by Dr. Joseph Mercola
July 15, 2023
Mercola Website

One thing is for
- there must and
will be a crisis that unfolds,
and it will
likely involve science in some form.
And for sure,
there will be a global fear narrative
calling for the
world to come together to solve it.
How do we know?
The puppet
have spelled it
all out in writing...
Cummins interviews Jacob Nordangard, a Swedish researcher
and author, about The Great Reset and plans for a
totalitarian future
interview takes you on a journey from the late 19th century
to present day, laying out the nefarious path of how we
ended up in the place we are today, on the verge of takeover
by a corrupted few
Nordangard is the author of "Rockefeller: Controlling the
Game," a book that explores how this prominent family funded
and shaped key aspects of society, from environmental and
climate research to education, medicine, politics and
agriculture, all using propaganda techniques
Rockefellers' goal was a transformation of the world's
economy, culture and governments into a new world order - with the Rockefellers and their select cronies at the helm
Much of
the New World Order's plans are based on crisis management,
and the idea that a great crisis will occur that will lead
to the great transition, where globalists will swoop in to
save the day, transforming society into the 'promised
paradise' - which actually takes away sovereignty
A common mantra was chanted by world leaders during the COVID-19
'pandemic' - a Great Reset is necessary to "build back better" from
the crisis and create a new sustainable future.
This future is one
led by a powerful global cartel eager to gain control over society
and, ultimately, humanity.
But this message of a new world order swooping in to save the masses
from a fearful enemy didn't start during the 'pandemic'. Its origins
go much deeper.
In the video far below,
Ivor Cummins, a biochemical engineer with a
background in medical device engineering and leading teams in
complex problem-solving, interviews
Jacob Nordangard, a Swedish
researcher and author who has a Ph.D. in technology and social
change, a Master of Social Science in geography and a Master of
Social Science in culture and media production.
Nordangard is the author of "Rockefeller: Controlling the Game," a
book that explores how this prominent family funded and shaped key
aspects of society, from environmental and climate research to
education, medicine, politics and agriculture, all using propaganda
Their goal was a transformation of the world's economy,
culture and governments, into a new world order - with the
Rockefellers and their select cronies at the helm.
The interview takes you on a journey from the late 19th century to
present day, laying out the nefarious path of how we ended up in the
place we are today, on the verge of takeover by a corrupted few.
While the topics covered are a good primer, it is important to
understand that the interview fails to uncover any information on
Rockefeller's link to
the Rothschild family, who are exponentially
wealthier, as they have been global bankers for centuries before
Rockefellers started and are likely stealthily pulling their
Rockefellers' Rise to Power
In the late 19th century, John D. Rockefeller
became the richest man in the world.
He started Standard Oil
Corporation in 1870, which soon came under fire. In 1911, Standard
Oil was ruled an unreasonable monopoly and split into 34 companies,
which became,
Exxon, Mobil,
Chevron, Amoco, Marathon and others. 2
To improve his image and exert more world control, Rockefeller got
into philanthropy, allowing him to avoid taxation and put money into
society in ways that would benefit his businesses.
founded the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Research, allowing him to set the research agenda to further
their own interests.
Then, in 1913, John D. Rockefeller set
up the Rockefeller Foundation.
Around the same time,
Andrew Carnegie, who was in the steel industry, also became very
wealthy and set up a foundation.
Nordangard explains:
"The idea was to have this money and make it work for... a new order
of the world and that was meant to be built on management
philosophy, because they thought that the government of the day was
not efficient - it was inefficient.
So they thought it's
better for us to influence the politics and direct it more
international, because that's a very important thing with the
foundation of their work... it was an internationalist course
and that was just for it to create this good world where we
would have a big human family and all these buzzwords, but it
was more about business."
Meanwhile, at the time, Rockefeller still had an image problem.
Foundation he created under his named was deemed,
"a menace to the
future political and economic welfare of the nation."
The Foundation, in partnership with Andrew Carnegie and educator
Abraham Flexner, then set out to centralize U.S. medical schooling,
orienting it to the "germ theory" of disease, which states that
germs are solely responsible for disease and necessitate the use of
pharmaceuticals to target said germs.
With that narrative in hand, Rockefeller financed the campaign to
consolidate mainstream medicine, adopt the philosophies of the
growing pharmaceutical industry and shutter its competition.
crusade caused the closure of more than half of U.S. medical
schools, fostered public and press scorn for homeopathy, osteopathy,
chiropractic, nutritional, holistic, functional, integrative and
natural medicines, and led to the incarceration of many practicing
physicians. 4
What many don't realize, however, is that the
Rockefeller Foundation
was the precursor to the World Health Organization
(WHO) and also played
an important role in the transition of the League of Nations to
United Nations. 5,6
The Shapers of Our Future
In 1940, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund was set up to act as the
philanthropic arm for the five Rockefeller brothers, the
grandchildren of John D. Rockefeller:
John, Nelson,
Laurance, Winthrop and David...
It, too, echoed the same
talk of world domination via a new world order.
In 1959, the Rockefeller
Brothers Fund announced: 7
"We cannot escape,
and indeed should welcome, the task which history has imposed on
us. This is the task of helping to shape a new world order in
all its dimensions - spiritual, economic, political, social."
Eventually, the Rockefellers, who were instrumental in setting up
the United Nations, came to view it as their own private club,
8 and
each of the grandsons became powerful in their own right.
Rockefeller became vice president of the U.S. while David
Rockefeller became the head of Chase Manhattan Bank, for instance.
The Fund devoted money to various activist groups to influence
public opinion, and also relied on philanthropy as part of their
In order to gain public trust and favor, however, you need to tell
the truth. To do this, they focused on recreating the perception of
what's true to match their agenda, so what they said fell in
If you notice any connection to what occurred during the
'pandemic', with fact checkers called upon to reshape the truth to fit
an overarching narrative, it's not a coincidence.
In the beginning, there was public outrage against Rockefeller's
empire, with people aware that he was ruining small businesses and
trying to run the government.
So, he hired Ivy Lee,
known as the father of PR, to massage his image.
Soon, the media began
featuring images of Rockefeller hugging his grandchildren and giving
away dimes to poor children. 9
Here again you'll notice a connection to modern-day
Bill Gates, who
tried to monopolize the early computer market with his software
company Microsoft.
Using PR and philanthropy, he was able to change
his ruthless corporate image to one of a generous philanthropist.
But, like Rockefeller, Gates uses his donations to,
grow his own
wealth, as the money spent on "charity" ultimately ends up
benefiting his own investments and/or business interests...!
Creating Problems of Global Scale
In order to establish a new world order, there needs to be problems
that are global in scope.
The Rockefellers contacted influential
people to discuss what problems would apply, settling on science as
a buzzword, with global health and 'pandemic's, along with
oceanography and meteorology, as areas in need of management.
"They're perfect to make a global fear narrative,"
Cummins says. 10
He paraphrases a statement from
Nick Hudson, chairman and founder of
'pandemic's Data & Analysis (PANDA), who stressed the importance of
scrutinizing any "global" issue calling for the world to come
together to solve it.
As you can see, these
issues started decades ago, but really ramped up during the
'pandemic': 11
"He says if you see anything coming out that's apparently a global
problem that we all together need to address, but the only
permissible solution is a global one and will involve handing more
power authority to global organizations - and if descent is in any
way crushed or pushed against and censorship in any way or there's a
static idea of the science and a consensus claimed, which is not
science - it's the opposite of science.
Science is always
If... one or two or
more criteria come together, he said you do not need to look at
the... you don't need to look at the math, you don't need to
look at the science.
You know it's a scam
if those conditions are met."
In the 1950s, the Rockefellers picked up
Henry Kissinger, who
Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum
(WEF) cofounder and
chairman. 12
Kissinger recruited
Schwab at a Harvard international seminar, which was funded by the
U.S. CIA. 13
The Rockefellers and early WEF affiliations can also be tied back to
Club of Rome, a think tank that aligned with neo-Malthusianism
- the idea that,
an overly large population would decimate resources... and was intending to implement a
global depopulation agenda.
Then, in 1972, a United
Nations meeting about climate change was held to come up with a plan
to manage the planet in a sustainable manner.
This led to the creation
Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st
Century) 14 - the inventory and control plan for,
all land, water,
minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food,
energy, information, education and all human beings in the world...
The Great Transition
Much of the
New World Order's plans are based on
crisis management,
and the idea that,
a great crisis will occur that will lead to the
great transition, where globalists will swoop in to save the day,
transforming society into the promised paradise...
The idea of the great transition came about in 2002, as
the 2000s were deemed crucial years in pushing Agenda 21 forward.
But the
COVID-19 'pandemic' ultimately served this
Cummins explains: 15
"It [the 'pandemic']
truly was a trigger.
It created horrific
dystopia mandates. Anti-science became the new science. Every
single thing in COVID was anti-scientific.
Essentially, in the
end, we know that, but it was a trigger for a massive splurge of
all of their climate strategies, transgender society atomization
strategies have exploded and there's also a massive change in
We don't want to get into immigration in
this discussion but it has been many times identified as a way
of breaking down nationalism...
the United Nations... made it
clear we need to destroy national, we need to destroy sovereign
nations …"
Meanwhile, WEF introduced stakeholder capitalism and its
global leaders program, along with the idea of managing problems
using public-private partnerships.
WEF's "Young Global Leaders"
program, 16 which is essentially a five-year indoctrination into
their principles, with a goal of creating world leaders who don't
answer to their people but to their bosses at WEF.
Graduates include,
Canadian Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau
President Emmanuel Macron
Alicia Garza, who cofounded the Black
Lives Matter movement
even actor Leonardo DiCaprio...
annual "Global Risks Reports" started in 2004 to outline the most
severe risks we may face in coming years.
They then put together
working groups, composed mostly of multinational corporations, work
on the big agenda.
In 2019, WEF entered into a strategic alliance with the United
Nations, which called for the UN to,
"use public-private partnerships
as the model for nearly all policies that it implements, most
specifically the implementation of the 17 sustainable development
goals, sometimes referred to as
Agenda 2030." 18
Agenda 2030 is
composed of 17 sustainable development goals with 169 specific
targets to be imposed across the globe.
The Great Reset
is Launched
Soon after the COVID-19 'pandemic' began, global leaders and WEF began
calling for
The Great Reset.
For instance, in June 2020, King
Charles, then the Prince of Wales, announced he was launching a,
global initiative, The Great Reset," along with WEF and His Royal
Highness' Sustainable Markets Initiative. 19
A tweet from Clarence
House stated: 20
initiative is designed to ensure businesses and communities
‘build back better' by putting sustainable business practices at
the heart of their operations as they begin to recover from the
coronavirus 'pandemic'."
Embedded in this future world order will be widespread digitization,
data collection and digital IDs intended to track and trace the
global population.
The United Nation's Summit of the Future is
scheduled for 2024, honing in on "the triple planetary crisis," the
COVID-19 'pandemic' and the Ukraine war to instill fear and propel
their agenda forward.
Described as a,
"once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance
cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global
governance, reaffirm existing commitments including to the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Charter,
and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system that is better
positioned to positively impact people's lives," 21
...this is but one
more checkmark toward reaching the new world order the Rockefeller's
first dreamed up so many years ago.
In order to survive in this brutal climate, a new societal contract
will be necessary, they'll say - one in which we all become citizens
of the world.
As Cummins says:
"So, the citizens
that were sovereign and national, we had all this beautiful
diversity around the world and people traveled between all
We now are all
responsible as some kind of global pawns to help commit, to fix
the made-up nonsense crises that they've created."
And a big part of the plan will involve readying for the next crisis
- and obeying their orders on how to react when it occurs.
put emergency platforms into place under the promise that they'll
dissolve once the crisis is solved. But if the crisis never ends,
neither will their new authoritarian regime.
Nordangard adds,
"It's a very big part of this, so everyone should
be prepared for a crisis, and they will also have protocols that
tell them what to do when the crisis hits... everybody has to
obey." 23
For more details and documentation of this important
history lesson that's rarely told, be sure to pick up a copy of
Nordangard's book, "Rockefeller:
Controlling the Game."
The Greatest History Never Told
Ivor Cummins with Dr Jacob Nordengard
HERE and
Sources and
1 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023
(Same timing in above video)
2, 4 Bitchute,
November 9, 2021
3, 7 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
4:54 (Same
timing in above video)
5 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
11:28 (Same
timing in above video)
6 Journal
of Modern European History August 1, 2014
8 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
16:17 (Same
timing in above video)
9 PR
News August 24, 2020
10 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
36:27 (Same
timing in above video)
11 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
44:54 (Same
timing in above video)
12 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
50:00 (Same
timing in above video)
13 Unlimited
Hangout March 10, 2022
14 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
57:31 (Same
timing in above video)
15 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
1:14 (Same
timing in above video)
16 WEF,
Young Global Leaders
17 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
1:26 (Same
timing in above video)
18 YouTube,
MintPress News, Whitney Webb, What Is the World Economic
Forum? February 8, 2023, 4:30
19 Winter
Oak April 15, 2022
20 Twitter,
Clarence House June 3, 2020
21 United
Nations, The Summit of the Future in 2024
22 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
1:37 (Same
timing in above video)
23 YouTube,
Ivor Cummins, The Greatest History Never Told June 24, 2023,
1:38 (Same
timing in above video)