by A Lily Bit
July 26, 2024
ALilyBit Website
Italian version
Lily Bit
Former intelligence operative analyzing
"Great Reset," the "Fourth Industrial Revolution,"
propaganda, totalitarianism, current narratives,
psychology, and history.
What matters now isn't storytelling; what matters is
telling a true story well. |

The Whole East-West Conflict
has been Orchestrated to Sell
You a
Centralized Monetary System
and Global Government Programs
as the "Solution"...
For years, I've been sounding the alarm about the impending economic
war between the East and the West - it was never a matter of if, but
The timing of this conflict is no accident; it's
a matter of convenience for those who pull the strings behind the
To truly understand geopolitics, one must acknowledge that
international conflicts are carefully orchestrated to serve the
interests of a
select group of powerful "elites."
Those who blindly attribute these events to mere
coincidence are doing themselves a disservice, as they will
never comprehend the true reasons behind the calamities befalling
them and the world at large.
In my article, "The
Danger of Co-option and False Prophets," I outlined the
web of connections between the Kremlin and globalist institutions
such as,
the World Economic Forum (WEF)
the Bank of International Settlements (BIS)
the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
influential figures like
Henry Kissinger...
Moreover, I highlighted the ties between
Russia and international banks like Goldman Sachs.
Despite the
war in Ukraine and Russia's
annexation of Crimea, these connections remain intact, as Russia has
long been entwined in the globalist agenda.
China's collusion with globalist
institutions reaches new heights, as it has amassed trillions in
debt to satisfy the IMF's prerequisites for joining the Special
Drawing Rights (SDR) basket of currencies.
This move from a debt-free nation to one buried
in debt is a clear indication of China's commitment to the globalist
centralization agenda.
The notion that China is an "anti-globalist"
power is nothing more than a carefully orchestrated opera of
I grow weary of reiterating,
the well-established connections between
eastern nations and the globalist institutions.
The evidence is clear and abundant, thanks to the
groundbreaking work of researchers like
Antony Sutton, who exposed
these machinations long before I entered the scene.
The true purpose of engineering a war becomes apparent when one
considers the benefits of manipulating both sides of a conflict.
Beyond the immediate gains, chaos serves as a catalyst for advancing
oppressive agendas that would otherwise face public resistance
during times of peace.
In this analysis, I propose that we shift our focus from the mere
existence of war to the intricacies of its development and timeline.
By understanding the stages of this impending
economic conflict, we may be better prepared to mitigate its impact
and potentially alter its course.
First and foremost, it is crucial to recognize that the initiative
lies with the eastern nations.
Their actions will set the pace for the
unfolding of events, and understanding their motivations and
strategies is key to anticipating the trajectory of this looming
Marxists, in their philosophy, grasped a fundamental truth:
true wealth is derived from resources,
the means of production, and labor.
However, their misguided focus on
confiscating these elements while promoting the illusion of
public benefit is where their ideology falls short.
Eastern nations continue to recognize the essence of genuine
wealth, as they understand that even with vast sums of money, an
economy is doomed without a solid manufacturing foundation and
resource development.
This simple yet profound principle eludes the
Western world, which has largely forsaken its means of
production and hampered resource exploration through contrived
environmental concerns such as "carbon pollution."
The East has managed to avoid this pitfall, preserving its
long-term productivity.
Consequently, they hold a distinct advantage
in the event of a global economic conflict.
However, the true catalyst for the progression of
an economic world war lies in the combination of participating
nations and their trade agreements.
The interconnectedness of these factors will
significantly influence the trajectory and outcome of such a
Russia and China have been diligently fostering bilateral trade
arrangements designed to circumvent the U.S. dollar for years.
This strategic alliance, rooted in economic
sensibility, unites Russia's abundant natural resources with
China's expansive manufacturing and export capabilities.
A prime example of this partnership is the recent
30-year oil and gas agreement between the two nations, valued at
hundreds of billions of dollars.
This historic deal coincides with the ongoing
construction of a major pipeline from Russia to China, set for
completion by 2025.
India, too, has secured arrangements for
increased oil shipments from Russia, opting to transact without
the involvement of the U.S. dollar.
The allure of competitive pricing amidst a
backdrop of surging energy prices worldwide further bolsters the
attractiveness of Russian resources.
The remaining
BRICS nations (Brazil, India,
China, and South Africa) have remained steadfast in their trade
relationships with Russia, undeterred by Western sanctions and
the exclusion of Russian banks from the SWIFT international
payments network.
The formation of this trading bloc has significant implications
for the timeline of a potential global economic conflict...
By establishing robust, self-sufficient economic
networks, these nations are better positioned to withstand external
pressures and navigate the challenges of a world war.
The interconnectedness of these trade agreements
and the resilience they foster will undoubtedly influence the
progression and outcome of any future conflict.
In the unfolding economic war, the true objective is not to target
Russia or China, but rather to undermine
the U.S. dollar and the American
While the consequences of such a conflict will
reverberate globally, it is our economy that remains uniquely
vulnerable due to its unwavering dependence on the U.S. dollar's
status as the global reserve currency.
An economic war, waged with strategic weapons and tactics, presents
a formidable challenge - one that we, as Americans, are ill-equipped
to overcome. The dollar's global reserve status, once considered a
strength, has now become our Achilles' heel.
As the world's gaze remains fixed on the armed conflict in Ukraine,
few recognize that the most devastating blows will be felt right
here on our own shores - without a single bullet fired.
The sanctions imposed on Russia are but a
single facet of the issue, as they contribute to a broader
decoupling from the dollar trade...
However, the true crux of the matter lies with
the BRICS nations and their extensive network of trading partners,
who will collectively resist accepting such sanctions.
Their economic interdependence has fostered a
resilience that will prove difficult to dismantle.
A compelling example of the potential consequences of this economic
war can be observed in Hungary's declaration to maintain its current
levels of Russian oil and gas imports.
This decision, driven by the need to avert an
energy crisis within its borders, is a harbinger of similar choices
being made by other nations worldwide.
If NATO continues to advocate for Russia's
economic isolation, it is inevitable that these countries will seek
to distance themselves from the U.S. dollar as their reserve
The root of this shift can be traced back to the Biden
administration and the European Union's decision to sanction Russia,
which included freezing Russia's U.S. dollar accounts and severing
its connection to the international payments platform.
This act of economic warfare exposed a chilling
if the West can financially isolate Russia, they could
do the same to any other nation, including the United States.
Zoltan Poszar, Credit Suisse's global head of interest rate
strategy, offered a sobering assessment during an interview with
Bloomberg's "Odd Lots" show:
"Wars tend to turn into major junctures for
global currencies, and with Russia losing access to its foreign
currency reserves, a message has been sent to all countries that
they can't count on these money stashes to actually be theirs in
the event of tension.
As such, it may make less and less sense for
global reserve managers to hold dollars for safety, given that
they could be taken away right when they're most needed."
As global tensions rise, nations are increasingly
recognizing the risks associated with dependence on U.S. and Western
financial systems and currencies.
This shift in perception, fueled by the West's
actions against Russia, may ultimately lead to a reevaluation of the
role of the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency.
Indeed, the very architects of this economic conflict - the
establishment elites in the US and Europe - are inadvertently
setting the stage for the demise of the U.S. dollar.
The currency's status hinges on the faith and
belief in its demand, and any decline in this demand, triggered by
global sanctions, could result in a massive influx of U.S. dollars
held in overseas banks returning to the U.S.
This flood of greenbacks would plunge the nation
further into a stagflationary crisis.
It appears that the globalists are fully cognizant of these
potential consequences and are, in fact, relying on them. The
ramifications of their actions, while devastating for the general
population, could serve to further their own interests and
The year 2030 looms large in the plans of globalist institutions
such as the,
...who consistently refer to
it as the culmination of their Great Reset agenda.
Should a global economic crisis serve as the
catalyst, as it seems to be, a few years would be required for the
collapse to unfold and for the introduction of a "solution" to the
Consequently, the economic war must escalate rapidly in the
coming years.
Currently, we are witnessing 40-year highs in inflation and
significant supply chain disruptions. Furthermore, multiple
globalist foundations are "predicting" worldwide food shortages
within the next 3 to 6 months.
I anticipate that the conflict will escalate to include China within
the next year, with the majority of the damage being inflicted by
the end of 2025 .
The pace at which exporters, primarily China,
divest from the dollar will be the primary trigger for this
accelerated war.
The WEF's Great Reset agenda and the IMF's Special Drawing Rights
global digital currency initiative necessitate the demise of the
U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.
This is a process that globalists have
openly discussed for some time,
and it is not a mere "conspiracy theory" but rather a
"conspiracy reality."
The IMF has frequently argued that the global
currency framework must be "managed" by a centralized entity capable
of preventing national governments from manipulating currency trade
for their own benefit,
including digital currencies.
The stage has been meticulously set for this narrative.
The U.S., especially under a new Trump
presidency, will be portrayed as an example of the perils of
nationalism and the dangers of entrusting a single nation with the
power of a world reserve currency.
The temptation for governments to engage in
excessive money creation and debt-financed spending sprees,
resulting in the fabrication of new money to pay for old debts,
devalues and degrades the dollar's purchasing power worldwide.
Consequently, it is only "logical" that a global central authority,
devoid of national loyalties, assumes control of an "international"
reserve currency, right?
Perhaps a multi-currency-based basket system, or
possibly a single world currency, to prevent any future abuses of
power and tragedies from recurring.
Wouldn't that instill a sense of safety?
Do not be deceived - the chaos of a global conflict, be it economic
or kinetic, and the demise of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve
currency, serves as the perfect pretext for the "logical" emergence
of a global financial oligarchy.
Unlike its predecessors, this ruling council
would operate in broad daylight, its authority "official" and its
control established as essential for global stability.
This pattern of centralization has emerged following every major war
or conflict:
the argument is made that national
sovereignty is the root cause, and that nation-states should not
exist because differing ideas can lead to conflict.
After World War I, the League of Nations was
introduced; after World War II, the UN and the IMF were established.
In the aftermath of today's economic World War
III, globalists will attempt to implement a one-world currency and
global economic governance program.
"In short, the 'house of world order' will
have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top
down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to
use William James' famous description of reality, but an
end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece,
will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal
Richard Gardner
Foreign Affairs, 1974
Globalists argue that a homogeneous global
collective with a single hive mind is preferable, as it would
prevent any potential conflicts.
However, they conveniently reserve the right to
form their own group, with the intent of reaping all the benefits of
the crisis and consolidating power from the ensuing panic.
Beware the machinations of those who seek to exploit chaos for their
own gain, dismantling national sovereignty and consolidating power
in the process...