by Mojmir Babacek
September 12, 2024
GlobalResearch Website

Can We
Human Rights
and Save Free
In the year 2000 the Scientific and Technological Options Assessment
(STOA) panel of the European Parliament published a study entitled
"Crowd Control Technologies" where it wrote:
"in October 1999 NATO announced a new policy
non-lethal weapons and their
place in allied arsenals...
The most controversial non-lethal crowd control and
anti-materiel technology proposed by the US are so called
Radio Frequency or
Directed Energy Weapons
that can allegedly manipulate human behavior in a variety of
unusual ways... the greatest concern is with systems which can
directly interact with the human nervous system...
The research undertaken to date both in the US and in Russia can
be divided into two related areas:
individual mind control
crowd control"
Directed energy system was further defined in the technical
annex as,
'Directed energy weapon system designed to match radio frequency
source to interfere with human brain activity at synapse level',
...with the note:
"Highly classified program and hard data is difficult to
(pg. 67)
In the 1990's, the USA were
constructing the radar system
HAARP, which
according to the book by Nick Begich and Jeanne Maning
"Angels Don't
Play this HAARP",
can be used to control the activity of human brains
in large areas of the planet...

After the publication of the book,
the European Parliament held a special hearing, where the co-author
of the book Nick Begich was testifying.
As a result
of his testimony the European Parliament adopted
a resolution,
where it called,
"for an international convention introducing
a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which
enable any form of manipulation of human beings".
(paragraph 30)
Against possible expectations, the European media
did not publish and explain this call.
The evident reason was that
weapon systems,
"designed to match radio frequency source to
interfere with human brain activity at synapse level" were "highly
...or in other words, qualified as information related to
national defense.
On December 9, 2023, 23 years after
this publication, the press service of the European parliament
informed about a,
"political deal with the Council on a bill to
ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental human rights,
while businesses can thrive and expand".
It stated:
"recognizing the potential
threat to citizens' rights and democracy posed by certain
applications of AI, the co-legislators agreed to prohibit:
...AI systems that manipulate human
behavior to circumvent their
free will".
As well it declared:
"for AI systems classified
as high-risk (due to their significant potential harm to
health, safety, fundamental rights, environment, democracy and the
rule of law),
clear obligations were agreed".
However so far the EU did not
publish the fact that mass manipulation of the activity of human
brains at distance is actually feasible.
As well it did not ban the
use of directed or radio frequency weapons to remotely manipulate
the activity of nervous systems of individuals or masses of people.
In the meantime the competition
between the USA, Russia and lately China for the control of brain
activity of world population by means of those weapons went on.
June 2023 the Washington Times
"China's People's
Liberation Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to
disrupt brain functions and influence government leaders or
entire populations, according to a report by three open-source
intelligence analysts.
The weapons can be used to directly attack or
control brains using microwave or other directed energy weapons in
handheld guns or larger weapons firing electromagnetic beams, adding
that the danger of China's brain warfare weapons prior to or during
a conflict
is no longer theoretical".
Already in the year 1997 the
Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College
"Potential or possible supporters
of the insurgency around the world were identified using the
comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database.
These were
categorized as ‘potential' or ‘active', with sophisticated
personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus
psychological campaigns for each."
(pg. 24-25)
In this text the technology of
"personality simulations" was not disclosed, but from the text it is
obvious that directed energy or radio frequency weapons are supposed
to be used.
Does not this publication propose establishment of the
USA as a new totalitarian superpower, which will be hardly possible
to defeat?
Commander Cornelis van der Klaauw
from Royal Netherlands Navy, and Expert from Strategic
Communications and Information Operations NATO Joint Warfare Centre,
wrote in an article in 2023:
"The reason why cognitive attacks
go unnoticed by their targets is that cognitive activities bypass
the conscious mind and directly target the subconscious of a person...
most of our decisions are made by our subconscious...
Cognitive attacks are aimed at exploiting emotions rooted in our
subconscious, bypassing our rational conscious mind".
As a result we are living in the
world, where democratic states base their ideology,
on the policy of
human rights defence, but at the same time they keep in
secret the weapons which can be used to
eliminate human rights and
abolish even the right to freedom of thought and consequently the
democracy itself, since the voters behavior can be
controlled by governments at the time of elections...
For as long as
those weapons are not declassified, there will be no guarantee, that
they will not be used against citizens and that democracy will
remain a ruling political system in the western world.
Modern neurotechnologies
have been applied to individuals since the 1990s.
in the year 1999 the Russian politician Vladimir Lopatin wrote in
the book "Psychotronic weapon and security of Russia", that
psychotronic war,
"is actually taking place without declaration of war".
In the May 2024 the U.S. House of
Representatives Committee on Homeland Security was
holding a hearing
"Silent weapons - Examining foreign anomalous health
incidents, targeting Americans in the homeland",
classification of those weapons and their use against the U.S.
diplomats, security officers and ordinary citizens (Havana syndrome)
was discussed.
world media did not fully
inform the general public about this hearing.
In this way they
continue avoiding the subject of abuse of fundamental human rights
and human freedom by modern neurotechnologies and cooperate on the
liquidation of those democratic values in the future of this