by Paul Adams, J.D.
January 9, 2012
ActivistPost Website
Paul Adams is your humble
servant and holds a Juris Doctor. He is passionate about educating
himself and others to achieve peace, equality and justice for all. |
We are grateful to The
Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and
other great publications whose directors have attended our
meetings and respected their promise of discretion for
almost forty years.
It would have been impossible
for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been
subject to the bright lights of publicity during those
David Rockefeller
at a 1991 Bilderberg

In 2012
the New World Order will suffer major
defeats to their totalitarian one world government/population reduction
agenda (below video.)
The defeats will not be from violent revolution,
massive protests, or people continuing to beg corrupt politicians for mercy
- as if
535 politicians really represent 315,000,000 people. No, the defeats
will be attributed to a mass awakening and a significant portion of the
population simply refusing to take actions that violate their conscience.
The elites only have two primary tools, which are well know to anyone that
reads the alternative media: secrecy and deception.
Their criminal enterprise will end as millions
more, if not billions, awaken in 2012.
The Time is Now
Since the 1990s, researcher
David Icke has been saying that
there would be a
point in time when the New World Order agenda is out in the open, exposed
for all to see.
Fortunately, that is when the agenda is most
vulnerable, as many people will “wake-up” and see that humanity and their
loved ones are in great danger. That time is now.
Justified by
the War on Terror hoax, the National Defense Authorization Act
was recently signed into law (assuming Obama is legitimately the
president, which is a huge assumption).
The legislation declared the United States a
battlefield. The military can arrest American citizens, detain them
indefinitely, torture and interrogate them without charge or trial. In
essence, this Act implemented martial law in the United States.
It also
nullifies the,
prohibited the military policing civilians inside the U.S. since 1878.
In 2006, KBR was awarded a
contingency contract from the Department of
Homeland Security, allegedly to support its Immigration and Customs
Enforcement facilities in the event of an emergency, Market Watch
Last month a document originating from KBR demonstrated that the government
is activating
FEMA camps across the United States. Entitled “Project
Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements,” the document describes
services that KBR is looking to farm out to subcontractors.
Make no mistake, like 9/11, passage of the NDAA was the globalists’
coming-out party, and your opportunity to inform others.
The tyranny has now been revealed in black and
white on paper, and thousands of articles have been written to support you
in discussing the issues with others.
Evidence of Globalist
Defeat is Everywhere
Ron Paul
Ron Paul is leading many polls despite unprecedented smear campaigns by
the shameless
Big 6 Media.
Whether elected president or not, Paul is
educating the public about the private Federal Reserve bankster cartel,
ending murderous and unconstitutional wars, sound money, health issues
and individual liberty.
He also has received more campaign donations
members of the military than any other candidate, a sign that many
in the military are informed and will not carry out treasonous orders if
Fraudulent Banking Known by Its Victims
More and more people are learning that the Federal Reserve is a private
cartel that enriches corrupt banksters by creating money out of nothing
and loaning it at interest, thereby enslaving the population with a debt
that can never be repaid.
the head of security at the San
Antonio Federal Reserve bank admitted that the institution is private,
as did a
San Francisco Federal Reserve employee.
Additionally, the public is aware that the largest banks were bailed out
$29 trillion dollars created from nothing. Those
same banks
continue to foreclose on the homes of people that actually had to
produce a good or service to make their monthly mortgage payments.
Many people are taking action against the New World Order’s banking
system. November 5th was hailed as
Bank Transfer Day, the final day in a
month-long demonstration to move money out of the big banks and into
smaller, localized credit unions. Leading up to November 5th, $4.5
billion was taken out of major financial institutions.
Additionally, local credit unions across the
country accumulated around 650,000 new customers in the month of
Fake Drug War Exposed as Absurd
It is now common knowledge that the
drug war is a fraud.
Low-level street dealers of marijuana are
arrested and placed in cages smaller than those of many zoo animals - at
taxpayer expense. At the same time, the CIA imports massive quantities
of cocaine and heroin to fund their murderous black operations. U.S.
troops openly admit that they support the Afghan heroin trade.
People are waking up! Recently Montana jurors used their power of
nullification by refusing to convict a man for marijuana possession.
Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict of "Not Guilty"
despite its belief that the defendant is guilty of the violation
charged. The jury in effect nullifies a law that it believes is either
immoral, or wrongly applied to the defendant whose fate they are charged
with deciding.
Once a jury returns a verdict of "Not Guilty," that verdict cannot be
questioned by any court and the "double jeopardy" clause of the
Constitution prohibits a retrial on the same charge.
If you sit on a jury, never forget you have the power of nullification.
Related to the drug war, emails show ATF agents congratulating each
other for blaming border violence on guns bought from U.S. dealers
despite the fact that the feds delivered the weapons straight to Mexican
drug gangs under the
Fast and Furious program.
The purpose of the program admittedly is to
demonize the Second Amendment and push new gun control regulations.
Corrupt Congress Exposed
The people are now aware that most members of Congress are as corrupt as
Jon Corzine.
“The median net worth of a
member of
Congress climbed to $913,000, a 15 percent increase from 2004 to
2010. During the same period, the net worth of the average American
dropped 8 percent, to roughly $100,000.”
approval rating is currently a
whopping 16 percent.
The polls show that 83 percent of the
population disapprove of their government, and therefore may be
indefinitely detained as enemy combatants without charge under the NDAA.
Vaccine Dangers Well Known
The number of parents that refuse
to inject their children with
toxic vaccines is rapidly increasing. They
must be aware that voluminous research proves vaccines are deadly.
Before his death, Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted
presence of SV40 and cancer viruses in vaccines. It is estimated
that over 200 million doses of SV40 contaminated viruses were given to
the public, a possible explanation for the dramatic
increase in cancer
rates over the last 100 years.
By 1999, numerous pathologists, microbiologists, and virologists
throughout the world had detected SV40 in a variety of human cancers
such as brain tumors, bone cancers, and lung cancer. These were the very
same cancers that were created when SV40 was introduced into animals.
After careful study documented in peer-reviewed publications, leaders in
SV40 research announced that SV40 was a class 2A human carcinogen.
As reported by multiple sources during March of 2009, including the
Times of India, vaccines contaminated with deadly live H5N1 avian flu
virus were distributed to 18 countries in December 2008 by a lab at an
Austrian branch of Baxter.
By chance the batch was first tested on
ferrets in the Czech Republic, before being shipped out for injection
into humans. The ferrets all died and the shocking discovery was made.
Czech newspapers
immediately questioned whether the events were part of
a conspiracy to deliberately provoke a pandemic, following up on
accusations already made by health officials in other countries.
Initially, Baxter attempted to stonewall questions by invoking “trade
secrets” and refused to reveal how the vaccines were contaminated with
H5N1. Later Baxter said it was an accident. However, the probability of
mixing a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident
is virtually impossible.
At least 49 girls have died with thousands more hospitalized after
receiving the once popular
Gardasil vaccine. Of course, only about 10
percent of adverse vaccine reactions are reported.
Vaccines are also an important tool of the global elites who through the
Rockefeller Foundation and World Health Organization, have decreased
fertility rates for global population reduction.
Population Reduction Program Exposed
It is now well known that the global elite have imposed their absurd
Malthusian religion of death on everyone else.
In 2009, a “secret billionaire club” meeting
took place in New York and was attended by,
...and others.
The attendees focused on,
“how their wealth could be used to slow
the growth of the world’s population”.
In the latter half of the 20th century,
eugenics supporters adopted polices of "population control."
This was crystallized in
National Security
Study Memorandum 200, a 1974 geopolitical strategy document prepared by
Rockefeller’s Bilderberg member stooge,
Henry Kissinger, which targeted
thirteen countries for massive population reduction by means of creating
food scarcity, sterilization and war.
The goal of the mass murderer is to reduce the world’s population from 7
billion to 500 million. In fact, they have even created a monument
called the Georgia Guidestones to enshrine their perverted fantasy.
Obama’s top science and technology advisor John P. Holdren co-authored a
1977 book, Ecoscience, in which he advocated the formation of a
“planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce
totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions,
mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as
well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having
People around the world now understand that they are under chemical
attack as part of a soft-kill operation. Deadly and dangerous toxins
ranging from
Aspartame to,
...have all entered into our diets and environments -
whether we want it or not.
In what is known as
chemtrails/geoengineering, the population is being
sprayed with aluminum, barium, strontium, and other strange ingredients
like red blood cells and fungus.
Toxic sulphur dioxide is also being sprayed
with malice aforethought.
Manmade Global Warming Hoax Revealed
Indeed, there is a war against
the general population, and the global warming fraud is also part of it.
On page 75 of the
Club of Rome’s 1990
publication entitled
The First Global Revolution, the organization
outlined how they would manufacture ecological scares in order to
manipulate the public into accepting the imposition of a dictatorial
world government run by them.
“In searching for a common enemy against
whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would
fit the bill… All these dangers are caused by human intervention…
The real enemy, then, is humanity itself,” states the report, which
can be read in full at the end of this article.
Maybe that is why
31,487 scientists,
including 9,029 with PhDs, reject manmade global warming.
There is no question that depopulation is the intended End Game of the
global elite.
Al Qaeda is Run by the Pentagon/CIA
Al Qaeda is a
U.S. tool for regional destabilization.
In 1979, al Qaeda,
in the form of the Mujahideen/Taliban, was America’s secret weapon in
Operation Cyclone.
It was geopolitical strategist
Brzezinski, (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group member) then National Security Advisor under Carter,
who trained and funded the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets in
Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) met with FBI agent Ted
Gunderson in the 1986 as Gunderson openly explains.
Most recently, the U.S. funded Al-Qaeda to
topple Libya’s Gaddafi.
“Admittedly the 'rebel' forces included
more than 1,000 al Qaeda soldiers while enjoying total backing -
weapons, planes, funding and forces - from the U.S., Britain, NATO
and other allies.”
The Bush and Bin Laden families invested
together in the Carlyle Group.
False Flag Terror now Common Knowledge
With that said, it is becoming
very difficult for the globalists to advance their policy using
flag terror.
Kurt Haskell ensured that the public found out that the
Christmas underwear bomber was a government patsy used to scare the
American people into accepting airport naked body scanners.
Likewise, the American people didn’t fall for the bogus plot cooked up
by the FBI and DEA to frame an Iranian used car dealer, claiming he
tried to set up an assassination, thereby somehow justifying an attack
on Iran.
Alternative Media - Whipping
the New World Order
Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton made a tacit admission during a U.S.
Foreign Policy Priorities committee meeting, arguing that the State
Department needs more money because the US military-industrial complex is
“losing the information war” to the alternative media.
Like a bottle of 1947 Chateau Cheval Blanc, the alternative media keeps
getting better.
The talented researchers and journalists not
beholden to corporate masters control the
Overton Window. Ideas once thought
radical, such as abolishing the private Federal Reserve and exposing false
flag terror, are now freely discussed.
Whistleblowers and Researchers - Defeating the
The globalists no longer have the
benefit of secrecy. They have already
played their cards.
Increasingly, more military and government employees are becoming
whistleblowers, now that they are aware of the corrupt fascist agenda around
FBI Agent
Coleen Rowley revealed the FBI’s willful failures to prevent 9/11.
During the early aftermath of September
11th, when I happened to be recounting the pre-September 11th events
concerning the Moussaoui investigation to other FBI personnel in other
divisions or in FBIHQ, almost everyone's first question was Why? Why
would an FBI agent(s) deliberately sabotage a case?
I know I shouldn't be flippant about this,
but jokes were actually made that the key FBI HQ personnel had to be
spies or moles, who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden to have so
undercut Minneapolis's effort.
That sounds similar to the 1993 World Trade
Center bombing, where certain individuals within the FBI refused to let
their informant Emad A. Salem stop the attack.
Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Schaffer
went public regarding the existence of
the Able Danger program that had identified alleged 9/11 lead hijacker
Mohammed Atta and three other al-CIAeda operatives operating in the United
States prior to 9/11.
Over 1,600 architects and engineers say
the official
9/11 story is a fraud
as do hundreds of government officials.
government whistleblowers and contractors have recently exposed plans
to treat Americans as enemy combatants and the fact that FEMA concentration
camps are being activated.
Former FBI agent
Ted Gunderson exposed CIA drug running, false flag
operations, mind control, and child abuse.
Even researcher
Fritz Springmeier is back in action,
exposing the crimes and mind control that the globalists inflict on
How to Stop the NWO
While the tide is turning and humanity is awakening, much more must be done
to restore our freedoms and quality of life. We all must continuously
perform the following simple actions:
To conclude, in 2012 the Globalist agenda is
ripe for defeat if we continue to inform others and refuse to support those
attempting to enslave humanity.