by Makia Freeman
February 20,
TheFreedomArticles Website

Whatever you believe about the coronavirus epidemic,
it is providing the chaos necessary
for new (world) order.
While the debate continues as to the true count of
infected people due to the COVID-19 coronavirus
epidemic, several sinister agendas are being pushed
Is the coronavirus an opportunity or excuse for the
authorities to roll out long-desired schemes of
control and manipulation?
Learn the
5+ NWO agendas
being pushed...
While the
coronavirus 'epidemic'
continues, with people debating on both sides whether it is
being overplayed or underplayed, it is worthwhile pausing to
consider what agendas - and I mean which
NWO agendas - are being rolled
out using the epidemic as a cover or pretext.
As I covered in my last
The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup,
with these kind of outbreaks, there is always a dual motivation for
authorities: the motivation to hype and the motivation to downplay
because both approaches serve the ruling class in different ways.
Deception is a hallmark
of government, and clearly all the more so in an emergency, so it is
always going to be hard to trust whatever news or stats are coming
from official sources.
Regardless of the virus'
true origins and virulence, we can say for sure that there are
several agendas being pushed as you read these words.
It's the same old
Hegelian dialectic strategy of problem-reaction-solution, and
whatever the reality is on a microbial level, the world's population
has the perception of a problem, so the ruling class has another
opportunity to make their order out of chaos.
Below are 5+ NWO
agendas being carried out due to the coronavirus epidemic.
1. Centralized
Control of Information, i.e. Censorship and Narrative Control
Quite a few of the speakers at
the 'Event 201' simulation (hosted by
the Johns Hopkins Center in partnership with World Economic Forum [WEF]
and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) spoke of the need
for the centralized control of information during a pandemic,
including one speaker Lavan Thiru (described as a Monetary
Authority of Singapore)
who mentioned,
"a step up from the
part of the government on enforcement actions against fake
There were some who said
Big Tech is a no longer a platform but a broadcaster and must be
made to combat fake news.
Another speaker in
typical fashion demonized conspiracy theories.
Here is a quote directly
from the simulation/make-believe event (which came true 6 weeks
"Disinformation and
misinformation are wreaking havoc... pharmaceutical companies
are being accused of introducing the... virus so they can make
money on drugs and vaccines, and have seen public faith in their
products plummet.
Unrest due to false
rumors and divisive messaging is rising, and is exacerbating
spread of the disease as levels of trust fall, and people stop
cooperating with response efforts.
This is a massive
problem, one that threatens governments and trusted
National governments are considering or have already implemented
a range of interventions to combat misinformation.
Some governments have
taken control of national access to the internet; others are
censoring websites and social media content, and a small number
have shut down internet access completely to prevent the flow of
Penalties have been
put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods, including
The plan is to continue
the censorship which Big Tech has been spearheading for years now,
using the excuse of harmful "fake news" by claiming that the
dissemination of false information during an emergency is a bigger
problem than usual and must be stopped.
Here are some other
quotes from the event:
"I do think that
there needs to be sort-of an honest broker, a centralized
command-and-control organization that really brings together the
public-private sector, both on a global approach and also on a
local approach..."
"Yes, I agree, and I wanted to speak to the point about having
the honest broker, and I think in this regard the United Nations
fits the bill... "
"It's important that the UN and WHO remain very clear, but when
they challenge governments directly, they often get into this
issue of sovereignty, and so I think it's really important not
to have that as the only response... it's really critical to
remember soft power influence..."
That last statement
reveals yet again a dominant NWO agenda in so many arenas of life:
narrative control.
2. The
Cashless Agenda
cashless agenda is a long-term NWO scheme that goes hand in hand
transhumanism, i.e. the digitization of everything in society,
including things like money, information and life itself.
Power-hungry control
freaks - the types of people that gravitate towards government -
love the idea of a cashless society because then every single
economic transaction can be traced, which allows authorities to
build an even more complete picture of who you are so as stop any
possible disobedience or revolution before it happens.
It also increases
governmental revenue via taxation.
this article highlights, China has jumped on the opportunity to
forward the cashless agenda by claiming that paper money must now be
taken out of circulation due to the possibility that it could
contain traces of COVID-19 and therefore contribute to the spreading
of the coronavirus.
3. Martial Law
Governments love martial law scenarios, because normal human rights
are suspended.
Authoritarian China has
been lauded by many globalists such as the late David Rockefeller
as a model for the
New World Order. Some of the
photos and videos coming out of China showing the police state there
have been horrific.
Another crisis, another
opportunity for the government to see how much they can get away
with under the banner of fighting the virus.
4. Mandatory
coronavirus 'epidemic' has provided
a good excuse for governments round the world to introduce one of
their favorite NWO agendas - mandatory vaccination.
The reason why this
agenda is particularly so well liked is that it allows authorities
access to the human body - and not just the citizen's body, but his
or her bloodstream too. truthfully, we have no idea what is in that
needle when it gets injected, so all sorts of things could be
implanted in our bodies without our knowledge or consent.
Coincidentally (or not),
China passed a law on June 29th 2019 that rolled out a
national mandatory vaccination program.
Coincidentally (or
not), the law went into effect on December 1st 2019,
just weeks before the coronavirus epidemic became a worldwide
news story.
Here is
the article:
"On June 29, 2019,
the National People's Congress Standing Committee of the
People's Republic of China (PRC or China) adopted the PRC Law on
Vaccine Administration (Vaccine Law).
The official Xinhua
news agency states that the Law provides for the 'strictest'
vaccine management with tough penalties in order to ensure the
country's vaccine safety...
The Law mandates the
launching of a national vaccine electronic tracking platform
that integrates tracking information throughout the whole
process of vaccine production, distribution, and use to ensure
all vaccine products can be tracked and verified (art. 10).
According to the Law,
China is to implement a state immunization program, and
residents living within the territory of China are legally
obligated to be vaccinated with immunization program vaccines,
which are provided by the government free of charge.
Local governments and
parents or other guardians of children must ensure that children
be vaccinated with the immunization program vaccines...
The Law will take
effect on December 1, 2019."
I also have to wonder
about the implications when we have so-called experts like Ralph
Baric who are pointing out that this coronavirus epidemic may
include asymptomatic carriers (as in this
story of the 10-year-old Chinese boy
who had no symptoms but allegedly tested positive for COVID-19).
This may be helpful
information, but it also adds fuel to the mandatory vaccine fire so
to speak, because then the authorities claim that they have to
vaccinate everyone to protect society due to all these possible
hidden asymptomatic carriers that could pop up and infect everyone.
By extension, mandatory
vaccination may also include DNA vaccines and microchipping (see
5. Bill Gates'
ID2020 - Digital Identification via Microchipping
David Icke says,
if Bill Gates is
involved in it, it's bad for humanity...
NWO point-man
Bill Gates,
has been heavily
GMOs and
vaccines for years
(including slipping up and admitting that
vaccines contribute to population
he was part of
Event 201 that simulated the coronavirus epidemic before it
he "didn't have
any business relationship or friendship with"
Jeffrey Epstein
so now we have to
ask how else this sold-out NWO frontman is benefiting from
the virus
Turns out the answer may
be found in yet another globalist project Gates has been promoting:
ID 2020...
This is the human
microchipping agenda, repackaged.
It sells itself as "a
trusted and reliable way" to fulfill a "fundamental and universal
human right" - safeguarding your identity both online and in the
physical world.
This article
"The ID2020 Alliance,
as it's being called, is a digital identity program that aims to
'leverage immunization' as a means of inserting tiny microchips
into people's bodies.
In collaboration with
the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, also
known as GAVI, the government of Bangladesh and various other
'partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief,' the
ID2020 Alliance... wants all humans to be 'vaccinated' with
digital tracking chips that will create a seamless monitoring
system for the New World Order to manage the populations of the
world with ease."
"While the ID2020 program's testing grounds are primarily in the
Third World, the group says it's also now working with
governments here in the United States to start microchipping
people through vaccination.
In Austin, Texas, for
example, the homeless population is now being exploited as a
collective guinea pig for ID2020's microchip vaccination
program, which the group claims will help to 'empower' homeless
people by supposedly giving them 'control' over their personal
identity data.
'The City of
Austin, ID2020, and several other partners are working
together with homeless people and the service providers who
engage with them to develop a blockchain-enabled digital
identity platform called MyPass to empower homeless people
with their own identity data,' writes Chris Burt for
ID2020 is also
jabbing refugees with its microchip vaccinations through two
inaugural pilot programs known as iRespond and Everest."
Since Gates was obviously
intimately involved in planning this outbreak and ensuring his
companies have the patents and vaccines for the newly released
virus, is he also planning on using the coronavirus epidemic to
further promote ID2020?
6. Agenda
2030 - Wuhan Slated to be one of China's Smart Cities
A massive agenda involved in the coronavirus epidemic is the
agenda of all agenda - UN Agenda 2030, which involves Smart
Guess what?
Before the outbreak
China had already planned which of its cities were going to be
the ones slated to become the pilot Smart Cities. Wuhan was one
of them (which makes sense why it was also the site of China's
5G rollout as covered in a
previous article).
"Wuhan Future City,
located in eastern East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, is one
of the four concentrated talent bases for major State-owned
enterprises and the only 'future science and technology town'
approved by the State Council for central and western regions."
7. Is the
Coronavirus Epidemic a Race-Based Bioweapon?
I don't know if I would exactly classify this as a NWO agenda, but a
race-based bioweapon is certainly a likely possibility here.
Consider that virtually
all known deaths from the coronavirus epidemic thus far have been in
China. Only around 4 deaths outside of China have been reported - 1
in the Philippines on February 1st, 1 in Japan on
February 13th and 2 in Iran on February 20th.
Lance Walton (VDare.com)
has written several articles asking why no one is talking about it.
He points out how WHO
(World Health Organization) Director-General Tedros Ahanom
Ghebreyesus declared that he opposed travel bans.
quoted him as
saying that,
"We reiterate our
call to all countries not to impose restrictions that
unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.
Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and
stigma, with little public health benefit."
If the virus doesn't
discriminate based on race, and just weakens or kills anyone, then
the public health benefits of banning people would be great.
However, if the virus
does indeed discriminate on race, and only targets East Asians, then
the WHO head's comments make sense.
This raises yet more
If the COVID-19
is a race-based bioweapon, who created it?
The US?
How did they
sneak it into China and release it?

A screenshot of the opening ceremony
of the
Wuhan Military Games
proclaiming a 'New World.'
Conclusion -
Coronavirus Epidemic Being Used to Push NWO Agendas
Interestingly, the opening ceremony of the
Wuhan Military Games declared a
"New World" (see above image of a screenshot from the opening
ceremony) which suggests the phrase New World Order and also
suggests societal transformation:
yet another clue that
this entire event was pre-planned...
Whatever the truth turns
out to be about the origin of the virus itself,
who created it, how
it was released and whether it is really as dangerous as is
...there can be no doubt
that the entire coronavirus epidemic phenomenon is being used
to accelerate several NWO agendas in typical
problem-reaction-solution style...