by Clif High February 28, 2011 from HalfPastHuman Website
There will be many statements that are made in this document that will require you to validate either the facts, or the conclusions derived from them on your own. Too many theories of too intricate or expansive (future joke here) a nature are involved for me to take time and space in this article to bring out all of their supporting details.
So certain statements and observations will be made with no
supporting material supplied as it is expected that motivated reader
will explore the ideas in question on their own and reach
conclusions that they find appropriate.
Still a Solar
Cataclysm in 2012
To reach any other conclusion is to not be aware of manifesting circumstances. These include the many features of the planet that show scarring from past catastrophe as well as the amnesiac nature of our own species and the lack of any real history before 11,800 years ago.
These facts include the earth, and all
human history, all the “realstory” behind the 'history” that
ThePowerElites want you to believe.
Disagreements with
some of Patrick Geryl's conclusions
Time Monk Radio Network Interviews
February 26, 2011
His understanding of earth is not as detailed, in my opinion, and it has led to some incorrect conclusions. First, much of his understanding of how a pole flip occurs, as well as how a crustal slip may occur, is dependent upon the idea of the center of the earth having a rotating mass of molten iron, that is creating the planet earth's magnetic field by virtue of its spin.
Now note that Patrick Geryl's information about the magnetic field itself is correct. The earth's magnetic field, humanities shield, is failing, and has a period that is about 11,800 years between re-charges.
But, in my opinion, the idea of a molten iron mass spinning in the middle of the earth is false.
So in following with that, the only way that earth could have a weakening magnetic field would be if the 'iron core' were to be slowing down.
IF THAT were the case, we would know about it.
Further, what we laughingly refer to as 'mainstream science' has
recently determined that the core of the earth is not only spinning
faster than the crust, but has recently begun to accelerate its spin
rate. So much for the iron core idea.
BUT the idea that, as with small iron
magnets, our core will flip, is not correct. He uses the analogy of
the core, being a giant iron magnet, being pushed over as one can
push over one magnet with another. This is likely not going to
Also note that the academic view that the equatorial bulge is due to centrifugal force is wrong. Yet another article there. However, that said, it is clear that periodic cataclysmic (for humans) catastrophes happen.
Repeat that: catastrophe happens. Periodically.
So how to account for it?
Necessary thinking since we are due to live through it in the next
few years. And the evidence is that these periodic catastrophes can
nearly finish off humans as a species.
There are also problems with the idea that sloshing
oceans deposited the material. Some of these problems involve
benthic organisms that had to have been living at that point when
killed, so they were not merely dropped off at the top of the
mountain by the wave as it passed. They are part of the mountain
structure itself and speak to water covering the area.
As will be explained below, it is also my thinking that tectonic plates theory does not present an adequate understanding about the structure of our planet at all. All of the evidence for crustal shifts presented by Hapgood et al, are, in my opinion, accurately described, but can be accounted for by mechanisms other than a crustal shift.
Yes magnetic pole shifts have and do and will occur
(one in 2012), and yes they are devastating. Yes, instant freezing
of large areas of the planet have occurred, but not (in my thinking)
as a result of that area rotating under the pole.
Expando Planet model
We start with Einstein
and the much discussed, debated, and hated, E = MC2
Well... in this universe, equations work both ways, so theoretically we could take a bunch of energy and 'condense' it into matter (assuming we knew how). This matter could be as dense as version as we desired given that we are condensing it out of energy. So we would initially get simple molecules such as hydrogen and helium, but if we persisted, we could continue to coagulate the energy into denser molecules like oil, or iron, or gold.
And thus is explained how the
whole alchemy transmutation thing works. By condensation.
And again, plasma core idea works with
heat levels internal to the earth (lower you go, hotter it gets), as
well as
abiotic oil, and the creation of minerals as well as their
location of deposits.
human experience with plasma fields and forms in laboratories
provides observable evidence of the electro magnetic effects every
bit as variant as seen on earth.
The Earth is slowly growing. Even mainstream science and mainstream media acknowledge this, though they never say why it should grow continuously if the core of the earth was actually iron.
Oh well... anyway, the plasma receives energy from the Sun at the core of the Earth, converts it to matter (e=mc2) and so then two logical questions then arise...
Mainstream science has always maintained that the planet grows slowly over time even without addressing why this should be the case.
Further the whole point of the plate tectonic theory is 'propelled' by this idea of slow movement of the plates creeping about on liquid magma. Though against the idea of entropy, the cooling of the planet over time, and the rotation of the supposed iron core, the whole of the plate tectonic theory fails to hold up.
Further, the presence of vast, previously unknown levels, of active volcanoes all across the planet does not support plate tectonics. Indeed, volcanoes are found even in places that the plate tectonic theory say should be subduction zones.
So, to address the question of where does the continuously created matter go, we need only look around us. The matter quite actually 'bubbles' up out of, or as, the earth. And further, since it is created in the middle of an enclosed sphere (more or less, the earth is actually an oblate spheroid), the effects of matter created in the middle of a closed planet are naturally predictable.
Imagine pumping water into an orange with a
East is east, and
West is west, and never the twain shall meet
One is that the 'skin' of our orange (planet earth) will rupture in specific ways that should form 'crinkly bits' for coast line on the anterior side of the tearing. These would be expected to be rough, ragged, vertically exposing of interior skin features, and not evenly spaced. In fact, we do see these in the form of the fiords observable on the western coasts of all continents.
Further, if one obtains a reasonably accurate
topological globe, it can be seen that no eastern coast of any
continent resembles the western coast of that same continent. And
all western coasts of all continents resemble each other, as do all
eastern coasts of all continents. Further, even large islands such
as Greenland, Iceland, Britain, et al show the same conditions.
The idea being that a spinning planet always going the same direction, for millions of years, would naturally sculpt itself differently on the leading, or eastern coasts, over the trailing, or western coasts. And we do indeed see this at all levels, macroscopically, geologically, geomorphologically, topologically, and even biologically (different habitats supporting different species).
And conversely, if that same planet had periodically changed rotation, there would be evidence for that on the coasts. Indeed, the giant, 2 kilometers high waves from the oceans sloshing out of their basins would be expected to have carved and eroded most distinguishing features from the coasts of all continents.
If that had occurred even twice then effects would still be visible even 26,000 years later. No evidence of that is found. We would expect to see the western coasts very torn down, and not the sharp, ragged, torn appearance actually present. Further, it is on the eastern side of the continents that we find the sunken cities and other ancient signs of habitation.
Further, the western sides of the continents are the more geologically active, which should not be the case if there were not expansion occurring continuously in the absence of crustal rotation. Indeed, the total absence of any expected degradation of the western, southern, or northern coasts of any continent (Antarctica excepted due to its location) is a very key point of evidence against rotation in any other direction than current.
Repeating this for clarity.
As an aside, if the plate tectonic theory was accurate, there would be more volcanoes along the eastern seaboard of the American continents, as well as along the western coast of Europe. Many more volcanoes.
In fact, it should resemble the “ring of fire” in the Pacific.
Speaking of volcanoes and magma, mainstream academic understanding of the earth and its formative history, would maintain that subduction zones should exist at all plate boundaries, and yet, there is no evidence of a subduction zone anywhere on earth. And, if the plate tectonic theory were correct, there should be NO mid Atlantic Ridge, nor the deep fissure valleys of the Pacific Basin.
These are both predictable effects of planetary expansion. In the case of the Mid Atlantic Ridge, this ridge is specifically and exactly described as a necessary part of the Expando Planet theory, and is not at all explained by any variant of plate tectonics. In the Expando Planet model it is required that the 'skin' of the planet rupture at some point, at that this point is where the denser forms of matter (minerals, newly formed rocks, et al) will emerge.
Unlike the gas and liquid matter being created in the earth, the
solid condensates require at least one specific point of exit to the
surface. Where the gasses and liquids can percolate up to the
surface as we observe petroleum to do, minerals, specifically molten
material that will crystallize as it cools, must force open a
fissure to release the pressures behind it.
These would necessarily also be affected by the direction of rotation of the planet during the time that they formed and existed. So if the planet had ever rotated any other direction, there would be evidence, left over from gradual erosion, as well as 'spin direction resonance' found on the coasts, specifically the west coasts.
The 'spin direction resonance' effect is what we see happening when, as an instance, a tornado deposits debris, it has a tendency to only be on specific sides of buildings or other objects. Similar effects show up in where the dust and things collect in parking lots. Basically the same principle.
We see no such effects
indicating anything other than east direction rotation.
The standard explanation for this offered by academics is the idea of one giant continent called Pangaea in one giant ocean on the earth at the same size as it is now. This explanation is clearly wrong as it defies math in the form of the spherical trigonometry expressed in the coasts of the continents. In other words. It is not possible, on a globe that is the size of today's earth, to fit the continents back together.
The curvature of
the earth gets in the way. The edges do not fit when this is tried.
But clearly, the coasts of the continents, just as with the edges of
a torn piece of paper, look like they fit together. Indeed they do.
Simply not at the current size of the earth. For the edges of the
continents to snug together (at the continental shelves), the earth
would have had to be only about one third its present size.
Obviously dinosaurs existed as we have their remains. Further, while the dinosaur fossil distribution itself supports the Expando Planet model, we need only examine the blood pressure issue to satisfy ourselves that this is a valid example.
Basically the 'dinosaur conundrum' is as follows: how is it possible that dinosaurs could live on earth at such great size (height and girth), when we know that the tallest animals now (giraffes) are at the far limit of blood pressure versus gravity. At less than 17 feet in height, a giraffe is safe and happy, but let is grow only another foot, and it will die as the pressure on the heart becomes too much as it tries to pump blood up that height.
However, dinosaurs were seriously taller than 17 feet. If the earth did not have much reduced gravity during the time of the dinosaurs, then their vascular system could never have handled the blood pressures required to raise blood the great distance to their brains. The same applies for the really big dinosaurs with tremendous girth.
Other issues as to how their 'bird bones' could have supported such great weights are also related to the gravity of earth issue. Various theories have been proposed that include gravity as a variable in earth's past. This is my assumption, and the mechanism that is favorable is the Expando Planet model. Dinosaurs could not live on earth today.
They far exceed the limits of what current levels of gravity will allow for pumping blood via biological means. So? If the gravity was less during their day, what could account for it? One postulate that makes sense, is that the gravity was less, and it was due to earth being significantly smaller.
As cited in the previous example of the continents as jigsaw puzzle. As an aside, at some point, expansion of the earth will reach levels which make it impossible for humans to exist for the same reason. We will all be too tall to pump blood to our brains.
So look to your local
politician, and take that as a warning as to humanities
future... life without blood in the brain.
The problems encountered
during the expansions wipe us out to really insignificant levels,
and fundamentally reset the whole civilization to zero. But, there
are some monuments, in fact thousands of them which may be evidence
of the Expando Planet cycles.
In a
smaller version of earth, just as with the dinosaurs, gravity is
less, and these stones would have weighed far less, thus presenting
less of an issue in construction.
Without getting into too much of debates about design ideas in ancient structures, we can at least note that such desert ruins as the Great Pyramids at Giza have boat docks at their base, and they and the Sphinx, show damage from centuries of ocean water exposure. While there are many theories as to how these structures could have spent centuries with their bases in water, one explanation is that as the earth expands, water levels are significantly affected.
Not as Patrick Geryl suggests, nor as in the bible myths of a planet covering flood, but rather as a result of shifting (rising) matter entering the oceans and displacing water.
Further, the actual mechanism from the expansion would be thought to produce neither tidal style flooding, nor tsunami flooding, but rather something entirely different. Perhaps best described as 'persistent flooding', there are many descriptions of such in many ancient texts including those in Sanskrit.
Graham Hancock's work, Underworld, in which he visits many of the sunken cities around the planet actually highlights the mechanism of 'persistent flooding' without using that label.
He refers to ancient accounts of 'flood waters' that 'just kept coming'. Unlike the tide, these did not retreat. And unlike tsunami, these floods were not particularly violent. Just water levels rising, and continuing to rise without stopping. Fast enough to swallow your coastal city over a week, but not so fast that humans and animals cannot stay ahead of it.
these waters were noted to still be supporting tidal actions. So it
was as though two separate forces were at work on the ocean, each
affecting its volume in different ways.
Hmmmm... where did that stuff being thrown
into space come from if not from the pressures of new matter being
created in plasma balls at the center of these fellow solar system
occupants? How is it that a small moon is able to spew geysers of
material into space repeatedly? Would it not exhaust itself over the
course of millions or billions of years?
As the Expando Planet theory is fractally based, then it must appear as a design pattern in other parts of universe to be a valid concept (in my opinion). This is just what is observable from the very large with the Expando Universe model (for another article), and down to the very small with how insect shells (skin) grows, how human skin alters itself to cover burns, and other scarring features on all animals.
The basic
design pattern is also present in plants from their root growth
methods to how their skin coverings accommodate internal growth.
It also allows that such events could happen quickly, as in essence, the low lying coastal plains will 'slide down as the continental shelves supporting them slide down into the crevasse' created by the expansion of the planet. But, the Expando Planet model does not allow for whole continents to just 'sink'. However, in the Expando Planet model, Atlantis and other civilizations can easily be on coastal plains that sink as the cracks widen and the skin of the earth 'thins out' in areas.
Further, the new matter rising both as
solid minerals in the Mid Atlantic, and as magma from all over the
planet, both will cause the ocean level fluctuations as land forms
change near the cracks in the earth's skin. Further, it can be
expected that a large proportion of the new matter being created
will be water. This will also affect the ocean levels.
The Expando Planet model has at its core (pun intended) the plasma core which can become very chaotic, and is expected to produce huge 'toroidal imbalances' which will result in a bunch of 'magnetic field anomalies' that will resemble 'magnetic tornadoes'.
These will reach out into deep space and will funnel down not only huge levels of highly charged particles, but also, vast quantities of very very very cold cold from space. The air will freeze as it is. So will anything under one of these toroidal vortexes.
And since many of
them will be associated with where the new magnetic pole will reside
(after a bit of a walk-about), it is understandable that many of
these flash frozen areas will stay frozen.
Predictable signs of
pending expansion of the planet
There are also expected electric and
magnetic effects as the expansions are concurrent with solar system
wide changes affecting energies at all levels. The sum total is
screwy weather for the entire time of the expansion event.
Planet Earth has recently (last ten years) created a huge new crack, called a 'future sea' by mainstream science, that will at some point, separate Africa from the Arabian peninsula. This crack appeared suddenly. Further, there are new cracks these last two years across all continents excepting Antarctica (may be some there, but news does not come out easily from those environs). Also, some of these cracks are gigantic and appear almost instantly.
The speed of their appearance is just the
kind of thing that plate tectonic theory does NOT support, and just
the sort of activity we would expect from the Expando Planet model.
Predictable problems
New Madrid is a particular fear point for many people at the moment, and the federal government of the US seems to be sharing that fear if the reports of tens of millions of emergency meals, multiple person plastic coffins, relocation camps, and federal emergency preparedness exercises are any indicator. It would seem that their fear would be well placed given the Expando Planet model of things.
If one examines a topologically accurate globe that includes sea bed contours, it can be observed that a 'natural' fault line seemingly runs from Lake Michigan through the Mississippi River valley to the Gulf of Mexico. It would be expected that such areas at this will crack further as the next expansion event occurs.
Thus the idea that
the Great Lakes may one day drain into the Gulf of Mexico is
Take, as an example, all the
earthquakes and separate them not by geographic location, but rather
by depth, then magnitude. This new picture, when pasted back onto a
sphere will indicate the points of the next 'ripping events'.
First, the locations of sinkholes and tears should be between the tropics (in the main) due to the equatorial bulge. In fact, note that in the Expando Planet model, the equatorial bulge is a sign of planetary health, and internal matter creation pressures. So earth bulges around the middle not due to centrifugal forces, but due to internal pressures. Thus the idea that the equatorial bulge can 'relax' either slowly or rapidly is not supported.
Further, the Expando Planet model with an equatorial bulge due to internal pressures would account for movement of continents relative to each other as well as gradual creep of the continents over the continuously stretching spherical surface. Note that this last is very important.
Referring back to earthquake for a moment, and specifically the very shallow, and very damaging earthquake recently seen at ChristChurch, New Zealand. Such quakes are predictable on land masses on both poles. Further, the Expando Planet model suggests that likely sites for shallow, high amplitude wave, damaging quakes will be at just those places where humans like to live... i.e. in the inland points of the 'crinkly bits' or natural harbors along coasts.
As with the late 1950s shallow, damaging earthquakes in Alaska, the nature of the quake is forecasting the emergence of a rupture in the region. ChristChurch is likely situated at the 'head' of a natural 'tear' in the coast line. These kinds of quakes are expected because of where New Zealand is on the globe relative to the pressures created on the crust by the equatorial bulge.
These pressures will tend to produce different types of quakes at different points on the sphere. Further, the theory can be used to predict both relative frequency and depth of large quakes during the expansion event. Unfortunately for New Zealand, the theory clearly points toward more 'tearing forces' to be manifesting from 45s by 180 degrees as indicated by both topology and hyper-dimensional (hyper-spatial) maths.
'tearing forces' in the ocean on the other side of the
Chatham Rise
will be presenting to New Zealand further earthquakes over the rest
of 2011 and certainly through 2012.
Before moving on to the latter,
let us note that mega earth projects such as the Hoover, Grand
Coulee, and Three Gorges dams, among others, are at risk for
catastrophic and cataclysmic failure as the planet actually pulls
apart around them, or, alternatively, as the surface crinkles up
underneath them.
Well, the magnetosphere is failing, and seriously needs a recharge, but to do so we have to live through the energy exchange from the sun to the earth necessary to the task.
So Patrick Geryl is correct, and we can expect a very large burst of south/negative charged particles to hit our South Pole. This will be absorbed by the planet, and a good deal of the energy will be sucked into the plasma core, thus providing for both the recharge of the magnetic strength of our magnetosphere, and the flip of the magnetic poles, north for south.
This will be a very messy, and dangerous process for life here on earth. As the magnetic poles flip, the charge of the magnetosphere will go to zero and dangerous radiation will pour down upon the planet and us guys, its inhabitants. Not good. Terminal sunburns in minutes. Burning of anything directly in the path of the sun's output. Cook your dinner in a pot outside in minutes. That sort of thing. But not good for life.
Noting that Patrick is likely also correct, and the radiation danger period is probably brief, on the order of few days. He is also correct in that the magnetic poles will flip as the plasma core absorbs the south/negative charged particles and becomes dominated by them, a side effect of which recharges our magnetosphere later in the process.
The plasma core will actually flip physically, but as it has virtually no mass relative to the planetary crust, and will 'flip' by going 'inside out' relative to polarity means that only the magnetics will change here on the crust of earth, but this also allows for both chaotic polarity points, and very rapid magnetic changes.
Unlike the 'molten mass of iron core' theory which presents
lots of issues about altering its rotation, physical constraints and
magnetic charge. It can be imagined as to the dangers presented to
life by this part of the 2012 events.
Further issues will present themselves in the
form of mental problems for those who do survive by hiding from the
radiation exposure.
mass die off of birds, and ocean life
already seen is very likely the early edges of what will occur in
As part of this expansion process, the number of shallow, and significant earthquakes is expected to rise dramatically. This will not be good for nuclear reactors, biochemical weapons storage areas, and fuel ports, pipelines, storage facilities, port facilities, airplane travel (radiations)... which pretty much gives you the way to consider what we face.
Ancient Sanskrit descriptions of oral tradition have previous periods being filled with what we would consider to be 7.+ earthquakes. Some records speak of times when they were happening multiple times a day after having ramped up over the course of a single lifetime.
The earthquakes grew to the point
that whole villages relocated to escape the daily damage.
The Good News
Both in mass and size, and thus each subsequent release of energy in the next cycle by the Sun, will be impacting a larger planet and will be proportionally smaller. Thus the expansion event that occurred 11,500 years ago had more impact on earth as earth was smaller then. Just as the expansion events during the days of the dinosaurs were hugely impacting of the planet due to earth being about a third of its present size.
So the
good news is that as the expansions continue, the effects diminish
over time. Not that this will help us much during our up coming
cataclysmic catastrophe.
Also the good news would include only limited continental penetration by waves. And these should be predictably larger and more devastating, and flood further inland on the eastern coasts of the continents than on the west. On the other hand, the western coasts will have to deal with significant winds, and torrential amounts of water both from rains, and from tsunamis.
As the ocean floors tear and thin,
waves from ruptures and landform shifts will assault the coasts. For
reasons too detailed to pursue here, they will be more of a problem
for west coasts than east. Also volcanic eruptions, and large scale
heating of the waters will result in increasing evaporation causing
the 'atmospheric rivers' to grow in orders of magnitude.
So the good news is that the new moment will
produce faster winds which should aid in scrubbing out the horrific
amounts of dust and ash from all the volcanoes and earthquakes.
It can happen at any time now.
Given the rapid increase
in solar intensity values that Patrick shares at his website, it
would seem most likely to occur between October 11, 2011 and May of
2012. That NASA is also concerned about solar problems through this
period acts as yet more fuel for the necessary paranoia. Further
paranoia flares up thinking about the trillions of dollars put into
underground shelters by government for the elite. That does not bode
This gives new meaning to the old French peasant retort, of,
by Clif High March 10, 2011 from HalfPastHuman Website
The idea is that the Sun, operating on the Precessional cycle clock would send out giant waves of energy for perhaps a hundred years or more (this would lengthen as the sun itself grows - also part of theory) at the points of 'opposition' (these are affected by our relationship to the galactic plane) on the cycle.
The energy waves ramp up and peak, then wane to steady output, as we see happening with other energy sources in universe.
The 'pulse' (from human viewpoint) of energy waves at the end of each Precessional cycle would cause the relatively rapid, and violent growth of the planet. Then as side effects of the pulses hitting the planet, two effects would be expected; the magnetosphere would be recharged due to the plasma core being over excited (effects of this are much higher magnetic levels which would tend to resist or moderate future inputs from the Sun; and the thinning of the 'skin' of the earth taken as a whole.
These pulses would seem to be THE necessary energetic component to cause the whole process to function.
That is to say that the steady outpouring of energy from the Sun, even absorbed into Earth's plasma core where some level of it is converted to matter, would not likely be the cause for the first ripping of the crust into the continental plates we see today. Yes, the steady outpouring is the cause of the continuous growth (and continental spread) seen here on earth, and could be expected to eventually cause enough pressures to rupture the crust, but the behavior of the solar system would suggest not.
Rather, since we can observe the Sun to be variable and exhibiting
periods of great excitement itself as over these recent years, and
as there yet remains pockets of evidence for extreme outpouring of
energy from the Sun, we can postulate that the growth of planets
(and presumably stars) is dualistic in nature, consisting of brief,
violent outbursts, and long steady periods of continuous activity.
Banda Ache tsunami was caused by the
cracking of the sea floor very rapidly at the northern point of the
Ninety East Ridge. This ridge is one of the many spreading points on
the ocean floors on the planet.
Also note that even the academic view of earth's orbit is that it gradually lengths, though they put it down to a 'slowing effect' as though friction from space were the cause. Further the expansion will also impact by slowing our rotation as well as orbit. Though curiously, it can be expected that the plasma core will spin more rapidly as it is flooded with energy from the Sun.
While it will consume some of the extra spin in
creating new matter (the 'core' of the expanding planet experience),
it can be expected to maintain a higher rate of spin over time, even
as it grows due to the extra excitement coming from the Sun over
these next few decades.
So those mountain ranges that are other
than north south are indications of shifting. Those which are north
to south may be sites of future cracking as they have not moved off
the seams which fed their growth. Mountain ranges create by rips in
the earth under the crust which then have accretion of new matter
under them thus 'wrinkling' up the crust and forming mountain
What probably occurs is that the planet creates matter from energy in the plasma core which then is expelled upward, pressuring the crusts, and at some point, small ruptures appear underneath the crust, and the resulting pressured material being forced through the cracks created the mountain ranges. Each mountain range creation was likely the result of an expansion episode. Then, as each mountain range was created, it took the pressure off the planetary crust. This probably occurred repeatedly during the early part of terrestrial history as the earth reacted to each episodic solar energy inundation with a new mountain range.
This reaction worked until the level of the plasma core was exceeded in one expansion episode.
This 'failure' of the mountain range building response to solar radiation storm was likely due to a combination of the plasma core growth itself which increases the amount of new matter being produced as the core was larger and therefore could process more of the solar radiation into matter, as well as the crust of the planet being 'reinforced' by the mountain ranges to the point that no upward expansion of the crust could take place, and it necessarily had to part and thin in order to accommodate the latest expansion episode.
This rupture of the continents also was likely as a direct result of the solar radiation flood during one of these periodic, precession related, expansion episodes rather than the accumulation of continuous matter creation. So the mountain building period of earth is over. Such areas as Lake Titicaca in the Andes, in which we find a salt water port and formerly salt water lake at the great height of 11,000+ feet, is probably due to there being shallow oceans over the area prior to the creation of the Andes mountain range.
Also the city near by the port on the lake was most likely created after the lake had been raised to that height. Recent examination of its layout and orientation now make this more apparent. Therefore the death of approximately half of its inhabitants 11,800 years ago (m/l) probably resulted from the earthquakes at that time that were the result of that expansion event.
But were not likely linked to the rise of the lake to that height.
This would seem to be supported by the current levels of activity in that region as we approach this next expansion episode.
is just what is seen with the Great Rift Valley in Africa where the
equator crosses the continent as well as in the location of the
Amazon River and its associated valleys in South America. Other
geo-active areas include Indonesia which also has its larger islands
sitting at the top of the equatorial bulge. Lacking the stability
provided to both Africa and South America by their masses, the
region of Indonesia is likely to experience much increased
earthquakes and volcanoes as we go forward into this next decade.
This is evidenced by the parallel
nature of the Rocky mountain range to the angle of the continental
slope of north America. This is evidenced most strikingly in the
complex shaping of the Himalayan mountain range which is repeated on
the ocean floor. The same forces created both.
This would lower water levels globally, and wreak havoc on ocean currents. May even alter weather if the in rushing water reaches molten magma. Other water observations are that the Expando Planet model does not support the idea of global flooding on the earth as it is now. As the earth grows, it does so with expansion due to new material from deep in the core as well as by shoving the existing continental plates further apart.
So, absent any new major crack opening up that would drain a significant portion of the ocean mass, the Expando Planet model suggests that each expansion period raises water levels by spreading them out further over the planet as the ocean basins get filled in from below by new rocky material, usually in the form of magma.
Basically lots of volcanoes spewing
out extra large amounts of magma as the planet adjusts to the flood
of energy from the Sun will displace water and thus raise water
levels globally over time. Further all the volcanoes under the
oceans will increase the water temperatures and cause some small
level of expansion of the water.
The more growth in more recent times design pattern would explain a lot in both planetary and human history. Machu Picchu showing a rebuild period once more modern locals took it over is indicative of the cyclic survival of the megaliths. First, in a previous cycle (pre 11,800 years ago) some culture creates megaliths, then gets wiped out at one of the cycle peaks.
Some time passes. Modern humans rise
up after the last cycle peak (11,800 years ago) and knowing a good
thing when they see it, set about repairing the earthquake damage to
Machu Picchu and other sites. We are building on top of the evidence
of previous cycles.
If one examines the out of place artifacts, and what is known as 'forbidden archeology', evidence will be found that supports humans having been on earth for millions of years, yet we do not have a million year old civilization. In fact, our civilization does not go back past half of one precession period. Further, given the evidence of other, past, civilizations, it would appear that we are indeed, as a species, subjected to periodic catastrophe that resets our civilization back to the barely tribal level.
Ominously for us humans now alive, it appears that the
civilization reset happens in a rapid way, and we are now in it.
This is to say that the acceleration of earth changes and solar
system changes these last few years are clearly arguing that a cycle
peak is approaching or is now underway.
While along the other side of the ring of fire the event will produce up-thrust along west coast of the America's due to the expansion along the continental slope, the Middle America trench, and the Peru trench. The expansion along the Peru trench is likely the cause for the recent escalation of major, damaging earthquakes along the western South American coast.
This can be expected to continue. As can the volcanic activity. As can the sinkholes, and land slips/slides.
In fact, the land slides
should also be expected to escalate to 'long run out slides' that
may move mountain soils dozens of miles in minutes in sort of a dry
version of a
This is due to the long time it takes for the angular momentum of the orbiting planets to affect the solar tensions by pulling the solar equator around faster than the solar pole. Then over time, as the planets grow, the periods involve decrease. This is due to the creeping impact of planetary mass on collected angular momentum. This would allow for the period of expansion events to be irregular, and to decrease in length over time.
Further, this same mechanism of increasing planet size causing
increasing distortion in solar rotation via greater angular momentum
in the solar system may also explain why the evidence seems to
suggest that recent expansion events have had increasingly greater
impact on humans. Indeed, the previous event almost made humans
The evidence
we find all over the planet is supporting the idea of an increasing
expansion effect each time, and an increasingly disruptive impact on
the human social order.
Further the reports of Atlantis being lost beneath the
oceans may well also be interpreted as being lost beneath the ice.
It is my opinion that Atlantis is what we now call
Hmmmmm... not a good sign for
life here on earth.
This also occurred in Alaska, but the evidence there is distributed across a broader area of flat lands just under the permafrost. In both instances the same proximate cause would appear to be the rapid enlarging of the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge and its subsequent separation into 3/three sections by an expansion event in the past which moved the 2/two primary sections nearly 600 miles apart.
If the ocean floor near Norway (as an example) is examined, features such as the Voring Plateau in the Norwegian Sea suggest that local reaction of the Scandinavian coast during the last expansion event may have been quite violent. The fjords themselves are perhaps the best example, as they are actual 'rips' in continental edges.
The characteristics seen in Norwegian fjords are
identical to fjords in other land masses surrounding the Arctic
ocean, and more recently are seen in the new rift (tear) in Africa
excepting that it has no sea in it yet, and is bare of trees, but
the underlying earth disposition patterns are the same as fjords in
the far north or south.
Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge, clearly, was part of the Mid
Atlantic Ridge at one point in earth's distant past. Expansion
events have shifted continental masses about over the millennia
leaving behind evidence of the 'flow' of planetary growth the way
that trees (and all life for that matter) record the patterns of
their lives in the rings of new growth.
with that incident, when the Nansen fracture occurred, it most
likely sent a very powerful tsunami aimed directly at Norway. This
tsunami crossed the sea quickly, and moved large amounts of ocean
life into a debris filled wave that then scrubbed off the coastal
regions of Norway. Due to the steep angles of the land, both above
and below the ocean waters, these waves were able to rush up into
the fjords many hundreds of meters carrying the bodies of all manner
of critters high into the surrounding hills.
This is good news, depending on where one
may live.
Displacement waves are not so constrained and can rise quite in excess of 'normal' limitations on tsunami wave height as they are a 'stacked mass' of water. However, unlike tsunamis, the displacement wave lacks the continuing propulsive force behind it. AND in both cases there are finite limits on wave height that, while varying locally, will not have 'self standing waves' much over 180 feet.
Some of the largest of the 'self standing waves' ever recorded occurred in the open ocean off the Philippines during the eruption/explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. American naval officers on survey duty both on land and on ships off shore north of the Philippines recorded self sustaining wave heights in the open ocean of 176 feet.
Note that this wave height when reaching any land is also constrained by the same physical height issues as 'regular' tsunami waves and so is not going to rise much taller than its maximum height at sea, plus the height of rise of the ground across which it will travel.
Of course a wave of this height is very seldom
capable of even crossing the continental shelf as they 'break' due
to the first impact of rising height as the 'foot' of the wave
phenomenon encounters the jump upward.
It will be overwhelmed by the south/negative particles hitting the south pole of the planet, but will not instantly disappear everywhere. Note that today it is under continued stress and over the last 2+ decades has had perpetual 'holes' in it. But it still persists.
Yes sheep and goats and birds in Patagonia are blinded and die during a minor solar event when the hole is over their area, but the rest of the planet's surface life is relatively unscathed.
There are issues of absorption of radiation, and the duration of the sun's own expansion event (for part three) to consider, as well as the fact that the rotation of earth will take us all 'under the sun' so to speak over that period, but, again, the effects will not be felt ubiquitously nor evenly around the planet.
But, pictures aside, the core will react and change, but due to the processes involved, will continue to generate magnetic fields.
The issue is that the magnetic fields will themselves likely be erratic beyond our understanding. But, the magnetosphere, holed, and torn, will still both exist and be trying as a result of the forces of physics, to reconstitute itself.
So this is good for humans and pie lovers of all species.
The solar system barycenter will be completing its near 12 year cycle (below video - hmmmm, related to the sun spot cycle?) and that seems to be in a position (still looking for more accurate solar system modeling software to plot this out) of being closer to earth, and more importantly, being pulled by the mass of the planetary alignment in the direction of earth.
The manner, and where, and how intense the cracking/expanding hits us here on earth is directly related to the combination of the barycenter of the earth/moon system as it participates in the barycenter formation of the solar system. Not only will the sun blast us, but forces will tug on earth as the barycenters synchronize.
Oh, and "co-incidentally" the barycenter rotation of the solar system is on a "nearly 12 year" cycle that just so happens to jibe with the sun spot cycle. Hmmmm. Which is also what Patrick Geryl (and Maurice Cotterell) have decoded from the Maya artifacts.
And also the barycenter location is expected to change over time as the earth
grows? But will it? Or will the forces controlling the moon adjust
it outward to compensate for earth's growth?
This is due to increasing mass in the Sun's ecliptic causes more rapid, and more violent distortions in the sun spot cycle by torquing the solar equatorial plane faster and faster over time. This explains why most of the growth of the planet has occurred in more recent times, rather than earlier in its history.
Thus more ancient species such as the dinosaurs (and presumably ancient civilizations) had more time between solar initiated catastrophe here on earth, and thus were able to provide very long fossil records. This also explains the evidence for many periods of a very stable earth seemingly persisting for hundreds of thousands of years.
This is
opposed to our much more recent experience with earth where thirteen
thousand years, more or less, seems to be about the limit between
bouts of planetary crustal instability.
Unfortunately for all us guys here now, this last warm period was likely it for a while. The current Maya Long Count is not a calendar per se, but rather is simply the count of days since it started 5114 years ago. When it ends next year, the long count will have spanned 5115 years which is a harmonic fifth of the current precession cycle.
If we examine the conditions on earth when the Long Count began, we note that it was a time of fantastic levels of weather upheaval. A previously long period of climatic stability (more or less) ended so abruptly that agriculture and other food sources were affected globally triggering many migrations of populations.
And... guess
what, there is every indication that our current agricultural system
is also failing due to earth changes. Also coincidentally just at a
Long Count boundary.
This then would explain the Maya thinking in Great Ages span of time, as well as accounting for their oral traditions of five great ages, each ending in a different sort of climate related cataclysm.
It is also not yet clear as to what made the ancient Maya think that this age, the Fifth was the 'end of days (time ceases to be)'.
It may be all the humans alive in December of 2012 will find
out what has been hidden from us. Or it may be that our solar system
goes through an expansion event which will dramatically alter life
here on earth due to impacts on the climate and the shape of the
planet beneath our feet.
Well... probably, in a general sense, we can expect:
As the December solstices have the southern pole of the planet inclined toward the Sun, it would be logical to expect that the southern polar region will get most of the expansion activity. So far in the process, at least as I am able to observe, there are both more incidents in the far southern regions than the north, and these events have more of an intensity than those seen north of the equator.
During the precession cycle culmination 11,900
years from now, the event will take place on the June solstice and
thus the northern hemisphere will be more directly impacted.
The northern hemisphere will also react, but as the primary energetic focus is toward the south pole, the effects that will present themselves north of the equator will be of less intensity, though probably of longer duration. Further, the northern hemisphere logically will continue to show ruptures and tearing behavior across the continental land masses, however there also logically should be two distinct types of tearing.
These should be
able to be separated into long run out tears such as is seen in
Pakistan and across northern Africa, and the deep, sudden, and short
cracking observed now in the far north of north America and in
Siberia. An example of the 'long run out tear' in the America's
would be the
San Andreas fault line.
Lake Baykal is the connection point for a twisting fissure that runs from near Tiksi far north of the Arctic circle, through Lake Baykal and heading off to the south west ultimately to terminate in the new rift in northern Africa.
This fissure will probably, some time in the far distant future, form the new coast line of a split Eurasian continent. The reason that both Pakistan and Africa are exhibiting cracks is due to their being within the area of the equatorial bulge.
This part of earth is 13
miles higher than the poles, and thus has increased complexity to
the underlying tensions on the crust. It is their location on the
southern side of the equatorial bulge that accounts for similar
cracking showing up in Peru and Chile. And, in both places, this
also explains the large number (and increasing) of earthquakes as
well as the reason they are so damaging.
Other smaller faults continue on the other side of the mighty Columbia (itself riding in the depression made by a crack in the plate) north to the southern most edge of Puget Sound (where Halfpasthuman is located). We note that California, and the Gulf thereof, are also on the equatorial bulge where the tears can be expected to be the most active, and most dramatically separated.
It is likely that the native Californian's fear of “ The Big One” is realistic given that the process involved is a tearing of the earth's crust such that at some point California will be part of a long string of islands separated from the nearby mainland much as is Vancouver Island now. The fear of “The Big One” may not be misplaced these days as it is quite clear that earthquakes are escalating in numbers all across the planet and have been for a number of years. Further the trends continue to point to larger earthquakes as well as more earthquakes.
The Expando Planet model does explain this observable global phenomenon well, and further also provides some insight into the likely locations for large scale earthquakes going forward into the current expansion process. Such places obviously include Pakistan, and California. Though, as a side note, California, while it may break off from the mainland, will not go under the oceans. It will be a very large island.
Still, California going walk about will be a messy event for
all concerned.
This is due to the expansion forces acting on earth initially within the center of the planet and then working their way to the surface during the event. This trend should progress at a steady rate as the earth continues into its expansion 'pulse' phase.
The earthquakes
will continue to rise to ever more shallow earthquakes, though
unfortunately for us lifeforms here on earth, these quakes will
probably also increase in magnitude as they move upward. The result
is likely to be much more damage from earthquakes globally, and some
rather spectacularly damaging earthquakes will happen over the next
few years as the fissure impacts human habitation.
Where the sinkholes are near the terminal ends of an 'active' tear, it can be expected that earthquakes will also produce what are known as 'long run out slides'. These can be devastating as the sides of mountains are shaken so violently that the soils become a colloidal suspension of air/water/rock/grits that will flow like a lahar and can scour down a valley so far as to run out over 40/forty kilometers if the land form allows; or can run up the sides of opposing mountains to reach nearly the starting height of the slide.
Further issues for humans will include all manner of below ground structures, and infrastructure such as piping to be disturbed.
Though not ubiquitous across the planet, those regions so affected
will likely be greatly affected. There are areas around the planet
where ancient irrigation systems, some spectacularly long, have been
'ripped' into several pieces by ground movement over time. In one
example in what is now western China, the channel has been broken
nearly at its 13 kilometers mid point, and the two halves of the
break are now separated by 20/twenty kilometers. Indeed, this
irrigation channel now even appears to be in two separate valleys.
In the up coming months, the progression of the solar cycle will let us know if and how these new levels of solar radiation will affect human life here on earth. We can expect that more earthquakes will also be associated with more volcanic activity.
This could be very bad. It may be that we get all
kinds of volcanic ash in air affect air travel, plants, and
breathing... all vital things... but then, guess what, volcanic ash
suspended in the air is almost as good as a magnetosphere for
shedding radiation.
It is a
must that the earth have new lands in middle of Pacific plate, or we
would have planetary water redistribution trying to balance out the
mass during our daily rotation. This, predictably leads toward the
idea that Hawaii may see a disproportionate amount of activity
during expansion events now and into the future due to its position.
Already the hole in the crust is creating new islands yet to break
the ocean surface that are nonetheless pushing the existing Hawaiian
islands off to the northwest.
Again, as the forces affecting the continent are to be lifting forces at the edges of the continental shelf, it could also follow that some glacier movements may cease, or even reverse. It would also seem logical that fissures will develop both within the glaciers, and on the surface in such numbers as to resemble 'crazing' on pottery.
It can be expected that very large levels of glacier disturbance will occur, including movement of much more floating ice than has been usual over the last century. This may include extraordinary amounts of newly floating glaciers of staggering proportions. As these enter the oceans, waves will spread out and affect coastal communities around the planet.
However, please note it will be waves, and NOT increased water levels... at least not from the glaciers and not for some time. It has been estimated that it may take as long as 20/twenty years for large ice masses to increase global ocean levels. This is due to the same forces that create and hold the waters at the equatorial bulge.
Additionally the mass of the ice entering the water pushes the water
away in all possible directions not constrained by land or other
ice. So the effects of glacier slide are more of a slow motion
disaster. Even if new sea ice was to raise the water by several
hundreds of feet globally, the displacement is not instant, and will
be tracked over the course of years, not days.
Rather the separation will most likely occur as a result of a 'pulling' motion from South America as the continent attempts to adjust its position relative to the new equator. Please note that as earth grows, the position of the equator will shift slightly, relative to the continents. In both South America and Africa, the continents span the equator, and thus are 'arched' across the equatorial bulge as well.
The result of this
positioning will be very large, deep, and violent cracks as those
parts of the continents which are north of the equator try to
continue moving north, while those parts south of the peak of the
bulge refuse to 'climb' up north. It can be observed both from the
new rift in Africa, as well as the shape and position of the Amazon
River valley, that both continents are already responding to these
equatorial bulge forces.
impetus toward colder days (for a few decades) comes from magnetic
pole reversals as well, so it may make sense to start knitting those
long and thick woolen underwear.
Further, a significant mass of volcanic ash in the
atmosphere will alter wind patterns at all altitudes.
that hurricanes and cyclones are NOT dependent on 'warm water', and
instead are the result of charged particle storms in the upper
atmosphere trying to ground themselves, it would seem likely that
the 2011 and 2012 storm 'seasons' will be both erratic, and
extraordinarily destructive. Further, it seems likely that these
next two years will produce much more major cyclonic storm activity
in the southern hemisphere than the north.
The warnings, including what is known as the Dresden Codex, do support Terrance McKenna's “eschaton” in that it says,
IF the translations are anywhere near correct.
Thanks to the rapacious, malicious, and evil conquistadors, and their master, the morally twisted pope of the catholics, who supposedly burned all of the Maya and Aztec codex excepting 3/three, we are not likely to be able decipher just what had the Maya alarmed, in spite of our having to live through it.
According to the Dresden Codex, the end of the current long count
due on December 21, 2012, will bring a 'blue flood dragon from the
sky', and “abundance of loose spirits”. Presumably they were NOT
referring to boat races and party barges.
It would seemingly follow that if they did so within funerary lids made of great slabs of stone, that they may also have done so with their 'lesser' documents just as a matter of efficiency and cultural tendencies. Therefore there may yet remain information and additional clues to ancient Maya thinking by a close examination of the surviving codex.
Of course, access to the hidden rooms under
the vatican would also probably settle the issue in short order as it
seems most likely that the 'burning' of the Mayan codex is probably
a cover story for their removal and sequestering in the deep holes
under the palace of the sorcerers (vatica = sorcerer) in Rome.
So, while a brief Carrington event would not be particularly bad for global agriculture, it could remove the ability to transport foods, or perform any task requiring electricity.
And since it would likely be
accompanied by increasing problems with flying (from magnetic
disruption to volcanic ash to moving runways due to earthquake
damage), the loss of electrical power would doom many people to
starvation and death by lack of medicines across the northern
hemisphere since any aid would necessarily have to be delivered by
So amidst all the global fundament crises, it seems probable that we can expect a whole lot of bad behavior from those humans who style themselves as 'the elites'. Thus we can expect that they will facilitate the crashing of the Global Boom engineered by the master criminal against humanity, Al 'The Briefcase' Greenspan.
This will (and is) inevitably produce a massive global unemployment wave during the crashing of the global currencies, them selves a ponzi scheme to put humanity into slavery to those who control the ultimate weapon... compounding interest (aka, DEBT). These 'elites' can be counted upon to act crazy just as the world is hitting this major transition in its own process of going crazy.
Not only has our
planetary climate left stability behind, the earth under our
civilization is growing and changing at levels that will affect the
infrastructure from the ground up.
However, it is also evident
that the continental mass distribution on earth favors less actual
movement in the northern hemisphere. Due to there being less
constraint by mass on movements in the south. This will likely also
be the case during this period, and may already be demonstrated by
the geophysical events of the last 20 years.
Soooo... it would seem prudent to take all the instability expressing now from universe as sign to be extra sensitive and aware, and to take such precautions as may be indicated by our local environment.
What will survive earthquakes?
These are increasingly likely to intrude on your life. Examine the buildings where you spend your time. Go and read about the 'triangle of life' and then seek out these vital survival places in EVERY building you enter. Do it by habit as when destructive earthquakes hit, you will not have the time to analyze, only react.
Try to tell friends and family about the whole 'triangle
of life' thing. Recognize that everyone's karma is their own, so
don't beat them up over it, but where receptive, gently provide
knowledge. And assist in becoming an 'anti earthquake' expert. Run
around securing things to walls and other supports as may be
Further, traitors to humanity such as the devious Monsanto corporation and its stooges, and Obama (who blithely removed restrictions on Monsanto), are intent on destroying your foods with genetic modifications.
Sooo... bearing in mind that old adage that you are what you eat, be very wary of 'Frankenfoods'. And by extension, curse the names and energies of those who promote them. You needn't put much energy into it, just the occasional utterance of 'curse Monsanto and all who sail in it' will suffice. Pretty soon the accumulated mass negative energy will build up and overwhelm the bastards.
As an aside, mass shunning, cursing, and ridicule are great asymmetric ways of ratcheting down on the minions and the stooges.
my guess is... probably not.