by Benjamin Fulford
December 27, 2010
FunFactory Website
The accident that left a fancy sports car on the lawn in front of
Bush Jr.’s front [door] last week bears a striking coincidental resemblance
to the traditional
triad custom of delivering a coffin to someone’s front
door as a warning.
This, combined with the attack on Prince
Charles and Camilla, the car
entering Obama’s security zone and other incidents seem to indicate the
spontaneous emergence of organized mass resistance to
the banksters.
elite, for their part, are now working hard to fundamentally reform
the stewardship of this planet.
In fact, although no formal announcements have been made, a transition
process has already begun. As a first step, scientific, economic and other
experts around the world are being consulted on how best to create a new
global economic planning agency charged with ending poverty, stopping
environmental destruction and sending life on earth on an exponential,
peaceful and constructive expansion into the universe.
The winding down of the Federal Reserve Board is now expected to last until
August 1, 2011. That is the date when the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England
and other central banks will
stop printing US dollars.
By that time, most of the gold stolen or received from China in the past 150
years will be returned to China.
In exchange China will write off all US and
European debt. US dollars held by non-Americans will then become first
gold-backed and then commodity-backed neutral units of exchange managed by
an impartial agency staffed by a meritocratically-selected international
group of professionals.
The United States will issue their own, government-controlled new currency,
possibly to be called greenbacks in recognition of the previous efforts by
Presidents Jackson, Lincoln and Kennedy etc. to free the American people
from the clutches of international banking cabals.
One of the most important trigger mechanisms for this process will be the
filing, expected in January, of RICO organized-crime charges against
Daniel Dal Bosco, the OITC,
Giancarlo Bruno, the Davos World Forum, the
Nations and
As reported in previous weeks, international police and other
agencies are waiting for
Neil Keenan and his group to charge these
individuals and organizations with the theft of over $1 trillion in funds
from a group of wealthy Asian families.
Neil Keenan is a genuine hero who
has refused massive bribe offers and evaded attempts on his life as he has
pursued this case.
The Federal Reserve Board has already contacted Mr. Keenan and told him they
would help him put the stolen bonds in a trading program as soon as they are
returned. Mr. Keenan would then use the funds to develop suppressed
technology. He has already demonstrated factories that have the ability to
cheaply remove salt from sea water so as to allow the greening of the
Another hero in this battle is
Daikaku Chodoin, head of the world-wide
Japanese martial arts associations. Daikaku and his
White and Black Dragon
colleagues have been purging the Japanese underworld and body politic of
Satanist proxies. Daikaku was also a close friend of the singer Michael
Jackson and has vowed to bring his killers to justice.
Also a great hero in this battle is Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
who led a group that freed Russia from the Satanic cabal that has tormented
the Slavic peoples since 1917. (1)
The White Dragon Society sent an envoy
last week to the Russian embassy in Tokyo with an offering of alliance.
Putin’s response apparently was to publish photographs of himself wearing
Judo clothing.
The White Dragon Society has suggested that Russia settle its territorial
dispute with Japan by returning the two of four disputed islands it has
already promised to return. The other two islands could then become a
jointly-administered Japanese/Russian free trade zone. This would allow
Japan and Russia to finally, formally end World War 2.
Other heroes in this battle wish to remain anonymous because they believe we
always need to have good people in the shadows in case the situation once
again changes in the favor of the Satanists. However, we can say that good
elements in the
Rothschild family and the
Royal Families of Europe will be
given a chance to show all the good they are capable of doing once the
Satanic parasite that has been tormenting them is removed. (2)
There are also many in the Pentagon,
CIA, FBI and other US agencies as
well as in the global criminal underworld who wish to remain in the shadows
even though it was them, acting out of moral conviction, who first dared to
bring the fight to the Satanists.
Criminals though some of them may be, they drew the line at killing innocent
people, especially women and children.
(1) In this connection, please recall what Matthew Ward said some years ago:
“Be aware that mainstream ‘news’ in the United States is falsely portraying
some leaders as posing a danger to democracy or destabilizing their nations,
whereas they are light beings distancing their countries from the
Illuminati’s empire-building, which in large part has grown through two
centuries or more of the US government’s covert intrusion into other
countries’ affairs. Foremost among these leaders vilified by the Bush
administration is Vladimir Putin.”
(Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008.)
(2) Again it was allegedly good elements of the Rothschild cabal
- namely
the sons and daughters - who decided to assist
NESARA and turn away from the
evil doings of their parents and ancestors. Some of them appear to have been
assassinated for their efforts.