by Greg Szymanski
October 20, 2005
ArticBeacon Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
A former Canadian military officer finally goes public with shocking
information he learned while working at an underground base at Cold Lake in
Although some may say his story is pure fiction, others claim the
secrets to the New World Order's depopulation plan lies underground. |
Everyone is talking about the
New World Order and a one world government,
but according to a former Canadian military officer, nobody wants to believe
its true sinister nature lies in the mysteries surrounding thousands of deep
underground military bases scattered throughout the world.
Here is his story...
Timothy of Canada tells a wild story, a story of underground military bases
where animal and human sacrifices nourish the bowels of creatures that have
inhabited the earth long before man arrived.
He doesn’t expect anybody to believe him, saying most people will think he’s
talking science fiction anyway.
But nevertheless he feels compelled to
speak, feeling compelled to risk life and limb as the New World Order zeroes
in on the last stages of its incredible worldwide population reduction plan.
“They have been delayed with their plan to
reduce the world’s population by 80 percent but the globalists are now
stepping up their activities,” said Timothy, who refuses to use his real
name, in an extended conversation this week from Germany, where he’s
employed in the aerospace industry.
“I am not about to use my name, risking incarceration as I would be in
violation of our country’s State Secrets Act. Also, do you know that
more than 3,000 people have been killed for trying to talk about what
goes on in these underground bases. It’s basically a death sentence when
you start getting too close to the nerve center of the real New World
Order’s plans.”
And Timothy says the real heart and soul of the
New World Order plan lies in the mysterious underground military bases
scattered all over the world, including roughly 30 in Canada, 140 in the
United States and more than 1,500 worldwide.
He became privy to this top secret information when he served as a junior
officer in the Canadian Armed Forces in the aerospace engineering branch,
while working at one of the top secret deep underground military bases at
Cold Lake in Canada.
And what he learned and what he has been researching ever since leaving the
military is how this network of underground bases not only houses and
conceals non-human life forms with incredible powers, but conceals an
underground warehouse of sophisticated super-human technology used for
control, advanced military weaponry and
weather manipulation with the
eventual goal of depopulating the world.
“Most people, including most of the
so-called patriots, are sincere about defeating the New World Order, but
they are really looking in the wrong direction.
They need to uncover,
expose and alert the people of the world what’s going on below the
earth’s surface,” said Timothy who likes to talk in a machine gun, rapid
fire fashion, as he recalled first being alerted to the underground
military base phenomenon when he researched the mysterious events
surrounding cattle manipulation in Alberta, Canada, in the 1970’s.
“It is very dangerous and you could be killed if you try to expose what
the globalists are doing with this network of tunnels and underground
facilities, but I have ended my silence since they are now in the final
stages of there plan.
Remember, AIDS being manufactured? Well, what’s in
store for mankind is now much worse and we need to do everything we can
to try and stop the destruction of the world as we know it.”
Although Timothy’s story can easily be dismissed
as pure fantasy, stories like his have a funny way of getting under your
skin, a funny way of creeping up on you right before you fall asleep at
night. They have a strange way, no matter how outlandish and unbelievable
they are, to solicit questions in your mind like “What if he is telling the
truth and what if these sinister plans and military bases really do exist?”
Even though Timothy has promised from his undisclosed location in Germany to
provide names of at least three other people, making this initial story an
ongoing saga, he provided a battery of questions and perhaps a scientific
Shakespearean soliloquy of sorts in the interim, explaining why he decided
to go public and why it is imperative to uncover the secrets of the
underground military bases.
“With the outbreak of the flu
I feel
compelled to break my silence. Maybe some of you have heard the term New
World Order and feel confused about its significance.
“From this point let’s put everything into a series of hypotheticals.
Maybe I do not wish to break the Official Secrets Act and wind up
incarcerated. Let us pretend I am about to reveal ultra-sensitive
information to you. Please approach this with an open mind.
“In the late 1970s I first became aware of the cattle mutilation
phenomenon living in Alberta, Canada. The reasons given were unusual for
this and it was the suppression of the outcry and true angst I sensed
from the cattle farmers protesting outside of Calgary that first got to
“This was the first time I realized there was something seriously wrong.
The hush-hush of this left a lasting impression.
“Let us assume I served as a junior officer in the Canadian Armed Forces
in the Aerospace Engineering Branch. One base was Cold Lake. The members
of this base wondered innocently why this was the only base where it was
required to always wear a black radiation exposure detector.
“Maybe this is due to a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) with unusual
aerial phenomena a few hundred statute miles north almost straight in
line with Cold Lake bordering with Saskatchewan.
“What if you were to realize that Canada has over 30 DUMBs, and its
neighbor to the south has over 140 active DUMBs. Worldwide there are now
over 1500 DUMBs.
“Let us assume all North American DUMBs are connected below by
oxygenated magnetoleviton trains from Krupp, Germany, and are able to
reach MACH2+, having the tunnels vacuumed of air to eliminate air
resistance. Adjacent to this is a subterranean tunnel highway.
“Let us assume that many of these bases are actually underground cities
for beings that in actuality have resided here for millennia. Do you
have the courage to believe this?
“All patriots who are willing to resist this New World Order should
realize that globalists who have submitted are not the only problem.
Maybe they have sold the rest of us out-thinking they will survive and
not be enslaved as the remaining.
“What if by 2029 the global population is to be massively reduced, the
remaining subjects enslaved and hauled off to underground slave labor
factories to serve the global elite?
“What if the
SDI project is in reality a weapon system to ward off
unwanted "guests". Maybe all countries were fighting secretly a global
war against strangers once they realized in the late 1970s that true
intentions of inhabitants of these DUMBs were evil beyond belief.
“What if society cannot handle the truth?
“What if
Eisenhower decided at Holloman AFB keeping things secret would
prevent mass panic and decay into total anarchy? Examining the panic Y2K
generated, has society become more courageous with time? I, for one
forgive Eisenhower.
“What if over 8 million humans have literally been devoured by residents
of these bases, the majority nourishing themselves with human glandular
“I do not expect anyone to believe this. But let us assume I have been
privy to a lot of horrific information. Let us assume that in reality
there are 143 elements in the periodic table. Maybe the only way the
SR75 can reach MACH9+ is by using metal technology not of this world?
Maybe the stealth aircraft use special coatings combined with
electrochemical electronic countermeasures. Maybe this is why the
stealth never were used when it rained in former Yugoslavia?
“Maybe the cloaking technology successfully tested at Tonapaz Range and
S2 employs high frequency helix devices in the leading edges of the
newest generation vehicles, refracting light making the aircraft
“Maybe I have dealt with metallurgic technology with crystalline
structures not of this earth? Maybe the general public has been kept in
the dark for many decades.
“I wish things were not the way they are. Nobody has the right to sell
anyone out. Maybe I would not be revealing anything if I was not certain
that all the secrecy and timeline is reaching a climax. We are all going
to have to assert ourselves beyond belief. We have been lied to and we
thought we were doing our best for betterment.
“I know mankind is destroying this planet, but I refuse to be enslaved.
I am sick of the lies and the New World Order agenda. Maybe the force
driving it resides in these bases. If you sense your freedoms are being
revoked, you are not mistaken.
“After the last element of gun control is implemented, all freedoms will
be removed within a ten year period. Never surrender your weapons. I
wish this was not happening and I have had many sleepless nights, but
for me I cannot stand it anymore.
Never believe that the One World
government is good for us. Observe the dismantling of nations now and
how the United Nations is taking over.
“I wondered back then why is the Canadian military shrinking. This is no
accident. The American military is becoming more and more the global
force combined with NATO.
What can we do? Well, I know this. I will not
cooperate with anyone who has sold me out. I will fight for every right
I have, simultaneously enjoying the freedom of travel which still
exists. Not for long though.
“I will not believe whatever the World Health Organization dictates. Do
not believe anything?
“Examine the
new Denver International Airport. Maybe in reality below it
is a massive DUMB with 8 levels. Why does the fence point inward? Why
the unusual security? Maybe the tent spires are in actuality large
ventilation shafts to the subterranean levels. Start with this airport
please. If you cannot find anything bizarre there then I feel sorry for
“I do believe in God. He gives us faith. The New Testament in the Book of
Genesis refers to the son of God. The Old Testament refers to the sons
of Gods. Both refer to the serpent or demons. Maybe the residents of the
DUMBs are what were meant -
a serpent race.
“God bless you. Remember, this information and revealing it is not
without peril. Be wise!”
Bases Militares Subterráneas Profundas, (DUMBs) y Un Escenario
Greg Szymanski
traducing de TrinityATierra
Enero 29, 2008
del Sitio Web
Un ex oficial canadiense ha hecho público una información a la que tuvo
acceso trabajando en la base subterránea en Cold Lake, Canadá.
Todo el mundo habla sobre el
Nuevo Orden Mundial, pero según este oficial,
nadie quiere creer en la verdadera naturaleza siniestra que subyace en los
misterios que rodean las miles de bases militares que hay dispuestas en
todo el mundo.
Este ex-oficial canadiense cuenta una historia terrible de bases militares
subterráneas donde se realizan sacrificios humanos y animales para las
criaturas que habitan la tierra mucho antes de que el hombre llegara aquí.
”Ha habido retrasos en sus planes de reducción de la población mundial en un
80% pero los
globalistas están acelerando ahora sus planes.”
“No puedo usar mi nombre por riesgo a ser encarcelado y de violar el
de Secretos de Estado de mi país. Además, sepa que más de 3000 personas han
sido asesinadas por intentar hablar sobre lo que está ocurriendo en esas
bases subterráneas. Es una sentencia de muerte cuando te acercas demasiado
al centro neurálgico de los planes reales del Nuevo Orden Mundial. Y este
hombre dice que el corazón y el alma real del plan del NOM reside en las
misteriosas bases subterráneas en el mundo, 30 en Canadá, 140 en Estados
Unidos y más de 1500 a nivel mundial.
Lo que aprendió mientras trabajaba en la Base de Canadá y todo lo
que ha
estado investigando desde entonces no es solo cómo estas bases alojan formas
de vida no humana con poderes increíbles, sino un almacén de tecnología
super-humana empleada para el
control mental, armamento militar avanzado y
de manipulación del clima con el objetivo final de despoblar el planeta.
”La mayor parte de la gente que desafía al poder, está mirando en la
dirección equivocada. Se necesita exponer y alertar a la población sobre los
peligros bajo la superficie terrestre”.
Dice que comenzó a investigar el fenómeno entorno a las bases subterráneas
cuando estudiaba lo que ocurría en Alberta, en los años 70 con la mutilación
de ganado.
Lo que dice este ex-oficial canadiense es terrible que
probablemente uno prefiero leerlo como un cuanto de ciencia ficción que
imaginar por un segundo que esto podría ser cierto.
“Con el surgimiento del
virus de la influenza me siento forzado a romper mi
silencio. Tal vez algunos de ustedes hayan escuchado el término Nuevo Orden
Mundial y se sientan confundidos acerca de su importancia.”
“A finales de los 1970s me enteré por primera vez del fenómeno de mutilación
de ganado mientras vivía en Alberta, Canadá. Las razones dadas fueron
inusuales para esto y fue la supresión del clamor y verdadera angustia que
vi en los ganaderos protestando afuera de Calgary lo que primero captó mi
atención. Esta fue la primera vez que me di cuenta de que había algo
seriamente mal. El silencio que rodeaba esto dejó una impresión duradera.”
“Supongamos que trabajé como oficial junior en las Fuerzas Armadas
Canadienses en la Rama de Ingeniería Aeroespacial. Una base era Cold Lake.
Los miembros de esta base se preguntaban inocentemente por qué era la única
base donde se requería siempre portar un detector de exposición a la
radiación negro.”
“Tal vez esto se deba a la Base Militar Subterránea Profunda
(BMSP) con fenómenos
aéreos inusuales a unas cuantas millas al norte casi en línea recta con Cold
Lake en la frontera con Saskatchewan”.
“Qué tal si cayeras en cuenta de que Canadá tiene más de 30 BMSP, y su
vecino al sur tiene más de 140 BMSP activas. A nivel mundial hay ahora más
de 1500 BMSP.”
“Supongamos que todas las BMSP de América del Norte están conectadas por
debajo por medio de trenes oxigenados magnetolevitantes de Krupp, Alemania,
que son capaces de alcanzar MACH2+, habiendo vaciado a los túneles de aire
para eliminar la resistencia. Adyacente a esto hay una carretera en un túnel
“Supongamos que muchas de estas bases son de hecho ciudades bajo tierra para
seres que de hecho han residido aquí por milenios. ¿Tienen el valor de creer
“Todos los patriotas que están dispuestas a resistirse al Nuevo Orden
Mundial deberían darse cuenta de que los globalistas no son el único
problema. Tal vez nos han vendido al resto de nosotros pensando que
sobrevivirán y no serán esclavizados como los que queden.”
“¿Qué tal si para 2029 la población masiva sea masivamente reducida, los
sujetos que queden esclavizados y llevados a fábricas subterráneas como
trabajadores esclavos para servir a la elite global?”
“Qué tal si el
Proyecto de Iniciativa de Defensa Estratégica [SDI Project]
es en realidad un sistema de armas para mantener fuera a “invitados” no
deseados. Tal vez todos los países estaban peleando secretamente una guerra
global contra extraños una vez que se dieron cuenta a finales de los 1970s
de que las verdaderas intenciones de los habitantes de estas BMSP eran
increíblemente malignas”.
“¿Qué tal si la sociedad no puede soportar la verdad?”
“¿Qué tal si
Eisenhower decidió en la Base de la Fuerza Aérea Holloman
mantener las cosas en secreto para evitar el pánico masivo y la caída hacia
la total anarquía? Examinando el pánico generado por el año 2000, ¿se ha
vuelto la sociedad más valiente con el tiempo? Yo, por mi parte, perdono a
“¿Qué tal si más de 8 millones de humanos han sido literalmente devorados
por los residentes de estas bases, la mayoría nutriéndose de las secreciones
glandulares humanas? “No espero que nadie crea esto. Pero supongamos que he
tenido acceso a mucha información horrible.”
“Supongamos que en realidad hay 143 elementos en la tabla periódica. ¿Tal
vez el único modo en que el SR75 puede alcanzar MACH9+ es utilizando
tecnología metalúrgica que no es de este mundo? Tal vez los aviones anti-radares
utilizan recubrimientos especiales combinados con contramedidas
electroquímicas y electrónicas. ¿Tal vez es por esto que los aviones anti-radares
nunca fueron utilizados cuando llovía en la ex Yugoslavia?”
“¿Tal vez la tecnología de ocultamiento exitosamente probada en Tonapaz
Range y S2 emplea aparatos de hélices de alta frecuencia en los bordes de la
más nueva generación de vehículos, refractando la luz y haciendo al avión
“¿Tal vez he tratado con tecnología metalúrgica con estructuras cristalinas
que no son de este mundo? Tal vez al público en general se le ha mantenido
en la ceguera por muchas décadas. Desearía que las cosas no fueran como
son. Nadie tiene el derecho de vender a nadie. Tal vez no estaría revelando
nada si no tuviera certeza de que todo el secreto y la línea de tiempo
alcanzan un clímax. Todos vamos a tener que afirmarnos más allá de lo
creíble. Se nos ha mentido y pensamos que estábamos haciendo nuestro mejor
esfuerzo para el mejoramiento”.
“Yo sé que la humanidad está destruyendo este planeta, pero
me rehúso a ser
esclavizado. Estoy harto de las mentiras y de la agenda del Nuevo Orden
Mundial. Tal vez la fuerza que lo empuja reside en estas bases. Si sienten
que sus libertades están siendo retiradas, no están equivocados”.
de que el último elemento de control de armas sea implementado, todas las
libertades serán retiradas dentro de un periodo de diez años. Nunca rindan
sus armas.”
Todo esto es una posibilidad, nadie puede decir que este sea el escenario
auténtico y verdadero ante el cual nos encontramos, sin embargo, hay mucho
elementos que aparecen una y otra vez.