by Patrick Henningsen
New Dawn 156
NewDawnMagazine Website

By carefully
controlling mainstream media and
educational institutions, elite social engineers are able to control
the flow of public discourse in order to serve their own goals and
By doing this, they
create something akin to 'consensus reality'...
In other words, by
controlling the perception of public consensus on any particular
issue or event, you effectively control the
prevailing 'reality.'
A leading example of this social engineering phenomenon today is in
the relentless promotion of war and global conflict
throughout the media and education systems.
Their carefully
coordinated efforts can be boiled down to a simple concept:
legitimation and delegitimation in relation to the state or
state institutions.
today's formative education, school
textbooks and assigned reading material are powerful tools used to
shape students' views.
Often what is imprinted
in one's memory is not particular details and facts but rather an
atmosphere, an impression, or a tone.1
It can be argued this
impression may be more influential in forming a pupil's contextual
world or nationalist view.
Professor of Education Dr.
Michael H. Romanowski,
"The authority of
textbooks coupled with the 'objectivity' of the technical
knowledge that they communicate encourages students to accept
unquestionably the impressions and worldview created by the
language of textbooks."
"Although textbooks claim rhetorically not to promote a
particular understanding of history and to be objective, they
advance a value-laden perspective of reality.
Because the selection
and structure of knowledge affect our perception of the world,
the language and context used to articulate knowledge are
crucial. Textbook authors select particular language that
creates impressions in the minds of students.
These impressions
have power and authority because they are presented in the
printed and bound textbook with its aura of an authority that is
beyond question and criticism.
Although textbooks
are used in many different ways, they are still dominant and
powerful educational tools that shape students' views."
In his study Romanowski
goes on to describe how through the careful use of language, US
school textbooks depicted Japanese internment camps in the United
States during World War II in a manner that marginalized
Japanese-Americans, while subtly mitigating any real criticism of
the US government's actions.
Some might call this
indoctrination, while others may call it brainwashing.
Much of the ideological instruction for educational institutions is
provided through the global governance system run and funded by
multilateral institutions like the United Nations and the World
The global management and
cultural continuity of this European and North American-led 'soviet'
is run by a myriad of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs),
specifically through the UN's "Agenda
2030", a set of global directives for the next two
Previously these were the
UN "Millennium Goals" which have since been overhauled and upgraded
by the self-appointed culture experts and social engineers in New
York City and Geneva.
Through this globalised
system, social engineers are able to streamline language and
political thought internationally, while simultaneously preparing
the next generation to accept a new sanitized political reality...
In the last two decades, the corporate mainstream media's efforts to
spin endless war narratives on behalf of the state and its defence
industry have become more pronounced. Despite numerous critiques and
thousands of online articles and activist campaigns, the
Establishment is simply doubling-down on their positions.
Australian journalist and filmmaker John Pilger has emerged
as one of the leading voices in recent generations exposing
institutional Western war propaganda.
He is also one of the few
members of the media to challenge the carefully crafted "man of
peace" US President
Barack Obama.
Pilger writes:
"In 2009, President
Obama stood before an adoring crowd in the centre of Prague, in
the heart of Europe. He pledged himself to make 'the world free
from nuclear weapons'.
People cheered and
some cried. A torrent of platitudes flowed from the media. Obama
was subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
It was all fake. He
was lying...
The Obama
administration has built more nuclear weapons, more nuclear
warheads, more nuclear delivery systems, more nuclear factories.
Nuclear warhead spending alone rose higher under Obama than
under any American president.
The cost over thirty
years is more than $1 trillion." 2
Regarding the lack of due
diligence and complicity by the mainstream media, Pilger adds:
"Had journalists and
broadcasters done their job and questioned the propaganda that
Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.
the lies of George W. Bush and
Tony Blair not been amplified and echoed by journalists, the
2003 invasion of Iraq might not
have happened, and hundreds of thousands of men, women and
children would be alive today."
From these examples, it's
easy to see how the state, the education system, and the media all
compliment each other to manufacture Western public consent for
the business of global military adventurism.
Today, much less visible new means of control are being perfected.
Digital monopolies are
run by mega-corporations
like Google whose vast
informational and 'smart' data networks allow a relative handful of
people to exert enormous influence over billions of people - without
them ever knowing what is happening behind the curtain.
From a social engineering perspective, this could be described as a
form of mass
mind control...
By employing various
strategies designed to manipulate search engines and their results,
any cabal can influence public opinion on a range of subjects and
issues - which in turn help determine which policies are
implemented, political outcomes, and even what laws are passed.
Once again, by
controlling consensus reality,
elites create the reality of their
Writer Robert Epstein provides some insight into how
something as simple as searching for information has been
commoditized and modeled by the digital overlords at Google.
He explains:
"The Google search
engine is so good and so popular that the company's name is now
a commonly used verb in languages around the world.
To 'Google' something
is to look it up on the Google search engine, and that, in fact,
is how most computer users worldwide get most of their
information about just about everything these days. They Google
Google has become the
main gateway to virtually all knowledge, mainly because the
search engine is so good at giving us exactly the information we
are looking for, almost instantly and almost always in the first
position of the list it shows us after we launch our search -
the list of 'search results'." 3
Another disturbing trend
is the state's increasing role in administrating intellectual
tyranny in the 21st century.
This idea goes much
deeper than just state snooping on its own citizens when you
consider the consequences of people becoming afraid or overly
self-conscious about which web pages to visit or which search terms
they input into Google.
What happens when our private lives become public property?
In the world's premier
police state, the UK, Home Secretary Theresa May recently
announced a new bill, known as the "Snooper's
Charter," which gives
Orwellian powers to the state and
its security services for tracking UK citizens' Internet use and web
browsing history dating back two years - without the need for any
judicial check.
Similar invasive measures
have already been passed in Australia.
Technocrat May was accused
of rushing the new surveillance laws into place in order to avoid
more public scrutiny from critics and civil liberties groups.
When asked, one anonymous government source provided The
Independent newspaper with the standard party line:
"Terrorists and
criminals are operating online and we need to ensure the police
and security services can keep pace with the modern world and
continue to protect the British public from the many serious
threats we face." 4
This sounds like a line
straight out of Terry Gilliam's film,
Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle tries to make light of this
"No more drunken
Googling: all it takes is a misspelled search for 'bong-making'
and suddenly you'll be in an orange jumpsuit getting beaten with
a pillowcase full of bibles."
He continues:
"This law will create
lots of new jobs, as the person charged with reading all our
communications (who will see more unsolicited erections than
customer services at Skype) will regularly feed their screaming
face into a meatgrinder." 5
Once again, governments
continue to recycle the same tired old talking point by insisting,
'the only people who
need worry are those who have something to hide'...
If that's the case,
shouldn't we be
allowed to snoop on the state...?
They really shouldn't
It is every citizen's
duty to know everything the state and its corporate partners are up
of Bias in History Textbooks' by Michael H.
World War Has Begun' by
John Pilger
New Mind Control. "Subliminal Stimulation", Controlling
People without Their Knowledge' by Robert Epstein
charter: Theresa May to present revised Investigatory Powers
Bill with tougher privacy protections' by Nigel
Morris, The Independent, 1 Mar 2016
snooper's charter: one misspelled Google search for
"bong-making" and you'll be in an orange jumpsuit'
by Frankie Boyle, The Guardian, 11 Nov 2015