by Peter Koenig
July 25, 2022
GlobalResearch Website

Is the
WEF threatening
President Bolsonaro
into Signing the
World Economic Forum (WEF),
Davos, May 24, 2022:
Klaus Schwab declares to a
room full of political and corporate execs and WEF scholars:
"Let's be clear
the future is not just happening, the future is built by us,
a powerful community here in this room.
We have the means to
improve the state of the world."
This statement was
clearly addressing the faithful globalists, while sending a clear
warning to the non-globalists, no matter the globalist devotion they
demonstrated in the past.
Some may have "digressed" by ultimately identifying with their
national sovereignty, rather than with a global dictatorship. The
recent assassination of Shinzo Abe may have been a case in
point... and a warning to others?
Is Brazil's
President Jair Bolsonaro in the Globalists' crosshairs?
The WEF's announcement,
"We have the means to
impose the state of the world," was made during one of the
"closed-door" sessions, of which this time there weren't many.
Of the Big Leaders, those
who are supposed to defend the Globalist agenda, many were absent.
Putin, basically by
Xi Jinping, because of
the Chinese covid-lockdown
Joe Biden, well, who
knows...? Maybe because he was too busy caring for Taiwan
This May 2022 WEF
Conference, it was clear from the outset, was not the usual
globalist WEF, where the globalists discuss in semi-secret their
next steps to bring the world under one roof, THEIR roof, the
globalist roof.
There was
Henry Kissinger, suggesting
that Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy should make concessions in
order to achieve peace. A similar recommendation was made by NATO's
Jens Stoltenberg.
Others are gradually detaching themselves from the unilateral and
unquestioned support of Ukraine, of delivering sophisticated weapons
to a country that does not have the military personnel trained to
use them, and where it has become amply clear that a large
proportion of the western supplied arms is ending up on the black
In the past two years, too much opposition to Globalization has
grown in countries and governments which used to be part of the
Globalist Agenda... possibly thanks
to Covid...
Covid Lockstep, putting all 193
UN member countries (194 WHO members) on the same tyrannical,
all-destructive lockstep train, may have helped governments who
still care about their people,
especially those of the Global South, to wake up...!
They see the encroaching poverty as a consequence of the worldwide
Covid mandates, and foresee the impending debt-enslavement by
the IMF and World Bank in order to
feed their people and keep their economy alive. Even with loans form
the Bretton Woods Institutions, recovering from the economic Covid-breakdown,
is a challenge for most of the Global South.
Hence, their ever-growing rejection of the Globalist Agenda; hence
the WEF's ever more dreadful crackdown on the non-compliers.
Several African
leaders, who refused to go along with the Covid mandates, died
under questionable circumstances.
Also, President
Jovenel Moïse of Haiti was assassinated in July 2021. He refused
the vaccination mandate for his country.
Simultaneously, with
oppressive measures for non-compliers, US President Biden
initiated in December 2021 the most blatant steps towards abolishing
democracy and nations' sovereignty.
He mandated WHO to pass a
so-called "The Pandemic
Treaty" which would give
the WHO, universal health decision
power, overriding individual nations' health regulations and health
On about mid-May 2022, a
first vote by the World Health Assembly rejected the tyrannical
treaty. Since then, discussions and coercion of member countries for
them to approve the "Pandemic Treaty" are ongoing.
President Bolsonaro was slow in adopting the vaxx agenda in
As a consequence,
Brazil apparently suffered suddenly an on-swell of Covid deaths
way higher than any other Latin American country.
At least that's what
media' made redundantly clear, for everybody to grasp
that disobedience may have a heavy price.
On May 23, 2022, when
asked by journalists about the WHO Pandemic Treaty,
Bolsonaro said in no mistaken terms:
"National sovereignty
is not something to be handed over to the WHO, just to join a
club of seemingly advanced nations".
On May 24, 2022, Klaus
Schwab answered at the WEF Davos Conference,
"Let's be clear the
future is not just happening... the future is built by us, a
powerful community here in this room. We have the means to
impose the state of the world."
Brazil's General elections are scheduled for 2 October 2022 to elect
the President, Vice President, and the National Congress.
Bolsonaro is not the
front runner. Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
(2003-2011), known as Lula, is ahead in the polls with 45%
against Bolsonaro's 31% (poll 10 July 2022, Wikipedia).
This may be Bolsonaro's
During his first mandate, Lula, a left-winger, had already sold
his country to the globalist New York bankers. If he
commits to following the Globalists agenda to the fullest, he is as
good as elected Brazil's next President...