by Sean Stinson
December 14,
Off-Guardian Website

"Building Back
technocracy and
the end of
liberalism and democracy
in one fell
To suggest that there has been an overreaction to the coronavirus
'pandemic' may be the understatement of the century.
The spark that began as a
rational fear of disease has been fanned into flames of widespread
panic which have raged through state and civil institutions. The
spectacle of the US election aside (or perhaps a case in point), it
is fair to say that democracy no longer exists.
The rule of law has been
A 'state of emergency' persists throughout much of the world and
will likely remain indefinitely. All of this has been normalized
under cover of a declared medical emergency, and like some modern
Milgram experiment, the masses
have fallen into line.
Anyone who dares to even
question the new normal,
...is now perceived as a 'threat' to society...
If there's an
elephant in the room it's
probably the fact that there seems to be
no 'pandemic' to speak of.
Regardless of the
overblown case reporting there is no significant spike in the
overall number of deaths compared to a normal flu season.
Covid-19 manifests as a mild
flu in the majority of people who get sick from it, while
presenting no symptoms at all in most people, it
scarcely impacts children, and according to a growing number of
physicians it can be successfully treated with inexpensive and
readily available medications such as vitamins D, C
and zinc.
What on earth is
going on?
Why are plexiglass
screens popping up in front of every teller and checkout?
Why the
mask mandates and tracing apps?
Why have schools and
businesses been forced to close?
Why has the global
economy been brought to a standstill?
Why are
people being locked in their
Why are the elderly
being left to die alone?
This whole thing needs to
be unpacked, but,
Where to even begin?
What is a reasonable
point of entry into this horror story?
What are the
foundational facts needed to present a fair and balanced
What assumptions, if
any, do we need to start with?
Perhaps we could just
dive right into
the Great Reset, a proposal put
forward by the World Economic Forum (WEF)
to rebuild the global economy 'sustainably' following the COVID-19
'pandemic', which you can read all about
how do we begin to talk about resetting the global economy
without at least a perfunctory introduction to the work of Karl
Marx, surely one of if not the most important political
economist of the modern era?
You should have learned
about him in school.
Dare we frame this
story without at least a minimal understanding of the cult of
technocracy, the ideology forged in the embers of the Great
Depression which sought to remake the world in a more resilient
fashion, leaving out the corruptible human element from decision
making processes?
This may seem of
esoteric interest only, but when novels like
1984 and
Brave New World begin to read more
like instruction manuals than fiction, one has to wonder.
Can we even hope to
grasp the full extent of our current situation without
understanding the fragile nature of the Post WWII economy and
how the petrodollar system came to effectively replace the gold
Probably something more
of interest to budding political economists, but again, important
Is it essential to
who John D Rockefeller was,
to know about his history of philanthropy and ties to
the pharmaceutical industry, or
that the very ground on which
the United Nations stands was
donated by him and his family?
(Half a century later
the building of the World Trade Centre would be financed by his
grandsons Nelson and David, but surely I digress…)
Or how David Rockefeller, aided and abetted by his protégé
Maurice Strong, brought the
climate agenda front and centre in the 1970s in order to wrest
control of the world's natural resources from sovereign
governments and indigenous peoples into the hands of
corporate-owned non-government organizations?
Or should all of this
be filed away under 'conspiracy
Would it be useful to understand the perverse creed
of transhumanism, where its
agenda intersects with all of the above, and what radical
cultural shift has led to puberty blockers now being commonly
prescribed to mentally disordered children?
Or why the words
biological reality can no longer be spoken in polite
All of these are
potential chapters of a book which I simply don't have the time or
energy to write.
So for our present
can we just agree
that when you live under a system that rewards wealth and power
and prioritizes private profit over human need, and distribute
that out across 7 billion people, you end up with the worst
aberrations the human species can produce at the apex of power?
We are ruled over
by psychopaths...
If that is too much for you to take in, I suggest you leave off here
and go back to your favourite television news channel and await
further programming.
Hint: it doesn't
matter which channel...
When six mega
corporations own
all of the news outlets,
Nothing is as it seems.
The world as we knew it was never as it seemed anyway. But now there
has been a fundamental change.
To put this into historical context, to speak of the modern era is
to speak of a distinct historical period with its own distinctive
economic and social characteristics.
Chief among these is a
system of property relations controlled by markets, which exist
within agreed institutional frameworks backed by political
"Private property is
the golden calf of capitalism and unregulated capitalism is the
bible of the ruling class." writes Bernd Hamm.
A succinct observation,
but I feel the metaphor needs to be extended somewhat, for it seems
to me that the golden calf, once worshipped, is now being
Marx's theoretical framework is fundamental to understanding our
current situation.
Marx was absolutely
correct when he said that the crises of capitalist production
are due to under-consumption, i.e., production outstripping
In a nutshell,
continuing to produce
more and more while paying workers less and less results in
workers not being able to afford to buy the goods they produce.
Marx describes this as an
internal contradiction; a contradiction embedded in the very
DNA of the capitalist system.
Let's not fool ourselves that the ruling class haven't studied
history as well, and don't know what fate awaits them if capitalism
is allowed to follow its ordained path.
Which is why I suggest,
they have chosen to
bring the revolution to the toiling masses, before we bring it
to them...
The current global
recession may have been inevitable, but the (mis)management of the
'pandemic' has been a wrecking ball.
The dire situation in
which we now find ourselves presents a "narrow window of
opportunity", according to
Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO
of the WEF, in which to,
"reflect, reimagine,
and reset our world"...
It all sounds quite noble
and grand, until you realize this cosplaying sociopath is actually
calling for the complete annihilation of national economies -
economies which have still not recovered from the
2008 global capitalist crisis.
The Bank of England is calling this the biggest recession since
That's not just a 300
year credit bubble, but,
the entire capitalist
The entire modern
liberalism, democracy, all gone in one fell swoop...
And it's never coming
back - they have made certain of it.
What we are seeing
today is a shift away from production based economies, which you
can read all about in the WEF's own literature.
What is proposed by
the resetters under the rubric of 'building back better'
is not capitalism; it is a different system of social and
economic organization altogether.
A 'sharing economy' in the new parlance - a system of energy
inputs and outputs perfectly balanced thanks to the modern
marvels of the blockchain and the Internet of Things/Internet
of Bodies.
The defining features of
capitalism - competitive markets, a price system, private property
and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage
labor - are conspicuously absent from this new economy, along with
any hope of upward mobility.
In real language this
This is a paradigm shift...
Marx was right when he
predicted that capitalism would end because of its own internal
contradictions. He was naive to think it would necessarily end due
to the revolutionary struggle of the working class.
The ruling class have other
options, and the system they intend to foist on us next will be more
efficient, more resilient, and more brutal than anything
John D. Rockefeller
could have conceived of in his wildest fantasies.
I was asked by a comrade recently why I labour the point that we are
no longer living under capitalism.
To this I can only
how are we supposed
to mount an effective counter attack when we aren't aware that
the terrain has changed?
Whistling in the dark and
pissing into the wind at the same time takes no special talent.
We need to address
our changing material conditions and update our theoretical
framework, or we risk becoming irrelevant.
What we are seeing is not
just business as usual. Not just the latest power grab; the latest
upward redistribution of wealth to the 1%. Nor is it 'just' fascism,
i.e. capitalism in crisis mode.
What we are seeing, or
rather failing to see, is so much more than this. In order to fully
understand, we need to look past the theatrics and examine the
The virus is theatre... Just like
climate change was theatre...
'Climate change' is a
deliberately meaningless buzzword invented to serve elite interests.
Blaming all of our
problems on an invisible gas which makes up 0.04% of the
atmosphere does nothing to address any of the serious
environmental issues we face.
Rather the proposed link
between atmospheric warming and 'greenhouse' gases acts as a
diversion from issues which the elites have no intention of
Deforestation is
something we desperately need to take action on.
Clearing millions of
acres to make way for solar farms clearly misses the point.
Dumping billions of
of plastic and chemical waste
into the oceans each year poses a serious danger to marine
ecosystems and ultimately the entire food chain, but this pales
next to current plans by multinational conglomerates to begin
strip-mining the ocean floor...
The destruction of aquifers through horizontal drilling puts our
precious water supply under continual threat,
and is allowed to
go ahead because natural gas is considered a clean fuel?
Blow me...
Modern industrial
farming practices,
GMO foods and fertilizers have
a devastating impact on biodiversity, but are integral to supply
chain management under 'green capitalism'.
I could go on and on...
But while the climate change industry has been a boon for certain
elite interests, it failed the ultimate test - the total
transformation of society.
Despite all the expert
scientists prophesying certain extinction within decades, the
looming threat of a climate apocalypse was still not enough to
justify the changes we've seen in recent months.
They needed something
more tangible.
They needed to be
able to show the dead bodies piling up. At least on TV.
Enter Covid-19...
Something we could all be REALLY
scared of...
And just like that,
governments acted in perfect synchronicity, on the advice of 'expert
panels' and 'top scientists', to put the brakes on national
economies; economies with no more levers left to pull.
25% of small businesses
have now closed, most never to reopen, while retail and tech giants
have swept up their market share posting record profits.
In the last eight months Jeff Bezos has added $70 billion to
his personal wealth, while Elon Musk has pocketed a cool $110
Small change compared to
Bill Gates
stands to make from a vaccine which will likely be,
required by everyone,
every year, for life...
This a corporate 'coup d'etat'.
We are never going back to 'normal'...
"Build back better",
they keep repeating.
As if they have any
intention of rebuilding the pillars of liberal democracy which they
just took the axe to.
Privacy, freedom of
speech, freedom of peaceful assembly etc.
Nope... If you comply
with the new rules they might issue you a "freedom passport".
So long as your shots are
up to date and your social credit is good you might even get to keep
your pension or your disability payment. But probably not your
A few are talking about it. There are vague murmurings from the
conservative and libertarian camps warning us about this diabolical
plot by the elites to install world socialism.
Because, well because
anything they don't like is socialism, right?
Because they have never studied history or political science, in
fact most of them sound like they have never read a book. They just
repeat what they hear from their favorite right wing pundits.
Remember those six
No, the Great Reset is not about 'socialism.' Would that were the
case. The oligarchs want to create a permanent rentier class. They
and their kind will own ALL while the rest of us own nothing.
This is fundamentally
different from socialism which seeks the elimination of private
property and restoration of the commons.
In the new economy,
everything will be rented.
No one needs to sleep
all the time.
Why own a bed when
you can rent or share one?
Why own a car or a
bicycle when you can pool a ride in a self driving taxi cab?
You get the idea...
Some are calling it stakeholder capitalism, but this too is
A more accurate term
would be,
Fiat currency has
outlived its usefulness.
Capital markets are
being replaced by impact markets which will trade in human
misery while biometric sensors track our every move.
Did you ever wonder why
they call it the world wide web?
If it's not obvious by
why they are in such
a rush to roll out 5G, just read/watch any dystopian sci-fi made
in the last fifty years...
This is the world they
are creating for us right now...
The old one is gone,
and is not coming back.
One way or another we are
going forward.
But where to...?