by Lance Goodall
July 11,
CoercionCode Website
Italian version

Sometimes, an ugly truth is staring us in the face, we need only to
see it and speak it for the reality to become clear.
There are only three (3) countries on this planet whose government
officials refused to accept
the COVID-19 vaccine from the
World Health Organization (WHO):
The officials in those
countries who declined the vax were Presidents in each of those

All three of those
Presidents are now DEAD.
What are the 'odds' of these three particular men, all dying in
office... and the only thing they have in common is that
they refused to accept the vaccine
for their countries?
To many people, their
deaths look like murder, although the one in Haiti was
straight up murder, he was assassinated by men with guns.
Countries That
Don't Want COVID-19 Vaccines
Many people have speculated that
the entire COVID-19 was a staged,
intentionally deadly attack on humanity itself.
There are people on
this planet who believe that humanity itself is like a virus
against the planet.
They believe humanity
is destroying the planet and so, they continue, humanity must be
Many of
those people are in positions
great power and wealth.
It is thought by a large number of people that the so-called
"vaccine" for COVID-19 is the method by which these people have
to cull humanity.
So, the theory goes, they
hyped a "novel coronavirus" which is shown to have a 99.6% SURVIVAL
RATE, as a reason to get a new, untested, unproven "vaccine."
The trouble is, this
vaccine does not use active or even attenuated virus in it, but
instead uses
mRNA technology, which has
never been used as a "vaccine" anywhere on the planet, ever before.
Many, many people have already DIED after getting this "vaccine" and
hundreds-of-thousands are severely injured, some permanently
disabled, after getting it.
If this theory about using a vaccine
to cull humanity is true, would the
people perpetrating it even hesitate to murder three Presidents?
And if they're willing to murder Presidents,
would they even think
twice about murdering YOU...?