by Jesse Smith
February 22,
TruthUnmuted Website

COVID-19 plandemic provided the perfect cover for all manner of
"New Normal" changes that were always intended to become permanent.
One change in particular has continued to go mostly under the radar
- the increasing use of
all-pervasive surveillance...
Unfortunately, this Orwellian, "Big Brother" global digital ID
surveillance plan just became even more real.
The Digital Identity Working Group (DIWG) chaired by
Digital Transformation Agency - whose member countries also include,
...initially met in 2020 to,
"share experiences
and opportunities for the use of digital identity initiatives."
The group's goals are,
"to understand how
digital identity is being used and the models that might enable
mutual recognition and/or interoperability, to share respective
governments' experiences with digital identity including in the
COVID-19 response, and to understand what is required to enable
mutual recognition and/or interoperability between DIWG member
In a recently released
DIWG report entitled "Digital Identity in response to COVID-19" the
working group identified a set of 11 principles governments should
utilize when building out frameworks to implement digital identity.

As the title of the report indicates, the havoc caused by COVID-19
and the efforts to recover are used as one of the main pretexts for
accelerating the usage of digital ID across the globe.
The report reinforces
this conclusion, stating:
Digital identity has
enabled member countries to respond to and recover from
COVID-19, including to rapidly develop and deliver government
information, services and support to verified people and
In some countries
Digital identity has also supported the rollout of COVID-19
vaccinations, enabling the secure sharing of information and
verification of status across the population.
In many cases, COVID-19 has in fact accelerated the use of
digital identity, with access to digital services becoming
critical as countries managed their response to the 'pandemic'.
Digital Agency (Identity) through The World Economic Forum
Acting in concert with the DWIG report, The World Economic Forum has
released a report pushing the global ID agenda and directly
admitting that vaccine passports serve as a form of digital
The World Economic Forum's goal is to get people to trust in the
digital ID ecosystem, acknowledging that much work is needed to
combat "mistrust" as indicated in the report.
The world is
experiencing something of a mistrust 'pandemic' when it comes to
people's engagement with the data ecosystem.
This global "trust
gap" or "trust deficit" is a barrier to economic growth, digital
innovation and social cohesion.
Digital ID can
lead to draconian surveillance systems
The report goes out of its way to extol the benefits of digital ID
while offering ways to address the mistrust factor.
Its conclusion is that
the adoption of digital ID is the best way forward for humans to
share data.
However, while governments, media, financial institutions, and the
entire global control apparatus will be working overtime to get
people to trust in digital ID ecosystems, those same establishments
will also be instrumental in creating barriers for individuals who,
in their view, should not be trusted for a myriad of reasons.
If you've recently attended a protest against the government, posted
'misinformation' about COVID-19 and/or vaccines, questioned the
narrative about climate change, and/or donated funds to
organizations unjustly labeled as "domestic terrorists," you could
be deemed "untrustworthy" and prevented from participating in
society and exercising your rights.
A recent article by the
RAIR Foundation helps clear the air on what
the digital ID scheme may also be used for, stating:
Such a digital
identity can be used, among other things, to access your health
insurance treatments, monitor health devices and your phones,
open a bank account and carry out financial transactions...
The WEF's digital identity scheme is now laying the foundation
for a global social credit system that will give them the power
to control citizens and punish those they deem "untrustworthy."
A conspiracy
theory no more!
Vaccine passports were indeed the entry point for advancing digital
identity by NGOs such as the Bill Gates & Melinda Gates Foundation,
Rockefeller Foundation, and United Nations backed
ID2020, the World
ID4D initiative, and the
World Economic Forum.
so-called COVID-19 'pandemic' is
proving to be a trojan horse for an agenda much broader than
many once considered.
With the evidence
being provided openly, there is little reason to doubt that humanity
is being ushered into a new era of surveillance and
control through
digital ID systems.
This effort is
being pushed by governments, banks, multinational
corporations, and global governance organizations like,
But digital IDs
only represent one aspect of the digital revolution.
As I wrote in "The
Vaccine Passport Scheme Goes National One QR Code at a Time",
A whole world
is being created to enslave us in a perpetual digital panopticon
including the,
digital currency (CBDCs),
mass surveillance,
AI and biometrics, and
body implants,
blockchain technology records everything we do.
In a recent France
Soire article,
the author discusses the European Union's digital ID plans and
the plight of EU citizens who don't want to participate in the
system, stating:
Soon, you will be the proud owner of a European digital identity
wallet, coupled with your vaccination pass, with your identity
photo hidden in your QR code...
25% of the
population in Europe does not own a smartphone.
Those won't be
able to move soon, unless you get one. What if a person does not
have a vaccination pass and refuses the electronic wallet?
She will be
nothing, will have no right to anything, and will not be able to
cross any border, since she will have no identity.
The digital
identity is sold as a service which will not be mandatory.
"No more looking for your
papers in your pockets. Instead, show off your E-wallet in
your smartphone...".
Very subtle...
Nobody will be
obliged to, except that in fact, it will be obligatory, unless
you live in your corner, withdrawn from everything, cultivating
your endives.
In an article from
American Banker entitled "The
U.S. 'pandemic' Recovery is a Chance to Improve Digital ID,"
authors Isabella Chase and Rick McDonell urged the
U.S. to start making better use of digital ID systems, stating:
Digital IDs could also have
supported our current recovery.
For example, a digital ID system
could standardize and simplify the process of scheduling a
vaccination appointment, which currently varies according to
state and provider.
In addition, digital ID could
streamline and secure individual COVID-19 vaccination records
for easy verification, as well as provide backup records in the
event of loss or destruction of the physical cards being issued
by the CDC.
Finally, "vaccine passports" or
some version thereof could be achieved through the use of
digital ID, at the same time ensuring the accuracy and
centralization of records and preventing easily falsified
physical ones.
The experience of COVID-19 is a
case study in the potential of digital ID as an innovative way
to cut down on financial crime and identify theft, and certainly
to streamline administrative processes.
While issues of privacy and proper
use should certainly be debated and respected, the promise of
digital ID in providing more efficiency and security makes it
well worth the exploration.
The sooner the U.S. embraces
digital IDs, the better prepared we will be to weather the next
national crisis - whatever it is and whenever it
The authors of this
article have interesting backgrounds.
Rick McDonell is the Executive Director of ACAMS, an
organization for Anti-Financial Crime professionals.
He has also
worked for the United Nations as Chief of the UN Global Program
on Money Laundering.
Much of
McDonell's work is focused on advising governments on ways to
deal with illegal terrorist and organized crime financing.
With the focus
shifting to rooting out "domestic terrorism" in the U.S. and
abroad, who will be the focus of organizations like ACAMS going
Isabella Chase
is a research fellow at the Centre for Financial Crime and
Security Studies at RUSI. If you're not familiar, RUSI is a
British think tank with close ties to the British state and its
Its patron is The
Queen and the scandal-plagued former CIA Director General (Retd)
David H. Petraeus serves as senior vice president.
Why is a
British think tank with military and CIA connections pressuring
the U.S. to get on board with adoption of digital ID?
Is it really
about stopping financial crime and identity theft like RUSI
would like us to believe?
Could it be
that the push for digital ID will help aid governments and
intelligence agencies put the squeeze on ordinary citizens
labeled terrorists because they disagree with or protest against
some government policy?
With Justin
Trudeau implementing despotic control measures allowing Canadian
financial institutions to seize the donations and freeze the assets
of those financially supporting the Freedom Convoy, it is way past
time to recognize the danger the digital (ID) revolution poses to
humanity and actively build
alternative economies and ecosystems to resist it.
Technological revolutions bring
positive and negative change

The Industrial Revolution brought many technological and
societal advances that served to improve life.
However, it also brought
many detriments including pollution and environmental harm, child
labor exploitation, dangerous workplaces, poor nutrition, and
horrible living conditions for many workers.
It was the people at the
top (the few) who mostly benefitted from the labor of the many.
The same still holds true
today centuries later.

The digital innovations currently taking place in tandem with
globalist front man Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial
Revolution also promises to bring innovations that will make
life easier.
Nonetheless, there is the
potential for much harm with the advent and expansion of control
mechanisms such as social credit, artificial intelligence, advanced
surveillance cameras, facial recognition, CBDCs and digital wallets.
While the current battle
against vaccine passports and mandates are absolutely necessary,
digital ID should also be added to this effort so that the masses
are aware of the dangers it poses.
Due to public mistrust, the globalists are spending a lot of time
and resources crafting "The Great Narrative" to get us on board with
their digital control grid and other "Great Reset" plans.
They ultimately need our
consent and buy in to achieve their goals.
Let's not give them what
they want...!