by Clif High

May 2011

extracted from "The Shape of Things to Come Volume 0, Issue 10 Data Set Analysis"

from Galaksija Website


The data sets interpreted for this report have been largely filled with immediacy values,

probably due to the changing nature of time itself, and its impact on humans.

This has necessitated a change in our plans to release larger reports less frequently.

The new approach will be to produce smaller, more focused reports, more frequently.

The next targeted publication will be in early June. (We think now.)



Meet the (intra galactic) fuckers (space aliens).

The [alien wars] archetype [heats up] to [near critical (mass)] some time after the June solstice this year (2011). The data sets seem to be indicating that the [discovery (of a) return] will reach [visibility] as, apparently, the [mainstream media (corporate shills/propagandists] will be discussing the [discovery (of a return) of the fuckers (nasty bastard aliens)].


Now, noting that the [msm/propagandists] will likely NOT be calling the [incoming 'guests'] the same label we have applied, “nasty bastard space aliens”, nonetheless, there are very high [fear] quotients associated with this data set. And there are a number of sets even down to the detail levels that use very negative language when describing the [incoming (returning) 'aliens'].

Modelspace also contains, within SpaceGoatFarts* entity, and both populace entities (Populace/USofA,** and GlobalPop***), that show that [instantly] something of a [religious frenzy] develops along with the [unveiling (of the) discovery (of) return].



* SpaceGoatFarts (SGF)
This entity is newly formed. While references to Space Goat Farts have appeared within Terra, sub set Space in the past, the data set now demonstrates a need for an entity to allow for the growth of 'unknown forces of all kinds from space which are terra/populace affecting'. Includes non-earth based, non-human/non-mammal intelligent beings usually considered as 'space aliens' or 'extraterrestrials'. Created during 1207 clean up.


** Populace/USofA: Proxy for the populace of the USofA. Defined broadly and representative of issues which rise to national prominence.


*** GlobalPopulace (GlobalPop): Proxy for all populace groups "not" part of Populace/USofA. Division forced by emotional splits arising from anti-Bush reactions post October 2001.



The cross links over to the Populace/USofA entity show that [religions (will disintegrate)] as well as [attempt (to claim)] that the [return (of the nasty bastard fucker aliens)] is a component of [the external savior myth].


The data shows huge levels of emotional release language within the [faith based religions] within the Populace/USofA.


Some of the forecast language points to [murders] and [suicides], and [sexual exploitation/assault] at statistically significant levels due to the [disruption] of the [tenets] of the [faith based religions] with the [global discussion] of the [discovery of evidence (of the return) of the intragalactic fuckers (nasty bastard aliens)].

Along with the [return] language there are internal cross links in the SpaceGoatFarts entity that paint a picture of a very convoluted, and multiply layered (mini) conspiracy on the part of one of the 'players' in the not-so-secret [war with space aliens].


This set is headed by descriptors for the [airport security] in USA, but include analogs in the [security screening] in other countries. The data suggests that not only are the [scanners] a [multiple million dollar scam] for some of the [conspirators], but also that the [process] of the [pat downs] is deliberately being made [more invasive] and [more egregious] on a [continuous basis].


Further, the data suggests that [screening (security)] as a [process] within [airports] is being [deliberately/carefully situated] in order to [compel compliance] or, curiously, [avoidance]. The idea coming up from the detail layer is that the [screening ] of humans supposedly for [security against terrorists] is actually a very key component to the [hidden war in space].


There are several key aspect/attribute sets that get into this, but only some of these will be discussed out of an abundance of caution due to the nature of the data. What needs to be known is that there are many, and deeper, layers to this conspiracy than are readily apparent. One of the [design elements] is to [raise radiation levels] in [airports] and eventually [other terminals/ports] in order to [(perhaps) create 'flushing conditions'].


This is akin to having put up specific [barriers] across fields all through winter and spring and summer such that in early Fall, beaters could 'flush' out the 'game animals' for the [local war lords] to [shoot].


Not only is an [aversion to radiation] specifically noted as a [develop(able)/exploitable weakness], but also are data sets going to the idea that [herding techniques] are being [employed] that have been [designed (in coordination with) dogs]. These are further noted as being [perceived (*by their designers)] on the idea that [even if noticed (by intended herdees (not human?)], that they would nonetheless [assume] it was just more of the [already noted ubiquitous pattern of humans working with large predators].


Also the data points to [dogs (noses/perceptions)] not being able to be [avoided], and thus their mere presence introduces a tactic that must (by the herdees) be overcome.

There are further layers suggesting that the increase in [radiations] in the [region] of the [scanners] is [crafted] to [provide (meaningful) intelligence ] on the [potential herdees]. Yet more layers are involved in that the [whole process] of [security screening] is intended to [deny access], albeit in a subtle way, to the [known infiltrators].


Hmmmm...? Non pie eaters? Hmmmm.

The recent reports filtering into the [mainstream media (aka propaganda press)] about [Antarctica] have been shading towards the category of [strange and stranger]. Previous Shape reports have focused our attention onto the [south pole] both due to [magnetic pole issues] as well as [odd reports].


The forecast [strange Antarctic happenings] are being manifest now (and recent past). Some of the information is about [biologic convergence] where dozens of different species are moving toward the [Antarctic (sub ocean) continental plain] with real rapidity. The [biologic convergence] is, so far, [oceanic], though this will change as [birds] and other species begin the long [trek south].


The current data suggests that [officialdom] will not have an [understanding] of the [phenomena of mass movement of critters] to the [poles] that they care to pass onto the rest of us, and so the [mainstream media] blathering about the subject (at least for the next 4/four months) will be [monkey mind speculation] run amok in minds that are barely big enough to contain the monkey.


Thus the admonition to [disregard] the [proffered explanations] for the [developing weirdness] in Antarctica.


However, also note that the [weirdness] will be used as a [covering excuse] for [already (previously) planned 'surge'] of [personnel] (from the planetary shadow civilization) onto the [Antarctic continent]. The [cover story] presented by the [msm (propagandists press tools)] is described as being [lame/halt/stumbling] and mostly [not accepted].


This last set contains many references to the [huge/large/gigantic] amounts of [effort] and [energy (fuel)] and other [goods/commodities] that will be sent with the [new cadre of humans]. The data suggests that [lies] from the [msm / propaganda press] will come out about this aspect of the [Antarctic strangeness], and will itself become a [focus (of discussion)].


Most of this data set is effective from late August onward.


Cave Fire on the Moon?

As modelspace is progressed over June, and through the solstice, the SpaceGoatFarts entity gains significant amounts of supporting sets for what had been a minor sub set of the archetype of [caves].


This archetype had had a low percentage sub set under the descriptor of [mu (hidden)].


The data sets start to accrue almost as soon as the solstice is passed, but the [visibility] increases for the sub sets do not rise appreciably until late in Summer. This set is suggesting that there will be some [hints/glimpses] within the [msm (mainstream just-can't-stop-lying) corporate media] over early July, but only later in the year will the populace in general have either [access] or [appreciation] for the [emergence] of the [hidden (knowledge/technology/history)].


This area contains supporting sub sets describing a [meticulous communication], that may arrive in the form of an [ideograph] {ed note: probably not a crop circle if in a cave?} in which the [design] will appear to be [simple], yet its meaning will be [profoundly understood (at a bones level/into the cells)]. This [ideograph] is described as being [of tree form] which is also to say, [of increasing complexity as it rises].


The data sets read a lot like the movie [contact], only this [ideograph] includes or somehow [participates in] a [river]. Further the data set contains supporting sets which reinforce the basic [cave] archetype in that they go to [underground], [roots above], [shielded (from lights)] and other language of a subterranean nature.


Other sets in support of the [surprising ideograph] include [completed (grown to full height)] and [vivid picture], and [previous image(s)], and [stretches (from beginning to end)]. There are other supporting sets for the idea of [continuing], and [cyclic], and (yet again) the [returning].

Within the [surprising (cave bound) ideograph] are many supporting sets for [moon], and [lunar activity], and [(discovered) emptiness]. The data sets, within the [emptiness] supporting chain up to the [discovered (surprising) ideograph] also contain many supporting sets for [fire], and [fire(s) emerging (from holes)], and [lack of (proper) positions], and [configuration].

There are other supporting sets that accrue as the SpaceGoatFarts entity moves from June through July and into August. In these accreting sets there are references to [transition (from order to disorder, and return)], and [chaotic happenings/events], and [harmonic (vibrations/exhalations) disrupted], and [confusion predominates].

The data sets also gain [visibility] as modelspace is shifted through to the September equinox.


But along with the [visibility] sum rising, the area gains sets for [limitations (of actions)] also becoming [visible]. This area is of specific importance as it has the most cross links of any sub set within all of modelspace for this run. The sub set of the [cave bound surprising ideograph] has extensive cross links back to the ThePowersThatBe/Were* entity where almost all of the originating or terminating sets includes [fear].



* TPTB - Proxy for The Powers That Be. Proxy for groups which may be loosely described as both 'elitist', and 'global' in thinking. Includes proxies for such as RCC, UN, OD, Illuminati, CFR, and others too numerous to detail here.



There are sub sets within the [cave] supporting set that point to [disruptions (of human) transportation] as being a [setting] in which [tptb/w] will be [stressed] and, in at least one instance [killed/executed]. The instance of [deadly violence] is a case of [inter family war] in spite of what the [corporate media shills aka mainstream televised media] will be trying to spin.


However, the subsequent chain of events will [cause] an [innocent] to be [killed (while in custody?)], which will then set of another chain of [violent reactions (revenge attacks)] which will be [exactly as portrayed] by the [corporate shills (as they report on the death of 'one of their own')].

The [surprising cave bound ideograph] is a huge temporal marker, albeit one that we will not [discover] at the public level until almost before it is over taken by the events it marks.

The [tumultuous times] between the solstices (June and December) of 2011, will really erupt after the Fall equinox. According to the SpaceGoatFarts entity this will include [space thunder] and [space lightning] that will both [affect humans and animals]. There are sub sets describing the rise to [visibility] of the [sun disease] as a [human condition].


This set is both broad and deep. We will expect to see the language present itself around such things as [skin cancers], and [extreme vitamin d deficiencies (affecting both humans and animals)], as well as [headaches (due to sun exposure)] and [(seeming) instant skin growths (non cancerous)], and [brittleness (of hair/skin)], among other language as [afflicted humans (many sheeple)] try to [communicate] what is [happening to their bodies and perceptions].


This last, the [alteration of perception] is a very intriguing data set with some considerable growth over 2011, but also hints of a very large percentage of the planetary populace having had [the experience(s)] by mid 2012.


These [experiences] range from the [remarkable] to the [mundane], but all will share the component of being [perception alteration experiences], rather than [material world occurrences]. To some of the more [state (unstable) personalities], these [experiences] will border on the [spiritual], or [ex-static (as in not same mental/perception state)] {ed note: like near death experiences? Psychedelic perhaps?}, and will seemingly [compel/impel] the humans so [perceptually shifted] to be [sun seekers].


This last set also contains language for [solar communicators].


Hmmmm... now that will probably take some pie somewhere somehow...


The [pie] reference is not merely capriciously inserted as the data sets do contain support for the [solar communicators] as being [nourishment (to the social order/civilization)].


Further the supporting sets for the [extreme (experiences) people] include anomalous amount of references to [chef], and [cooking]. These are all sets that are in the supporting chain for the descriptor of [service (to others)] which curiously is also found to provide a very large amount of the emotional sums which shift the [cave bound ideograph] into [public visibility].


Hmmm... chefs rule?!? who'd a thunk it?

There are sets within the [perception experiences] sub set supporting chain which suggest that there are [associations/links with] the [fiber disease(s) aka morgellons, et al] that will be [exposed] by these [experiences] to a level that the ['modern' fiber diseases] will be [visible] within the [mainstream media] as they (the media stooges at the editorial level) attempt to [spin/deflect/control] the [perception alteration experiences] and their [impact on the social order].


This area here is cross linked over to both the GlobalPop and the Populace/USofA entities where the termination points include the [burning down the house] discussion relative to the [televised (lying) shill media].





The Tao of Humanity Very few humans consider their place in, and interaction with, the 'grander scheme of manifesting reality'.


Oh, priests and other organized predator mind controllers will blather on about “god's plan”, like they really had a clue, but they don't. And they actually can't... but that is another conclusion for another future...

Some humans do ponder themselves not as individuals, but as vital (life) interacting with universe (energy). Gandhi (of liberation of hindoo peoples from illuminati oppression fame), also known as Mahatma (great one), spent time considering this duality of human, and universe. And he came to a life lifting conclusion that while each of our acts are totally insignificant to universe, they are also totally necessary to it.


Even though insignificant to a degree that mind cannot comprehend, it is absolutely necessary to universe as a whole that the act be done. And so it is to us. If not done by you, the act will nonetheless be completed to the satisfaction of universe. And you will have missed an opportunity to be positively changed by that act. Now note, one cannot, in this universe, avoid their responsibility to act, and even choosing to not actively act, is nonetheless, an act, so we each participate, even by avoidance.


What we miss though is the opportunity for positively changing ourselves through harmonizing with opportunities presented by universe.

How often are we presented with opportunities clear enough to make meaningful choices within the broader waves of change that sweep through our local segment of universe? Said another way, how often, as adults, are we presented with opportunities to act heroically? Well, up until recently, not so often. However, as all the readers of this report may come to feel personally (if they have not already), the times, they are a'changing. These days are different, and according to our data, universe is about to slap you upside the head with that realization.

For many, the emergence of the tao into humanity's collective perception will be lost in the tumult and upheaval of worlds that is now occurring. That the multitudes will NOT awake to the touch of the tao is apparently necessary to universe, as it is.


Since it is, it must be a necessary component of universe that some not be awakened, both for their own karmic needs, and to allow those who are awake to thus distinguish themselves. And just as the rivers of time constantly shift the grains of sand (us humans in case you missed that poetic nod) laying on the river's bed, it is necessary for universe that shifts happen. These shifts are appearing now, not only to our data weary eyes, but also manifesting in the great changes flowing through our collective experience that we label humanity.

It is necessary to universe that many (perhaps most) humans experience these changing times blindly oblivious to the larger waves creating a new world/solar system around them.


They, the unaware, the sheeple, will look up at the great changes that will be soon sending their people-herds into panic and mindless stampedes without understanding their place, part, or role in anything larger than the flow of the immediate now. This, the tao, as it manifests around and through them, will consume all their time, generate all their thoughts, and create their reality as they experience it, totally oblivious to it.

It must be so that universe may exist and express change. Change must occur, in spite of all human efforts to oppose change, deflect change, or control change, it must occur. And will so occur. As universe directs. Not us. Including the 'aware' amongst the sheeple.


Those humans whose karmic burden is such that they need suffer awareness now, in these days, will not 'awaken the masses'. They will not, 'spark the revolution', nor 'incite the herd to turn'. They may not so understand now the 'why' of it all, especially those awakening minds in the early stages where it is ever-so-important to meet the emotionally driven need to go out and slap all your soon-to-be-ex friends among the sheeple herd to wake them up.


They, we, do not understand, until later, that it won't work and will just annoy the crap out of the sheeple who are being slapped in the face.


But, somehow, and for some 'why', it is necessary that a great many sheeple be slapped. It is necessary for universe to force massive social changes at planet wide scale through humanity at this time, and is also necessary, for you, at a personal level, to experience these changes in some greater state of awareness than the general sheeple herd.


That is your challenge. That awareness alone, marks you as being offered the opportunity of service by universe. This is rare, as you well know. Not that many humans out there who are really thinking beings, most are operating under deep mind control, and are blinded by false perception of reality.

Not you, nor anyone, ever need accept the karmic burden of service to universe.


Nor is this some kind of submission to the will of some other being. It does not work that way. Many humans will (necessarily) confuse the opportunity provided by awakening to reality with 'service' as it is dictated by the religious control freaks (who really are freaks... disturbing, twisted, freakish minds capable of killing and even consuming the flesh of humans for their twisted understanding of reality).


The archetype for this 'captured service' is the personality sold as Mother Teresa. Even she, on her death bed, acknowledged that her 'awakening' was captured, and the whole 'faith' religion thing was a waste of a life. Took her long enough to realize it... but such is the nature of karmic burdens and the filters that they place on our perception.

For its own reasons which are not particularly pertinent to humanity which must live through it, universe is in the process of transitioning, in a more dramatic than in the past fashion, to a new operating state. That humans have been favored by universe in the past offers some potential that we will also be well received in this emerging future state.


But no guarantees exist in universe, other than the guarantee of opportunity to experience change. And if lucky, or personally karmically well situated, to not only experience change, but to be changed by so experiencing it.

It helps to be an artist. That is to say, those who can self identify as artists are able to more readily integrate the internal changes that the art itself forces on its creator. Probably why universe is an artist, and we are (some) of its works. As out, so in.

It helps in integrating change as a part of life to be an artist. As those who have made and sailed their own boats, baked and eaten their own pies, sewn and worn their own clothes, hewn and built with their own lumber, washed and served their fellow human, cared for and assisted the dying, trained for personal change (meditation) will tell you, the art changes the artist as much if not more that the artist will change the materials of their art.


This is the point of art. Any and all arts. Even those arts not yet discovered by humanity. And even those arts ignored as art (only from the outside is the householder thought consumed by his chores).

Art can and does change us even before we encounter it. And the point of the exhibitions of others arts? Well, duh, to inspire some other human to self-select as a change candidate in universe, and to begin the process that is the art of living, which is to say, the art of the discovery of one's self as artist.

All artists are in service to universe, though many are as oblivious of this as the sheeple are to their mind control. It is through art that service in the form of change is rendered to universe. And, universe apparently appreciates this as it gives the mass of humans some small percentage of artists, enough it would seem, the karmic joy of expressing their art as pie bakers. And thus we, the rest of us, are 'repaid' for our service here on earth.

We will all need to pie-up as universe moves a very large art project forward. Our service to universe as artists is about to challenged greatly as we assist universe in this transition to a new expression of its art (life).


Our data has clear statements that [service] to universe will be offering new opportunities to those artists capable of perceiving and acting upon them. As with all offers, they can be refused. But acknowledge now that refusal is also a choice, and even it does not prevent failure. Remembering, however, that failure is the process of art working itself out through the internal obstacles of the artist, and that change is art, pie up now, as your art is about to be challenged.


Your service to universe is even now in a period where [opportunities to change/expand] will be presented in the form of very large [holes in common consensus reality] that will draw you in, artist tools at the ready, too excited *not* to change your relationship to your service to universe as it draws the tao right out of you, exposing you to yourself, and the opportunities for new service to humanity, as universe expresses the tao of it all... in our pies, and in front of our eyes.

This is what is coming.
This is what you are feeling.
The tao of humanity is discovering itself... through you.

Excitingly scary... yes?


We have added a copy of the solar intensity numbers as are calculated by Patrick Geryl below. These have so far shown themselves to be meaningful predictors of violent earth changes or violent weather. Take the dates as being in the middle of an enlarging window of time.


As the numbers indicate, the wave flowing through solar activity will still allow, by reducing the intensity slightly, the sheeple to maintain some level of 'normalcy bias', but expect that to be less persistent after October of 2011.

Thus these numbers can be used to anticipate the next period of large scale changes here on earth. And to prepare for them.

No, there will not be a crustal shift, nor a Planet X induced 'roll around' of earth.

Yes, there will be huge levels of persistent changes as the planet grows. More winds, greater gravitational and magnetic effects among shaking ground, sloshing seas, and terrible weather.