by The People's Voice
August 01, 2024
from ThePeoplesVoice Website







Bill Gates has joined forces

with the World Health Organization

in calling for vaccine refusers

to be rounded up by the military

and force-jabbed with mRNA

during the next "pandemic"...




Gates and the WHO have ordered governments to lay the groundwork to mobilize the military because they claim that vaccine skepticism is "morally reprehensible" and vaccine refusal is an "act of aggression" that must be met with force.

Bill Gates and the Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the globalist World Health Organization (WHO) have announced a new project to turbo-charge the development and distribution of mRNA vaccines for an apparently looming bird flu pandemic.

However, the elite are rattled by the wave of vaccine skepticism which has spread around the United States and the world in the wake of the disastrous Covid mRNA vaccine roll out.

As more people refuse to submit to their vaccines, the elite are working on new and authoritarian ways to force their slew of new injectibles into our bodies without our consent.

A prominent Bill Gates-funded funded doctor has,

called for police forces and the military to be deployed as part of an effort to deal with what the pharmaceutical elite are now calling "anti-vaccine aggression."

According to Dr. Peter Hotez, a close associate of Bill Gates and Dr. Tedros, they are now pushing to get NATO on board with militarizing the next mRNA vaccine roll out around the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have provided Dr. Hotez with tens of millions of dollars in funding to produce experimental vaccines.

As well as lining his own pockets, Hotez used the money to develop the Corbevax COVID-19 vaccine, which was administered in India, the country Bill Gates' considers his personal laboratory...

Yet Dr. Hotez is terrified of having his pro-vaccine authoritarianism challenged in public.

The Bill Gates ally is on record stating that anybody criticizing vaccines should be charged with a hate crime. Yes, really...

The pro-vaccine elite do not like criticism and they do not like public debate.

Joe Rogan invited Hotez to appear on his podcast to discuss the Covid-19 vaccine controversy with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has been exposing the truth about the vaccine since it was first rolled out.

The exchange began over Hotez sharing and promoting a Vice article that called on Spotify to censor Joe Rogan's show whenever he dares to criticize vaccines or question the official narrative.

Once Rogan caught wind of what Hotez tweeted, he replied to him by offering to donate $100,000 to a charity of Hotez's choice if he would debate RFK Jr. on his show.

"Peter, if you claim what RFKjr is saying is "misinformation" I am offering you $100,000.00 to the charity of your choice if you're willing to debate him on my show with no time limit," Rogan tweeted.

Hotez replied to Rogan, stating that he had his contact information.

"Joe, you have my cell, my email, I'm always willing to speak with you," the tweet read.

Things took a quick turn once Twitter's CEO and owner of Tesla, Elon Musk, jumped into the exchange, saying that Hotez is afraid to face a public debate.

"He's afraid of a public debate, because he knows he's wrong," Musk tweeted.

Following Musk's tweet, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman replied stating,

"I will add $150,000 to @joerogan‘s wager so now $250,000 can go to charity and the public can hear an open debate on an important topic."

And yet Hotez, who wants to use the military to round up and force-jab vaccine refusers, still refused to debate RFK Jr on the topic of Covid-19 vaccines.

Why are these far-left authoritarians so confident in calling for an end to medical freedom and liberty in the US, yet terrified to have their ideas examined in public...?

According to a Health and Human Services whistleblower, it's because they know the Global Elite are making moves behind the scenes to eradicate the freedom to dissent once and for all.

Rounding up millions of vaccine refusers and dissidents against the globalist agenda might sound like an impossible task.

Until you understand the Biden administration has been laying the groundwork to make this a reality for the past 12 months...

A whistleblower who worked for the Department of Health and Human Services has revealed the US government in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF) is,

building secret detention facilities in 50 states capable of detaining millions of people...!

According to Christie Hutcherson, these prison-like compounds located in sparsely populated and controlled locations, will be used for those who refuse to comply with upcoming government mandates and regulations regarding long-term lockdowns and new vaccines for the new plandemic.

Hutcherson is somebody we should be listening to very closely.


Former Customs and Border Protection Supervisor J.J. Carrell explains more.

Make no mistake, these compounds are being built for anti-globalist dissidents including mRNA vaccine refusers.

We know they are not being built for the tens of millions of illegal immigrants who have marched across Biden and Harris' open border because they have been absorbed into communities, given credit cards loaded with cash, free medical insurance, and hotel rooms.

The government rolled out the red carpet for these young fighting age men.

Many of them were flown here by the Biden administration on secret night flights...

As J.J. Carrell explains,

ICE facilities across the country are sitting empty under the Biden administration.

By collaborating with Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum and taking orders from Bill Gates and the World Health Organization (WHO), the globalist Biden administration sold their soul to the New World Order and they are lying to our faces about everything.

George Orwell warned us that,

the elite would try and convince us that up is down, men are women, and war is peace...




How right he was...!


Unfortunately for the elite, we are onto them and they are not going to have everything their own way in this year of an election they are absolutely terrified to lose.

These are critical times and here we are determined to expose the elite, destroy their plans, and bring them to justice before its too late...







Bill Gates and WHO Call for Military to Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers

...during Bird Flu "Pandemic"



Video also HERE and HERE...