by Jeffrey A. Tucker
February 22, 2024
BrownstoneInstitute Website
Jeffrey Tucker
is Founder, Author,
and President at
Brownstone Institute.
He is also Senior Economics
Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including
Liberty or Lockdown, and thousands of articles in the
scholarly and popular press.
He speaks widely on topics
of economics, technology, social philosophy, and
culture. |

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Technocracy's Coup d'Etat
is Fully Underway...
March 2020, at the very start of the "Great
(Covid) Panic of 2020", I wrote that 'Technocracy's
coup d'Etat was fully underway'...
had anticipated it in my 2015 book,
Technocracy Rising - The Trojan
Horse of Global Transformation, on pages
206-207, so it was easy to see it playing out in
Fours years later, it is killing us.
For all the scoffers and nay-sayers who mocked my
historical thread of Technocracy, thankfully, they are
starting to get the picture four years later.
may be too late to engage in the battle, but we must
try. This enemy is strong, rich, unelected, mostly
unseen, and treacherous.
have all the levers of technology at their disposal.
comparison, we have sticks and stones. However, we
outnumber them by twenty thousand to one.
Kudos to Jeffrey Tucker for his conclusion, "It was a
digital-age coup d'Etat unlike anything humanity has
ever experienced," and spotting the markers of
Technocracy such as "mass censorship", "universal basic
basic income", "mass population surveillance" and most
importantly, "crushing of 'populist' movements
Crushing populism? Yes.
will remember that the first tenet of historic
Technocracy was "the science of social engineering."
Populists propose to think for themselves, to make their
own choices and to determine their own future.
Thus, populists are odious and anathema to Technocrats.
There was a time. What seemed to be unfolding was a huge
intellectual error for the history books.
A new virus had come along and everyone was
freaking out and smashing all normal social functioning...
The excuse turns out just to be the cover story.
Still, it bears examination.
Even though plenty of outside commentators said the pathogen should
be handled in the normal way - with known treatment and calm while
those most susceptible stayed cautious until endemicity - some
people on the inside fell prey to a great fallacy.
They had come to believe computer models over
known realities. They thought that you could separate everyone,
drive down infections, and then the virus would die out.
This was never a plausible scenario, as anyone who knew something
about the history of pandemics would report. All known experience
stood against this cockmamie scheme.
The science was very clear and widely available:
lockdowns do not work...
Physical interventions in general achieve
But, hey, they said it was an experiment born of new thinking. They
would give it a whirl.
When it became clear that the lockdowners had gained sway over
policy, many of us thought, truly, how long can this really last? A
week, maybe two. Then we would be done.
But then something strange happened.
The money began to flow. And flow. The states
thought that was awesome so they kept it up. The money printers got
to work. And general chaos broke out: social, cultural, educational,
economic, and political.
It all happened so fast. The months rolled on with no break in the
narrative. It became crazy after a time. There were so few critics.
We didn't know it but they were being silenced by a new machinery
that had already been constructed for this purpose.
Among that which was censored was criticism of
the inoculation potion that was being rolled
out and which would eventually be forced on populations
all over the world.
They said it was 95 percent effective, but it
wasn't clear what that could mean. No coronavirus had ever been
controlled by any vaccination.
How could this be true? It wasn't true. Nor did
the shot stop the spread...
Many people said this at the time. But we couldn't hear them. Their
voices were muffled or silenced. The social media companies had
already been taken over by government-connected interests working on
behalf of intelligence agencies.
We had believed that these tools were designed to
increase our connections with others and enable free speech. Now
they were being used to broadcast a preset regime narrative.
Strange industrial shifts took place.
Gas cars were deprecated in favor of a new
experiment in electric vehicles, thanks to intense consumer
demand caused by shortages owing to supply chain breakages.
Digital learning platforms got a huge boost
because physical classrooms were closed.
Online ordering and doorstep delivery became
the rage because people were told not to leave their homes and
small businesses were forcibly closed.
The pharma companies were riding
high of course, gradually acculturating the population to a
subscription model.
There were attempts to convert whole countries to
a health passport system.
New York City tried this, along with actual
physical segregation of the entire city, with the vaccinated
considered clean while the unvaccinated were not allowed into
restaurants, libraries, or theaters.
The digital app didn't work however, so that plan
fell apart quickly.
All of this happened in less than one year. What began as an
intellectual error in public health ended up looking like a digital
coup d'état.
Coups of the past featured rebel armies from the hills storming the
cities and joined by the military as they invaded the palace and the
leader and his family fled in a carriage or helicopter depending on
the epoch.
This was different. It was organized and planned by intelligence
agencies within the structure of the global state, a great reset to
reject the forms of the past and replace them all with a new
Initially, the people who said this was a great reset were derided
as crazed conspiracy theorists.
But then it turned out that the head of the
World Economic Forum (WEF),
Klaus Schwab, had written a
book (Covid-19 - The Great Reset)
by the very title that you could buy from Amazon.
It turns out to be HG Wells's
The Open Conspiracy updated for the
21st-century technology...
There turns out to be much more than that. There
was an angle to all of this that impacts the mechanisms we use for
democratic control of societies.
Buried in the flurry of bills shoved through in
March 2020 was a liberalization of balloting and voting that would
never have been tolerated before.
In the name of social distancing,
mail-in ballots would become the norm, along with the known
irregularities they introduce.
Implausibly, this too was part of the plan.
Researching and realizing all of this in real time has been a bit
much. It has shattered the old ideological paradigms. The old
theories no longer explain the world as it is unfolding.
It causes all of us to revisit our priors, at
least those with minds adaptable enough to pay attention. For vast
swaths of the intellectual class, this is not possible.
Looking back, we should have known something was up at the outset.
There were too many anomalies...
Were the people in charge really so stupid as
to believe that you can make a virus go away by making everyone
stay home?
It's absurd. You cannot control the microbial
kingdom this way, and surely everyone with a modicum of intelligence
knows this.
Another clue:
there never was an exit plan...
What exactly was fourteen days of frozen
activity going to achieve?
What was the benchmark of success?
We were never told...
Instead, the elites in media and government
simply encouraged fear. And then met that fear with
ridiculous protocols like dousing ourselves with sanitizer, masking
while walking, and presuming every other person is a disease vector.
This was psychological warfare.
To what end and how ambitious are these
hidden plans for us?
Only four years later, we are grasping the
fullness of what was going down.
For those of us schooled in the persistent incompetence of
government to get anything right, much less deploy a plan with
anything like precision, elaborate conspiracy theories of plots and
schemes always seem implausible.
We just don't believe them...!
This is why it took us so long to see the fullness of what was
deployed in March 2020, a scheme that combined a plethora of
seemingly disparate governmental/industrial ambitions including:
rollout of subscription/platform model of
Pharma distribution
mass censorship
election management/rigging
universal basic income
industrial subsidies to digital platforms
mass population surveillance
cartelization of industry
shift in income distribution and
entrenchment of administrative state power
crushing of 'populist' movements
the centralization of power generally
To top it off, all these efforts were global in
This whole model truly stretches the bounds
of plausibility.
And yet all the evidence points to exactly
the above.
It just goes to show that even if you don't
believe in conspiracies, conspiracies believe in you.
It was a digital-age coup d'état unlike
anything humanity has ever experienced.
How long will it take us to process this reality?
We seem to be only at the early stages of
understanding, much less resisting.