from Exopolitics Website
coverage has been overwhelmingly negative, as evidenced
by non-partisan news analysts,
thereby raising suspicion that this is more than simply another
example of partisan politics, but a
Deep State effort to sabotage
his candidacy.
An answer comes from some of the cases predicted by the military intelligence group Q to soon appear on the Supreme Court calendar. These anticipated cases involved challenges to the legality of upcoming military trials of Deep State officials, and the rights of U.S. citizens being tried in such courts.
On September 5, Q drew readers attention to a question and answer exchange between Kavanaugh and Senator Lindsay Graham during his confirmation hearing.
Q related it to an Executive Order issued by Donald Trump on December 21, 2017 declaring a state of national emergency and Deep State panic over its members being subjected to military trials of U.S. citizens.
What lent credence to Q's prediction was that the Youtube link posted by Q was very quickly blocked making it very difficult for the general public to hear what Kavanaugh and Graham had discussed.
In a previous article, the video's contents were summarized as broadly focusing on the legality of military trials of U.S. citizens deemed to be enemy combatants.
In it, Kavanaugh clearly showed his support for the legality of military trials of civilians during times of war, and his opinion that since the 9/11 attack, the U.S. has remained in a state of war. Essentially, he was endorsing what Q and others have been predicting concerning military trials of Deep State officials based on charges of colluding with the enemy.
Kavanaugh's position did not gain any mainstream media attention but its implications were very clear for Deep State officials monitoring his confirmation hearings.
This helps explain the unprecedented level of negative media coverage of Kavanaugh despite no substantiation of the allegations of sexual impropriety against him.
Thankfully, another video of the Kavanaugh and Graham's exchange is available thereby allowing analysis of what they were discussing, and exactly what may soon be unfolding with military trials of U.S. citizens accused of colluding with an enemy during a time of war.
The exchange
between Graham and Kavanaugh begins at the
2:30:50 mark in the following video:
After a lengthy response by Kavanaugh to the question of "where were you on 911", the exchange continues as follows:
Kavanaugh is here declaring that the "Authorization for the Use of Military Force" has the status of a declaration of war by the U.S. Congress, thereby permitting the President to use the military in whatever way necessary against all those implicated in the 9/11 'attack':
Q has not yet written about the Deep State's complicity in 9/11, but if it were to emerge that Deep State officials were in any way involved in facilitating or planning the attacks, or assisting parties that conducted the attacks, such officials could be detained and tried under military law as enemy combatants, and/or as colluding with the enemy.
The Graham Kavanaugh exchange continues:
The above exchange is very significant since it confirms that during a time of war, any U.S. citizen that collaborates with the enemy can be tried outside of the normal criminal justice system.
Graham is here emphasizing that U.S. citizens that collaborate or attempt to subvert the U.S. government can be subjected to military trials or tribunals, rather than civilian courts. A helpful primer on the differences between military trials, tribunals and civilian trials appears here.
This is very significant when it comes to attempts to subvert the U.S. government during a time of war.
Q has repeatedly pointed to the Deep State efforts to subvert the Trump administration, and how this has recently occurred during a "national emergency" as articulated in his December 21, 2017 Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.
In post 1926, QAnon explicitly linked Trump's Executive Order with acts of subversion:
Q's emphasis on subversion during a national emergency as articulated in the Executive Order, is meant to draw the reader's attention to the fact that those accused of acts of subversion would fall under the jurisdiction of military law and not civilian law.
The exchange between Graham and Kavanaugh asserts that legally the U.S. is still in a state of war due to the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force still being in effect.
This means that those parties identified in the Authorization, and/or those violating subsequent national emergencies as identified by the December 21, 2017 Executive Order, can be viewed as colluding with the enemy.
Such charges carry very serious penalties when tried in military courts.
The Graham and Kavanaugh exchange would have had a chilling effect on Deep State officials, who would want to ensure that the Supreme Court does not have someone like Kavanaugh confirmed, who would preside over future military trials of them.
The exchange continues between Graham and Kavanaugh as follows:
The Hamdi versus Rumsfeld case showed that there was no dispute over the legality of Hamdi being tried by the U.S. military.
The primary question was the extent to which Hamdi retained his due process rights as a U.S. citizen when appearing in a military court:
Essentially, this meant that as a U.S. citizen, Hamdi's constitutional rights to due process continued even if charged as an enemy combatant.
Consequently, U.S. authorities would have to provide sufficient evidence in legal proceedings, but this could occur in either a civilian and/or military trial.
This where what Q went on to say in post 1926, raises the possibility that the military justice system is going to be used against public officials accused of subversion against the Trump Presidential campaign and/or his subsequent administration.
QAnon linked and quoted from Trump's March 1, "2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial":
QAnon is here saying that the military justice system will work with U.S. Attorneys, such as Utah's John Huber, in investigating and prosecuting criminal cases brought against individuals accused of subversion and/or linked to a national emergency caused by "serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world" as identified in Trump's December 21, Executive Order.
This is where the Graham and Kavanaugh's exchange becomes vitally important to understand since it serves to reinforce the legal reality that the U.S. is still technically in a state of war, and that citizens colluding in some way with enemy forces, can be tried in military courts.
This is where the controversy over Kavanaugh's confirmation becomes relevant.
Studies have shown that media coverage has been highly skewed against him, suggesting a Deep State effort to sabotage his nomination.
Indeed, Mike Adams from Natural News directly links the controversy surrounding Kavanaugh to a Deep State effort to prevent the U.S. Supreme Court being ready to hear cases involving the military detention of Deep State officials:
Adams goes on to cite some of the same documents discussed previously to make his main claim that President Trump is preparing to announce temporary martial law, where military trials can begin.
This provides an answer to the question of whether allegations against Kavanaugh have been deliberately played up by the mainstream media as a means of the Deep State delaying future military detentions and trials of officials.
The deep divisions in U.S. society caused by the Kavanaugh hearings has not only already delayed the selection of a new Supreme Court judge, but could very easily escalate into civil unrest.
The consequences could well be a declaration of a temporary state of martial law as predicted by Adams, though as described in an earlier article, this is one of the reasons why Trump was approached to become President by members of the U.S. military wishing to avoid such a drastic action.
Whether Brett Kavanaugh is finally approved or not to sit on the Supreme Court, or withdraws, it is all but certain that in the very near future, the Court will have to preside over the legality of U.S. citizens being tried in military trials for subversion and/or colluding with the enemy based on Trump's 2017 Executive Order, and/or the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force.
Such trials would lead to many crimes committed by Deep State officials being exposed, including the suppression of secrets, some of which were recently confirmed by Q, concerning highly classified space programs, and the existence of extraterrestrial life.
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