by Kurt Zindulka
August 03,
Breitbart Website

The globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) has released a video
in which three "futurists" predict what human life will look like
after the so-called
Great Reset, foretelling that
technology will replace the "age of human robots".
"Take a walk into the
future," the World Economic Forum implored users on
social media on Monday, as they presented the Great Reset
technological wonders which will free humanity from manual labor
in favor of work which requires "understanding what it means to
be human."
Stuart Russell of
the University of California, Berkeley said in the below twitter
"We're getting past
the last 10,000 years where we've used humans, by and large,
engaging only a tiny fraction of human abilities and forcing
people into repetitive, tedious dead-end work for the most
"So the age of human robots is over and we have to figure out a
new age. That means dramatic changes to the structure of our
economy and society," he declared.
In extended remarks from
the Global Technology Governance Summit, Professor Russell
said that people shouldn't be
afraid of automation taking their jobs for the time being, saying:
"The kind of AI that
people are worried about taking all the jobs doesn't exist yet."
Professor Amy Webb
of New York University's Stern School of Business predicted the
increased use of editing genomes in order to,
"write a new code for
life" and "redesign organisms for beneficial purposes".
The professor said that
this process has already begun with some of the
coronavirus vaccines, which she
"make use of an
engineered code in the form of messenger RNA".
Webb went on to predict
the use of,
"diminished reality
glasses" which would enable the wearer remove unwanted things
from their view, such as "garbage or other people".
Mike Bechtel,
Chief Futurist of the London-based
Deloitte, said that "ambient"
technology will always listen to your commands rather than needing
to address specific smart speakers.
He likened the immersive tech experience to a "digital Downton
Abbey" in which the "right agent" comes to aid you in each scenario.
Responding to the video, anti-woke campaigner Dr James Lindsay
"These freaks are
excited about this stuff."
"The genteel quasi-Marxist elitist dorks with soft hands, who
want to reshape our world according to their vision, which is
already failing, don't understand that doing honest work and
feeling proud of it is a huge part of 'understanding what it
means to be human'," Lindsay said.
In June of last year, the
founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum,
Klaus Schwab, famously declared
that the 'Chinese'
coronavirus was an opportunity
for global governments to introduce a,
Reset of capitalism"...
The globalist German
engineer argued that,
"the world must act
jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and
The call for a 'new age'
has been longstanding from the
Davos-based group, with a 2016
predicting a 'happy' future in
which individuals no longer owned property.
"Welcome to the year
2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, 'our city'.
I don't own anything.
I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any
appliances or any clothes," the WEF projected.

The World Economic
Forum recently came under criticism for hailing the benefit of
"quieter" cities as a result of the
coronavirus lockdowns which they
said have been,
"improving cities
around the world"...