
The new negative energy dynamics appear to outline an easy, if not
readily available framework for reported alien technologies.
After 1995, the below-noted communications developed into larger,
now-ongoing interactions of a highly dynamic sort. But first, some
As I continue, I refer to two books in particular:
Coevolution, by
Alec Newald, and also
Philip Krapf’s books. Whether you think
they’re true reports, or not, I’ll argue a case that assumes at
least some credibility in each case, for various reasons, which I’ll
get to momentarily. My critique of the two books is as follows: Newald’s was apparently intended to be the first explicit public
representation of a marginally diplomatic, fully-aware off-world
excursion, quite possibly an attempt to pre-empt what came later in
Krapf’s books re the IFSP, the largest collective-of-sorts (albeit
not a mature "community of mind") yet to visit frequently (at least
in visible terms) here.
There are anomalous aspects of Newald’s
book that don’t hold water: the story about Venus, and the idea that
humans are the actual physical past of visiting aliens. And, in Krapf’s book, although Krapf may not be aware of it, the "angelic"
elements smack of blatantly manipulative, if not mendacious
off-world propaganda.
*Not necessarily from Krapf’s limited
perspective (at the time), however. He seems to be honest, a
plain-spoken, humble man. He asks good questions, even when at a
The Elders seem to have done what "grays" (noted in Krapf’s books)
do more explicitly: they appear, in Newald’s case to have thrown in
a few implausible details in order to persuade humans of their basic
affinity for two obvious reasons.
First, Elders (and grays)
reportedly come from another galaxy (quite possibly the Large Magellenic Cloud, like the grays). Given that they reportedly come
from another galaxy, there is an explicitly-communicated wariness
here (by non-humans) about certain native rights and the past
ecology of any incursion, primarily centering on one basic question:
where and how long will newcomers
stay, and how will their stay affect the entire galactic
neighborhood, i.e. in terms of Bearden’s delta t (the speeding
of time in the near-continuum due to the use of electrogravity
by any advanced population--it has to borrow significant energy
to do what it does, and delta t speeds time in surrounding
space-time to fulfill that requirement).
Secondly, both grays and
reportedly suffered global disasters, which first forced them
underground, then forced them to move to other planets. In each
case, the scattering of reports that we get (under the current US
regime) point to a basic scenario:
something happened on the given planet(s) to cause a divergence, either of a genetically engineered
elite sort or involving the use of electrogravity on a global scale.
There are references to a naive clinging to "nature" by one faction
on the original Elder planet, while another faction went
Then, in both Elder and gray
cases, came a kind of disaster, which is variously interpreted. It
appears to have been both atmospheric and seismic, which suggests
misuse of electrogravity, perhaps after having reverse-engineered
such technology (conceivably gained from another population).
*In some
respects, the similarity of gray and Elder physiognomy suggests a
possible common origin.
If an Elder misuse of electrogravity was due to having acquired such
technology from some off-world source, as is reportedly the case
with us--here on Earth, then it’s possible that Elders rushed to
develop a global-scale system for defensive reasons, as is
reportedly proceeding here, on Earth also. To continue the scenario,
if both grays and Elders were being visited by an off-world grouping
like the "Verdant" IFSP (cited in Phillip Krapf’s books) that later
absorbed grays into its fold, we can easily imagine that there might
have been an elite effort to ward off the visitors’ conceivably
colonial manipulations, which, like the ongoing intervention here,
may have involved IFSP propagation of conflict---under the guise of
effecting selective advancements over time.
In the human case, as you may have read, there are a variety of
reports about Verdant-gray staging of phenomena surrounding three of
the human "prophets." Subsequently, there are further indications
that religious splits here have been easily manipulated to deepen
conflict and de-stabilize the situation on earth in order to make it
easier for the ostensible colonial (the Verdant-gray combination) to
"save" us from our own destruction.
For various reasons (physiology, height, skin and eye-form,
similarity of histories, and various "reports" communicated in the
ongoing series of relations to which I am party), I tentatively
hypothesize that grays and Elders are of common origin. In such a
scenario, grays may have been a genetically un-enhanced, or normal
population, while the Elders were a richer, yet more mistake-prone
technological elite that effected a planet-killing misuse of a
Tesla energy and defense system (electrogravity).
Elders appear to have either been unaware about inner core dynamics
(possible heavy metal concentrations) and unaware that the use of a
planet core (as Tom Bearden describes) as a capacitor requires a
kind of counter-veiling extra gravity (electrogravity) to both
contain atmosphere from being disturbed, and to offset seismic
If we assume the Elder scenario as possibly valid, Elders may have
rushed ahead without a mature scientific model, perhaps for
defensive reasons (a Verdant-IFSP attempt to destabilize the
situation in order to take advantage of it?). I’ve "heard" various
allegations (all extra, not human) to this effect, from various
sources. These aren’t heard with ear apparatus, but are
telepathically communicated--such that considerably more detail and
graphic is conveyed, sometimes in short burst form, when necessary.
The Elder-gray case may have involved a burgeoning Verdant
population’s large-scale (inter-galactic) designs and needs being
given priority over what, to the Verdants, were the seemingly
smaller-scale needs and priorities of the original gray (also
Elder?) world.
Before I continue much further with this scenario, let me describe
some of the specific communications that have informed it.
gray-Elder common origin scenario isn’t necessary, of course, given
the tenuousness of the reports alleging it, but can be seen in
parallel with the larger background of info that humans apparently
have, to date. In my case, very specific statements and
deeply-seated resentments (by extras) have been observed,
repeatedly, re the Elder-gray common origin scenario. Apparently, in
numerous ongoing communications that I’ve been party to, even the
so-called Verdants have tried to put Elders down for their role in
the death of the planet. This is all ongoing, by the way.
First off, as has been mentioned during years of communicated
"extra" interactions which I note above, since 1995 I’ve noted a
sharp distinction drawn between both the character and the impulses
of sexually-reproducing populations, and non-sexually reproducing
populations--offworld. Verdants are reportedly sexual. Grays and
elders are reportedly not.
In my own life, I’ve catalogued the behaviors and impulses of
various extra species who have communicated in ongoing interactions
(involving myself, and others, by the way--as part of a growing
human community of sorts). Clearly, the non-sexuals are both smarter
and more gentle, capable of finer and more sustained reasoning.
However, in the gray case, if absorbed into a colonizing sexuals’
grouping ( i.e. the Verdants’ IFSP), such non-sexuals can be used,
very efficiently by the more aggressive, and in the Verdant case,
the technologically more advanced "colonial."
*See Krapf’s first
book for further details.
Here is the basic context of the inter-communications I’ve been
party to: Initially, Elders opened up, reservedly, with implications
of a much larger, ongoing dynamic. Then, after months of reading and
thought, I began to evolve my ideas: a better understanding of electrogravity, which Elders communicated as being premised on a
kind of quantum cosmological negative cycle---which is described in
Newald’s book, also.
Shortly after the Elders opened up (this
occurred in a context in which I was not necessarily prime, so to
speak---a situation in which any communication to me would certainly
be picked up by a larger host of other humans), grays (ghosted by
Verdants, apparently) and what appear to be hybrids and others began
to make some limited statements, apparently for fear of being
upstaged by the Elders. On the Verdant-gray side have been extras
that Elders repeatedly hinted at as being of the "orange" variety,
and others. In addition, taking an essentially neutral, but
categorically more capable, stance, has been a group of much more
advanced aliens.
*As for myself
in all of this: As a critic, an essayist/writer and investigative
researcher, I’m probably considered capable of discarding failed
conventions in favor of new ones. At the very least, any extra would
know that I certainly would move toward expose and the spread of
almost any info sent my way. Some such info is sensitive in that it
is offered inclusively---i.e. absent the reasoning and assumptions
of the common/community identity within which such insights are
derived, the info could be misused, if not misconstrued.
Perhaps you’ve heard such a statement
before. All such interactions are effectively transparent, within
certain constraints, of course. Incidentally, a reader’s skepticism
of this report is both healthy and appreciated. Experiencers like
myself need to be tested in order to be able to better explain and
document what we report.
Initially, I was awed by all extras, even the grays--who are
constantly pressured by others (I was unaware of specifics about
Elders in 1995, given that Newald’s book didn’t come out until ’97,
at which time it cleared up quite a bit of ambiguity about what was
then-ongoing in my life). As you no doubt know, and as I’ve
"observed" over and over again in contentious, often unpleasant
circumstances, grays tend to be paralleled and assisted by hybrids,
who are part of the Verdant strategy to get an advanced kind of
control, of sorts, here, as various contactees and abductees have
Grays are smarter and more sure of
themselves than human-extra hybrids of the IFSP sort. Indeed, much
as grays may have experienced long ago, IFSP human-extra hybrids
here are pressured into feeling as though they will fail and be
potentially lost as a kind, if humans elect to remain independent of
the IFSP.
*Common use of
the word "Federation" seems too ironic to me, too closely like the
TV sci version--possibly for off-world propaganda reasons. I doubt
that actual Verdants use such a term in their own language. Instead,
the literal translation would more likely be something like the
Interaction, the Common, or some such. Verdants are both shrewd and
calculating, with an epic span of experience in dealing with lesser
As I was saying, initially, grays communicating with me (and others
by extension) would make some limited statement, sometimes a hint
that electrogravity and the new physics is premised on a kind of
"fold" in the structure of space-time (this occurred when I was
mulling over the idea of fractional-waveform in the Wheeler-Feynman
vein, prior to having read Roman and Ford’s ground-breaking article
about "negative energy" in Scientific American, Jan. 2000 issue).
Then, grays, apparently overseen by
older and rigidly-controlling (often patronizing and sharply
critical) Verdants, would verge on an old Christian religious idea
of modesty, moderation, etc. to dissuade me from thinking through
the new physics more trenchantly.
*A cloying, stifling
incubus, of sorts. Sad as it may seem, such manipulators tend to
prey upon the most juvenile sentiments they can identify--when
interacting with humans.
We appear to be getting into new territory.
I remember reading David
Jacobs’ book
The Threat, about the breeding program’s infiltration
here, and thinking the same thing. Although I think Jacobs
overestimated the alien influence among the populace, it was a real
wake-up. The alien sources I’m lucky enough to hear have repeatedly
stressed that there are between 3000-4000 direct federation
operatives of concern, here on Earth.
They aren’t low-level gas pump jockeys.
Some of the best ideas about what to do are seemingly folded into
your very question itself. If you ask it, you probably already have
some answers--but the task seems daunting. I’d say there’s a
three-fold way to approach the subject.
1. Be able to quote the most
reputable sources about aliens and their interactions
here--among friends, even in speaking publicly, if you dare to
take the risk. The whole subject is growing in importance.
2. Get up to speed on
remote viewing and telepathy. Below
is a quick primer on how to literally locate the federation
aliens AND their direct operatives. (Merely sympathetic people
should be of no concern, as are people who love the idea of
learning from and wish to contact an alien. Direct operatives
have no qualms about betraying the whole of humankind; they lack
certain qualities that others, here, have.)
3. Try to read up on negative energy and "electrogravity,"
if and when you can. It’s really fairly easy, when you get a
good summary. It’s on the web in various places. Here’s Tom
Bearden’s summary: When light waves converge along three
different axes (i.e. x, y and z) and cancel out (so that the
rolling hump in the opposing waves along each axis are the
mirror image of each other), the energy bleeds into
electrogravity. And, conversely, when electrogravity meets and
cancels out, it bleeds into electrogravity.
Electrogravity is based on negative
energy, which can be produced by doing what Bearden says
- making
light waves meet and cancel out (scientists call this "destructive
Electrogravity is the cutting edge of 21st century
technology and is the basis for faster-than-light communications,
plus those amazing saucers that can disappear and make vast
"journeys" at hyper-"speeds."
Here’s the quick How-to: IMPORTANT! -