by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
July 14, 2011
Examiner Website
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre,
Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister under
Pierre Trudeau, stated that abolition or nationalization of the
U.S. Federal
Reserve Bank and disclosure and public application of new energy
technologies such as anti-gravity propulsion now held in sequestered
projects in the black budget national security state are a key to survival
of the United States as a prosperous society, and to humanity’s survival and
to its charting a positive future.
When asked in his ExopoliticsTV interview about the impact of the U.S.
Federal Reserve Bank on the current public debt crisis the U.S. and by
extension world nations are now facing, Mr. Hellyer declared that without
abolition or nationalization of the Federal Reserve Bank and the institution
of a proper publicly owned central bank, the United States stands little
chance of long-term survival.
Disclosure and public application of quantum access Tesla-based
Although the disclosure of now secret quantum access Tesla-based
teleportation technologies that have been operational since the early 1970s
in DARPA and CIA projects was not discussed in the interview, presumably Mr.
Hellyer was referring to the public disclosure and application of
sequestered advanced exotic technologies such as teleportation as well.
three independent whistleblowers from top secret U.S. government
programs, including former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe, former DARPA
Project Pegasus participant Andrew D. Basiago, Esq., and former U.S. DoD
scientist Arthur Neumann have now come forward to confirm that the U.S.
government has had operational teleportation for 40 years.
Application of
quantum access teleportation to the movement of people and goods around the
planet would displace polluting systems now dominated by automobiles,
trucks, buses, railroads and airplanes, and greatly improve land use urban
land use, now dominated by highways and overpasses.
Mr. Basiago, who has
publicly stated on Coast to Coast AM that he routinely visited a DARPA
forward time base in the year 2045 to retrieve materials prepared by project
participants in the future for use by U.S. government planners in 1971,
reports that teleportation appears to be a pervasive transportation
technology in the venue he visited in the southwestern U.S. in 2045.
ExopoliticsTV interview with Paul Hellyer
Mr. Hellyer is author of the book
Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival
Plan for the Human Species.
He is also a core founder of
Victory for the
World, a group of prominent individuals who has come together around the
vision that,
“The privately-owned banking monopoly is strangling the world
economy and with it the hopes and aspirations of billions of people.”
In 2005, Mr. Hellyer became one of
the first major statesmen to come forward
demanding disclosure and a proactive public policy toward extraterrestrial
civilizations now visiting Earth and use of advanced ET-derived energy,
transportation, health and other technologies for the public good.
Paul Hellyer:
“The next world war [will] be between the banks and the people
of the world".
As set out in his ExopoliticsTV interview, Paul Hellyer sees the current
world debt crisis in part as a direct product of the “money as debt” system
of the fractional bank reserve system, and in part by private central banks,
such as the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, who have hoodwinked the public and
politicians (perhaps) into borrowing money that governments as the People
can themselves create.
As part of his Victory for the World platform in the U.S., he urges U.S.
"Write to the President, your senators and congressman or woman
demanding implementation of the following as a condition of continued or
possible future political support:
Victory for the World platform - U.S.
Immediately pass a law to prohibit all politicians, candidates for
political office and political parties from accepting money from any
financial institution as well as make it a criminal offense for any such
institution, either directly or indirectly, to offer it.
(In this connection it may be necessary to ask the Supreme Court of the
United States to reverse two decisions.
The decision to recognize
corporations as “persons.” Corporations have neither heart nor soul and are,
by definition, not persons.
Reverse the decision allowing corporations to
spend unlimited sums on election advertising.
As long as corporations,
including those that have licenses to print money, can promote their own
interests through election advertising, America will be cursed with “the
best democracy money can buy.”)
Rescind the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and establish a publicly-owned
central bank of the United States.
Meanwhile have the Treasury print sufficient greenbacks, or equivalent,
to balance the federal budget, provide desperately needed relief to the
states and municipalities, and stimulate the economy to the point where it
is operating at its optimal capacity.
Reduce the leverage of the privately-owned banks steadily from their
current rates as high as 20 to 1 or more until they can be capped at 3 to 1.
Enact strict new regulations as to the purposes for which banks may or may
not extend loans.
Accept the fact that global warming is at a critical stage and set a
ten-year time target to change from a fossil fuel economy to a clean energy
Disclose to the public and the world all advances in the development of
exotic energy sources that have taken place in the last 60 years since the
U.S. began to back-engineer the technology of visitors from other planets.
Any such technology, including any secret patents filed during this period,
should be made available to the world at very modest royalties in order to
facilitate a worldwide energy revolution.
Ask the U.N. to declare 2012 the year of forgiveness and reconciliation
- a new era of cooperation and (agape) love between races, tribes,
religions, nations and regions."
A Global Fraud - The bankers and the Federal Reserve
While the current crop of world politicians strives to save the world
financial system for the banking and financial interests, Paul Hellyer does
not mince words.
In a speech earlier in 2011 to the International UFO
Congress he stated,
“The world financial system is a total fraud. It is one
Ponzi scheme, no better than the one Bernie Madoff used to
swindle his friends and neighbors, and thousands of times worse if you add
up the total number of victims it has ripped off over countless generations.
“The principal difference between the two schemes is that Madoff was acting
outside the law while the international banking cartel has persuaded
generation after generation of monarchs, presidents and prime ministers to
provide legislative protection for their larceny.
“The banks’ Ponzi scheme is alarmingly simple. They lend the same money to
several people or institutions at the same time and collect interest on it
from each. What the banks really lend, however, is their credit, and what
they take back in compensation for that privilege is a debt that must be
repaid with interest.
Disreputable history of banking and lending
“The number of times they lend the same money is called leverage.
practice is as old as the hills but for our purposes we can start with the
goldsmiths of
Lombard Street in London, England, who accepted deposits for
which they issued certificates redeemable on demand. They paid their
depositors a nominal interest rate on the understanding that they could lend
the money to their customers at higher interest rates.
They soon found that
they could lend more than they had in their vaults because only a few
depositors came in to redeem their gold or silver at any one time. It was a
scam. It was illegal. Nevertheless they got away with it for a long while
and the scam was legitimized when the Bank of England was chartered to help
King William finance his war.
Rich people subscribed £1,200,000 in gold and
silver, as capital, to found the bank, which then was lent to the government
at 8 percent.
To show his appreciation the King allowed the bank to print
£1,200,000 in banknotes and lend them at high interest rates. In effect, the
bank was allowed to lend the same money twice - once to the government and
once to the people.
Over the years, due to the avarice of the banks and the complicity of the
politicians, that ratio has increased dramatically. In the early days of the
20th century, federal chartered U.S. banks were required to keep gold
reserves of 25 percent. That means they were allowed to lend the same money
four times. I remember when Canadian banks were required to maintain a cash
reserve of 8 percent.
That means they were allowed to lend the same money
12½ times.
Today, thanks to Milton Friedman’s irrational flip-flop from being a
proponent of 100% cash reserves to the opposite extreme of zero reserves,
and the adoption of his ideas by the major central banks of the world in
1974, multiples have increased dramatically - in some cases to as much as 20
to 1 or more. Banks only keep enough cash to meet day-to-day demands for
those few customers who go in and request it, and consequently the fraud is
virtually total.
The system works this way.
Suppose that you want to borrow $35,000 to buy a
new car. You visit your friendly banker and ask for a loan. He or she will
ask you for collateral - some stocks, bonds, a second mortgage on your house
or cottage or, if you are unable to supply any of these, the co-signature of
a well-to-do friend or relative.
When the collateral requirement is
satisfied you will be asked to sign a note for the principal amount with an
agreed rate of interest.
When the paperwork is complete, and the note signed, your banker will make
an entry on the bank’s computer and, presto, a $35,000 credit will appear in
your account that you can use to buy your car. The important point is that
seconds earlier that money did not exist. It was created out of thin air - so to speak.
The banking equation is a species of double-entry bookkeeping where your
note becomes an asset on the bank’s books, and the new money that was
deposited to your account is a liability. The profit for the bank comes from
the difference between the low rate of interest, if any, you would be paid
on your deposit if you didn’t spend the borrowed money immediately, and the
much higher rate you would be obliged to pay on your note - the technical
term is “the spread.”
At some point, however, you have to pay off your note and any interest
owing. And not only you but also everyone else who has borrowed “money” from
banks - including governments which, by the way, own the right to print
money but that have irresponsibly handed the right over to an elite group of
private bankers.
Anyone who defaults is in big trouble. Individuals who
default will have the assets they pledged as collateral seized by the bank.
A government that is in danger of defaulting, will be forced to borrow from
the International Monetary Fund, which will then tell that government how to
run its affairs including cutting back on services and selling off public
assets to the international vulture capitalists.
“In reality, then, the banks have turned the world into one humongous pawn
shop. You hock your stocks, bonds, house, business, rich mother-in-law or
country and the bank(s) will give you a loan based on the value of the
Money as debt is a perpetual disaster in the making
Mr. Hellyer continues,
“A world system where all the money is created as
debt is a perpetual disaster in the making. It is like a giant balloon that
the banks pump full of debt.
The balloon gets larger and larger until the
debt load becomes too heavy to carry, and then it is like a balloon with a
pin stuck in it. The system crashes and thousands or sometimes millions of
innocent people lose their jobs, homes, farms and businesses. Almost any
high school student should be able to see that any monetary system based on
debt creation is totally insane.
The total world debt, mathematically, is
always tending toward infinity - and there is no possible way of paying it
off. The real money (legal tender) to do so doesn’t exist. And the real
economy that depends on cash to grow shifts into low gear whenever the
supply of credit money dries up.
“Not surprisingly, there have been 25 recessions and depressions in the
United States since 1890. In several cases, including the Great Depression
of the 1930s and the current Great Recession, the evidence indicates that a
few insiders who helped trigger the catastrophe anticipated the meltdown.
“In the wake of the Great Depression, the U.S. Senate Banking and Currency
Committee Report that became widely known as the Pechora Report on the
Practices of Stock Exchanges indicated that there were insiders who
benefitted from the crash.
“Legal chicanery and pitch darkness were the
banker’s stoutest allies,” Pecora wrote in his memoir.
Similar allegations
were evident in Charles Ferguson damning
documentary “Inside Job,”
to the 2007-2008 meltdown.
These reports, and other historical evidence
prove beyond any doubt that much of Wall Street is rotten to the core. It
has become one gigantic millstone around the neck of both the American and
world economies.
“The collateral damage from the recent meltdown has been staggering. The
U.S. Bureau of Labor estimated that 8.4 million jobs were lost in the U.S.
alone. Most countries experienced similar dramatic losses. The reduction in
asset values worldwide has been estimated at $20 trillion U.S. dollars, yet
not a single one of the culprits is in jail.
You would think that someone
would have had the decency to launch a class action for at least $10
trillion against every individual and every organization that contributed to
the catastrophe in any way.
The deception of the Federal Reserve Act
“It boggles the mind that a system so vulnerable to manipulation would ever
have come into existence in the first place.
The evolution did not happen by
accident. It was not guided by the mythical invisible hand of Adam Smith. On
the contrary, for more than a century-and-a-half, it was engineered by the
barely visible hand of the Rothschild family and its allies, and since World
War II by the Rockefeller family.
The two dynasties combined forces to
exercise influence on many fronts sheltered by the cloak of secrecy
established by
the Bilderberg Group.
“The long term influence of the banking cartel is incalculable. Their
biggest coup was the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in the
United States. The big New York banks really didn’t like the idea of genuine
competition, so a small group held a secret meeting at the private resort of
J.P. Morgan on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia.
Their scheme,
devised by Paul M. Warburg, and subsequently adopted by Congress, is a legal
private monopoly of the U.S. money supply operated for the benefit of the
few under the guise of protecting and promoting the public interest.
“It is a tribute to the skill of the international bankers that they were
able to draft a bill, revise it, change its name and make the few window
dressing compromises necessary to get it adopted by Congress just before
Christmas when quite a few Representatives must have been dreaming of sugar
plum fairies instead of exercising due diligence.
Only Charles Lindberg Sr.
seemed to grasp the essence of what was going on.
“To put it bluntly, the Congress transferred its sovereign constitutional
right to create money to the sole custody of a group of private bankers. The
magnitude of the hoist is unprecedented in the history of the world - the
numbers now are in the high trillions.
“Soon after the bill was passed the magnitude of the tragedy began to be
William Jennings Bryan, who acted as Democrat whip, later said:
‘In my long political career, the one thing I genuinely regret is my part in
getting the banking and currency legislation (Federal Reserve Act of 1913)
enacted into law.’
President Woodrow Wilson, just three years after passage
of the Act, wrote:
‘A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of
credit. Our system of credit is concentrated (in the Federal Reserve
The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in
the hands of a few men… We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of
the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized
But the bill was not repealed; almost 100 years later the sell-out
is still the law. This makes you wonder what the people’s representatives
have been doing to earn their salaries.
“The people in charge of the original deception were very far-seeing. They
realized that when future governments had to borrow from them they would
need a constant income stream to pay the interest on the bonds. So they
persuaded the government to introduce income taxes, first as a temporary
measure, but later permanently, so it would be able to meet its obligations
to the bondholders.
In fiscal year 2005 total individual income taxes in the
U.S. totaled $927 billion. Of that amount $352 billion, or 38%, was
required just to pay interest on the federal debt. The figure would be
higher now.
“The banksters, as they were often called, then decided that an independent
press might catch on to the chicanery.
Oscar Callaway is reported in the
Congressional Record of February 9, 1917 as follows.
“’In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and
powder interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men
high up in the newspaper world, and employed them to select the most
influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to
control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States…
found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest
The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the
policy, national and international, of these papers; … an editor was
furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information
regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and
other things of national and international nature considered vital to the
interests of the purchasers [and to suppress] everything in opposition to
the wishes of the interests served.’
“It has been suggested that the Bilderberger Group may have taken a leaf
from the Morgan precedent to protect their interests in the late 20th and
early 21st centuries.
That is impossible to prove because its members are
sworn to secrecy, and the press won’t report on its meetings.
Could it be
mere coincidence that,
monetary system
the downside of
the decades-long cover-up of the
extraterrestrial presence and technology
(especially the
clean energy sources that would impact the value of oil
...the three subjects of most direct beneficial interests of the banksters, are the three subjects that are avoided like the plague by the
mainline press?
“I am not willing to go so far as to say that the men behind the
international banking system are evil men because their thoughts are
private. But Sir Josiah, later Baron Stamp, a former director of the Bank of
England, has given us a rare snapshot of the truth.
“’Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers
own the
Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and
with a flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again.
However, take that power away from them and all the great fortunes like mine
will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and
better world to live in.
But if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers,
and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.’
The 2007-2008 meltdown
- save the banks, the public be damned
“In the
latest meltdown of 2007-2008, the
FED acted quickly to prevent the Ponzi pyramid from collapsing completely. It printed trillions of dollars to
bail out the banks and a few industries that were highly indebted to banks.
“But what did the FED do for the taxpayers whose money was so wildly diluted
to save the banks? Nothing! They were left to fend for themselves.
of people lost their jobs, their farms, their houses, their hopes, and their
dignity as a result of circumstances beyond their control. The taxpayers
bailed out the banks, but got nothing in return.
“The same is true of governments who came so quickly to the rescue. As a
result of the meltdown their revenues were decreased so they were forced to
incur or increase their deficits, as well as to start cutting back on
essential services.
“The FED pretended to be helping stimulate the economy by reducing interest
rates to near zero. It would be an interesting exercise to find out what
happened to all of this low-cost money. It would be a good subject for
Congressional attention.
How much did the banks use to buy up domestic and
foreign assets at fire-sale prices? Was any of it used by financial
institutions to try to corner world food markets and raise prices at a time
when millions are starving?
“No doubt some taxpayers did take advantage of the low interest rates
available but were they warned about the old bait and switch game? Anyone
who acquires assets with cheap money runs the risk of losing their property
when the FED ultimately raises rates.
It’s all part of the boom-bust cycle
inherent in our infinitely silly monetary system..."
The Extraterrestrial presence and thrival technology
Paul Hellyer considers the application of exotic advanced energy and
transportation technology now held in sequestered projects of the national
security state to be the other key to our survival and thrive as a species.
Mr. Hellyer writes,
“It is a fraud for the U.S. government to pretend that
it is not interested in UFOs. In fact, it has been a matter of high and
probably pre-eminent interest for decades.
“An early Canadian ufologist,
Wilbert Smith, who was a senior employee at
the Department of Transport, where I became minister not long after his
retirement, wrote a top secret memorandum to the Controller of
Communications dated November 21, 1950 asking permission to set up a group
to study the geomagnetic aspects of UFOs propulsion systems.
“As part of his memorandum Smith said that he had made discreet enquiries
through the Canadian embassy staff in Washington where he obtained the
following information.
The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States
Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.
Flying saucers exist.
Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by
small group, headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.
The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be
tremendous significance.
“So, Dr. Vannevar Bush, one of America’s pre-eminent scientists, and a team
of experts he had assembled, were already working on back-engineering by
(Back-engineering is the combined art and science of analyzing an
object, in these case parts of a crashed vehicle, in order to determine its
characteristics for possible replication or adaptation.)
“Many people who are interested in the subject of UFOs use one of the
Roswell crashes of July 1947 as their starting line. Recent evidence,
however, confirms that the U.S. Army Air Corps was in the crash retrieval
business before that.
Paola Harris, on July 5, 2010 interviewed two men,
Jose Padilla and Reme Baca, aged 9 and 7 at the time, who witnessed a saucer
crash on Padilla land near San Antonio, New Mexico, in August 1945.
In her
new book Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality, Paola gives the detailed
account of what these men saw as children, the actual crash, the creatures’
appearance, the pieces of the craft they took, the military clean up, and an
in-depth analysis of the significance of the case.
“I had the opportunity to chat with
Reme Baca by telephone recently and the
thing that stuck in my mind was that when Sgt. Avila came to ask Mr.
Padilla’s permission to enter his land to retrieve the “object,” he referred
to it as “an experimental weather balloon.”
That was exactly the same ruse
that Brigadier General Roger Ramey used in reference to the Roswell incident
two years later. Apparently there was a considerable lack of imagination on
the Army’s part.
“In later years the Air Force, that had succeeded the Army Air Corps, became
much more sophisticated in its misinformation and disinformation techniques.
These include having the Star Visitors portrayed in movies as sinister
beings that we should be fearful of - probably without justification.”
The Tall White ETs
Mr. Hellyer writes of
the Tall White extraterrestrials and their relation to
the U.S. government.
He states,
“Another fascinating case that Paola brought
to my attention not long ago was that of
Charles Hall, the physicist and
information technology professional, who worked as an airman meteorologist
at the USAF bombing and gunnery range at Indian Springs, Nevada, in the
“Charles worked in close contact with Tall Whites, a species that I had been
previously unfamiliar with. Over a period of months he learned to lose his
fear of the aliens who lived, worked and played on Air Force property.
“In a two-hour telephone conversation he gave me many of the characteristics
of the Whites, described the scout ships in which they travelled and said
most of them were assembled in the U.S. Furthermore, he talked about the
mother ship arriving on the nights of the full moon and sliding into its
hangar cut into the side of a mountain nearby.
“It was all fascinating stuff that included the fact that the Tall Whites
were working closely with the USAF and exchanging technology in the
mid-1960s. So it is very difficult to imagine how much has been achieved in
60 years of back-engineering alien technology that was much more advanced
than our own.
There is no doubt that myriad scientists, technicians, and
many of America’s most advanced aircraft and weapons corporations must have
achieved what would have been classified as miracles just a few years ago.
DUMB ARVs - Extraterrestrial-like space vehicle in underground U.S. military
Mr. Hellyer writes,
“It is alleged that the U.S. engineers working in one of
the vast underground facilities have built vehicles that are virtually
indistinguishable from those of other planets.
If this is true, to what
purpose will they be put, and will it be for good purposes or military
“The area of discovery that is most relevant to this presentation, however,
is the question of exotic energy sources. Years ago it was reported that
zero point and cold fusion energy had been developed. These are energy
sources that could facilitate the 10-year target date and not only
revolutionize the world for the better, but help preserve it as a happy
habitat for Earthlings.
“In the unlikely event that these sources are not yet commercially viable,
all we would have to do is ask one of the friendly species to help us and
they would because they are deeply concerned about our stewardship.
In the
event that we are still treating them as enemy aliens, and doing our best to
shoot them down, we would have to curb our lust of conflict and adopt an
acceptable level of intergalactic civility.”
‘Better People’ is another word for unity consciousness
Mr. Hellyer writes,
“The third essential change is for us as individuals.
just and peaceful world is not possible when it is riddled with graft, fraud
and corruption of all kinds. Greed is king and mammon rules the world.
“Institutions have to change too. For centuries major religions have been
selling their alleged superiority or exclusiveness at the point of a sword,
leading to the deaths of thousands of innocents.
three Abrahamic
religions, for example, all claims the inside route to paradise. Mathematically that is impossible. It is far more probable, mathematically,
that they are all wrong and that the truth is larger and more inclusive.
“Ancient and modern history both suggest that there is no hope of a just and
peaceful world unless all religions, and those with no religion, forget
their differences and start working together to build the 'Kingdom of God' on
I define this as a world where every child can expect food to eat,
clean water to drink, adequate clothing to wear, a roof overhead, access to
medical support and enough education to be able to determine how best he or
she can serve humankind positively, with dignity and self-fulfillment.
“What a wonderful world that would be!
But it would require a 180-degree
change in policies and priorities and a serious effort to apply the Golden
Rule that all religions claim as a common thread.
“The application of the Golden Rule would mean an end to empire building,
and the pursuit of military power and advantage. The U.S., for example,
would have to stop being its own worst enemy. The declaration of the war on
terror was the biggest strategic blunder I have seen…”
Offering global hope
Mr. Hellyer writes,
“…What we are really talking about is restoring
democracy to countries that not only claim they have it, but also take pride
in trying to export it, even though they don’t really qualify as democratic
as defined in the dictionary.
In Webster’s it is:
“government in which
supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them or their elected
To begin, Wall Street has been the dominant power in the
U.S. for decades, and still is.
Add to that the fact that the
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the President of the United States,
does not have the security clearance for a number of projects controlled by
troops under his command, and you have to conclude that the U.S. is not
really a democracy.
“The same can be said about Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and myriad
countries that are really puppets of the International Financial System. In
each case the real interests of citizen voters is subjugated to the demands
of international finance.
“There is a sad irony in reading U.S. history of the pre-revolutionary and
revolutionary days. Historians often attribute the revolution to the tax on
On the other hand,
“[Benjamin] Franklin cited restrictions upon paper
money as one of the main reasons for the alienation of the American
provinces from the mother country.”
The U.S. won the revolutionary war but
then lost the next critical one when it adopted the British banking system
instead of pursuing the better model their provinces had been experimenting
“For the U.S. now to inflict the British practice on countries around the
world, using the
International Monetary Fund and
World Bank as enforcers, is
comparable to the King’s edict that gave birth to the United States.
So the
financial chains of oppression have to be broken and freedom restored to
citizens everywhere.
“It’s time to forget the tea party and address the critically important
issues facing the U.S. and the world. All of these issues are non-partisan
by definition and deserve the attention and support of all genuine patriots
without distinction of race, color, religion or political affiliation - both
in the U.S. and worldwide.
We must unite to preserve and enhance the
beautiful satellite that is our birthright."
An agenda for action
Paul Hellyer states,
“The first and most urgent project is to clip the wings
of the bankers and democratize the money-creation function.
In the U.S. the
Federal Reserve System must be abolished and its alleged function of
regulating the money supply be assumed by the federal government or an
agency under its direct control. The most powerful and valuable tool in the
economic arsenal must be available to the representatives of the people who
can be held responsible for their success or failure.
“Some monetary reformers recommend that governments create 100% of new money
in a debt free form, greenbacks or equivalent.
In the interests of a fast
and smooth transition I am suggesting that a ratio of 34% government-created
money to 66% bank-created money would work satisfactorily. Banks would be
required to maintain 34% cash reserves against their deposits.
“The important thing is that governments must immediately create the large
sums necessary to balance their budgets and get their economies running at
maximum output again. I am talking about an infusion of perhaps $10 trillion
U.S. dollar equivalent to start and more if needed to get economies up to
speed and to reduce unemployment worldwide by at least half, with the
creation of millions of new jobs.
Is this likely to cause massive inflation, as the financial cartel will
immediately allege, because it is one of its longest running and most
successful bugbears? The answer to their phony phonetics is a resounding
As any economist should know, it is the amount of money that is
created that influences prices, and not who prints it. So as long as
governments limit what economists call “the multiplier effect” there will be
no problem.
“Certainly the present system has been inflationary. A 1950 U.S. dollar is
only worth 7.5 cents today. A common sense monetary system should produce
better results than that.
So there is no reason why the banking system
should not be fundamentally reformed - at once!
Four actions people should demand of our politicians
“There are four other actions that I think we, the people of the world
should demand of our politicians.
A law must be passed at once to prohibit all politicians, candidates for
political office and political parties from accepting money from any
financial institution as well as make it a criminal offense for any such
institution either directly or indirectly to offer it.
World leaders must adopt a 10-year time frame to reduce greenhouse
emissions by 90 percent.
That will only be possible if the U.S. discloses its knowledge of the ET
presence and technology, and what has been accomplished in 60 years of back
The U.N. should declare 2012 the year of forgiveness and reconciliation
- a new era of cooperation and (agape) love between races, tribes, religions,
nations, and regions both mondial and intergalactic. We have so much to
learn from our star visitors in many areas including medicine and food
“So the U.S. must relinquish its privileged position as the center of “the
loop” as part of a new kind of leadership in creating the better world we
all dream of."
International finance vs. the People of the world
“None of this vision of a just and peaceful world will be possible unless
the all-pervasive power of the international banks has been broken.
In 1999
I wrote a book in which I said the next world war would be between the banks
and the people of the world. There have been skirmishes for centuries and,
so far, the banks have always come out on top.
They are now taking advantage
of the recent meltdown, and the resulting sovereign debt crisis to line up
their heavy artillery including the
...for a final conclusive battle.
always the aim of the game is to rob the people of the world of their
sovereign right to govern their own affairs, and to entrench the power
of the international banks, their elite industrial allies and a small
cabal of military insiders who run the world as their private fiefdom.
The word ‘unjust’ is too small a word by far
to describe what they are up to…
“Now, for the first time, the power exists to turn the tables and go for the
jugular. The internet is providing power to the people that they have never
enjoyed before. The young people of the world, in concert with the thousands
of their parents and others who care about the state of the world can use
the power of social networking to effect a miracle on their own behalf and
that of succeeding generations.
“The valiant people of Tunisia and Egypt have shown the way by achieving
what was believed to be impossible. We share their euphoria. At the same
time they, and we, must acknowledge that it is only the beginning.
freedom will only be possible when they have escaped from the tyranny of
international banks, and Wall Street is no longer able to manipulate the
price of their daily bread.”