by Paul Cudenec
July 17,
WinterOak Website
Italian version

When we think about the make-up of the global system, we tend to
think in terms of nation-states like the USA, Britain, France and
Germany and of international institutions such as NATO and the EU.
Indeed, for many years the might of the American state has been the
main physical means by which the money-power has imposed its control
across the world, it having taken over the role once played by
For this reason, many fellow anti-imperialists are rejoicing at what
appears to be the collapse of this Western empire and its imminent
replacement by a "multi-polar world order" based on
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa...
However, they would do well to bear in mind that
a world order is
still a world order, whether or not it terms itself "multi-polar".
The poles in question are merely geographically diverse
manifestations of the same overall network and any "shift" in power
towards BRICS can only be regarded as a maneuver, an internal
reorganization within the public-private global governance.
This labyrinthine
entity, most visible today in the form of its
Vanguard-BlackRock financial network, has emerged from
the Rothschild dynasty's long-assembled financial, industrial and
institutional empire.
I will here provide
historical background showing how each BRICS country,
has long been
under the influence of this worldwide power nexus and then give a
brief snapshot of their current participation in the
Fourth Industrial Revolution and
Great Reset
agenda promoted by the same interests.
There is inevitably
some overlap with previous writing, particularly my booklet on the
Enemies of the People, but I also present plenty of fresh
and relevant material and so I hope readers will bear with me...

Brazil, of course,
has never been part of the formal British Empire or Commonwealth,
that foundation of today's global Great Racket. [1]
But in his book on
the Rothschilds, Niall Ferguson explains that the London-based
financiers enjoyed a "traditionally close relationship" with the
massive Latin American country. [2]
Brazil was heavily
targeted for exploitation by the Rothschilds from the 1820s onwards,
[3] with the coffee trade forming an important aspect of their
Historian Carroll
Quigley writes about the process of commercialization and incipient
industrialization of Latin American society which,
"was largely a
consequence of foreign investments, which introduced railroads,
tram lines, faster communications, large-scale mining, some
processing of raw materials, the introduction of electricity,
waterworks, telephones, and other public utilities and the
beginnings of efforts to produce supplies for these new
activities". [4]
Notes Ferguson:
"The long
history of Rothschild involvement in Brazil shows that they did
not regard formal imperial control as a precondition of
profitable capital export". [5]
He reports that the
Rothschilds loaned £1 million to Brazil to fund its war with
Argentina and Uruguay in 1851 [6] and afterwards came the "need" to
finance the rapid growth of the country's railway network, which
sparked a £1.8 million loan from the same source.

"It was just
the beginning of an exceptionally monogamous financial
relationship between the Brazilian government and the London
house which, between 1852 and 1914, generated bond issues worth
no less than £142 million", [7] adds the historian.
A lull in Brazilian
government borrowing in the 1870s, with the only major issue a £5.3
million loan in 1875, was followed by a fresh bout of activity in
the 1880s in which,
"once again the
Rothschilds acted as the government's sole issuing agent in
London". [8]
Altogether, says
Ferguson, the Rothschilds were responsible for Brazilian government
bond issues totaling £37 million between 1883 and 1889, as well as
£320,000 for the Bahia-San Francisco railway company. [9]
Between 1890 and
1914, the London bankers issued a "staggering" £83 million of
Brazilian public sector bonds and a further £5.8 million of private
sector securities. [10]
He comments:
"Plainly, the
Rothschilds had substantial financial leverage over Brazil".

Indeed, during the
First World War, the US ambassador in Brazil commented that,
Rothschilds have so mortgaged Brazil's financial future that...
they will place every obstacle in the way of her entering into
banking relations with any other house than their own". [12]
When the Brazilian
government approached the London Rothschilds in 1923 for a £25
million loan,
"to liquidate
the floating debt and set Brazilian finances in order", the
bankers proposed a mission to Brazil in the hope of imposing
"some palatable form of foreign financial control", [13] as they
themselves put it.
Despite a spat
between Brazil and Britain,
the Rothschilds,
"continued to
exercise control over the coffee support scheme", writes
Ferguson, and resumed their "dominant role" on Brazilian federal
bond issues when Brazil returned to the gold standard in 1927.
The Rothschild
agent in Brazil, Henry Lynch (known locally as 'Sir Lynch' after his
"remained a key
figure in the country's finances throughout the period". [15]
Brazil's debts were
at times so crippling that governments were forced to suspend
repayments on several occasions and Ferguson records that in the
1930s a complete restructuring of the Brazilian debt was arranged
with the Rothschilds and other foreign lenders.
"By issuing new
bonds, the government was able to pay around £6-8 million
annually between 1932 and 1937, though it was not until 1962
that all the sterling bonds were finally liquidated". [16]
Ferguson reports
that in 1965 the Rothschilds helped raise £3m for the Inter-American
Development Bank and in 1968 the bank,
"organised two
major loans totaling £41 million to its old client Brazil". [17]
Today, Brazil is
considered an "advanced emerging economy", with a GDP that is the
highest in Latin America and in the top ten worldwide. It was
recently rated the 9th largest military power on the planet. [18]

Current president
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was given the World Economic
Forum's first-ever Global Statesman award in 2010 [19] and this
"left-winger" is so keen on
Klaus Schwab's corporate pressure
group that he even attended its conference on Africa in a period
when he was out of office. [20]
The WEF has now
opened a "Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" in Brazil,
which it says aims to,
"encourage the
adoption of new technologies and to improve Brazil's global
value chains, increasing the productivity and competitiveness of
Brazilian companies". [21]
This is described
public-private partnership between the Federal Government of
Brazil, the Government of the State of São Paulo, and many
private sector founding partners".
In 2019 the
Brazilian state launched a program to,
indicators and goals and implement solutions to turn Brazilian
cities into smart cities". [22]
Delights in store
there include CCTV cameras, face recognition, "farming surveillance"
and electronic health records.
Impact investing is
well underway in Brazil,
"with new
investors emerging in the country and the volume of capital
available for impact investing increasing", says one report.
And Brazil's
central bank plans to launch its digital currency in 2024. [24]
Incidentally, the
Brazilian flag features the motto "ordem e progresso", Portuguese
for "order and progress".
This is strangely
close to "work, order and progress", the new motto adapted by the
Macron regime in France, which at least one commentator considers
"thoroughly Rothschildian in tone". [25]

Russia, past and
present, has a reputation for being outside the financial power
structures that dominate the West. But the historical facts suggest
Professor Jean
Bouvier, who was a specialist in banking affairs at the Sorbonne
in Paris, says Russia played a key role in the Rothschilds'
multi-polar "financial pre-eminence", which he dates back to 1818.
Ferguson depicts
the Rothschilds at this time as being key backers of The Holy
Alliance, authoritarian monarchies defending the old aristocratic

"They enabled
Austria, Prussia and Russia - the members of the Holy Alliance -
as well as the restored Bourbons in France, to issue bonds at
rates of interest only Britain and Holland had previously been
able to enjoy". [27]
The Rothschilds
played a role in Russia's "financial preparations" for the European
war over Italian independence in 1859. [28]
They were also
heavily involved in a series of loans for railway-building in
Russia, particularly in the 1870s and 1890s. [29]
Widespread control
of the railway infrastructure tied in nicely with heavy involvement
in the oil industry.
Historians Gerry
Docherty and Jim Macgregor write:
Rothschilds, behind a myriad of different company titles,
constructed oil tank wagons for the railways, storage depots and
refineries for the production of petrol and kerosene, and
bartered with Government departments over concessions and
favorable rail cargo fares". [30]
They were notably
involved in the Russian oilfields around Baku, now in Azerbaijan,
where they,
"amassed vast
and highly profitable investments". [31]
"Immobilizing vast
capital" in a refinery at Novorossiysk and an oil depository in
Odessa, the French Rothschilds' investments in Russian oil by the
end of the 19th century were worth some 58 million
francs. [32]
Says Ferguson:
"At peak,
around a third of Russian oil output was Rothschild-controlled".

The Rothschilds
also went into partnership with Pollack & Co, a Russian shipping
firm, and the International Bank of St Petersburg to form a new
company, Mazout, so as to expand their sales to the Russian domestic
market. [34]
Relations between
the Rothschilds and Russia were not always easy.
Their French branch
tried and failed to "establish a new Rothschild foothold" in St
Petersburg on a number of occasions. [35]
But between 1870
and 1875, the London and Paris Rothschilds jointly issued Russian
bonds worth a total of £62 million,
"thus finally
securing that influence over Russian finances which had eluded
them for so long". [36]
This was also, says
Ferguson, "profitable business" for the Rothschilds, with the price
of the bonds leaping up by 24% between 1870 and 1875. [37]
In 1889 the Paris
Rothschilds undertook two major Russian bond issues with a total
face value of some £77 million, with the London Rothschilds joining
in these operations by taking a share in a third £12 million issue
in 1890. [38]
There was
controversy in Russia over the terms of the 1889 Rothschild loan to
the Russian Treasury, which was more costly than a previous
"non-Rothschild loan". [39]

Having reasserted
their financial links to Russia,
Rothschilds now sought to exert pressure on the Russian
government", publicly criticizing its treatment of Jews. [40]
But, says Ferguson,
Rothschilds had strictly financial reasons for blowing hot and
cold towards Russia". [41]
He cites in this
context short-term deposits of Russian gold with the London
Rothschilds and disagreements about Russian trade policy,
its protective tariffs on imports of rails and its new tax on
oil exports". [42]
This policy was
bound to be an issue, given the Rothschilds' serious involvement in
both railways and oil in Russia.
The Rothschilds
appear to have been finally persuaded to resume financial operations
with Russia by the appointment of a new finance minister, Count
Witte, whose wife was reported by German diplomat Count Münster to
"an intelligent
and very intriguing Jewess" who was "of great help in bringing
about an understanding with the Jewish bankers". [43]
Comments Ferguson:
"The fact that
the Rothschilds privately alluded to the Jewish origins of
Witte's wife lends credibility to this interpretation". [44]
He adds that the
Rothschilds may also have been,
"attracted by
Witte's stated objective of putting Russia on to the gold
standard, which accorded with their global interests in gold
mining and refining"! [45]

A 400-million-franc
Rothschild-led loan to the Russian government in 1894 was followed
by another for the same sum in 1896, for which Alphonse de
Rothschild was decorated with the Grand Cross by the czar. [46]
Finance was an
increasingly important factor behind geopolitical "diplomacy" and
war at this time.
Ferguson writes:
"Of all the
great powers, Russia relied most heavily on foreign lending in
the period before 1914; and the predominance of France as
Russia's main source of external finance had as its corollary a
diplomatic rapprochement between the two powers...
Franco-Russian entente was one of the defining diplomatic
developments of the 1890s; and the Rothschilds played a central
role in it - despite their strong antipathy towards the Tsarist
regime's anti-Jewish policies".
In 1901 Russia took
out yet another loan from a Rothschild-led consortium, this time for
425 million francs. [48]
After secretly
financing the Japanese in their successful war against Russia in
1904-1906, and then openly lending £48 million to help build back
the post-war Japanese economy, [49] the Rothschilds also profited
from the war on the Russian side.
industry recovered spectacularly thanks to the Rothschilds and
other international bankers who poured massive loans into the
country", [50] Docherty and Macgregor note.

The official
Rothschild attitude to the 1917 Russian Revolution and the new
Bolshevik regime was negative.
"As late as
1924, in the period of the New Economic Policy, Rothschild views
of Soviet Russia remained so hostile as to preclude even the
acceptance of a deposit from one of the new Soviet state banks",
says Ferguson. [51]
However, the
"socialist" victory was not what it seemed.
As eye-witnesses
like the Russian anarchist Voline were at pains to point out, the
event in fact amounted to a counter-revolution against the threat of
an authentic people's revolt.
The secretive
involvement in the Bolshevik coup of Rothschild associates,
including that great British believer in the "highly-organized
state", Alfred Milner, [52] is well documented in Professor
Antony C. Sutton's brilliantly-researched book
Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. [53]

Another important
player was banker William Boyd Thompson, who in 1914 had become the
first full-term director of the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) of New York.
Thompson, explains
"became an
ardent supporter of the Bolsheviks, bequeathing a surviving
symbol of this support - a laudatory pamphlet in Russian, 'Pravda
o Rossii i Bol'shevikakh'." [54]
Docherty and
Macgregor explain that Thompson was "a loyal Morgan man" and stress
that J.P. Morgan and the entire Morgan Empire were,
"very firmly
connected to Rothschild influence". [55]
They add:
"Writing in
1974, Professor Sutton was clearly unaware that virtually the
entire international banking cabal was linked through a complex
chain that led back to the Rothschilds in London and Paris".
In addition to its
role in suppressing real people power, the Soviet New Normal
benefited Rothschild interests by pushing massive industrialization,
including electrification dependent on their copper supplies, and by
forcing peasants off the land and into factories in a manner typical
of each of the industrial so-called "revolutions".
Quigley comments
that Marxist theory was generally welcomed by the rich and powerful
in Russia because it,
"postponed revolution until after
industrialization had proceeded far enough to create a fully
developed bourgeois class and a fully developed proletariat". [57]
Russia, the largest
country in the world, today has the ninth highest population. [58]
Foreign investment
and high oil prices saw the Russian economy boom at the start of the
21st century.

President Vladimir
Putin has a long history of involvement with the World Economic
Forum (WEF), [59] dating back [60] to 1992, [61] though he has not been
invited to Davos since the Ukraine conflict began.
In 2021, the WEF
announced the opening of a Centre for the Fourth Industrial
Revolution in Russia, for which,
Intelligence and IoT are key areas of focus". [62]
The market for
"solutions for
smart cities" in Russia exceeded 81 billion rubles at
the end of 2019, says one report. [63]
Another article
"Moscow sees
the UN's Agenda 2030 as an excellent opportunity to enhance the
livability of Russia's capital and transform it into a smart
city". [64]
This is being
boosted by "Investment Strategy 2025", which is,
"a series of
reforms that aim to attract foreign investors by creating a
favorable investment climate by cutting bureaucracy".
Russia already
boasts its own "impact investing industry" [65] and is to start
piloting a "digital rouble" in August 2023. [66]
As Moscow-based
journalist Riley Waggaman puts it on his Edward Slavsquat
"Yes, Russia is
complicit in the Great Reset". [67]

India was, of
course, an important part of the British Empire and so, until 1950,
various private financial interests enjoyed access to its vast
wealth via the "law and order" imposed on their behalf by the
British state.
Quigley adds:
"Britain was
obsessed with the need to defend India, which was a manpower
pool and military staging area vital to the defense of the whole
empire". [68]
"British rule
in the period 1858-1947 tied India together by railroads, roads,
and telegraph lines.
"It brought the
country into contact with the Western world, and especially with
world markets, by establishing a uniform system of money,
steamboat connections with Europe by the Suez Canal, cable
connections throughout the world, and the use of English as the
language of government and administration". [69]

India's subsequent
inclusion in the Commonwealth was, as Quigley points out, a
long-planned ploy to keep it firmly within the British sphere of
control despite its apparent "independence".
He quotes a letter
from British imperialist Lionel Curtis in 1916 which states:
"We must do our
best to make Indian Nationalists realize the truth that like
South Africa all their hopes and aspirations are dependent on
the maintenance of the British Commonwealth and their permanent
membership therein". [70]
imperialists perfected state-corporate rule, otherwise known as
public-private partnerships or stakeholder capitalism, centuries
before it was adopted by Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.
By the start of the
1600s it was clear to the merchants of London that,
"there were big
profits to be made in overseas trade", writes historian Christopher Hill. [71]

The East India
Company, formed in 1601, was making a profit of 500% by 1607 and
basically administered India in a public-private arrangement with
the British state until 1858.
Hill notes that the
company, like The Royal African Company,
"enjoyed the
peculiar patronage of the government" and that both were "deeply
involved in politics". [72]
In A People's
History of England, A.L. Morton describes the firm as "the real
founder of British rule in India", [73] being,
"the first
important joint stock company" which allowed it "a continuous
development", [74] which would today no doubt be termed
"sustainable development".
The East India
Company was also notoriously corrupt and violent, to the point that
in the 18th century even the company's own directors were forced to
condemn the fact that "vast fortunes" had been obtained by,
"the most
tyrannical and oppressive conduct that was ever known in any
country". [75]
Indian freedom
fighter and metaphysician Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950), pictured
here, writes of,
"a radical and
congenital evil implied in the very existence of British
control". [76]

He adds:
"The huge price
India has to pay England for the inestimable privilege of being
ruled by Englishmen is a small thing compared with the murderous
drain by which we purchase the more exquisite privilege of being
exploited by British capital".
Ferguson says that
the Rothschilds,
"in a league of
their own as an authentically global operation", made important
"advances" in India in the mid 19th century.
There was no
telegraph link from Europe until 1866 and,
Rothschilds' traditional system of semi-autonomous agents,
corresponding regularly but not in daily contact, remained
unsurpassed". [77]
Part of the
interest for the Rothschilds lay in India's opium, used for trading
with China and also brought back to Europe, and by the late 1850s
they were in regular correspondence with a Calcutta firm, Schoene
Kilburn & Co. [78]
This involvement
meant that anti-imperial uprisings like the Indian Mutiny of 1857,
"had a
resonance in New Court [the Rothschilds' London HQ] which
previous Asian upheavals had lacked", [79] explains Ferguson.
"For the first
time, the bank was becoming involved in the commerce of the
British Empire, a field it had previously left to others".
This involvement
attracted some controversy in 1875 when prime minister Benjamin
Disraeli turned to his friends the Rothschilds to finance
Britain's purchase of nearly £4 million of shares in the Suez Canal,
[80] a crucial aid for British trade with India, shortening the sea
route to Bombay (Mumbai) by more than 40 per cent. [81]

The outraged former
Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Robert Lowe pointed out that
the Rothschilds' total charges of £150,000 for a three-month loan
amounted to 15 per cent per annum interest! [82]
Ferguson says that
despite their business dealings in India, and the naming of a tea
plantation after them by relatives Gabriel and Maurice
Worms, the Rothschilds were not greatly interested in the
sub-continent for much of the 19th century.
"After 1880,
however, that changed. Between 1881 and 1887, Charlotte's
[Rothschild] sons were responsible for issuing Indian railway
shares worth a total of £6.4 million". [83]
Part of this
"blossoming of the Rothschilds' interest in India" [84] was thanks
to prime minister Lord Salisbury, whom the Rothschilds had
"fervently" wished to remain in power at the end of 1885. [85].

appointed, as Secretary of State for India, a politician by the name
of Randolph Churchill (pictured above), father of Winston, who
died owing an enormous £66,902 to the Rothschilds. [86]
While planning the
issue of a loan for the Indian Midland Railway, Churchill
specifically told the Viceroy, Lord Duffering:
"When the loan
is brought out I shall fight a great battle against [Bertram]
Currie to place it in the hands of the Rothschilds". [87]
Ferguson adds:
biographer Roy Foster suggests that the Rothschilds did indeed
help to place the new company's shares.
Contemporaries also
assumed that Churchill's decision to annex Burma - announced on
New Year's Day 1886 - was linked to his growing intimacy with
the Rothschilds". [88]
India's population
is now the biggest of any country in the world, having just
overtaken China's 1.425 billion. [89]
This is a huge
market for global profiteers:
the International Monetary Fund judged
the Indian economy in 2022 to be nominally worth $3.46 trillion.

Prime minister
Narendra Modi has been a regular attendee at the World Economic
Davos events, where he has,
"pitched for
India as an investment destination" emphasizing efforts to
"improve the ease of doing business". [91]
He says:
"The ability of
Indians to adapt to new technologies, their spirit of
entrepreneurship, can give all our global partners renewed
energy". [92]
Ah, those
all-important "global partners"...!
Modi says that
India has the ability to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
citing "decisive governance" as a key factor - Mussolini and Hitler
are no doubt applauding from the pits of hell.
India's "heavy
industries minister" Mahendra Nath Pandey declared:
"India is
moving towards becoming a hub of global manufacturing... 3D
printing, machine learning, data analytics and IoT are key to
promoting industrial growth". [93]
India, too, has its
own Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in Mumbai,
announced by
the WEF in January 2018. [94]

It also boasts an
official Smart Cities Mission, [95] whose "partners" include,
I have already
reported how the digital slavery that is impact investment is being
promoted in India both by King
Charles III's British Asian Trust,
cheered on by venture capitalist Sir Ronald Cohen, [97] and
by Ashoka, a strange organization funded by "charitable
foundations". [98]
But it seems the
global impact vultures are now getting even more excited about the
profits they can extract from the Indian people.
"India is one
of the most fertile environments for impact investors to seek
opportunities", declares a report on the WEF's website. [99]
The authors
penetration in India has allowed tech-enabled businesses to
scale impact and drive innovation across sunrise sectors, such
as climate-tech and future of work".
The WEF also shares
the wonderful news that,
central bank has rolled out a pilot of its proposed digital
rupee, enlisting nine private and state-owned banks". [100]

After millennia of
proud independence, the Chinese were dragged into the modern
commercial world-system by what they call the "hundred years of
humiliation", which began in 1839 with the first of two "Opium
Wars". [101]
This was nothing
short of a disaster.
As Quigley writes:
"We can see the
process by which European culture was able to destroy the
traditional native cultures of Asia more clearly in China than
almost anywhere else". [102]
Here he finds the
cause of subsequent revolutionary violence:
"The impact of
Western culture on China did, in fact, make the peasant's
position economically hopeless". [103]
The agenda behind
the Opium Wars, waged by Britain and France, was blatantly a
business one, as,
resistance to European penetration was crushed by the armaments
of the Western Powers, and all kinds of concessions to these
Powers were imposed on China". [104]

China was forced to
open specified treaty ports (including Shanghai) to Western
merchants and cede sovereignty over Hong Kong to the British Empire.
The immediate issue
at stake was the Chinese bar on the importation of opium from
British-controlled India in exchange for Chinese teas and silks, a
lucrative if ethically dubious trade in which, as mentioned above,
the Rothschilds had a hand.
Ferguson states
that the war of 1839-1842 "created attractive new possibilities for
British business" and eroded the power of Chinese merchants. [106]

He adds that by
1853 the Rothschilds' business,
"was in regular
correspondence with a Shanghai-based merchant firm, Cramptons,
Hanbury & Co, to whom it made regular shipments of silver from
Mexico and Europe". [107]
Two decades later
the dynasty's obvious power in Chinese affairs was such that when
the British magazine The Period published, in 1870, a
cartoon depicting Lionel Rothschild as "The Modern Croesus", a new
Rothschild "king" upon his throne of cash and bonds, one of the
lesser rulers he was shown lording it over was the Emperor of China.
In the light of
today's talk of a "multi-polar" world order, it is interesting to
read Ferguson's comment that the Rothschilds favoured "co-operation
between the European powers" in China and that they generally
preferred "what might be called multinational imperialism". [109]
Natty Rothschild
wrote in 1899 of his pleasure at Germany's,
"desire to
combine with England (and possibly with America and Japan) for
commercial purposes in China". [110]
Ferguson describes
in some detail the Rothschilds' key role in Anglo-German
co-operation over China.

"Since 1874,
the date of the first foreign loan raised for Imperial China,
the Chinese government's principal source of external finance
had been two British firms based in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong &
Shanghai Banking Corporation [HSBC] and Jardine, Matheson & Co".
But German
profiteers wanted a piece of the action and banker-imperialist
Adolphe Hansemann approached the Rothschilds and HSBC (whose
old crest is pictured here above) with a proposal to divide Chinese
government and railway finance equally between the British and
German members of a new syndicate.
Rothschilds had no objection to this", [112] notes Ferguson and
indeed their Frankfurt operation was one of the German banks
that formed the Deutsche-Asiastische Bank in 1889.
The Rothschilds'
involvement in both prongs of this transnational imperialist
partnership is further confirmed by the fact that they financed a
fact-finding trip to China by one of the younger members of the
German-based Oppenheim banking family. [113]
One of the
Rothschilds' main French operations, Banque Paribas, also got
involved, in 1895, participating in a £15 million loan to China,
which passed through the intermediary of the Russian state. [114]
There was a strange
echo of this maneuver in 1954, when the USSR offered,
finance, equipment and specialized skills for an all-out
industrialization of China (the so-called 'great leap
forward')". [115]
Was Russia
again merely an intermediary in this arrangement?
What was
the ultimate source of the finance for an earlier version of the
industry-accelerating Great Reset?

Back in 1895, Natty
Rothschild and Hansemann,
"sought to
promote a partnership between the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank and
the new Deutsche-Asiastische Bank", hoping for "suitable
official backing from their respective governments". [116]
An agreement
between the two banks was duly signed in July of that year.
Ferguson writes:
"For Natty
[Rothschild], the main aim of this alliance was to end
competition between the great powers by putting Chinese foreign
loans in the hands of a single multinational consortium". [117]
At a conference of
bankers and politicians in London in September 1898 it was agreed to
divide China into "spheres of influence" for the purpose of
allocating rail concessions; leaving the Yangste Valley to the
British banks, Shantung to the Germans and splitting the
Tientsin-Chinkiang route. [118]

Ferguson explains
that a real pattern of collaboration had been established:
"When the
Germans sent an expedition to China following the Boxer Rising
and the Russian invasion of Manchuria in 1900, they used the
Rothschilds to assure London that 'the Russians won't risk a
war', and in October Britain and Germany signed a new agreement
to maintain the integrity of the Chinese Empire and an 'Open
Door' trade regime.
"This was
without doubt the high water mark of Anglo-German political
co-operation in China; but it is important to recognise that
business co-operation continued for some years to come".
Any criticism of
this financial-imperialist stitch-up was, of course, unwelcome.
When The Times'
correspondent in Peking/Beijing attacked the cozy arrangement
between British and German banks in China in 1905, Natty Rothschild
complained to his editor. [120]

As mentioned in
passing, the Chinese Revolution, sparked by the effects of a hundred
years of destruction and exploitation by imperialist profiteers,
only made things worse.
Quigley says Mao's
"Great Leap Forward", which began in 1958, was,
"a social
rather than simply an agrarian revolution, since its aims
included the destruction of the family household and the peasant
"All activities
of the members, including child rearing, education,
entertainment, social life, the militia and all economic and
intellectual life came under the control of the commune.
"In some areas
the previous villages were destroyed and the peasants were
housed in dormitories, with communal kitchens and mess halls,
nurseries for the children, and separation of these children
under the communes' control in isolation from their parents at
an early age.
"One purpose of
this drastic change was to release large numbers of women from
domestic activities so that they could labor in fields or
"In the first
year of the 'Great Leap Forward', 90 million peasant women were
relieved of their domestic duties and became available to work
for the state". [121]
The Communist
Revolution in China didn't seem to worry the Rothschilds, who today
proudly announce on their website: "Our business was one of the
first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after
1953". [122]
China is today the
most important BRIC in the wall of global greed.
In 2022, WEF
Klaus Schwab told Chinese state media that the country was a
"role model" for other nations and praised its "tremendous" economic
achievements over the last 40 years. [123]

Addressing the
WEF's 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China, in
June 2023, Chinese premier Li Qiang said:
"China is
committed to building world peace, promoting global development
and upholding the international order.
"Today, the
Chinese economy is deeply integrated into the world economy.
China has developed itself by
embracing globalization, and grown
into a most staunch force for globalization". [124]
Because China is a,
Marxist–Leninist one-party socialist republic" [125] run by the
Chinese Communist Party, some people conclude that the Great
Reset agenda pushed by its friend Schwab is a "Communist" one.
But it is never
a good idea to accept a label at face value without having a proper
look at the content...
The theme of the
conference addressed by the Communist Party's Qiang was
"Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy" and the
WEF is a business organization, which describes itself as,
"the global
platform for public-private cooperation". [126]

What the financial
forces behind
the WEF like about Chinese-style Communism, and liked
about Soviet Communism, Italian Fascism and German Nazism, is that
authoritarian one-party control frees them from the constraints and
complications of public accountability.
It allows them to
get on with the task of extracting as much profit as possible from
people and planet by means of undemocratic "agile governance", in
Schwab's words, or "decisive governance", in Modi's.
When China
reinvented itself as a "socialist market economy" in the late 20th
century, it first opened up the country to foreign investment and
then privatized and contracted out much state-owned industry. [127]
Today China has
become known as "the world's factory" not just because of its
famously low labour costs (i.e. underpaid workers) and use of child labour, but also because of its,
business ecosystem, lack of regulatory compliance, low taxes and
duties, and competitive currency practices", says the
Investopedia website. [128]
China was being
hailed by the WEF for its leading role in the
Fourth Industrial Revolution
in 2019, [129] even before
the Covid starting-gun was fired
and, like Brazil, Russia and India, it has its own Centre for the
Fourth Industrial Revolution. [130]

Chinese tech giant
Tencent didn't waste any time in announcing, in June 2020, that the
"post-pandemic world" needed
smart cities like Net City (plans
pictured above),
"a 2 million
square meter (21.5 million square feet) neighborhood in the
southeastern city of Shenzhen". [131]
"More than 500
smart cities are being built across China, according to
government data, equipped with sensors, cameras, and other
gadgets that can crunch data on everything from traffic and
pollution, to public health and security.
"Net City will
use technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and
autonomous vehicles".
In China, the
impact investing industry,
"remains in its
initial stage of development" but it seems "advances" have now
been made "in areas such as healthcare and financial services".
controversial social credit system [133] is plainly a model the
global ruling class would like to see rolled out everywhere and it
also seems to be ahead of the game regarding digital currency:
"139 million
people have now used China's digital yuan app, as the country
accelerates toward a more digitized economy", claims the WEF.

The last of the
five supposedly "independent" emerging BRICS countries, South
Africa, is not only part of the British Empire/Commonwealth but also
played an important role in the growth of the Rothschilds'
prosperity and power.
One of their key
historical collaborators there was Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902), the
British imperialist who gave his name to Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe.
Rhodes had
emigrated from England to South Africa as a young man and, while
working at the Kimberley diamond fields, he attracted the attention
of a Rothschild agent, who was assessing the local prospects for
investment in diamonds.
Docherty and
Macgregor explain:
"Backed by
Rothschild funding, Cecil Rhodes bought out many small mining
concerns, rapidly gained monopoly control and became
intrinsically linked to the powerful House of Rothschild". [135]
Ferguson remarks
that Natty Rothschild "drove a hard bargain" when Rhodes sought his
financial backing for his De Beers diamond company to buy the rival
Compagnie Française.

Rothschilds advanced £750,000 in cash in return for 50,000 new
De Beers shares at £15 each, plus £200,000 in debentures.
"For this, they
received a commission of £100,000, but also half the difference
between the £15 price paid for the De Beers shares and their
London market price on October 5, 1887". [136]
This apparently
implied an additional £150,000 so that the Rothschilds were paid
£250,000 for lending £750,000!
The Rothschilds
ended up holding more shares in the company than Rhodes himself
[137] and had "a substantial financial hold over Rhodes", stresses
Ferguson. [138]
When the new De
Beers Consolidated Mines had control of 98 per cent of South
Africa's diamond output, the next step was to establish global
domination of the market.
In 1890 De Beers
created a cartel with,
"five friendly
firms led by Wernher, Breit & Co". [139]
Says Ferguson:
"As this was
the kind of thing the Rothschilds had traditionally done to
maintain the price of mercury and were also doing with copper,
the syndicate soon received Natty's blessing". [140]

Gold had also long
been an area of interest for the Rothschilds and via the Exploration
Company - an "obvious" Rothschild front according to Ferguson - they
were enthused by,
"the dramatic
expansion of South African gold production". [141]
He adds:
Rothschilds' indirect participation in the South African gold
boom through the Exploration Company has often been
underestimated... Small wonder the English Rothschilds
encouraged the spread of the gold standard". [142]
Rhodes was also
involved in exploiting South African gold and again turned to the
Rothschilds for political and financial backing.
In particular his
firm, Consolidated Gold Fields, wanted to grab previously untapped
gold fields north of the Transvaal, ruled by the Matabele King
Rhodes wrote to
Natty Rothschild, in 1888, to say:
"The Matabele
king... is the only block to Central Africa as, once we have his
territory, the rest is easy, as the rest is simply a village
system with a separate headman, all independent of each other".
Rhodes and the
Rothschilds got their way, thanks to the helpful intervention of the
British army in 1893.
King Lobengula's
8,000 spearmen and 2,000 riflemen [144] were, unsurprisingly, no
match for the British troops' modern machine guns, supplied by
Maxim-Nordenfelt, an arms firm in which the Rothschilds had a
substantial shareholding. [145]

Arthur de
Rothschild described this defeat of the Matabele warriors as,
"a sharp
engagement... 100 of them having been killed, whilst there was,
I am happy to say, hardly a single casualty on our side".
He was pleased to
report "a little spurt in the shares" of his family's business.
The Boer War of
1899-1902 was essentially a grab of gold and diamond resources for
Rothschild interests, including De Beers.
Natty Rothschild
pretty much confirmed this through the wording of a letter to
He warned his
"Be careful in
what you say regarding the conduct of the war and your relations
with the military authorities.
"Feeling in
this country is running high at present over everything
connected with the war and there is a considerable inclination,
on both sides of the House, to lay the blame for what has taken
place on the shoulders of capitalists and those interested in
South African Mining.
"It would be a
great pity to add fuel to the fire and you would only be playing
into the hands of the opposition which I am sure you want to
"I hope,
therefore, that you will be careful in your utterances and if
you have any complaints to make against the War Office
underlings, you will no doubt have opportunities to do so
privately". [147]

It is interesting
to note that in 1889 The British South Africa Company, set up by
Rhodes, received a Royal Charter modeled on that of the British
East India Company.
Right up until the
mid 20th century it remained,
"a very
lucrative investment opportunity, yielding very high return to
investors", says Wikipedia. [148]
backed by the Rothschilds, it is a prime example of the
public-private partnerships favoured by global imperialists.
Contemporary South
Africa's economy is the most industrialized and technologically
advanced in Africa and at the same time it has a high rate of
poverty and unemployment, being ranked in the top ten countries in
the world for income inequality. [149]

Its president,
Cyril Ramaphosa, is an eager participant in the WEF's attempts
action on Africa" and he has declared: "This is Africa's
century, and we want to utilize it to good effect". [150]
He told
the Davos
event in 2019:
"We have
entered a new period of hope and renewal, and over the last year
have taken decisive steps to correct the mistakes of the recent
past and put the country back on the path of progress that we
embarked upon in 1994.
"We have placed
the task of inclusive growth and job creation at the centre of
our national agenda.
"At the
inaugural South Africa Investment Conference in October last
year, both local and international companies announced around
$20 billion of investments in new projects or to expand existing
"Direct foreign
investment into South Africa increased by more than 440% between
2017 and 2018, from $1.3 billion to $7.1 billion". [151]
Ramaphosa added
that they aimed to further increase this foreign investment by,
"our efforts to
create an environment that is even more conducive to
He did not
spell out what exactly that might imply for the people of South
On becoming
president, Ramaphosa ,
"put the Fourth
Industrial Revolution (4IR) into his national economic
strategy", explains one report.
But it adds:
"South Africa
has a significant skills shortage, due to failings in its
education system, limiting the supply of managers, researchers
and workers needed for 4IR.
There are also
problems of poor quality infrastructure, reflecting weak
governance and state capture". [152]

In 2020 Ramaphosa
launched the Mooikloof Mega-City development in Pretoria, one of
smart cities projects in South
The mega-city is a
public-private collaboration with developers Balwin Properties and,
"may end up
becoming the world's largest sectional property development".
Another report says
smart cities are offering South Africans,
"a glimpse of a connected
It adds:
"With the UN
declaring Internet access a human right, many people are
realizing that online connectivity is just as important as other
services like water or electricity.
"Smart cities
are the encapsulation of achieving the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), as set out by the United Nations".
In July 2023 Cape
Town in South Africa hosted the Africa Impact Summit - "Unleashing
African Potential through Impact Investing". [155]

Impact Investing
South Africa [156] says it wants to,
"learn from and
share with the Global Steering Group for Impact Investing",
organization funded by the likes of,
The Ford
Rockefeller Foundation
Soros' Open Society Foundations
the UK
Rothschilds' BNP Paribas bank. [157]
Its chairman is
Ronald Cohen,
"the father of
British venture capital", whose activities will by now be
familiar to my regular readers. [158]
In May 2021 the
South African Reserve Bank embarked on a study [159] to look into
the feasibility of a central bank digital currency and in 2023 was
said to be "still investigating and testing". [160]

It is surely no
coincidence that the man who invented the BRICS acronym, Jim
O'Neill, [161] now Lord O'Neill of Gatley, worked for,
Goldman Sachs,
Bank of America, Marine Midland Bank (later HSBC Bank USA) and the
Swiss Bank Corporation.
He is a WEF
contributor [162] and is connected both to European economic "think
tank" Bruegel [163] and to the World Bank. [164]
O'Neill is a former
UK Treasury minister [164] and, significantly, was chairman of
Chatham House, [165] also known as
The Royal Institute of
International Affairs, which has long played a central role in
advancing the global corporate-neocolonial agenda.
Granted a Royal
charter in 1926, it was set up by imperialist schemers such as
Milner and Curtis and helped on its way with a gift from J.P.
Morgan, which we already know to be yet another Rothschild front.
Quigley warns that
when one understands its real origins and purpose, the influence of
pseudo-independent Chatham House,
"appears in its true perspective,
not as the influence of an autonomous body but as merely one of many
instruments in the arsenal of another power". [167]
It seems to me that
this description applies equally well to the BRICS entity given its
name by Chatham House's former chairman.
And so,
for what
purpose is BRICS an instrument in the arsenal of a certain
self-concealing power?
O'Neill himself
spelled it out in a 2021 interview with the International Monetary
Fund - it is nothing less than the creation of a new form of,
economic governance"... [168]

[2] Niall Ferguson,
The House of Rothschild: The World's
Banker 1849-1998 (New York: Penguin, 2000), p.
[3] Ferguson, p. 461.
[4] Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the
World in Our Time (Reprint, New Millennium Edition, New
York: Macmillan, 1966), p. 713.
[5] Ferguson, p. 294.
[6] Ferguson, p. 68.
[7] Ferguson, p. 68.
[8] Ferguson, p. 345.
[9] Ferguson, p. 345.
[10] Ferguson, p. 346.
[11] Ferguson, p. 346.
[12] Ferguson, p. 460.
[13] Ferguson, P. 461.
[14] Ferguson, p. 461.
[15] Ferguson, p. 461.
[16] Ferguson, p. 464.
[17] Ferguson, p. 485.
[26] Jean Bouvier, Les Rothschild (Brussels: Editions
Complexe, 1983), p. 70.
[27] Ferguson, p. xxiii.
[28] Ferguson, p. 99.
[29] Bouvier, p. 273.
[30] Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty, Prolonging the Agony:
How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI
by Three-and-a-Half Years (Walterville, OR: Trine Day,
2018), p. 293.
[31] Macgregor and Docherty, Prolonging the Agony, p.
[32] Ferguson, p. 355.
[33] Ferguson, p. 355.
[34] Ferguson, p. 355.
[35] Ferguson, p. 184.
[36] Ferguson, p. 306.
[37] Ferguson, p. 306.
[38] Ferguson, p. 379.
[39] Ferguson, p. 379.
[40] Ferguson, p. 379.
[41] Ferguson, p. 380.
[42] Ferguson, p. 381.
[43] Ferguson, p. 381.
[44] Ferguson, p. 381.
[45] Ferguson, p. 382.
[46] Ferguson, p. 382.
[47] Ferguson, p. 409.
[48] Ferguson, p. 383.
[49] Takahashi Korekiyo, The Rothschilds and the
Russo-Japanese War, 1904-06, pp. 20-21 cit. Gerry Docherty
and Jim Macgregor, Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the
First World War (Edinburgh & London: Mainstream Publishing,
2013), p. 93.
[50] Macgregor and Docherty, Prolonging the Agony, p.
[51] Ferguson, p. 449.
[53] Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution (Surrey: Clairview Books, 2016) (1974), p. 93.
[54] Sutton, p. 90.
[55] Macgregor and Docherty, Prolonging the Agony, p.
[56] Macgregor and Docherty, Prolonging the Agony, p.
[57] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 59.
[68] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 71.
[69] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, pp. 98-99.
[70] Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment: From
Rhodes to Cliveden (Dauphin Publications Inc, 2013), p.206.
[71] Christopher Hill, The Century of Revolution 1603-1714
(London: Sphere,1969), p. 42.
[72] Hill, p. 188.
[73] A.L. Morton, A People's History of England
(London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1995), p. 174.
[74] Morton, p. 175.
[75] Morton, p. 261.
[76] Sri Aurobindo, Bande Mataram, The Complete Works of Sri
Aurobdino (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, 2002),
Vol 6-7, p. 271.
[77] Ferguson, p. 65.
[78] Ferguson, pp. 68-69.
[79] Ferguson, p. 69.
[80] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 84.
[81] Ferguson, p. 297.
[82] Ferguson, p. 301.
[83] Ferguson, p. 331.
[84] Ferguson, p. 332.
[85] Ferguson, p. 325.
[86] Docherty and Macgregor, Hidden History, p. 25.
[87] Ferguson, p. 332.
[88] Ferguson, p. 332.
[102] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 112.
[103] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 113.
[104] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 114.
[106] Ferguson, p. 68.
[107] Ferguson, pp. 68-69.
[108] 'The Modern Croesus', The Period, July 5, 1870,
see Ferguson. p. 159.
[109] Ferguson. p. 294.
[110] Ferguson, p. 383.
[111] Ferguson, p. 385.
[112] Ferguson, p. 385
[113] Ferguson, pp. 385-86.
[114] Ferguson, p. 387.
[115] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 641.
[116] Ferguson, p. 386-87.
[117] Ferguson, p. 387.
[118] Ferguson, p. 388.
[119] Ferguson, p. 388.
[120] Ferguson, p. 388.
[121] Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 735.
[135] Docherty and Macgregor, Hidden History, p.
[136] Ferguson, p. 357.
[137] Ferguson, p. 357.
[138] Ferguson, p. 358.
[139] Ferguson, p. 358.
[140] Ferguson, p. 358.
[141] Ferguson, p. 352.
[142] Ferguson, p. 353.
[143] Ferguson, p. 359.
[145] Ferguson, p. 413.
[146] Ferguson, p. 361.
[147] Ferguson, p. 366.
[157] https://gsgii.org/
[167] Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, p.