by Brandon Smith
March 21,
Alt-Market Website

In my work analyzing the behavior and motives of
globalists I often hear people
question the validity of the label.
Sometimes this is done by
those who are purely uneducated about the background of what I can
only call an organized cabal or criminal syndicate. Sometimes it is
done by dishonest people who are seeking to sow the seeds of doubt.
To be clear, yes,
globalists are a very real group with a very real agenda, and this
agenda is not morally or rationally sound.
The argument then arises:
"If globalists are a
real threat, then we should identify them one by one..."
This argument is often a
ruse which insinuates that if a person points out the facts
surrounding a crime on the part of globalists, his position is still
not valid until he names them all in succession.
This is a classic
to demand that the
researcher catalog every person involved in a conspiracy or
present a perfect solution to the criminality which may or may
not be available, otherwise they should shut up and stop talking
about the problem.
The intent is to get us
caught up in the weeds debating the extent of who is involved or
whether one solution is superior to another.
Acknowledging that a specific agenda exists is the first step before
anything else can be accomplished.
Obviously, one cannot outline a long list of globalist names in
every essay or article. This would make each article dozens of pages
long and is counterproductive.
Naming names might
be helpful in some circumstances, as I have done in the past such as
in my article 'Globalist
Disinformation Spotlight On - Mohamed El-Erian'.
I welcome readers to
examine that article because
Mohamed El-Erian is a good
example of what a globalist is and the kind of ideology they
It is my feeling though
that it is more important to focus on the behaviors, rhetoric,
institutional affiliations and beliefs of globalists, because these
elitists often hide in plain sight.
Not all of them publicly call themselves "globalists"; some of them
do. However, they ALL have the same character traits and they all
support the same agendas.
First and foremost I suppose I should address the so called
"elephant in the room".
It is important to note
that there is a concerted disinformation effort by a small group of
people lurking in the corners of the liberty movement to push the
notion that globalism is a purely "Jewish conspiracy". And, as our
social and economic structures grow more unstable, people look for
easy answers and the idea is starting to gain some traction.
Their claim? It's all
about the Jews, all the globalists are Jewish or
somehow secretly related to Jews or are married to Jewish partners,
This is simply false, so
let's get this out of the way...
The Jewish conspiracy narrative, I believe, is 4th
generation warfare, a psychological operation, an attempt to mislead
liberty movement activists away from a much deeper and darker issue.
It also may be an attempt
to attach the movement to white supremacy or white identity groups
as if they are interchangeable.
Frankly, I do not care
what other people believe as long as they keep to themselves and
leave others alone. If someone takes special pride in their
pigmentation or culture, great, I wish them the best of luck.
It is true that some
cultures function better than others, but this has far more to do
with the superior cultures being more free.
Just because we have a distaste for the race baiting insanity and
hatred of white people or western culture displayed by the social
justice left, this does not mean we need to swing to the other
extreme and become zealots ourselves.
I actually think the
ability to discriminate at times is highly useful, but such
simplistic divisions based on bias and broad generalizations make us
weak, not strong.
It makes us easy to
conquer, not a formidable opponent to the globalists.
Here are the facts:
The vast majority of
globalists are not of Jewish origin and are not zionist in their
political affiliations.
While there are
sectors of globalist institutions that have more Jewish people
than others (such as the
Federal Reserve), this does not
indicate a majority or any sort of broad "Jewish conspiracy".
On the contrary, the
directorial boards and memberships of most globalist
institutions have a small minorities of Jews, and are majority
Anglo in origin.
One can simply look
at the board of directors of groups at the top of the
globalist pyramid like the
International Monetary Fund, the Bank for
International Settlements, or World Bank and verify
that this is the case:
We can also examine the attendees of past globalist summits like
Bilderberg Group, or the
World Economic Forum in Davos
and see that again, some Jews might be involved, but are not a
majority or even in the highest positions of authority.
the Rothschild family
(Jewish) gets a lot of attention as being a major power center
within globalist circles, we can see they are but one influence
among many.
These people herald from all over the world, and are of every
ethnicity and national affiliation one can imagine.
So, the broad brush
of white identity conspiracy becomes rather useless in helping
us figure out who the globalists truly are. It actually misleads
us and points us in the wrong direction, and perhaps this is its
underlying purpose.
The fallback argument is that they might not be majority Jewish,
but they are all "zionists"; which, again, is simply not true.
Zionism is
definitely a globalist scheme, but more of a side venture
designed to manipulate some Jews and evangelicals into zealotry,
to be exploited in supporting efforts like war in the Middle
Zionism itself
actually makes Jewish centers like Israel less safe and more
prone to destruction. The globalists only care about Israel or
the Jewish people in general in so much as they can be used as a
tool for other more important efforts.
And, while I have criticized the actions of the Israeli
government on many occasions (and been accused of being an anti-semite
for it), this is not the same as attacking the Israeli people.
Globalism threatens them just as much as it threatens others.
I welcome readers to
look over the rosters of many of the top globalist
organizations; they will find a minority of zionists, not a
If it's not about the Jews or zionism, then what is globalism
really all about? It is vital that we look at the intent,
actions, motivations and beliefs of these people.
Hyperfocusing on
their genetic backgrounds will get us nowhere.
How do we know when we
are dealing with a globalist?
Let's look at some of the
real and universal elements that make globalists an organized and
identifiable culture, separate, distinct and destructive...
Globalism as
An "Inevitable" Future
Globalists will often claim that globalism, the centralization of
all governmental and economic power, is an inevitable byproduct of
They will state, without
any evidence of course, that globalism represents a pinnacle of
evolution in human society.
Therefore, anyone that
stands in the way of globalism is standing in the way of progress,
which is apparently a cardinal sin in the new world order.
But centralization of power is nothing new, and dreams of global
empire ruled by self appointed "elites" goes all the way back to
Plato and his "Republic".
Utopia by the elites for
the elites is a tale as old as mankind.
It does not represent
evolution, but regression to an ideology that human beings have been
struggling for thousands of years to escape from.
We should also make the distinction here between globalists
and useful idiots.
Globalists are
people in a position of power adequate enough to help affect
the the changes and agendas they describe.
Useful idiots
(socialist/communists) might espouse globalist rhetoric, but
they have no power. They are exploited as a blunt weapon by
globalists, but they are not globalists, and will not likely
benefit from globalism in the end.
End of
Globalists treat the idea of sovereignty with disdain.
Their attacks usually
revolve around nationalism and they will incessantly pontificate on
the virtues of open borders. They can also sometimes be
caught criticizing the concept of individual sovereignty, but
they do seem to fancy the idea that THEY are 'unique' and
'superior' individuals.
Individuality and freedom
are meant for them, but not for the rest of us.
Single Economic
Authority and Monetary System
A key element of globalism is economic centralization which makes
perfect sense when you understand that trade is the root of human
civilization and survival.
Trade is almost as
important as the air we breath and the water we drink.
The consistent plan
presented by globalists is that
the IMF in particular must become
the bottleneck point for global economic management, and that all
the world's major currencies will be absorbed by
the IMF into their SDR basket system.
This would give the IMF the ability to dictate currency exchange
rates on a whim, allowing them to homogenize currency values until
they are so similar that a single world currency becomes a natural
next step.
This final product would
a cashless society, based on a
digital blockchain-based currency
or cryptocurrency.
Single World
Globalists all argue that the answer to most of the world's ailments
one world governance, or the end
of nation states and cultural divisions in the name of "peace".
The UN is so far the impetus of
this effort, but it is shadowed by various organizations like the
IMF, BIS, World Bank, as well as dozens of think tank organizations
...etc., etc.
A practice model for this
type of government can be seen in
the European Union, which is
controlled by a supranational bureaucratic machine run by mostly
faceless officials who are not elected and who do not answer to the
Globalists have different terms for the shift into a single world
government or single currency system. They call it a "global reset,
or a "new world order", or a "multipolar world order".
But all of these
marketing labels are basically referring to the same thing.
Any politician
that works closely with globalist institutions or think
tanks is likely a globalist.
Any politician or
government official that associates regularly and cooperates
with known globalists is probably also a globalist.
Crisis as Hegelian Threat
Not all globalists hit on this topic publicly, but most do.
The strategy, which was
planned by the
Club of Rome along with top
globalists like
former UN Director
Robert Muller, was to create
the idea of an environmental threat so potentially devastating that
the only option would be for the public to accept global
governance as the solution.
Global warming and "climate
change" became that existential threat.
It does not seem to matter how often or how brutal the climate
change argument is debunked by real data; the globalists desperately
push the ideology. It is a primary key to everything they hope to
accomplish in terms of centralization, and their timeline is
set for the year 2030.
Globalists also seem to
enjoy fabricating fake moral dilemmas which force people to
choose between one evil solution or another.
The fake moral dilemma
here being that if we do not accept global centralization and
elitist management of the planet, we are risking the destruction of
our environment on an apocalyptic scale.
Similarities of Globalists
Probably the most overwhelming epiphany I have come to in my 12
years of analysis into globalism and
the nature of evil is that
globalists are in fact tied together by a root mental illness or
psychological aberration.
This occurred during my
research on narcissistic sociopathy, or what some circles
might call "psychopathy".
Criminology indicates
that not all criminals are full blown narcissistic sociopaths, but
most full blown narcissistic sociopaths are criminals. Some are
simply more successful criminals than others, and this usually
depends on their ability to blend in and mimic or manipulate normal
Full blown narcissistic sociopaths (or
psychopaths) make up
around 1% of any given population,
but are responsible for the
vast majority of violent crimes or criminal
The lion's share of
justice system resources are used in dealing with these people, as
they are four to eight times more likely than the average person to
use violence in daily interactions or as a tool to gain advantage,
and twenty-five times more likely to end up in prison.
There is a long list of character traits that make a narcissistic
sociopath, but the defining features are,
a complete lack
of conscience and empathy
a propensity for
moral relativism (the ability to rationalize any and all
destructive behavior)
a desperate need
to be adored or admired by everyone around them
a feeling of
being "more special" than most people
a feeling of
delusions of
grandeur or an inherent right to manage the lives of others
an obsessive need
to control and manipulate
impulsive desires
and deviant sexual inclinations
associations (they will only associate with people they feel
are like them and are "equally superior")...
A defining fact of
narcissistic sociopathy is that these traits are inborn, not a
product of environment.
In some cases environment
can play a role in activating these traits, but if a person is not
born with them, they generally do not adopt them later in life
because of a traumatic environment.
The following
documentaries linked
here and
here are an excellent overview of
high level narcissistic sociopaths.
sociopaths defy all forms of treatment and cannot be
They have no
concrete personality beyond these traits, therefore, if you
remove the traits, they are left with nothing else.
They are almost
anti-human; while most people are born with unique
personality combinations, narcissistic sociopaths have none,
so they mimic the personalities of those around them,
mirroring behaviors and collecting or stealing quirks.
Their primary
drives are to fulfill their fantasies of superiority and
godhood, as well as an endless quest to satiate their
dopamine addiction.
The more deviant
the action, and the more successful they are at getting away
with it, the more dopamine they generate and the more
satisfied they feel. This leads to an endless cycle, seeking
out more and more exploitation of others which becomes less
and less satisfying, which leads to even greater deviance.
I came to realize in my
studies that these characteristics described almost exactly the
observable behaviors of globalists.
The difference being that
globalists were so high functioning that they had actually built a
society of narcissistic sociopaths that operated like a kind of
cult, or a corporate entity.
The only other historic
example I could compare it to would be the mob, or other gangs which
have blended into the surrounding normal society and operated in
their midst.
I do not know if a society of narcissistic sociopaths with
its own tribal customs, mythologies and beliefs has ever been
recorded before.
While psychopathic people
have been known in the past to organize into groups for mutual
benefit, the globalists are something different.
They are an anomaly:
a well maintained
culture of parasites that has blended almost
seamlessly within normal society in order to feed off of
non-psychopathic and empathetic people.
The best fictional
representation I can think of is the vampire.
They are so similar I
sometimes wonder if folklore creatures like vampires were based on
narcissistic sociopaths as a way to warn people of their presence.
Globalists are indeed a culture, a secretive and occult phenomenon
that wants so badly to be recognized and worshiped, but fears public
Their motivation at
bottom is to condition or tear down normal, moral and free society
until it becomes a place in which they can openly be what they
really are without fear of judgment or consequences.
They want to terraform
civilization and make it a habitat that will accept them; a habitat
for monsters surrounded by willing victims...