by Aaron and Melissa Dykes
July 14,

Central banks and governments, at a global scale, have prepared to
CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) with important
consequences for every aspect of freedom in our lives.
Though they will introduce it to the public gradually, its capacity
for total control is immense.
It isn't merely that the new dollar is digital, traceable and
It's based on
blockchain technology, of course.
It isn't merely that
small business will be hurt (yet again) or that private
transactions will be eradicated.
Nor will it be merely
consequential for drug dealers, scammers, or illicit trades.
Where and how money is
spent is literally built into this new currency.
And they plan to
use it to change how money is used.
Yes, CBDCs are programmable.
The executives that frequent the
Economic Forum (WEF) and the other elite forums have said so.
And so, CBDCs will not just be money. No, not at all...
CBDCs are designed as
tools of a very political and ideological agenda:
some of the worst
policies that have been pushed in recent decades will now have the
force of spending controls to "nudge" people into submission and
Whoever controls the
money controls the agenda. That is the point...!
Why is this important?
Central banks, private
banks, government authorities and global designers will have the
power to turn on and off transactions of every kind.
They can
algorithmically-determine precisely what the CBDC money can be spent
on; when and under what conditions; and by who.
At the touch of a button, PROGRAMMABLE cash in the form of
CBDCs can block the sale of firearms, alcohol, cannabis or tobacco.
Or other sensitive products.
But that's just the start (you knew
At the same touch of a button, PROGRAMMABLE CBDCs can prevent,
the sale of meat, dairy, candy and junk food, or disallow the
purchase of gasoline or use of a vehicle (and an endless array of
other examples; you get the idea...)
With yet another press of the button, they can also
freeze bank
accounts of political dissidents - like those supporting the recent
trucker protest in Canada, for instance.
Spending under CBDCs
could be allocated for specific purposes - like rent and
groceries - or be timed to expire, requiring, for instance that
money be spent by the end of the month.
CBDCs could also prevent individuals with "bad social-credit
scores" from purchasing anything more than the bare basics of
Black Mirror's Nosedive has already depicted as much,
but that's mild compared to what's possible.
BlackRock CEO Larry
Fink recently said:
"Behaviors are gonna
have to change.
And this is one thing we're asking companies -
you have to force behaviors, and at BlackRock, we are forcing
Video also
The compliance of private businesses - any major business who relies
upon good standing in the global financial system - can also mandate
adherence to any number of political agendas and purchasing
energy caps
green conscience
misinformation policies
sensitivity about
world events, wars and catastrophes
identity politic
political correctness shifting sand madness
...anything is possible...!
And the private policies of private banks and businesses -
ultimately steered by central bank CBDC policies - could easily
circumvent restrictions on our civil rights under governments and
public systems.
And what could you really do about it?
Where else
could you go...?
The Bank for
International Settlements (BIS) recently announced 93% of the
world's central banks are currently working on a CBDC, and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) is already hard at work on a
global CBDC platform.
Social media and other tech giants have already paved the way to
this version of circumnavigation-hell (I'm not touching you; I'm not
touching you!!), even as it emerged that shadowy government agencies
were literally coordinating the takedown of free speech online in
violation of First Amendment protections.
This nightmare of privacy-less technological enslavement under CBDCs
is complicated and perhaps predicated by the advent of AI and the
loss of employment for hundreds of millions and even billions of
people who once held relative autonomy over their own lives.
UBI (Universal Basic Income) funds will be increasingly
provided by governments - as it perhaps must be in a scenario with
no meaningful employment - not just for the poor and unemployed, but
for nearly everyone.
Certainly, people
will need financial support to live their lives.
But that money would be
used to control as much as it would be used to provide sustenance.
Not only would every
transaction large and small be tracked, but its use would be
specifically tailored to the vision of life proscribed by the very
powerful and their AI tech tools.
Anything in violation of
prevailing policies would be automatically out-of-bounds.
While this design could be used for good (though such powers are
unwise), and many would give it that benefit of the doubt, those
paying attention can see plainly its drawbacks and potential for the
very worst.
With little-to-no context and no one to appeal to, an
intelligent" system administers, gives, and takes away as it is
programmed to do.
Perhaps clumsily
suppressing on the basis of key words and categories... perhaps
insidiously on the basis of personalized profiles with millions of
pieces of data.
This system can and will
automatically behaviorize all who live under its auspices, with
grave consequences which are easy to predict. And even worse
outcomes are quite possible.
Even under the most glowing version of this vision of the near
future, where personal behaviors are improved, and people become
"better" citizens, nicer neighbors and excellent stewards of the
environment - even then, if a positive outcome can even be supposed
- it would be a world without freedom...
Freedom itself is on the line under programmable CBDCs, in an almost
direct way.
Instead of technology freeing us from worry, labor, and drudgery, it
stands to reinforce and radically expand top-down control. This is
not hyperbole.
New behaviorism - such as living within one's allotted carbon
footprint allowance - could and would be enforced easily, but
tyrannically under this kind of system.
Likely it would come with
a velvety touch and a gradual implementation to dissuade outrage and
condition acceptance; but in of itself, the system could nonetheless
be flipped-on overnight.
A government powerful enough to give to all, and yet also take away
from all is not only possible, but immediately part of the scheme.
dissent, free expression, and independent lives could all become
a thing of the past, replaced by an engineered obedience, dulled
further by the extremes of algorithmically driven group think.
Polls show that CBDCs -
now being pursued by the Federal Reserve in the United States (FED)
and by most every major government and financial system around the
globe - are extremely unpopular with the people, but only by those
who are aware of their potential existence and uses.
The vast majority of
the public - most already lost in a sea of apathy and
indifference - remain ignorant of how radically the
money system they live under is changing.
People need to be
Dissent needs to be
expressed now while it still can be.
The unfortunate, flawed maxim,
"If you're not doing
anything wrong, you've got nothing to hide",
...is due for a
nightmarish upgrade.
The elites, already
concentrated in wealth and power - and now unleashing
AI - plan to
literally program and control your entire life through digital