by Gene Weingarten
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 27, 2000; Page C01
originally posted at The Washington Post
MetaTech Website

First, don't panic.
There is probably a good
explanation for the mystery of the photographs, something that does not
threaten the enslavement and/or extermination of mankind.
There has to be a benign explanation. I just haven't found it yet.

President-elect Bush named
top advisers Condoleezza Rice and Alberto R. Gonzalez
at the governor's mansion in
Austin on Dec. 17. (J. Scott Applewhite - AP)
The first photograph appeared in The Washington
Post on Dec. 18. In it, the president-elect stands behind and to the side of
Condoleezza Rice, his nominee for national security adviser.
George W. Bush
is slightly out of focus. His head is cocked to the left and tilted slightly
backward, his mouth downturned in a perfect cartoonish crescent, the way a
first-grader might draw a frown. His eyes are squinty.
The next photograph appeared in this paper two days later. In it, the
president-elect stands behind and to the side of Alberto R. Gonzalez, his
choice for White House counsel. George W. Bush is slightly out of
focus. His head is cocked to the left and tilted slightly backward, his
mouth downturned in a perfect, cartoonish crescent, the way a first-grader
might draw a frown. His eyes are squinty.
It is not a similar pose; it is an identical pose. It is not a similar
expression; it is the identical expression.
Both photos were sent to me via e-mail by Post reader Adam Shannon,
and at first I suspected chicanery: that as a joke, Shannon had altered one
or both of them in a Photoshop process. But no, Post archives confirmed that
both had been published.
Then the third photo appeared in The Post two days later:
The president-elect stands behind and to the
side of Ann Veneman, his nominee for agriculture secretary.
George W. Bush is slightly out of focus. His head is cocked to the left
and tilted slightly backward, his mouth downturned in a perfect
cartoonish crescent, the way a first-grader might draw a frown. His eyes
are squinty.
Identical. Different tie, identical pose.
Now I suspected chicanery of a different sort. Could The Post have violated
its own hallowed standards for accuracy by ginning up these photos from old
stock, to cover for lazy or drunken photographers who missed their
assignments? Or something?
Then the fourth photo appeared. This was in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Bush, with his new EPA chief, Christine Todd Whitman. Cocked head.
Backward tilt. Crescent frown. Squint.
Then, The Baltimore Sun. The New York Times. The Washington Times.
Bush, with his nominee for treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill. Squints!
Frowns! First-graders! Tilt!
Then, El Nuevo Herald in Miami. ¡Ceños! ¡Cortaduras! ¡Estrabismos! ¡Cabezas
I felt I was losing my mind.
Adopting a background pose of requisite gravity is evidently a tricky thing
for a new president: In 1993, when Bill Clinton had to appear beside his new
nominees, this very newspaper commented how similar the president-elect
looked in the photographs: It was the birth of his famed lip-bite pose. But
those photos were fraternal twins of each other. These new ones are
What could explain this?
It occurred to me that it might not be Bush in these photos at all. The
president-elect is a busy man these days, forced by circumstance to collapse
his interregnum into a few weeks. Perhaps he hasn't the time to attend all
these ceremonial events. Perhaps what we are seeing is a stand-in, one of
those cardboard cutouts you can pose with on the street around the White
I telephoned J. Scott Applewhite, the Associated Press
photographer who took that first excellent picture of Bush and Condoleezza
Is it possible, I asked him respectfully, that
he was fooled by a cardboard cutout?
"A cardboard cutout?"
Yes, I said hopefully.
"It was Bush," he said.
You sure?
"I am absolutely certain. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said it was
Bush in my caption."
I asked: How is your eyesight?
"It does the job," he said, a little stiffly.
I admit I was pressing, but I was desperate. The
only alternative scenario I had was the one I did not wish to visit.
Adam Shannon, the Washington communications consultant who first
brought this matter to my attention, had a theory of his own:
The Bush we know, the Bush we see, the Bush
at the debates, the Bush on the campaign trail, the Bush we elected, the
Bush whom J. Scott Applewhite and others have been photographing, is "an
animatronic robot."
A machine?
"It's a fusion of a servo-motorized
biofidelic shell and a sophisticated artificial intelligence module,"
Shannon theorizes.
What we are seeing in these photos, he
postulates, is "a machine that has defaulted into standby mode." At a press
conference in which attention is directed elsewhere, he said, the robot
"go into a temporary shutdown state in which
it assumes a preprogrammed pose while waiting its turn to reactivate and
begin speaking."
Let's follow this through to its logical
conclusion. The most powerful human on Earth is not a human at all but a
machine under the control of an unknown master with technological skills far
beyond ours, programmed to carry out God-knows-what for the benefit of
God-knows-who at the expense of you-know-very-well-who?
Oh, man.
Desperate for an alternative explanation, I went to our photo files, and
found a picture of George W. Bush at around age 7, holding his baby brother
Jeb. If you look at this picture just right, you can see the hint of the
same downturned mouth, the same squint.
What could this mean?
I brought this new evidence to Shannon.
"Can you authenticate the age of this
supposedly old photo?" he demanded.
Well, no.
"See, if you were going to create an animatronic robot to run for
president, you would have to go back and establish a documentary
childhood. So you would have to build and photograph Mini-Me's. This is
probably a Mini-Me. Same default posture."
Oh, man...
Democracy in Action
by Dr.
Stefan Grossmann
CloakAndDagger Website
It's been featured pointedly in a top newspaper,
but the people don't understand. I am writing this article for a free
internet medium in order to help the people understand: George W. Bush
is no
human. He is not the son of his alleged parents. He is a cloned president.
The Clone President.
The sizzling hot subject of cloning has not yet reached
the public, but it is the biggest subject of all.
The headline of this article places the first letter of the word "president"
in parentheses because legally speaking the sitting president is merely a
resident of the White House, see legal analysis of the Supreme Court
corruption swindle at
Criminal Presidents Part 2.
The word "clone" is intended and is not to be confused with the word "clown"
even though in the given context the two words may come close. The subtitle
"Democracy in Action" – yes, the subtitle alone is ironic because the report
gives us barely anything else to laugh about.
The human race is possessed by demons.
That is a common religiously tainted
word for a certain type of freak life. Some beings can slam their life into
a reverse gear so that it does not grow and procreate but it shrinks and
disintegrates. They are like Dr. Jekyll after he drinks his potion and turns
into the abominable Mr. Hyde. These beings are mentally sick, upside down
and follow a perverse goal of death instead of life.
George W. Bush died in 1987 and was carried on through secret laboratories
(Area 51 etc.) as a zombie henceforth. He is not the only one.
They walk
among us and look like we do; but they are geared to sorrow and not to
happiness. Their souls are like wild animals. Their survival is driven by
fierce cruelty untamed. They are fugitives from paradise. They are dwellers
of the jungle. Their law is the law of the jungle – to eat or to be eaten.
America has no president. It has a series of look-alike cloned Bonobo
chimpanzees who are 100% remote controlled through magnetic waves. The
alleged President is a sophisticated theme park diorama, a walking and
talking 9-11. Its controlling force is not democracy but jungle law and
demonic possession.
This has a pre-history in
British royalty (Greg Hallett)
and in the personality development of the young George W. Bush (Brownsville,
TX, Children of the Fold Satanic ritual slaughter, Bush at that time still

GWB is a Bonobo
cross-over clone.

A Bonobo chimp
I have been hearing and reading such reports for
years from serious and well-informed people including, without limitation,
more than three top mainstream journalists or former journalists.
Let us look at the evidence for this
As a trial attorney with psychological interests, one of my first intuitions
is to get a look behind the curtain through face reading.
Here is a
compilation from the internet of alleged Bush monkey faces, a compilation
that is distributed under the guise of humor:

Study the photo compilation to form your own
I see two or three younger faces of Bush where I believe from my
gut feeling that he still looks human. There is additionally another
relevant face type of Bush documented on the internet. We see
absent-mindedness that resembles hypnotic dissociation.
The most well-known
dissociation photo is this:

Bush in dissociation,
remotely induced (morning of 9-11-1)
click above image
Insiders report of monkey chatter, grunts and more extreme monkey faces, but
these phenomena are for the most part filtered out of the public media
stream. The inside reports are frequent and consistent.
It appears that on
his own without remote control, Bush is unable to socialize and communicate
in a human way.
There are reports that the National Security Advisor is a supervisor for the
monkey clone. For example, before the recent G8 summit in Berlin, the
President briefed a group of journalists for an hour. Without any
conceivable reason, the National Security Advisor was present, the chief of
a huge security administration with a choc full work calendar.
Does he have
nothing better to do than to spend such idle time?
Another point mentioned
by several sources is that the toilet excrements of Bush are guarded and
kept secret by Secret Service agents whenever Bush visits the toilet during
a travel in a foreign country.
The sources mention that the reason for this
is that genetic material of Bush is a top national security secret because a
genetic analysis will reveal that it contains chimpanzee genes.
The psychiatrist (shrink) Dr. Justin Frank summarized this issue in his book
"Bush on the Couch."
Jeffrey Steinberg
writes in his book review,
"With clinical objectivity, Dr. Frank draws
upon the mass of material available in the public domain about the
President, particularly George W. Bush's own, documented remarks, to
paint a picture of a man suffering from a number of serious, but
potentially treatable psychological disorders.
Among them:
All of these disorders stem from what Dr. Frank describes as Bush's
'diminished ability to manage anxiety.'"
In other words, Bush is at least mildly insane.
Here is a photo that would support Dr. Frank's findings:

Bush was trying to flee out
of a press
conference but found the door locked.

GWB's insane face from foregoing photo.
Inside reports from the White House say that Bush sees visitors who appear
at night and walk around his bed.
The Washington Post reported on December-27-2000 that Bush is an animatronic
Here are some details of this article: The article is captioned "
'Machine' Politician Exposed by Photos", is written by Gene Weingarten
(see above report) and
was printed on page C.01 of the Washington Post on December 27, 2000
(archive copy).
The article compares the identical stereotype of GWB on live
photos taken at different inaugural events.
Here are two of the photos
referred to in the article:

The Washington Post staff writer describes the
two photos:
"There has to be a benign explanation. I
just haven't found it yet.
The first photograph appeared in The Washington Post on Dec. 18. In it,
the president-elect stands behind and to the side of Condoleezza Rice,
his nominee for national security adviser. George W. Bush is slightly
out of focus. His head is cocked to the left and tilted slightly
backward, his mouth downturned in a perfect cartoonish crescent, the way
a first-grader might draw a frown. His eyes are squinty.
The next photograph appeared in this paper two days later. In it, the
president-elect stands behind and to the side of Alberto R. Gonzalez,
his choice for White House counsel. George W. Bush is slightly out of
focus. His head is cocked to the left and tilted slightly backward, his
mouth downturned in a perfect, cartoonish crescent, the way a
first-grader might draw a frown. His eyes are squinty.
It is not a similar pose; it is an identical pose. It is not a
similar expression; it is the identical expression."
The article elaborates that the photos are not
manipulated and were taken at live events. The basic tendency of the article
- a piece of serious journalism at the beginning of a new presidency -
suggests that only a machine can reproduce a facial expression thus
Near its end, the Washington Post article presents the following
"Adam Shannon, the Washington communications
consultant who first brought this matter to my attention, had a theory
of his own:
'The Bush we know, the Bush we see, the
Bush at the debates, the Bush on the campaign trail, the Bush we
elected, the Bush whom J. Scott Applewhite and others have been
photographing, is ‚ an animatronic robot.'
A machine?
'It's a fusion of a servo-motorized biofidelic shell and a sophisticated artificial intelligence
module,' Shannon theorizes.
What we are seeing in these photos, he
postulates, is ‚a machine that has defaulted into standby mode.
'At a press conference in
which attention is directed elsewhere, he said, the robot would go
into a temporary shutdown state in which it assumes a preprogrammed
pose while waiting its turn to reactivate and begin speaking.'
Let's follow this through to its logical
The most powerful human on
Earth is not a human at all but a machine under the control of an
unknown master with technological skills far beyond ours, programmed to
carry out God-knows-what for the benefit of God- knows-who at the
expense of you-know-very-well-who?"
I read this key article as a desperate attempt
of top journalists to break the silence about cloning and its use in
Regrettably, their faint plea has not been noted by the public to
this day. According to inside sources, their report originated from a cell
in naval intelligence that had been close to the head of naval intelligence,
Admiral Boorda before President Rockefeller-Clinton (natural son of Governor
Rockefeller, report) had him assassinated on behalf of
Illuminati shadow regime.
This adds particular weight to the Washington
Post report.
There are several quite secretive background
issues for the reader to understand before she or he can properly assess the
The long tradition of manipulating royals in the British Empire,
the Nazi connection of the Bush family and the Nazi exodus from Germany to
America, the use of presidential clones as doubles since at least 30 years,
magnetic-wave plasma weaponry and mind control.
After the American Revolution when the U.S. Constitution was created, the
office of the U.S. President was inspired by the power of the British King.
In the British Empire there is a tradition of manipulating royals.
This is analyzed by Greg Hallett, an intelligence historian in New Zealand, in his
book written together with Spymaster: How to Take Over the World, A Right
Royal Con, Auckland 2007.
Here is the summary from
Greg Hallett's book site,
"Never before have the cons of history been
so clearly exposed.
Germany took over Britain in a 25 year TEWT – a Tactical Exercise
Without Troops between 1689 and 1714. Thereafter time was altered so
that no one would know whether a British Royal was killed causing a
policy change or as the result of a policy change.
King George III was kept in a permanent state of madness for 55 years so
that the German Freemasons, who had taken over the British Crown, could
create the United States in their image. This resulted in U.S. citizens
permanently funding the U.K. and the British monarchy through their
taxes – to this day.
The Jewish Laws of Babylon have now become the Uniform Commercial Code
and current law. The Jews control the Freemasons and the Freemasons
control the Police. All three specialize in misery.
Most of the British Royal family are illegitimate, including Queen
Victoria, Prince consort Albert, King Edward VII and his son Winston
Churchill. Winston Churchill was first cousin with Adolf Hitler's father
and uncle to Anthony Blunt, King Edward VIII and King George VI. Adolf
Hitler's grandfather ran the Rothschild Bank, the Bank of England, and
was the first Jewish MP in British Parliament.
Prince Albert was also the son of a stable boy. Close to bankruptcy, the
British Royal family were saved by another stable boy, John Brown, who
went on to marry Queen Victoria after Albert 'died'.
The British Royal family are a subset of
the Rothschild family and the Rothschilds control all the wars and finances of the British monarchy.
The British Royal family declare war as soon as the Rothschilds have
completed their preparations. This makes for huge profits.
Many royals died of syphilis and many others died from the treatment of
syphilis. When a British royal didn't like his wife, he simply ordered
her murder – on their coronation night. This was repeated again 166
years later with the murder of Princess Diana as covered up by Lord
All Intelligence is now Counter-Intelligence. The media is a
Counter-Intelligence organization. The media backs every war. The role
of the media and embedded historians is to surround the truth with a
bodyguard of lies."
For those interested in this pre-history, go to
the book because it so full of historical detail that it cannot easily be
summarized without losing many of its points.
Building on the ground-breaking and well-founded historical research of Mae Brussell,
Webster Tarpley and Greg Hallett & Spymaster, the most recent
findings suggest that the Bush family is an emigrated German Nazi family by
the name of Scherf(f); see
report by Don Nicoloff from the April 2007 Idaho
Here is the site's summary of its article:
"What you are about to read is another step
beyond research pioneered in the early 90s by author/historian Webster
Tarpley based largely on deathbed ‚clues' provided by former Hitler
bodyguard Otto Skorzeny and his box of photographs. Since Skorzeny's
death in 1999, the various leads he provided have been followed up and
tend to support what, at first blush, would appear to be the
unbelievable rantings of an embittered old man.
What remains constant as
we pore through publicly available official records, private
correspondence, memoirs, newspaper articles, photos and other ‚clues' is
that Bush family records (the ones that exist) are a puzzle palace of
inconsistencies and curiosities. Since it is a congressionally
established fact that Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis
during WWII, we can safely say that
the Bush/Nazi connection existed.
Who are the Bushes? How did they get connected with the Nazis? Is the
connection still alive through U.S. presidents George H.W. Bush and
George W. Bush?
The answers are not as literal as we would like them to
be. But we have the testimony of Otto Skorzeny and his photos –
especially the one at right. So, here we go – the first installment of
an investigation that points to a curious conclusion: The ‚Bush' family
was created to destroy America."
Refer to the report linked above for many
research details.
According to the report in its second installment, Bush
Sr. (41st U.S. President) was a Scherff; i.e. the U.S.A. was governed by a
The stolen police file in the Brownsville, TX,
slaughter of the Children of
the Fold implicated GWB in his younger years as being a deranged Satanic
see report.
Inside information is that GWB the human died in 1987
from drug abuse. His genes were used to clone him on a chimpanzee base.
Numerous sources from the security community disclose the existence of
laboratory-grown clones of U.S. presidents. At the time of Jimmy Carter, the
clones were still recognizable by not having an adam's apple.
At a marathon
run, one presidential clone fell over on its side but, embarrassingly, its
legs did not stop their running movement. Here is
an article by the late Sherman H. Skolnick
that deals with the subject.
James Casbolt, a whistle-blowing former
MI6 agent from a family with a tradition in such profession, writes,
"On level 6 at Dulce human and ET scientists
are crossing ET, Humans and animals together. Workers at Dulce have
reported seeing strange creatures which are a mixture of alien, human
and octopus."
This is one of the milder inside tips on animal-human
cross-over cloning using Alien science and technology regarding the Dulce, NM location.
Here is a photo of the Dulce cloning
facility, level 19,

The Exif file that comes with this photo
provides the following information: photo taken April 24, 2007, 12:04
with a Canon PowerShot A530.
The cited web page describes the human
shape such as seen above in the rays as a "programmable life form".
Reports from security personnel mention that the clones are by far not
as long-lived as real humans and need to be replaced with new carbon
copies from time to time.
In a video by TV producer John Boylan, James Casbolt presents additional details,
http://hotflick.net/videos/John_Boylan/ (true source see my note at the end
of this quote):
"In early 2006 an enormous underground
installation, 16 miles long by one mile wide, began operation some
kilometers distant from the Icelandic village of Djupidalur (see photo
at bottom). It took 13 years to build, having been authorized in 1993
by the U.S. National Security Council, who had been duped into believing
it would be a research facility concerned with nuclear, biological and
chemical weapons.
Instead, this facility was a key part of Cabal plans
to build a super army of mostly Human clones whose genetics had been
upgraded with just enough retrieved Star Visitor genetic material to
give these clones enhanced physical, mental and psychic abilities. This
cloning project is what Colonel/Dr.
Michael Wolf (Kruvant) of NSC's
Special Studies Group was so incensed about when he told me several
years ago that he had learned that his work in human cloning was being
perverted by (Cabal) military into creating the Super [hybrid] Soldier
who would then receive mental programming to get the clone to mindlessly
follow immoral orders.
This caused him to resign from government
research work. This weekend, a crack counter-insurgency team (CIT),
operating independent of military control, and disgusted by Cabal
takeover of key positions in government, undertook a mission to
penetrate the Djupidalur installation. The CIT located where the
hapless, misinformed Hybrids were being held, liberated them, and
escorted them to the surface, where their safe extraction would be
arranged for by an individual with friendly ties to Star Nations and
legitimate compartments within the U.S. National Security community.
During the escorting, CIT came under fire from Cabal security forces,
and in the ensuing firefight, (Cabal) Brigadier General Frank Dougherty
and a number of his security troops were killed. The Counter-Insurgency
Team then set off munitions they had emplaced, and destroyed the clone
factory installation, after setting off an alarm to give non-security
personnel an opportunity to leave for the surface.
When Dr. Wolf was working on
cloning, he told me that it took a year to create a human clone from
test tube to walking, talking adult."
The information quoted is to my mind
copied verbatim from an e-mail of a leading
researcher, Dr.
Richard Boylan.
The destruction of the Iceland underground facility leaves other reported
facilities such as Dulce and underground beneath south-western German
unharmed and in operation. The period of an entire year for creating a human
indicates a derived retro-engineered cloning technology that is thousands of
years of research & development behind
top Alien technology.
Michael Salla, another leading
researcher in the field, writes in his 2003 "Dulce
"Castello claimed that the different
projects at Dulce involved reverse engineering of ET technology,
development of mind control methods; and genetic experiments involving
cloning and creating human-ET hybrids. Similar projects have been
conducted at
Montauk, Long Island and Brookhaven
laboratories and been the subject of a number of other whistleblower
The associated disclosure project information (Steven
Greer MD) is well researched from more than 100 top inside
informants who have made themselves available.
According to Michel Desmarquet, author of a book about his friendly
abduction to
planet Thiaoouba, there are only 78 Alien
abductions by
Zeta Reticulan Grays, and they all serve the purpose to help
cure the progressing immune deficiency of the Grays (a result from nuclear
contamination of their home planet, similar to what Earth is experiencing).
There is no direct or conclusive evidence that Zeta Reticulans are pursuing
an agenda to control the U.S. government.
Dulce facility (lowest and
most secret levels) is reported to be under the command of Reptilian-based
people (usually called Reptilians) who allegedly bear an ancient grudge
against the occupation of their planet Earth by a dummy human race planted
here from space ("Lacerta Interview"). With
highly intelligent actors, the situation is not readily transparent for
human minds.
The history of the 20th century seems to indicate the build-up
of a major genocide such as described in symbolical terms in the last book
of the Bible under the supervision of the 500 year old
Jesuit Order. The
operative level would involve many layers of deceptions. According to
the Reptilians and the Grays apply drastic strictness to destroy
evil in their own respective race, and feel that we (terrestrial surface
humans) must be taught to apply the same strictness to our social and racial
Our lax approach to human evil leads the Aliens to believe that we
are no better than uncivilized monkeys and need an intervention to return
humanity to universal law. They see themselves, in other words, as demon
hunters on a mission, with certain evil elements in our terrestrial surface
race being the target of their cleansing. The question who these evil
elements are is answered by Alien genetic science (not by skin color).
lay terms, the evil beings are such whose existence is a social cancer, who
are driven by hate, materialism and selfish instincts, i.e. the opposite of
the Christ. The use of human clones is thereby the bridge-head of an Alien
sting operation for liberating mankind from evil.
Dr. Salla in a slightly different context also
finds a positive light to shed on the situation with regard to Aliens, see
comments in "The
Need for Exopolitics - Implications of Extraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories
for Policy Makers and Global Peace"
Any conclusion that would paint "them" as the bad guys and "us" as the good
guys would in any event be over-simplified and would, since one-dimensional
and monocausal, fall short of explaining anything.
The only thing certain is
that, in the end, evil is a grilled chicken (levity will be limited to this
one here).
Mind control is dealt with extensively at the archive page of the
Mind Control section.
The modern SDI Star Wars method is to piggy-back the mind control on plasma
weapons which work with magnetic waves (component of electro-magnetic waves
and not limited to ferro-magnetism), see
ongoing disclosure project by
Carolyn Palit.
The brain interface is usually not a visible ray but invisible to the
unaided eye. The targetting is so precise that it can pinpoint specific
arteries of a human body's blood system. The scientific details are taunting
and are not a subject of this article.
One of the homing devices used is a secretive white helicopter that has
holographic stealth cloaking. It took a special camera to capture some
photos (albeit still quite blurry) of such a helicopter over Alpine, TX in
July 2007 during a plasma attack.
Photos by Carolyn Palit:
Thomas E. Bearden provides
the following information:
"The worst area we face is that of defense
against‚ conversion' (insertion of an extra living human mind -
including a ‚clone' with certain behavioral changes implemented - in
targeted individuals, to switch between the personalities and thus alter
the behavior of the individual).
This can be (and is slowly
being) used to decrease group order (GO) in selected elements of our
society. In other words, it can be used to convert GO to NO-GO, either
partially or - ultimately - rather resoundingly."
For more information, Tom Bearden refers the
reader to his 2006 book "Oblivion
- America at the Brink."
In the book, Bearden presents a "disturbing new area of psychoenergetics -
mind wars - that completely overturns the strategic landscape".
confirms the existence of the remote control mechanism.