by Brian Desborough
Whale Website
With considerable media fanfare, ABC television news anchor Peter
Jennings is promoting his new book, which is co-authored by ABC
staff producer Todd Brewster.(1)
Entitled "The Century for Young People", the lavishly-illustrated
book, oriented toward children, purports to present a realistic
overview of 20th century history.

In actuality, the book imparts the same misleading political spin on historical events as we have come to
expect from our Illuminati overlords, via their London-based command
center known as the
Royal Institute of International Affairs, whose
membership is composed of major media luminaries, bankers,
politicians, captains of industry, etc..
in placing the blame solely on the Japanese for the Pearl Harbour
attack, the book, which claims to have been extensively researched,
fails to inform the readers of the causal factors which led up to
the attack. These included the British-engineered downfall of Prime
Minister Okuma and the Rockefeller-instigated expulsion of Japan
from her Chinese oilfield concessions.
As a congressional hearing
chaired by then Senator Harry Truman revealed,
the Pearl Harbor
attack was planned at the New England office of the
Rockefeller-funded Institute of Pacific Relations, not in Japan as
is popularly believed.
As a British cabinet minister stated before
Parliament in 1944:
"Japan was provoked into attacking America at
Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty on history to say that America was
forced into the war."
If the book authors had presented the true facts, perhaps America’s
next generation would realize that the Pearl Harbor attack was a
payback episode for the egregious intervention into Japan’s internal
affairs of state perpetrated by
the Rockefeller oil dynasty and its
corrupt puppet Franklin D. Roosevelt.(2)
In a similar manner, the book
portrays photographs of Nazi atrocities, yet fails to mention that
the Nazi Party was created and funded by the City of London and
Street financiers, using George Bush’s father as the bagman.
It does
not comment on the fact that U.S. taxpayers
funded the establishment of Hitler’s military, or that Dr. Josef Mengele,
Auschwitz "Angel of Death" was covertly brought to America at the
conclusion of W.W.II in order to implement technologically-advanced
mind-control techniques upon many hapless Americans.(3)
Books such as the one written by Jennings and Brewster serve only to
foster successive generations of politically ill-informed cannon
fodder, who mindlessly engage in wars planned years in advance,
fought to enhance the aggrandizement of the Illuminati-controlled
military-industrial complex.
At the present time NATO "peacekeepers" are active in more than one
hundred countries. True peace will not break out globally unless the
next generation of children are made aware of the false dogma
ranging from geopolitics to the New Age movement, which deliberately
has been promulgated by Illuminati social engineers and media
As we are about to enter a new millennium, it is,
perhaps, an opportune time to debunk many misconceptions foisted
upon us by a controlled media. This article is therefore oriented
toward teenagers, not adults, many of whom possess too rigid a
belief structure to accept reality. It also will not be viewed
favorably by the majority of New Agers, who tend to ignore negative
Such denial is not only a sickness, it can also create
negative karma. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi women and children
have died because NATO forces destroyed that nation’s infrastructure
during the contrived Desert Storm war. This war would not have
happened if people had learned to become politically aware and to
say no to Illuminati political hacks.(4)
The following are some of the subjects which young people need to be
informed about:
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When American evangelist E. Grandison (Charles) Finney (1792-1875)
became a minister, his sermons were delivered in a calm, unemotional
manner. Unfortunately for the good shepherd, most of his flock
abandoned his ministry, never to return.
Realizing that he had to find a way to attract and maintain an
enthusiastic congregation, Finney discovered that if normal brain
function is disturbed through major fear, shock or emotion,
heightened suggestibility and impaired judgment occur temporarily.
This facilitates the implanting of a new belief structure. Instead
of appealing to the intellect, Finney began to
sermons replete with copious amounts of fire and brimstone, spoken
in a loud, emotion-filled manner.
Cognizant that Finney had
discovered a technique which turned previously-rational people into
mindless robots, other pastors adopted Finney’s evangelical methods,
which became known as the Boston Movement - the foundation of
today’s Fundamentalist Christian Church, exemplified in the
hysterical rantings and ravings of television evangelists, more
intent upon making a buck than in saving souls.
A classic example of the effectiveness of Finney’s behaviour-modification
techniques was the
Children of God Church of the 1960’s, The church
pamphlets promoted paedophilia and sex between children. A
granddaughter of the cult’s founder alleges that she was made to
have sex with important government officials and had "met presidents
from around the world." The cult was protected by powerful political
figures, including Chilean dictator Pinochet.
The late movie actor
River Phoenix revealed that as a child, he had been forced to have
sex at the time that his father was an archbishop of the Children of
God Church. Shortly after some 170 children were taken into
protective following a police raid on a Children of God compound,
River Phoenix died from a purported drug overdose on Halloween
His body bore no needle marks. Was his death accidental, or
was this a ritual murder perpetrated in order to prevent him from
revealing what he knew?
Finney’s method was adopted by the Tavistock Institute. Founded in
London in 1922 as a psychological warfare research center, it has
developed into the central body responsible for the oversight of a
global mind-control network. The Institute realized that by means of
repeated psychological shocks, or stressful events, entire
populations could be psychologically-controlled. This is achievable
by providing a controlled psychological environment.
its control of the Army psychiatric directorate, Tavistock
effectively controlled the British army during W.W.II. At the
conclusion of W.W.II, Tavistock began to establish a global network
of psychiatric centers, in order to influence the ideologies of mass
This subversive network, which was funded primarily by
the Rockefeller Foundation and large corporations, included such
establishments as the Stanford Research Institute, the U.S. Office
of Naval Research and the Science Policy Research Unit in England,
the latter becoming a major force in the development of social
manipulation techniques, and has engaged in classified contract
studies for NATO.
It has become an accepted practice for high level
NATO military personnel to be implanted with mind-control programs.
It was JFK’s space program which sounded the economic death-knell
for the Western nations. Until that time, the geopolitical clout of
Western nations primarily had been derived from the profits of the
narcotics trade and industrial growth. In 1963, NASA placed a
contract with Tavistock to determine the effects of the aerospace
industry on Western society.
The Institute found that the space
program had so ignited the imagination of the public, that the
Western world was in danger of becoming a technological society,
replete with many free-thinkers. If allowed to continue, this trend
would cause
the Illuminati to lose its dominance over the populace.
So alarmed were the Illuminati that they convened a conference in
France; the conference concluded that in order for the Illuminati
movers and shakers to continue their dominion over the masses, the
populace of Western nations must be brainwashed into accepting the
de-industrialization of their countries. Deindustrialization was
accomplished by culturally shocking the masses into accepting the
formation of vast environmental agencies staffed with parasitic
Admittedly, some anti-pollution legislation is necessary, but the
mountains of nebulous paper and draconian penalties issuing forth
from environmental agencies, has thrust the Western world into a
nearly-insolvent post-industrial era. Most of the global pollution
arising from transportation and industry readily could be eradicated
through the implementation of proven over-unity (free-energy)
devices, while polluted rivers can be cleansed through the
application of Schauberger vortexian technology. Not surprisingly,
environmental bureaucrats have repeatedly blocked the implementation
of such devices for fear of losing political clout.
The Tavistock Institute published a report in 1974 which revealed
that environmentalist, New Age and religious organizations are, in
actuality, all part of a unified, planned social engineering
conspiracy. At the request of the Institute’s director, Dr.
Willis Harmon, key elements of the report were published in book form as
The Aquarian Conspiracy by Harmon protégé
Marilyn Ferguson.
The last
thing that the Illuminati wants is a populace which thinks for
itself, something most New Agers fail to do, relying instead upon
books and lectures promulgated by disinformers and kooks. The recent
New Age emphasis on angels, for instance, has only occurred because
New Agers have failed to determine the earthly origins of the
In short, social engineering is an organized attempt by Illuminati
front organizations to brain-wash the global populace into accepting
the destruction of national sovereignty, as a precursor to the
establishment of a global totalitarian government.
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Global warming
According to the Chicken Little climatologists at the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and various environmental
activists, carbon dioxide emissions from industrial sources are
causing major
global warming, which in turn is causing a massive
breakup of the Antarctic ice shelves.
To make matters worse, state
these doomsayers, the year 2000 will usher in major solar activity,
resulting in failure of satellites and leaving cities without
electrical power.
These dire predictions are merely another social engineering ploy
aimed at further de-industrialization, in order to achieve the
Illuminati goal of
reducing the global populace to mediaeval
serfdom. This is why it is incumbent upon you, dear reader, to
conduct your own research, instead of leaving the task to ’experts’
whose livelihood is in the hands of their Illuminati overlords.
These doomsayers are primarily basing their claims upon computer
models, not upon empirical data. In actuality, carbon dioxide is
merely a secondary greenhouse gas - water vapor possessing twice the
greenhouse effect, even though it is being ignored in environmental
studies. Water vapor and other primary greenhouse gasses such as
ozone, cause greenhouse warming when acted upon by solar radiation.
Since solar radiation is a variable, so global temperatures vary
Another variable is the amount of water vapor present
in the atmosphere; every minute, approximately 20 ice comets
weighing about 100 tons apiece enter the earth’s atmosphere and
vaporize, continually adding to our planet’s water content.
Claims that we are in a global warming period are primarily based
upon temperatures recorded by small boxes known as Stevenson
Screens; the majority of these are located in cities, where thermal
radiation from large expanses of asphalt and concrete result in
temperatures higher than those encountered in sparsely-populated
areas. The system does not record oceanic temperatures. Since
75% of
the planet’s surface is covered by water and ice, a false impression
is created from such recorded data.
A much more accurate depiction of global temperatures is provided by
NOAA weather satellites, which record temperatures of the lower
atmosphere in a uniform planetary sweep. Nineteen years of data
recorded by NOAA reveals that little, or no global warming has
occurred during this time period.
Solar activity occurs in approximately 11 year cycles. The present
cycle began in May, 1996 and is predicted to peak in the year 2000.
Contrary to media reports, the present cycle has exhibited far less
solar activity than the two previous cycles.
The environmental doomsayers had a field day when a large iceberg
broke away from the Antarctic ice shelf and was attributed to global
warming. A perusal of The American Navigator, which has recorded
iceberg activity since 1799, reveals that that particular iceberg
was much smaller than ones sighted in the past. In 1854, an iceberg
was observed which was much larger; in 1927, an iceberg covered an
area of some 10,000 square miles, while an iceberg spotted in 1956
by an American icebreaker was 208 miles long by 60 miles wide.
The notion that CFC’s are responsible for the hole in the ozone
layer at the South Pole is ludicrous, since the hole was observed
prior to the introduction of CFC’s. Moreover, CFC molecules are so
heavy that they sink into the soil, where they are consumed by
anaerobic bacteria. Studies conducted at China’s Changchun
University suggest that solar high energy particles consume ozone
over the Antarctic.
CFC patents held by Dupont were about to expire,
which would have permitted third world nations to manufacture their
own CFC’S,
Dupont accordingly developed the flammable and toxic
as a replacement product and enlisted
United Nations aid in imposing
a global ban on the more efficient and safe CFC’S, thereby providing
Dupont with a new monopoly market and multi-billion dollar windfall
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Contrary to public belief, modern witchcraft is not of Celtic
derivation, and is not associated with the Old English word ’witan’
meaning "to know", or any word meaning "craft of the wise".
covens are covertly controlled on behalf of
the Illuminati by means
of a
United Nations
organization called Women’s International
Collectives (WICCE); it interfaces with the Russian-directed
International League for Peace and Freedom and is associated in
America with the Revolutionary Communist Party, which was involved
in precursor activities that culminated in the last Los Angeles
The Wicca tradition began with the Khwajagan-associated Bedouin
tribe known as the Aniza.
The word "coven" is derived from their
practice of performing rituals wearing winding sheets known as a Kafan;
their meetings were called an Az Zabat, from which we get
The cult’s sacrificial knife was an Adh-dhamme, which gave rise to
the wiccan "athame". Robin is a traditional wiccan name, presumably
derived from the name of the Aniza cult leader - Rabbans. The
camel brand later became known as the witches foot (the peace sign).
The tribal totem was the goat.
Some of the cult migrated to Spain circa 1460, where some cult
members came under the influence of the malevolent Rabbi Isshaq
Toledano, who persuaded them to cast spells against his enemies and
engage in blood rituals.
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The Illuminati is a very covert satanic cult which dominates global
commerce and the military / industrial complex. It’s hierarchy is
composed of thirteen bloodline families whose ancestry is traceable
back to the Babylonian era.
All American
are bloodline (George W. Bush and Vice-President
Gore are the
presidential candidates with the strongest
Illuminati bloodlines).
The creature at the apex of the Illuminati pyramidal structure is a
French Marquis, who bears the rank Pin d’Ar.
He attends two human
sacrifices in Orange County, California, each year; heads of state,
politicians, celebrities, military and law enforcement personnel
have been observed at these rituals.
Lesser Illuminati
organizational bodies include,
At the bottom of the
pyramid are satanic lodges and covens, e.g. the British Pickengill
coven and the Wessex Lodge, the latter being the directors of the
Skull and Bones Society.
An Illuminati sub- group
is the
Sovereign Order of the Dragon, which controlled the evil
Egyptian priesthood and whose later members included Dracul, the
father of Vlad the lmpaler (Dracula).
A 19th century letter which used to be displayed in the British
Museum, was written by the Illuminist Albert Pike. It details three
world wars planned by the Illuminati.
It accurately described the
last two World Wars and claims the next one will be initiated by
provoking religious differences between Jew and Arab (probably
through destruction of the Islamic mosque situated adjacent to
Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock).
The remaining global powers will
choose sides and fight themselves to a standstill, and destroy each
other’s economic and religious institutions.
Out of the chaos will
arise a totalitarian
New World Order and a new religion which
embraces Lucifer (the new global religion is currently being
composed under the direction of industrialist
Maurice Strong, at a
remote retreat in Crestone County, Colorado).
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killed President Kennedy
Jennings’s book claims that Lee Harvey Oswald was the perpetrator
and ignores evidence to the contrary.
The person charged with the
crime was two inches shorter than the Oswald who went to Russia: he
was probably a Latvian Oswald double named Al Hidell. It is not
possible to fire a rifle without receiving powder residue on the
cheek, yet "Oswald’s" paraffin test proved negative - case closed.
The assassination was directed by British Intelligence operative
Major Louis Bloomfield, c.e.o. of the Permindex Corporation.
Shaw and Roy Cohn were directors of Permindex.
The actual
assassination was perpetrated by members of the Defense Industrial
Security Command (the military / industrial complex security arm)
and FBI sharpshooters, the supervisor of the FBI team posing as
treasurer of a Pasadena church. According to intelligence sources,
Kennedy’s head wound was caused by a radio-controlled shaped charge
of explosive located under John Connally’s jump seat (the explosion
was visible in the original uncut version of the Zapruder film).
least one member of a psy-ops team was present in order to
momentarily mentally misdirect the attention of the President’s wife
away from the blast source, It is a matter of record that the limo’s
interior was removed and replaced by a new one within 24 hours,
presumably in order to dispose of the explosive’s firing mechanism.
In a private communication with the writer, a crewmember of
Kennedy’s Air Force One aircraft claimed that the mortally-wounded
president was covertly transported to Bethesda Naval Hospital, and
died the following spring. The autopsy photograph’s are of slain
police officer and Kennedy look-alike J.D. Tippet.
Prime motives for
the assassination were the president’s intent to federalize
Federal Reserve and his planned cessation of the Vietnam war, which
would have meant cancellation of an $11 billion contract to the
Bechtel Corporation for the construction of a naval base (Lady Byrd
Johnson was allegedly a major Bechtel stockholder).
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In its coverage of "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski, the Jennings’s book
omits the most important aspect of the case: Kaczynski had been a
volunteer for a CIA-funded
MK-ULTRA mind-control project at Harvard
The writer, who has assisted in the de-programming of
mind-control survivors, invariably finds that persons charged in
bombings or multiple shootings, are victims of mind-control
It has been customary for the offspring of Illuminati initiates to
be programmed in order to perpetuate the organization. Mind-control
techniques were elevated to a new scientific level during W.W.II by
the Auschwitz "Angel of Death" Joseph Mengele, who subjected infants
to prolonged intense torture, in order to force the minds of the
hapless children to split into several thousand alter personalities.
At the conclusion of W.W. II, Mengele was covertly brought to the
United States under
Operation Paperclip, and established
mind-control facilities at various Federal facilities, including
China Lake Naval Weapons Facility and later at
Area 51.
Typical trauma induced in infants at these facilities included limb
dislocation, sexual abuse and forced observation of the execution of
"expendable" children. Many mind-control victims are the offspring
of multi-generational satanic cult families, while others are the
children of military fathers who knowingly permit their children to
become mind-control victims in order to further their own careers.
Numerous child-care centers are involved in satanic cult and
mind-control activity.
such evil activity is protected by the Illuminati-controlled media,
which declines to expose it, yet highlights the disinformation
spewed forth from the
False Memory Syndrome Foundation. This
insidious foundation was established to discredit claims of ritual
sexual abuse and mind control, insisting that such claims are the
result of false memories.
Significantly, prominent members of this
organization have included CIA-funded mind-control researchers such
as the late Dr. Jolyon West, and supporters of pedophilia, including
self-admitted pedophile Harold Merksey. Foundation member Dr.
Ralph Underwager was forced to resign after it was publicly
revealed that he advocated sex between adults and children, claiming
that it was "An acceptable expression of God’s will for love",
during an interview with the Danish pedophile magazine Paedika.
Membership of the foundation is interlocked with that of the
Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP),
an organization which debunks the proven free-energy research of
such luminaries as Nobel Prize nominee
Nikola Tesla.
A board member
of CSICOP is Professor Paul Kurtz, chairman of Prometheus Books,
which publishes books describing pedophile encounters. Its human
sexuality editor is CSICOP member Professor Vern Bullough, who is
also a board member of Paedika.
Typical media suppression of the truth concerning ritual sexual
abuse and
mind control (sexual abuse provides the trauma which
causes the mind to dissociate) occurred during press coverage of the
McMartin Preschool trial. Claims of false memories were highlighted,
yet key evidence suggestive that ritual sexual abuse had, indeed
occurred, was downplayed or ignored.
One day in 1976, the unconscious body of rape victim Karen Klass was
discovered in her Huntington Beach home. She was the ex-wife of
Righteous Brothers’ vocalist Bill Medley; she died from her injuries
five days later. Her young son attended the McMartin Preschool.
Her death was investigated by Hermosa Beach Chief Detective Paul
Bynum, whose investigative records later mysteriously disappeared.
He later became a private detective. In 1984, members of the McMartin Preschool staff received indictments after a grand jury
heard allegations from preschoolers that they had been taken from
the school by means of tunnels, sexually molested, then forced to
watch as school staff killed turtles and animals, informing the
children as they did so that the same fate would happen to them and
their families if they spoke about the sexual abuse.
Shortly after
the indictments had been handed down, Gerald Klass, the husband of
the slain Karen Klass, was killed when he drove his car over a
cliff. The Hermosa police allegedly made no attempt to determine
whether the Klass deaths and the McMartin indictments were
The attorney for indicted McMartin staff member Raymond Buckey
retained the services of the previously-mentioned Paul Bynum.
viewing the videotaped interviews of the preschoolers, Bynum
concluded that the children had indeed been sexually abused at the
school. Curiously, when police arrested Buckey, Bynum’s missing
investigative records were discovered on Buckey’s desk.
Bynum was ordered to testify at Buckey’s trial. On the morning he
was scheduled to testify, Bynum was found dead from a gunshot wound.
Although his death was ruled a suicide, the Manhattan Beach weekly
newspaper the Easy Reader stated that Bynum’s close friends couldn’t
think of any reason why he would commit suicide. Could it be that he
was murdered because it became known that he had unearthed animal
bones and turtle shelf fragments on a vacant lot adjacent to the
preschool, thus corroborating the children’s claims of seeing the
killing of turtles and animals?
The first parent to question the possibility of sexual molestation
at the McMartin Preschool was Judy Johnson, who alleged that her son
returned home from the preschool with a bleeding anus. After going
public with her suspicions she purportedly received threats and
believed that she was being poisoned.
The writer is personally aware
of several instances in which offices of therapists involved in the
treatment of victims of sexual abuse and mind-control have been
broken into and sprayed
pesticide. He is also cognizant of one mind-control survivor who was
hospitalized for ten days after her apartment was unlawfully entered
in her absence and sprayed with diazinon pesticide.
Judy Johnson was allergic to alcohol. After becoming the target of
ridicule, she began drinking and died from alcoholic poisoning.
Other preschool parents filed complaints after their infants not
only spoke of sexual abuse, but also contracted the
sexually-transmitted disease known as Chlamydia.
The tunnels beneath
the school through which the children claimed to have been taken,
were not in evidence at the commencement of the police
investigation. Fearing that they had been filled in to conceal
evidence of criminal activity, the parents engaged the services of
Ted Gunderson, the former FBI Chief of Station, Los Angeles,
to search for traces of tunnels.
Realizing that a hostile press might criticize him for a lack of an
archaeological background, Mr. Gunderson wisely enlisted the aid of
five earth scientists and forensic geologists from major
The McMartin case had become the butt of media
ridicule after District Attorney Ira Reiner, without bothering to
have the area beneath the school excavated, declared that the
children’s accounts of tunnels were false (Reiner allegedly was the
protégé of then State Attorney General John Van de Camp. According
to the Executive Intelligence Revue, much of the State Attorney’s
campaign funding had been provided by the pornography industry).
As Gunderson’s team of professionals commenced excavations at the
spot that a former preschooler claimed had been a tunnel entrance,
the Los Angeles Times began a series of articles ridiculing the
effort. When the excavation team did, in fact, not only discover a
tunnel, but also turtle shells and the bones of more than two
hundred animals, the newspaper ended its snide articles with a
single-paragraph statement which tersely stated that "evidence" of
tunnels had been revealed. Why did the Times not report on further
excavations of the tunnel system?
In a private conversation with this writer, Mr. Gunderson stated
that one tunnel terminated beneath a trapdoor in the bathroom floor
of an adjacent triplex. As excavations proceeded, facilitated by a
survey conducted by geophysicist Robert Beer with the aid of an
electromagnetic scanner, it was found that the roots of an avocado
tree had been cut with a saw in order to clear a path for the
tunnel. This disproves the media claim that the tunnel system, which
extended for approximately sixty feet, was the work of a large
Initially, seven members of the McMartin staff had been indicted in
1984 by a grand jury which had been ordered by Reiner’s predecessor,
Robert Philobosian, following an intensive investigation which
included interviews with about four hundred children. The children
alleged that Satanic rituals, which involved sexual molestation,
occurred in the tunnels and at other locations. Commonality in the
description of the alleged rituals given by the interviewed children
was noted by the investigators, who concluded that at least
forty-one of the children had been sexually molested.
The McMartin defendants were charged with the sexual molestation of
not less than eighteen infants over a period of ten years,
accompanied by the making of death threats in order to prevent the
children from talking. In January, 1986, newly-elected District
Attorney Reiner declared that the evidence was insufficient to try
five of the defendants and charges against them were dropped.
Peggy McMartin Buckey and her son Raymond were brought to trial. The
trial began in 1987 and ended in 1990 with the acquittal of Mrs.
Buckey, which is surprising since she testified that she was only
employed by the preschool for a few weeks; this is contradicted by
payroll records which indicate that she worked at the school for
several years. The judge declared a mistrial in the case involving Raymond Buckey.
At a press conference held at the conclusion of the
second trial, the jury members were unanimous in agreeing that
sexual molestation had taken place at the school, but could not
prove that Raymond Buckey was the perpetrator.
Raymond Buckey was tried for a second time in 1990, and again
acquitted due to a hung jury. Thus ended the longest and costliest
criminal proceedings in American history. Perhaps the outcome would
have been different had Ira Reiner introduced as evidence the
discovery of the tunnel System.(7)
Not surprisingly, the news media, which initially gave massive
coverage to debunking the children’s allegations, suddenly found the
affair not newsworthy upon discovery of the tunnels, and pulled
their reporters off the case. Was this because the children had
claimed that many of their sexual perpetrators were famous
politicians, film stars and sports figures? If this sounds
improbable, the reader’s attention is drawn to the fact that the
writer is aware of mind-controlled survivors who claim that they
were used in kiddieporn movies made at the ranch of a well-known
movie director.
The media (including the New York Times) gave considerable coverage
to the pernicious debunking of the preschooler’s credibility
delivered by Debbie Nathan, an advocate for the pedophile-associated
False Memory Syndrome Institute.
She claimed that there is no evidence that ritual sexual abuse ever
occurred at the McMartin Preschool and that the tunnel excavation
was a hoax.

In view of the fact that the tunnel’s
entrance and route were exactly where the children claimed it would
be found, the presence of turtle and animal bones, clinical evidence
of trauma to the genital area caused by a blunt object, and an
outbreak of sexually-transmitted Chlamydia, it would appear that Ms.
Nathan is either suffering from an acute case of myopic vision, or
is a disinformer for the intelligence community.
For decades, the Illuminati-controlled intelligence agencies have
inflicted satanic ritual abuse on infants for the purpose of
mind-controlled sex slaves. The hapless children (known in
the intelligence community as Black Widows) are then used to entrap
and blackmail heads of state, politicians, bureaucrats and
entertainment celebrities. Until 1960, mind-control programming of
children was primarily conducted within facilities owned by the
intelligence agencies.
Fearing exposure, a network of preschools and
orphanages was established by the intelligence agencies as a cover,
throughout the United States and Europe. This network includes
numerous religious daycare centers, administrated by Satanists
posing as pillars of the religious community.
If parents reading this article believe that satanic practices could
never occur at the preschool attended by their infants, think again.
Space does not permit an in-depth expose of the pervasiveness of
this diabolical state of affairs, but one case intensively
researched by the writer may serve to exemplify the problem.
involved a mother who had been born into a multi-generational family
of Satanists; she was genetically-bred to possess outstanding
psychic abilities, in order to officiate at high-level Illuminati
rituals and also to become a member of the Janus psy-ops
assassination group. Because of her background, she was subjected to
appalling trauma and mind-control programming at the hands of Joseph Mengele, for the first nineteen years of her life.
Her mind-control programming began to break down after the death of
Mengele in 1989, and began recovering memories of attending
Illuminati rituals involving dignitaries and members of the European
nobility. This writer has personally observed many hours of
video-taped interviews of her conducted by a psychiatrist while she
was under the influence of sodium amytol.
During these sessions, she
named perpetrators who had sexually abused her as a child. One of
the names was of a person known by the writer to be the head of
Illuminati High Council of the United States.
Upon recovering her memories she realized that if Mengele had taken
her to observe numerous Illuminati rituals in Europe as part of her
training, there would have been major lapses in her school
attendance. Seeking verification, she found that all her
grade-school records were missing. Suspecting that her daughter,
aged six, had been sexually abused, she had her interviewed
separately by a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a therapist.
concluded and signed statements that she had been sexually abused.
The child informed the psychiatrist that her father was the
perpetrator. The child was then interviewed by a policewoman, who
then informed the mother that the daughter had disclosed that her
father was sexually-abusing her. The detective (a freemason)
assigned to the case refused to press charges, claiming that it is
wrong to imprison a man for sixteen years on a child’s testimony.
When the mother protested, she received a threatening letter from
the police chief. She then attempted to place the matters in the
hands of Child Protective Services, who declined to take appropriate
action in spite of the therapists’ affidavits. The writer has heard
several claims by sexual abuse victims that a national satanic
network exists within the Child Protective Services system.
The father filed for divorce following his wife’s memory recall of
satanic rituals and family involvement in them; years of intense
torture and trauma had taken its toll and she was hospitalized
before the divorce became final. While in hospital, her husband
served her with an eviction notice and she was given twelve hours to
remove her personal effects from her own home.
To make matters worse, a family court commissioner ignored the sworn
affidavits of the therapists, which had been entered into the court
records under oath, and awarded, sole legal custody of her children
to her husband. He also ordered her to pay $12,000 to her husband’s
attorney, curiously, this was the exact sum she had received in her
divorce settlement, thus rendering her penniless and homeless.
This is not an isolated case. Every mind-control survivor that the
writer has encountered, has been made penniless as soon as they
recovered memories and severed contact with their handler.
Presumably this is an Illuminati ploy to force the hapless victim
back into the system. A recent perusal of the court records
appertaining to the above case revealed that the commissioner
unlawfully omitted to enter the therapists’ affidavits into the case
Considering her elevated Illuminati status, could it be that
he was in collusion with the Illuminati, who ordered him to deprive
her of her beloved children, in an attempt to force her to return to
the fold? She claims that her ex-husband has told her that she can
see her daughter again if she does the Illuminati’s bidding.
Significantly, he works for a person who attends gatherings at the
notorious Bohemian Grove.
Shortly prior to the custody hearing, the office of the psychiatrist
who had examined the woman’s daughter was burgled. The only item
stolen was this woman’s case file.
The psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Scheile, who was conducting a study of mind-control survivors was
then incarcerated in a psychiatric facility for two weeks. On the
day of his release, he was found hanged in his garage; his death was
ruled a suicide. Presumably in an attempt to terrorize the woman
into returning to the Illuminati, she was shown a video of Dr. Scheile being suffocated, then hanged by three men and a women. She
identified one of the perpetrators as her husband’s attorney; the
other three had attended the custody hearing and had later been
observed in the company of her husband.
According to Dr. Scheile’s autopsy report, he weighed more than two
hundred pounds and was hanged with a ligature measuring 3/8 ths.
inches in diameter. No tracheal damage was sustained. The writer
recently showed the report to a doctor who was experienced in
forensic pathology. He concluded that it was impossible for such a
heavy person to be hanged with such a thin ligature without
resultant tracheal damage.
Prior to losing custody, her daughter told the woman about a "bad
room" in the upper floor of the Christian daycare center which she
attended in Anaheim, California. The chaplain at the school is also
a police chaplain. The woman remembers seeing him, accompanied by
his police chief, at Illuminati satanic rituals held in the crypt of
a church at nearby Longbeach.
The chaplain was also a close friend of the music teacher at a
school attended by her then ninth-grade son. Upon her son joining
the school band, the teacher took the band on a weekend trip to a
camp in the San Bernardino mountains. The boy claims that he was
awakened in the middle of the night and forced to attend an
initiation ritual, in which he was made to sit in the middle of a
circle, together with other new band members. They were surrounded
by band members clad in hooded black robes, who were chanting and
holding candles. This practice, which smacks of occultism, was
terminated following the mother’s formal complaint to the school
Awarding custody of the mother’s children to the father despite the
findings of three professional therapists and a policewoman is not
simply aberrant behaviour - it is an act of the most diabolical
evil, and exemplifies the foul stench which pervades the judicial
system throughout America and Western Europe.
Therefore let us conclude this brief overview of a typical
mind-control survivor’s life with an verbatim excerpt from the
psychologist’s report on her three interviews she had with the
mother’s daughter:
"Don’t let me go back to my Daddy. He hurts me.
Daddy touches me between the legs. Daddy touches my private parts.
Don’t let me go back there. I’m not safe with Daddy... [crying]...
It isn’t safe with Daddy. He hurts me. I want my Mommy. I want to be
The psychologist diagnosed dissociative personality disorder and all
three therapists referred the case to the Child Protective Services,
who refused to take action.
During the period when she was
conducting the interviews, the psychologist received threatening
phone calls, underwent vehicular harassment and discovered that her
office had been broken into, sprayed with pesticide and the rug
smeared with animal excrement. She no longer handles cases involving
sexual abuse or mind control.
On April 7th, 1997, a friend of the writer attended a banquet in
Washington, D.C., hosted by members of the Eastern Establishment. He
overheard the daughter of a well-known New York banking family
speaking about the woman referred to in the above case. She told her
friends that they had to punish the woman by taking away her
children, because she was refusing to do their bidding.
And this is
the land of the free? The woman has not been able to see her
daughter since the custody hearing six years ago, and was unable to
meet her son again until he was nineteen years old. She now has an
excellent rapport with him and he visits her regularly.
After a child has developed a multiple personality following induced
trauma, the programmer assigns an access code to each alter
personality, which is then programmed for a specific task, e.g. to
be a sex slave, assassin or drug courier. A network of microchip
implants is often embedded in the victim. Many of these are powerful
microprocessors composed of synthetic protein, rendering them
undetectable by means of X-rays. Programs are reinforced by means of
"triggers" inserted into television programs. A major trauma-based
mind-control program is known as Monarch; Monarch programmed
multiples are often used as assassins or to perform tasks for the
Many children are programmed to serve as sex slaves for pedophile
politicians and heads of state; as the JonBenet Ramsey investigative
team is well aware, the case includes aspects of possible
mind-control and cult activity.
The name "JonBenet" is very similar
to an Illuminati term for the Devil - "Jonbet".

As usual, the corporate media has gone
to great lengths to divert public awareness in the Ramsey case away
from the possibility that this was a satanic ritual sacrifice, not
the work of a lone intruder.
There are anomalies in the case which
have been ignored by the media establishment: forensic evidence of
regular sexual penetration by a male adult, failure to notify the
public the nature of the biological fluid found on and near JonBenet’s body, and the remarkable similarity between the ransom
note and the handwriting of John Ramsey.
And what about the claims of
investigative journalists that John Ramsey’s company, Access
Graphics (now owned by Lockheed Martin) was linked to the
industry, and had alleged connections with Amsterdam’s red light
Was it just a coincidence that the Ramsey’s much publicized
press conference was held on May 1st, which is
Beltaine in the
occult calendar?
Or that the child’s death occurred on a night that the Illuminati conduct their sacrificial ritual known as
The Last
Bulb on the Christmas Tree?
The close relationship between the Boulder District Attorney and the
law firm hired by the Ramsey’s, eventually forced the Boulder police
to withhold evidence from the D.A.’s office.
Shortly afterwards, the
police computers were hacked into.
It is commonplace for the Illuminati to create mother / daughter
mind-controlled teams of sex slaves for the purpose of entrapping
public figures. Patsy Ramsey appears to exhibit symptoms of alter
personality switching during media interviews. Could it possibly be
that Mrs. Ramsey and her daughter were both mind-controlled sex
slaves? If so, Mrs. Ramsey’s front alter genuinely would have no
knowledge of the crime.
In her book, mind-controlled sex slave
Cathy O’Brien describes how
she and her infant daughter were sexually abused by American
presidents and congressional members (other mind-control survivors
also name the same alleged perpetrators).
alleges that one of her mind-control handlers was one of congress’s
most powerful political figures - West Virginia senator Robert Byrd
Senator Byrd has also been named as a driving force behind
the creation of admitted satanist Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino’s
Temple of Set. Aquino has been a member of the Psychological Warfare
Division of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
An advocate of
mind-control, Aquino wrote an article published in the Military
Review, in which he stated:
" ...we shall create MindWar. The term
is harsh and fear-inspiring, and so it should be: It is a term of
attack and victory... ".
Aquino (right) was also the focus of alleged child
molestation at San Francisco’s Presidio Child Development Center; he
was not charged following military intervention in the case, despite
the fact that children accurately described his bedroom.
On the night of August 9th 1991, investigative journalist
Danny Casolaro purportedly committed suicide by performing the miraculous
feat of slashing his wrists after severing the tendons in both arms.
Casolaro had been in the process of writing a book about government
corruption and had informed colleagues that one chapter involved
Senator Byrd. Allegedly, he had arranged a clandestine meeting with
one of Byrd’s staff members that evening.
Irresponsible journalism is reprehensible, but in view of the
botched Ramsey case, the above-described allegations of possible
misconduct by Byrd, and the fact that Patsy Ramsey is a former Miss
West Virginia, has anyone investigated whether a mind-control
connection exists between Mrs. Ramsey and the senator, and whether
any public figures were at the Ramsey residence at the time of the
Operation Greenstar is a mind-control program in which the victim is
given a screen memory to create the impression of being abducted by
extraterrestrials. This is accomplished by placing on the victim’s
head a helmet containing electromagnetic solenoids tuned to a 4 Hz.
The solenoids are connected to a computer which projects
into the percipient’s mind a graphics program depicting an alien
abduction scenario. Such victims are subjected to Janus ’end times’
programming, and will be activated to create civil unrest shortly
prior to declaration of a state of national emergency. Hypnotic
regression as practiced by UFO support groups, only serves to
reinforce the mind-control programs.
A number of
centers are used for both mind-control programming and satanic
ritual abuse purposes, while a major religious organization serves
as a front for the programming of schoolyard shooters.
Some children of Illuminati parents are genetically-bred to be
outstanding psychics. These victims are trained to perform as
psychic assassins, possessing the capability of causing cardiac
arrest or neural dysfunction. Former Soviet Premier Yuri
Andropov was assassinated in this manner. A major psy-ops team
is known as Janus; it is directed from the NATO headquarters in
Belgium. Another high-level psy-ops assassination team is composed
of very intelligent African-American women, known as the Black
It is estimated that there are between two and ten million
mind-controlled victims in the United States. Victims are usually
programmed to slash their arms if their front alter personality
begins to recover memories of the programming; this inhibits further
memory recovery (victims occasionally begin to recover memories if
their programmer or handler dies).
Buford Furrow, recently arrested
for the shooting at the Jewish Community Center, in Granada Hills,
California, was admitted to a psychiatric institution last year
after slashing his arm in several places, consistent with mind
control activity. Significantly, a National Security Council E. Mail
address for a Buford Furrow at McChord Air Force base was deleted
the day after his arrest. His father is a retired career Air Force
Federal prosecutors have announced that they will seek the death
penalty against Mr. Furrow.
"Based on the facts as we know them to
be, it is our view that the death penalty is warranted in this
case," remarked U.S. Attorney Alejandro N. Mayorkas.
The facts, Mr. Mayorkas, are that Buford Furrow has exhibited the
classic symptoms of a mind-controlled victim.
If you haven’t
bothered to ascertain that this is so, or if you subjected the
accused to a psychiatric exam by a person possessing a high security
clearance (usually the case in such shootings or bombings) then you
and your cohorts are incompetent, and should resign. If, as the
writer believes, the accused is indeed a mind-controlled assassin,
and you are cognizant of the fact, then you are an accessory to
murder. The more than one million people who will read this article
in the newspaper and on the internet will be observing your actions.
For the enlightenment of Mayorkas, and others of his bureaucratic
ilk, perhaps it is timely to point out that the Illuminati has
remained the overlords of humankind for millennia by virtue of the
veil of extreme secrecy with which they surround themselves. Any
person who incurs public exposure while performing an unlawful act
on behalf of the dragon, invariably discover themselves experiencing
the last day of the rest of their life.
In order to condition the public into supporting stricter
gun-control measures, mind-controlled children have been programmed
to shoot classmates. One of the Columbine High-School shooters, Eric
Harris, used to live at Plattsburg Air Force Base, in New York
State, with his Air force officer father. At the age of ten, Harris
allegedly used to complain to his friends that he was being drugged
at the base.
This base, although officially closed, is known to
possess an enormous underground facility, which allegedly is still
being used as a mind-control programming center. One Columbine
teacher has publicly stated that she was wounded by an adult male,
not a student (intelligence information received by the writer
claims that four adult gunmen were involved). One wonders why a
contingent of Federal personnel purportedly visited the school the
day prior to the massacre.
Mind-control victims often display symptoms of obsessive compulsive
disorder, resulting from prolonged trauma abuse, as is the case with
Harris, which should have served as a red flag to members of the
investigative team. Prosecutors who secure convictions in such
cases, where evidence of mind-control exists, are either incompetent
researchers or complicit members of a conspiracy; the principal
function of a prosecutor is to insure that justice is served, not to
obtain a guilty verdict at any cost.
Since space is limited, perhaps an overview of the Jonestown
massacre will serve to depict the massive extent to which
mind-control is used by corrupt Federal agencies.
was a CIA experiment to determine whether it was possible to establish a
large mind-controlled slave labor force. Jim Jones was a CIA
operative and former Housing Commissioner for San Francisco. Ukiah
District Attorney Tim Stone was assigned the task of procuring state
mental patients and transferring their guardianship to the Peoples
Temple. Assisting Jones was former police chief Dan Mitrioni, a
contract CIA operative, who previously had instructed Brazilian and
Bolivian security personnel in advanced torture interrogation
In 1973, CIA operative George Blakey made the initial $650,000
deposit for the Guyana People’s Temple property. Blakey’s father-in
law, Dr. Lawrence Layton, was the director of an U.S. Army Chemical
Warfare research laboratory, which received a contract to conduct
research appertaining to the MK-ULTRA mind-control project.
to media reports, very few of the Jonestown victims died from
poisoned Kool-Aid. The majority of the victims were allegedly
sprayed with a sleeping gas discharged from helicopters, prior to
being shot or strangled (reminiscent of the Arab / Israeli Six Day’s
War, in which Arab troops were subjected to aerial spraying of L.S.D.
by Israeli aircraft, prior to being bombed).
Prior to the purchase of the Guyana property, the entire staff of
the Mendocino State Mental Hospital were dismissed and replaced by
Jim Jones’s personnel. According to mind-control survivors, Josef Mengele programmed inmates there, at that time period. One member of
Jones’s staff at Mendocino was allegedly the mother of O.J. Simpson.
Perhaps this explains why one psychologist, very experienced in
observing mind-control survivors, noted that during Simpson’s trial,
he displayed symptoms of alter-personality switching.
Simpson’s trial, which served to polarize the races, left more
questions than answers. Why wasn’t the name of Al Cowling’s
employer, the notorious drug dealer Joey Ippolito, not mentioned
during the trial, particularly since he was an associate of a known
CIA and Guatemalan death squad hit-man, whose M.O. is to torture his
victims with a stiletto prior to slashing their throats?
"escaped" from a minimum security prison only three weeks prior to
the murder of Simpson’s ex-wife. A Loyola-Marymount University law
professor has publicly claimed that in addition to having a Simpson
blood sample on his person for three hours, a detective also
obtained a sample of Nicole Brown-Simpson’s blood from the morgue
and had it in his possession for 24 hours. Why was blood not
observed on Simpson’s socks until several days after the murder? Was
the cut on Simpson’s left index finger the result of mind-control
memories? If the cut was incurred during the slayings, why did his
left-hand bloody glove not have a corresponding cut?
Former Florida State Attorney Dick Gerstein was investigated for
allegedly laundering drug money (Ippolito’s?). He was a partner in
Centrust Savings and Loan; his partners were BCCI (a CIA
money-laundering facility) and Simpson attorney F. Lee Bailey.
Curiously, when Ippolito was charged with cocaine distribution, his
attorney was Edward Medvene - the same attorney retained by Fred
Goldman in his wrongful-death suit against Simpson (Fred Goldman
apparently was unaware that Simpson allegedly had transferred much
of his wealth to an offshore bank on the island of Sark).

Centrust S&L made a multi-million dollar
loan to a felon associated with the Kemper Marley crime syndicate.
Marley, a former crony of Al Capone (above), employed the legal
services of the current Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court,
William Rendquist (below).
In 1948, fifty two employees of
Marley’s Arizona liquor monopoly, United Liquor, were jailed for
liquor violations, including United’s general manager Jim Hensley -
the father-in-law of presidential candidate Senator John McCain, who
inherited Hensley’s beer distributorship.

After the Simpson trial, jurors claimed
that juror Tracy Hampton had sat for hours staring at a blank
television screen and claiming to hear voices.
This could well have
resulted from directed-energy mind-control equipment placed inside
of a TV set located in the juror’s sequestered living quarters - a
perfect way to rig a trial outcome in order to foment racial
polarization. After her jury dismissal, Ms. Hampton allegedly tried
to commit suicide by eating broken glass.
If Mr. Simpson is a mind-control victim, presumably he would have
been programmed in his youth after displaying potential as a ball
player. Determining the outcome of football games for gambling
purposes is easy, if some of the players are programmed multiples.
Back to Top
Illuminati Plans
Symbology plays a major role in the mindset of the Illuminati. Hence
the great emphasis placed upon Jerusalem, even though the Illuminati
membership is Luciferian, not Islamic, Jewish or Christian.
It is
the Illuminati intent to destroy the
al Aqsa Mosque - the
third holiest structure in Islam, which sits atop the Temple Mount,
by using scalar technology to activate the seismic fault which
traverses the Mount of Olives.
According to Judaic holy law, it is
forbidden for Jews to set foot on the Temple Mount until it has been
purified by sprinkling the ashes of a pure-bred red heifer over the
site. Such an heifer has been genetically-bred for the purpose and
was born four years ago. It has to be ritually sacrificed no later
than October, 2000.
Contrary to public knowledge, construction of the new Jerusalem
Temple was commenced two decades ago. For those who have ears to
hear with, do not seek it on the Temple Mount. After the Dome of the
Rock has been destroyed and the red heifer’s ashes sprinkled, the
Ark of the Covenant will be placed in the Holy of Holies of the new
temple. It is currently kept at a subterranean location in Egypt. It
does not contain Mosaic Tablets, but rather an object not of this
world (the ark at Aksum, in Ethiopia, is a fake).
British and American Illuminati factions have trained Islamic
terrorists in Britain and placed them under the control of Osama bin
Laden, prior to sending them to the Russian province of Chechnya and
proclaiming independence of the province from Russia. This is in
order for Britain and America to exploit the vast oil and mineral
wealth of the Caspian region. Russia is scheduled to retaliate by
launching a nuclear first strike upon America, thus facilitating the
Illuminati goal of depopulating America.
Vladimir Putin, who has
terminal cancer, according to an informed Russian military medical
source, was appointed Head of State in order to serve as a scapegoat
if the nuclear attack plan goes awry.
Prior to the planned nuclear attack, the Illuminati plans to foment
widespread civil unrest against governmental corruption in the
American midwest, as a pretext for imposing a state of national
emergency. Since Asian and Hispanic Americans are considered the
most malleable, most Blacks and Caucasians are to be incarcerated in
concentration camps or executed.
Those members of the military, law
enforcement and intelligence communities who treasonously have
assisted the Illuminati in the aim of establishing a global
government are to be summarily executed for disloyalty, just as
Saddam Hussein executed the army officers who assisted his coup d’etat, for who feels secure when surrounded by people who have
committed treason?
The Illuminati plan also calls for the execution of major political
figures who have assisted them, also the Kolob-worshipping Navoo
Prophets, the latter being known in high Illuminati circles as the
Council of Twelve plus One.
This scenario is intended to culminate
in the establishment of a totalitarian global government circa 2010,
after which time, the surviving members of humanity are to be
reduced to a life of mediaeval serfdom.
There are some wild cards in this scenario:
The writer believes that Russia will double-cross the Illuminati and attempt to become the
dominant world power by virtue of its supremacy in geophysical
warfare technology.
There is a powerful anti-Illuminati faction in
Japan which might result in a Japan / China military alliance.
we must not overlook the fact that within the private sector exists
the technology to manufacture endothermic beam weaponry and
radio-frequency weaponry (the Illuminati has no meaningful defense
against radio-frequency weapons, which have the capability of
destroying computer circuitry from a considerable distance).
Mind-control programming has an unfortunate tendency to fail at
inopportune moments; we must therefore consider the 24,000
United Nations troops, who are currently stationed
at a covert moon base, as another possible wild card.(10)
In concluding this article, it is well to remember that we are all
to some extent brainwashed, thanks to Illuminati-controlled social
engineering projects, which employ the media to implant belief
structures which serve the interests of the military / industrial
omissions evident, in Peter Jennings’s book, unwitting or not, go to
serve this purpose. Our Illuminati overlords regard us as sheep who
deserve to be fleeced; perhaps this is as it should be, since most
adult members of the populace are too politically-indifferent, or
spineless, to rectify matters. English Common Law used to demand
that members of the public were required to raise a hue and cry, if
they had knowledge of criminal activity.
What are you going to do
about it, dear reader?
Back to Top
1. Random House, Inc., New
York, N.Y., 1999.
2. FDR and his cabinet were Standard Oil puppets, Nelson
Rockefeller even being appointed as Coordinator of Strategic
Defense. Wanting Japan to abort its intention of declaring war
upon the Soviets (where the Rockefellers had vested oil and
lumber interests) J.P. Morgan’s nephew was appointed Ambassador
to Japan in order to induce Japanese warlords to attack the USA
instead. Most of the Japanese weaponry and munitions were
supplied by American companies. In November 1941, correspondent
Joe Lieb was notified by his friend, Secretary of State Cordell
Hull, that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on December 7th.
Lieb leaked the news to the U. P. news service. Only the
Honolulu Advertiser bothered to publish the news. Deliberately
kept in the dark about the planned attack, Admiral Kimmel and
General Short later were made patsies and relieved of their
commands. In fairness to surviving family relatives, this
disgrace should be expunged from the military records of these
two gentlemen. The treasonous FDR died earlier than is generally
known and was replaced by doubles, including a movie actor named
Captain Jack Young (Winthrop Rutherfurd may have been another
double). No autopsy was performed and the honor guard was
ordered to shoot anyone attempting to open the sealed casket. In
his memoirs, Roosevelt’s son, Elliott, stated that Stalin had
informed him that his father had been assassinated by "the
Churchill gang".
3. In 1933, three American Nazis - Helen and E. Clifton
Barton and Lawrence Echevarria, incorporated the Internal
Revenue Tax and Audit service as a private Delaware corporation,
for the purpose of establishing a monopoly tax collection agency
on behalf of the government. Tax money was covertly conduited to
Germany to fund the Nazi military build-up. In 1936, the
treasonous company became unincorporated, in order to disguise
its private ownership, and changed its name to the Internal
Revenue Service. The Bureau of Internal Revenue, created in 1862
to collect excise taxes, was abolished in 1953.
4. The controlling stockholder in the French multi-media
giant Hachette Industries, is Saddam Hussein. By providing a
buffer between Iran and Syria, he is regarded as an asset by
NATO, which is why he is permitted to remain in power. More than
100 Iraqi terrorist cells armed with anthrax are known to exist
in the USA, awaiting payback time. Most of the cell members are
women who lost loved ones in the war. Pentagon researchers have
determined that olive leaf extract is the best anthrax antidote.
John Kennedy Jr.’s magazine George is owned by Saddam Hussein.
5. The leader of the civilized group of global flood
survivors who introduced the plough to the Sumerian
hunter-gatherers became known as Tas Mikigal, meaning "Lord of
Agriculture". With the passage of time, he became deified by the
superstitious populous as "Lord of the Air". To them, it implied
that he must have possessed the capability of flight, which
suggested that he had wings. He was depicted in this form on
Phoenician coins of the 5th century B.C., and on early
pre-Roman era British coins. We know him as Archangel Michael,
celebrating Harvest Festival on Michaelmas Sunday. The Jews
remained unacquainted with angelology until they were taken into
captivity by the Babylonians.
6. Blue plasma was observed emanating from the top of the
Murrah Building in Oklahoma City immediately prior to the blast.
Simultaneously, computer wiring in adjacent buildings burned
out. This suggests that a Tesla-type geophysical device was used
to momentarily lift the building off its foundations, in order
to detonate containers of an unstable mercuric explosive
attached to structural columns. Timothy McVeigh is almost
certainly a mind-controlled patsy, which explains why he failed
to resist arrest, despite being armed.
7. Investigative journalist Alex Constantine has
performed a sterling service by exposing the role of
intelligence agencies in mind-control activities. Virtual
Government, Feral House, Venice, California, 1997.
8. O’Brien, C. and Phillips, M.,
Trance Formation of
America, Reality Marketing, Inc., Las Vegas, California, 1995.
9. Springmeier, F. and Wheeler, C., Deeper Insights into
the Illuminati Formula, 916, Unn Ave., Oregon City, Oregon, USA.
These two volumes are requisite reading for any serious
investigator of mind-control activity and ritual sexual abuse,
and should be read by every member of law enforcement.
10. Endothermic beam weapons generate an implosion at a
quarter wavelength distance and possess the capability of
flash-freezing entire cities with power supplied by a d’Arsonval
resonant over-unity system.
11. The manner in which the Illuminati social engineers
use the media, in order to implant a favorable opinion of the
military / industrial complex into the consciousness of the
public, is exemplified by the Bob Hope Christmas Show. Performed
at military facilities several weeks prior to Christmas, so that
Hope was able to be home for Christmas, the show was aired by
NBC television. NBC is owned by General Electric - one of the
nation’s largest manufacturers of military weapons. It is the
writer’s understanding that Mr. Hope is a major NBC stockholder
and an asset of British Intelligence. He allegedly has an office
at NBC’s Burbank studio.
According to mind-control survivor Brice Taylor, who claims to
have been used as a sex slave by various prominent politicians,
her slave handier was Bob Hope. Another mind-controlled sex
slave survivor who has never heard of Brice Taylor, recently
told this writer that her handler was Bob Hope.
Ms. Taylor’s book "Thanks for the Memories", contains a wealth
of mind-control information; it is obtainable from the Brice
Taylor Trust, P.O.Box 655, Landrum, S.C. 29356. Price: $34.95,
inc. s&h.
Additional information appertaining to mind-control and
Illuminati activities (including the assassination of Princess
Diana) is available on the video ’An Interview with a Mother
Goddess’, and the book ’The Biggest Secret’, by David lcke, both
obtainable from Bookworld, ph.: 1 800 444 2524.
The social mores of the public are significantly influenced by
the content of movies (e.g. desensitization to violence). Always
opportunistic, the Illuminati has a designated "A" list of major
movie producers, actors, directors and agents. In order to
remain at the pinnacle of their profession, these people attend
mandatory seminars, at which a panel of Illuminati hacks reveal
the type of movie content desired by the Illuminati social
engineers. At a recent "A" list gathering held at an exclusive
estate in Wyoming, the panel included several generals, a former
Army Chief of Staff and two of Hollywood’s best known directors
- one Jewish , the other of Scottish descent, whose career has
attained titanic proportions.
Many cults are used in order to ensnare potential mind-control
victims for use as ritual murder subjects. This was typified by
the Solar Temple cult, which experienced 69 murders and suicides
at its locations in Switzerland, France and Canada. A
neo-templar cult, members included the head of the French Secret
Service; its high priestess was Princess Grace of Monaco. Her
death was not due to brake failure, as claimed by the media, and
may have been a ritual murder (Princess Diana’s murder occurred
in the Pont d’Alma tunnel - an ancient Illuminati sacrificial
site, hence the Illuminati flaming torch symbol above the tunnel
Princess Grace’s death may have been ordered because she knew
too much about the fact that Monaco is a major heroin refining
center. Significantly, her death occurred at a time known to
Illuminati initiates as the "Feast of the Beast".
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