by Benjamin Fulford
17 January 2012
ReenaGagneja Website
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The negotiations on
a new financial system for the planet are
proceeding well but due to the complexity of the situation, it will take
time before any public announcements are possible, according to sources
close to the negotiations.
The current owners of the
Federal Reserve Board System and
the Washington D.C. corporate government
are hoping to offer enough reforms that they can stay in power. Their money
has been frozen, though, by a group that would rather see them all put in
The final solution to the problem will need to
involve an audit of the real world and the removal of all fraudulent funds
from the system. It will also involve a massive redistribution of wealth,
meaning that the American people and other worldwide victims of the cabal
will get their stolen funds returned to them.
The owners of the Washington D.C. Corporation have already decided on
Mitt Romney as the new President of the United States.
They have been rigging opinion polls and primary
results to make sure their decision is enforced. The corporate media
propaganda machine is also in on the decision. The Asian creditors to the
Western nations do not interfere in the politics of other countries so they
will take no stand on this issue. They say this is an internal matter for
the American people to resolve on their own.
The future of the U.S. dollar is also now being debated. The current
proposal being put forward by White Dragon Foundation representatives is
that the United States government will need to issue Treasury dollars
controlled by the elected representatives of the United States
These new treasury dollars will have to be
separated from the international dollars now in circulation and devalued.
The reason for this is that 90% of the dollars ever created are not owned by
Americans. The interests of those dollar holders and the interests of the
American economy are not the same.
They do not want those dollars, which they use
to trade with each other, to lose half their value.
If the Americans insist on continuing to use international dollars as their
currency, then they will have to wait until U.S. wages fall to Chinese
levels before the U.S. economy will once again become competitive. Until
that time, the Chinese will take increasing ownership of the United States.
If the U.S. does issue treasury dollars and devalues them by about 50% this
is what will happen:
First of all, all that Chinese stuff in
Wall-Mart will double in price overnight. That is the tough part.
The good part is that there will be a
huge investment boom in the United States because the U.S. will once
again be a competitive exporter.
Americans will also start buying more made in
America products, creating real jobs and real wealth for the American
people. There will also be lots and lots of free spending foreign tourists
flooding in, also creating real jobs for real Americans.
There will also have to be a one-time write-off of most of the U.S. debt to
the rest of the world. The Americans are hoping to accomplish this by
delivering physical gold they control in various locations.
For the United States to get rid of its structural trade deficit, however,
the military-industrial complex will have
to stop relying of foreigners to finance it. That means retooling it from
a machine dedicated to invasion and pillage into something constructive,
defensive and welcomed by the peoples of the planet as a beneficial
For example, the White Dragon Foundation is proposing that the Japanese
people continue to finance the U.S. 7th fleet and turn it into an
institution dedicated to exploring and enhancing the Ocean’s eco-systems.
They would dedicate themselves to going where no man has gone before a la
Starship Enterprise. Fighting pirates and stuff like that would be a side
There is also going to have to be very thorough disclosure through a South
African style truth and reconciliation committee.
The pharmaceutical industry, for example,
will have to come clean about how they were creating and spreading disease
and infertility drugs as a part of
depopulation agenda on the part of the cabal.
The petroleum industry will have to admit
they have retarded human progress by 100 years by suppressing
new energy technology.
The pharmaceutical industry can then
change its business model from one that profits from disease and
death into one that makes its money by increasing health,
longevity and by creating new drugs to enhance human ability and
enjoyment of life.
The petroleum industry will be able to
capitalize on its ability to carry out giant infrastructure projects
to do things like turn the deserts green and create tropical year
round resorts around Northern Canadian lakes.
The military industrial complex will
also have to come clean about all the secret projects they have been
carrying out. This will mean opening
Area 51 and other secret bases to
public tours for American citizens. Most of all it will mean
releasing in a safe and responsible manner most of the 6000 or so
patents that have been suppressed for “national security reasons.”
A new era will begin.