by Ashish Shukla

January 2023

from NewsBred Website








First Part

How an NGO loots the humanity

January 21, 2023





Courtesy Financial Times

This first of the two-part series

on World Economic Forum

which has a dystopian philosophy

about a world which has less people

while global resources

are only meant for a handful...



You won't know what is World Economic Forum (WEF). 

One, it's not an "economic" body. 


It's also not a "forum" for it permits no discussion, no argument and no challenge.


As for it to qualify as "world", it ought to have been made up of independent nations, like the UN, which it is not...




So WEF is neither World, nor Economic, nor Forum

(How it got the affix of "world" is another story: not dissimilar to World Health Organization which is privately funded.


And before I fuddle you that the Federal Reserve which prints US dollars, is an independent agency of the US government, not bound by the president, legislators or any elected official, let's stick to the WEF only!)

The WEF is just an NGO, based in Cologny, a lush suburb of Geneva (Switzerland), in operation since 1971, formed by its eternal chairman Klaus Schwab (84), with origins linked to Hitler, which you would read about in the below concluding part. 


It's been held in Davos in the Swiss Alpine resort every year, its glass-steel headquarters looking out on Lake Geneva, where the world's richest and most powerful, the global elites of the globalism, meet and believe they run the world. 


Here the wealthiest could meet dozens of heads of states in 3-4 days in sound-proof rooms, out of bound of regulators, journalists and other such nuisances. So it is with Consulting and tech giants looking for a contract, a preferential tax treatment and avoidance of anti-trust proceedings.


That they have their cheques ready for donations to political campaigns helps. 


All of it is done under the veneer of virtuous undertakings - like this year's "Committed to Improving the State of the World" - but in essence they are looking for unelected "one world government". 


In Schwab's own words,

"If no one power can enforce order, our world will suffer from a global order deficit"...

The trick is to present to we-the-people the "eternal threats" to humanity, like climate change and pandemic.


It makes us surrender to surveillance, to State control, to be "mapped" and those inconvenient "neutralized."


The famous political scientist Samuel Huntington coined the epithet of "Davos Man" for such entities.


In his words,

"Davos Man is an unusual predator whose power comes in part from his keen ability to adopt the guise of an ally."

Two examples - Climate Change and Pandemic - would bring home the truth how they plan to bring about this "one-world government."





The Climate Hypocrisy


The theme of "cut-fossil-fuel-to-save-climate-and-humanity" by now is firmly embedded in our minds. 


The WEF clamors for global carbon emissions to be cut by 50% by 2030

Now Greenpeace International has found that during the last year's WEF, 1,040 private jets arrived and departed out of airports in Davos. 


Some 53% of these flights were under 750km distance, some 38% under 500km and one private jet indeed travelled just 21 km to arrive!


These private jets for the WEF 2022 reportedly produced 10,700 tons of CO2 - or roughly what 350,000 average cars emit in a week. 

Indeed, the top 10% of global rich are found to be responsible for as much total greenhouse gas emissions as the bottom 90% combined.


As Greenpeace's transport campaigner Klara Maria Schenk commented,

 "Do we really believe that these are the people to solve the problems the world faces...?" 




Covid Vaccines "Plot"


There has been massive increase in unexplained excess deaths following the Covid vaccination

It's the vaccinated, and not the unvaccinated, who are suddenly sick and dying. 


Doctors have also reported a surge in cancer and a drop in fertility following the vaccination campaign. 


Now thousands of medical scientists and doctors are of the view the mRNA vaccines are causing permanent health damages. They are calling for urgent halt to mRNA injections. 


Yet, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stuck to its approval of mRNA injections. 

Bill Gates, a regular at WEF, and one who has an outsized say in WHO, is the key promoter of Agenda ID2020 alongside big Pharmas.


Agenda ID2020 was designed/sponsored by Gates and set rolling in the WEF of 2020.

It's an electronic program which uses vaccination as a mean to obtain your digital identity.


World's population reduction has been a long-avowed plan of Gates and propounded in WEF. 


Dubious vaccines - meekly accepted by the scared humanity, on the "global threat" that globalists drum in our ears, are tools for such goals. 

In the United States,

some 44% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats believe that Gates plots vaccines to implant microchips into people.


Some 20% young Australians believe it too. There have been anti-Gates protests from Germany to Melbourne. 


The belief in these doubters is that these nano-chips could be a tool to trace people's digital money - yes, that moment has as good as arrived for us - besides other intimate details.  


That these vaccines could be a slow killer that acts up in a few years or a disease that hits the next generation or a gene that renders women infertile is feared. 

(If the readers sense a repeat of Nazis' eugenics program, well, it was never dead all these decades, only working in the background.)


Further, hasn't Dr Tedros, DG of WHO, been wanting the humanity to shift to digital money as he claimed physical paper and coin money could spread diseases...?


As those who live or visit Western nations would aver, cash is as good as banned.


Even a candy could only be paid electronically.





Now let's look at the hypocrisy of a moral facade which is kept in WEF, promoted by a pliant media


As said, WEF's official slogan this year is,

"Committed to improving the State of the World."

Now one of the ways of doing is to promote peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. 


The WEF on the other hand shows its bias by not inviting Vladimir Putin to Davos whereas Volodymyr Zelensky is not only allowed the platform but his belligerence and war rhetoric is met with thunderous applause. 


The WEF 2022 indeed acted as a war-participant itself.


It announced it had,

"severed all relations with the Russian government and president Vladimir Putin" and "scrubbed Putin from the WEF website". 

Now this is not what you would call the "Commitment to improving the State of the World." 


If anything, WEF has appeared no better than a mouthpiece for US-NATO propaganda in recent months. 


But then what better you'd expect from globalists whose very survival depends on the globalization agenda; where nations are supposed to lose their sovereignty and submit to globalism. 


This is what Schwab said in WEF, 2022:

"A new dividing line exists in politics and society... between globalism and nationalism, between cooperation and protectionism, between embracing the new and preserving the old."




So it's not a struggle between Left and Right - It's between globalism and nationalism

The "new" that Schwab propagates is the "Great Reset" or the "New World Order." 


The "old" is where you live with your heritage, your culture, your soil or your Gods. 


This "Great Reset" is chasing you, the people, to oblivion. 

Oxfam says the 10 richest men in the world today own more than the bottom 3.1 billion people.


The 1% wealthiest of Americans have garnered 25 trillion dollars in the last 40 years: The bottom half, in comparison, has seen their wealth fall by 1,000 billion dollars. 

Since 1978, corporate executives have been compensated to the tune of 900%.


The wages of a typical American grew just by 12%. 

The average earning of world population is less than 3 dollars per day. 


As the "Davos Man" has his way with tax-reduction and anti-trust blocking, and as the government's revenue drop, the social welfare program takes a hit, the wages sink, you and I are reduced to margins. 


This is the way to unrest, anarchy and even civil war and not the Democracy we hear from elites as sweeteners. 


Huntington again:

"Global elites have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite's global operations."

With their jets and yachts, manifold mansions and private islands, the "Davos Man" of course is unmoored from the rest of humanity.


Every year, the WEF chooses hundreds of Young Global Leaders, a global network which comes to dominate large corporations, politics, academia and media in due course.

Justin Trudeau has been one of the boys as has been Raghav Chadha, the AAP's very own.

These globalists are the unelected world government where the people are nothing but a nuisance. 


This "Davos Man" failed to see the debt crisis of 2008 and is clearly unaware of the deindustrialization of the West. All it has done is to pillage the global economy, exploit workers, looted what was meant for health care, social welfare etc and yet demanded they be supported by their labour. 


The history since World War II has been a tale of wealth flowing upwards in the United States, Europe and other major economies. 


It's a tale where a select few have subverted democracy and replaced it by a new global class which shapes our future on the basis of their own interests. 


The lobbyists, such as in World Economic Forum, have been in power, directing policies which affect the lives of we the people. 


But Ukraine could be the catalyst which could bring this sinful conduct to an end. 


I leave you with these paraphrased words from Putin on WEF: 

The era of the unipolar world, led by America and the WEF's Great Reset, is over. The future world order, already in progress, will be formed by strong sovereign States...


The future world order, already in progress, will not be the one plotted by America and the WEF, but will be formed by strong sovereign states.


It is a lesson that the godless West will be made to learn the hard way.






Part Two

The Man who Runs the World Economic Forum you Know Nothing About
January 23, 2023



Courtesy Financial Times

In the first part above,

you read about

how World Economic Forum operates.

This concluding one is about

its founder Klaus Schwab...


Klaus Schwab indeed has succeeded beyond his wildest dream in building World Economic Forum (WEF) where the world's most powerful t line-up in Davos every year in search of material salvation.

It's an extraordinary journey which began with his birth in 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany, in the household of Eugen Schwab, a mechanical engineer who was on the wrong side of history in aiding Adolf Hitler's atomic bomb effort through his company, Sulzer Escher Wyss.


For good enough reason, this Nazi connection has been scrubbed clean from public attention.

Schwab Sr. had no doubt that Klaus would only be something if he attends Harvard which the latter duly did in the 1960s and his life was never the same.

His professor in Harvard was Dr. Henry Kissinger, also born in Germany, who had been earmarked for bigger role by the American establishment, keen as the US was to hold sway over Europe at a weak moment of its history after the Second World War.




Henry had arrived in the United States as a Jewish immigrant fleeing Germany in the same year Klaus had been born, in 1938.


He had been born Heinz Kissinger but changed it to Henry once on the American soil. He took part in World War II in the military intelligence wing, hunting down Nazi and Gestapo officials.


Once the War was over, he returned to academics, completing his MA and PhD degrees from Harvard and yet seeking recruitment as a spy for FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).


Kissinger remained in the University campus long after, serving as director of the Harvard International Seminar between 1951 and 1971.

Kissinger was leading a 22-man panel of advisors to help shape "European Policy" and Klaus Schwab caught his eye early. It was later revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had been funding Kissinger's Seminars to the tune of $135,000.

Harvard then was known the world over as playing a pivotal role in Cold War policy-making targeting Europe.

Destiny placed Klaus Schwab right amongst its early proponents...

The method used was to play on the Nuclear annihilation fear of the Europeans, now that the Soviet Union too had its N-bombs.



Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab and Ted Heath

at the 1980 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

Kissinger saw in Klaus a potential future leader and the young German was introduced to John K. Galbraith and Herman Kahn, the two other intellectual giants of the American establishment.

Kahn had made his reputation on thermonuclear deterrence, Galbraith on Public Policy and Kissinger, as we know, in shaping the foreign policy of the United States, and as he saw, of the world.

The one common thread in all three was their connection with the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the American branch of the Anglo-American imperialist "Round Table" movement.


Galbraith was closer to Kissinger and together their goal was to ensure Europe is beholden to the United States, the new world power.


The gambit was fear of Nuclear bombs.

The agenda was to control Europe's social and economic policies.

The year 1973 wad described by Richard Nixon as being the "Year of Europe".


It was a willing ally in the project of European Economic Community (EEC), formed in 1957, which has now evolved into European Union (EU).

Kissinger was quick to grasp the essence of "Year of Europe" and revived the dying North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), working on the war-fears of the Europeans.

Klaus Schwab was chosen to be the vehicle for such a goal...

In 1970, Klaus wrote to the European Commission about setting up a,

"non-commercial think tank for European business leaders."

Galbraith was to fly over to Europe, along with Kahn, to help Schwab convince the European elites to back the project.


The European Commission came aboard to sponsor this so-called "European Management Symposium" which within a year was to transform itself into the World Economic Forum.

On the face of it, the World Economic Forum was a European project:

in reality, it was the handiwork of the US establishment for the CIA after all had been funding Kissinger for the same.

Galbraith was the keynote speaker in the first edition of World Economic Forum in 1971 but the second one lacked fizz.


Klaus, at this stage, took a gamble which continues to pay huge dividends to this day.



The Club of Rome Gamble

Some three years ago, in 1968, the Club of Rome had been founded by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish chemist Alexander King at a Rockefeller family residence in Bellagio, Italy.


It had quickly become an influential think tank of the scientific, technocratic and wealthy elites. It promoted a global governance model by the elites.

As the WEF was tossing up and down in its second edition, the Club of Rome had published a controversial work, "The Limits to Growth" which claimed the burgeoning population won't have enough resources available by the year 2000.


Klaus Schwab approached Peccei if he would be available for the keynote speech at the 1973 World Economic Forum which the latter duly did.

This risqué public relations strategy was the steroid which pumped up the WEF.


There was no looking back...

It was a controversial association for the Club of Rome was obsessed with reducing the global population which was described by its critics as influenced by Nazi's eugenics.


In its another book, "The First Global Revolution", the mention was made that,

"the common enemy of humanity is Man himself."

Below is this entire passage in the book which sounds eerie familiar to the WEF of modern times:

"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill...


All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.


The real enemy then is humanity itself."

The WEF today uses the same issues of climate, environment, pandemic etc., to what its critics believe is the agenda of "one world government" where the majority would willingly surrender itself to surveillance.


The imbalance in flow of money would make the majority lose life's essentials and livelihoods and the depopulation of the world would be set in motion.

The WEF "recruits" in due course would embed themselves into the system, generation after generation:

the Big Business, political honchos and academia virtually would be running the world.

These "recruits" are the "stakeholders" which Klaus Schwab is so fond of referring.


All powerful attract similar forces and these "stakeholders" gradually take the power away from democratic forces without the blood of common people on their hand.

This breed has only multiplied over the years and the so-called free society is beholden to them. They hold all the aces while common people live under the illusion of democratic processes and petty distraction by the media.

Klaus Schwab in subsequent years was to aid the nuclear ambitions of the South African apartheid regime through the same company, Sulzer Escher Wyss, which had been the creation of his father, Eugen.


That South African regime was the closest to Nazi-style governance reveals a habit of Schwab family to work with the genocidal dictators for immense profit and power.


Its an Orwellian doublespeak that while the WEF today advocates nuclear non-proliferation, its Maker at one time apparently loved the bomb. The depopulation 'theory,' of course, has a common link with the eugenics policy of the Nazis...

The man, unscrutinized while sitting on the globalist throne, unsurprisingly has whims and could take offence quickly.


The Vanity Fair describes a moment when a Forum employee mistakenly pulled her car into Schwab's spot in the parking lot. She was duly fired. Audi reserves its fanciest vehicles at a steep discount for Schwabs...


His globe-trotting, catering, security services etc bills are footed by the Forum.

His nephew, Hans Schwab, now uses the Forum's own funds to manage its logistics through his Global Events Management company - again acquiring the startup capital from the Forum. He hosts Forum's all events, a deal worth several million dollars a year.