by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
June 25, 2008
UFODigest Website
VANCOUVER, B.C. - My Vancouver-based colleague
Jon Kelly is an
expert at backwards speech analysis, and he has been my guest on
several radio programs at Vancouver Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM
www.coopradio.org, discussing applications of backward speech
analysis to current events.
You can listen, for example, to Jon's
discussion of the 2006 U.S. mid-term election through the medium of
backwards speech analysis at:
Jimmy Carter & backwards speech analysis
- "A potential Abductee"
Jon Kelly now raises a key question for Exopolitics in his recent
American Chronicle interview (below), when he is asked:
"RNN: You have listened backwards to the speeches of people
describing contact with space craft from other civilizations. What
did you find out?
"KELLY: When President Jimmy Carter told reporters late last year
that he didn't think flying saucers were the vehicles of space
people visiting the earth, I played his speech in reverse and heard
the words "Saucer. Went out naked. Going out. They'll put it in
him". Although it was part of his campaign promise, this message
made me wonder if the President had more personal reasons for
sending Alfred Webre to SRI in the 1970's in order to release the
government's secret research on extraterrestrials. From my reading
of the message it describes Carter as a potential abductee."
The 1977 Proposed Carter White House
Extraterrestrial Communication Study
June 25, 2008 www.americanchronicle.com
In the above interview segment, Jon Kelly has one
historical fact a bit garbled. President Jimmy Carter did
not "send" me to Stanford Research Institute in 1977.
my Disclosure Project sworn affidavit states, in 1977,
as a futurist at Stanford Research Institute, I was
director of a proposed Carter White House
Extraterrestrial Communication Study.
Proposed 1977 White House
Extraterrestrial Communication Study
Here is a my summary history of the Carter White House Study:
Senior Policy Analyst" in 1977 at the Center for the Study of Social
Policy at Stanford Research Institute (now "SRI International",
Menlo Park, California), Alfred Webre was Principal Investigator for
a proposed civilian scientific Study of extraterrestrial
communication, i.e. interactive communication between the
terrestrial human culture and that of possible intelligent
non-terrestrial civilizations. This proposed Study was presented to
and developed with interested White House staff of the Domestic
Policy staff of President Jimmy Carter during the period from May
1977 until the fall of 1977, when it was abruptly terminated.
"The over-all purpose of the proposed 1977 Carter White House
Extraterrestrial Communication Study was to create, design and carry
out an independent, civilian-led research compilation and evaluation
of phenomena suggesting an Extraterrestrial and/or Inter-dimensional
intelligent presence in the near-Earth environment.
"The designed outcome of the Study was to have been a public White
House report, detailing the compiled evidence and evaluation,
together with possible scientific models for the implications of the
research. The White House report was to have contained public policy
recommendations emerging from the evaluations and conclusions of the
Study. These, if warranted, included transformation of secrecy
regulations of U.S. military-intelligence agencies."
"The scientific and public policy goal of the proposed
1977 Carter
White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was to fill a
substantial gap in civilian scientific knowledge of the
(Unidentified Flying Object phenomenon), Extraterrestrial Biological
Entities (EBEs), and related phenomena. This knowledge gap was
created and maintained by excessive secrecy practices and
regulations of U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies
in the various generations of its UFO-programs since the late 1940s,
including but not limited to
Project Grudge and
Project Blue Book,
as well as other alleged secret programs.
"Historically, the U.S. government and research agencies proposed
for the 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study
White House - Principal Sponsorship and Policy Coordination of the
Proposed Study.
NASA - Consultative line agency regarding UFO and Near Space
phenomena, including terrestrial-UFO or EBE interaction.
National Science Foundation - Advice and consultation by the
National Science Board.
SRI International Center for the Study of Social Policy -
Principal Investigators of Study.
Scientific experts on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs),
Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs), and related phenomena -
Scientific Advisers" Source:
Jimmy Carter's Profile as a potential UFO/ET Abductee
One principal regularity in the profiles of UFO/ET abductees appears
to be that abductees have Close Encounters of the First Kind (Flying
Saucer and/or Night Light Sightings), as well as Close Encounters of
the Fourth Kind (UFO/ET Abductions).
Under a classification system first introduced by astronomer and UFO
researcher J. Allen Hyneck , and in his book The UFO Experience: A
Scientific Inquiry, a close encounter is an event where an
individual encounters a UFO or Extraterrestrial Vehicle:
Three of the six categories of unidentified flying object in the
classification scheme devised by J. Allen Hynek.
A close encounter
of the first kind (CEI) is any UFO reported to have been within
about 500 feet of the witness.
A close encounter of the second kind
(CEII) is a UFO that leaves markings on the ground, causes burns or
paralysis, frightens animals, or interferes with engines or TV or
radio reception.
A close encounter of the third kind (CEIII)
includes a purported sighting of the occupants of a UFO. To these
categories, ufologists have added two others.
A close encounter of
the fourth kind (alien abduction).
A close encounter of the fifth kind
(CEV) is one in which it is claimed that communication takes place
between a human and an alien.
Close Encounters, Internet Encylopedia
of Science
Close Encounter of the First Kind, by one definitional system,
"A sighting of one or more unidentified flying objects, (1) Flyings saucers [or Extraterrestrial Vehicles]; (2) Odd lights or
[Night Lights]; (3) Aerial objects that are not attributable to
human technology. Some would also include that the sighting(s)
is/are at a distance of 600 feet (about 180 meters) or less,
presumably to eliminate false identification of known object(s) or
Jimmy Carter by his own reported historical record had a
Encounter of the First Kind.
As Presidential UFO researcher Grant
Cameron reports:
The Carter UFO Sighting
"As previously mentioned, Jimmy Carter is one of two U.S. Presidents
who have reported seeing a UFO before becoming the President. In the
various recountings of the sighting told over the years, there have
been many items about the Carter sighting that have been recorded
incorrectly. Later on, there would also be many mistakes made in the
evaluation of the investigations of the sighting.
"The first mistake made in recording Carter's UFO sighting related
to the date that the sighting occurred. The sighting was first filed
by then governor Jimmy Carter on September 18, 1973, based upon a
request from Hayden C. Hewes, director of the International UFO
Bureau. The date that Carter gave in his sighting report was October
1969. Later research indicated that the actual date was more
probably January 6, 1969. Some people reporting on the Carter
sighting were even using the 1973, date when Carter filed the
details of the sighting as the date for the event.
"The second mistake made by storytellers related to the 1969 UFO
sighting, was that Carter was not the governor of Georgia at the
time of the sighting. He did not become Georgia's 76th governor
until January 12, 1971.
"Carter's UFO sighting began shortly after dark on a windless night.
Jimmy Carter was standing outside the Lion's Club in Leary, Georgia,
waiting for a meeting to start. Suddenly, he and ten or more
witnesses, sighted a red and green orb radiating in the western sky.
Carter described an object that "it seemed to move towards us from a
distance, stop, move partially away, return, then depart. Bluish at
first; then reddish - luminous - not solid."
"At times," reported Carter, "it was as bright as the moon, and
about as big as the moon - maybe a bit smaller. The object was
luminous; not solid."
"In an interview with the Atlanta Constitution, Carter described the
moving nature of the event. He described the sighting as a "very
remarkable sight." This is an important event, because many of the
skeptical investigations done on the Carter sighting, have tried to
paint the event as a ho-hum occurrence. None of the descriptions
Carter has made of the event have ever described it as ho-hum.
"Jimmy Carter's mother Lillian also confirmed that Carter had been
very impressed by what he had seen.
"The UFO made a huge impression
on Jimmy," she stated. "He told me about the sighting many times.
He's always been a down-to-earth no-nonsense boy, and the sighting
by him, as far as I am concerned, is as firm as money in the bank."
"Carter had, in fact, described the UFO sighting many times in the
years since it occurred. In every instance, including the latest
known telling of the story at Emory University in 1997, Carter has
never backed off on the spectacular nature of the event. He has also
never conceded that was he saw was some misidentification of a
natural phenomena.
"Carter estimated that the object was three hundred to one thousand
yards away. He estimated that the event had lasted 10 minutes.
the object disappeared. Carter was so impressed by what he had seen,
he recorded his impressions of the event on a tape recorder at the
time. Source: Grant Cameron. Presidential UFO.
Did Jimmy Carter have a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind?
Threshold Test Met By the available evidence,
Jimmy Carter did have a Close Encounter
of the First Kind. He therefore passed the threshold test as a
potential UFO/ET abductee. Jimmy Carter has had a Close Encounter of
the First Kind. By the documentary evidence, Jimmy Carter fits a
prime regularity on the profiles of UFO/ET abductees.
Emotional and Psychic Bonding Threshold Raised Moreover, Carter's own recorded verbal statements and recollections
from close family members, such as his mother Lillian, a matriarchal
figure in the Carter family, and in public statement such as the
Atlanta Constitution, Carter clearly goes out of his way to convey a
deep sense psychic and emotional bonding with the experience of the
Close Encounter of the First Kind.
emotional bonding experiences are a regularity of
Encounters of the Fourth Kind.
There is a threshold research
question raised that the intense emotional bonding by Jimmy Carter
in his repeated recollections of the Close Encounter of the First
Kind may be a triggered response to a cloaked memory of a
Encounter of the Fourth Kind.
Reliable evidence threshold met - Backwards
speech analysis As of this writing, we have seen no independent systematic report of
the accuracy of Jon Kelly's backwards speech methodology.
In his
recent interview, Jon Kelly is asked about the scientific basis of
backwards speech analysis:
"RNN: Is there any institutional academic or scientific research
that supports your claims?
"KELLY: The journal Nature reported several years ago that
scientists in the UC system had researched the human ability to
detect speech when it was incrementally time-sliced and rearranged
backwards. The AP ran the story as "The Brain Understands Backwards
Speech". A recent article in Scientific American also discusses
multiple universes where time can run in reverse. Time symmetry
between dimensions of reality could allow for circumstances under
which it may be possible to compose and transmit a message that is
time-reversed to the clock of our world.
Certainly this kind of transmission is what we are detecting in my
speech studies."
In the interview, Jon Kelly refers to a number of forensic cases
where backwards speech analysis produced forensically meaningful
investigative results when applied to terrestrial crime issues. Jon
Kelly also refers to research on the non-locality of consciousness,
suggesting that backwards speech could facilitate subject location
or memory of multi-dimensional phenomena such as Close Encounters of
the Fourth Kind (UFO/ET Abductions).
Jon Kelly has ample
anecdotal evidence of the reliability of
reversed speech method in a number of radio programs you can access
On balance, sufficient evidentiary validation in prior forensic
cases has been demonstrated by Jon Kelly's backwards speech method
to meet a threshold that a reasonable case has been established that
former U.S. President and Nobel Prize Winner James Earl Carter
be a UFO/ET Abductee.
What are the implications of this evidentiary finding?
The Case of Jim Sparks
The conventional wisdom in Abduction Research and the mainstream
media stereotype of UFO/ET Abductees is that they generally are
under-educated and culturally marginalized individuals lacking any
important social roles or impact.
One of the more culturally
significant UFO/ET abductees of the modern era is author Jim Sparks,
about whose book
THE KEEPERS I have written:
"Jim Spark's THE KEEPERS is vetted by competent scholars like Dr.
John Mack and Linda Moulton Howe, and reads like the anthropology
field notes of a great discoverer.
THE KEEPERS documents Spark's
unique recall of an Extraterrestrial civilization's human
genetic-farming and educational outreach (aka "Abduction") programs,
as well as Sparks first hand witnessing of time travel teleportation
technology (originally meant to solve humanity's urgent
environmental problems) apparently transferred by the same ETs to
the U.S. Government, which has misused it for military-political
Speaking through THE KEEPERS, the ETs give us an important
public policy message: Public disclosure and sharing in this vital
ET technology can come about through a South Africa-style Truth
Amnesty process covering the criminal acts accompanying the 60 year
public embargo of this ET technology.
THE KEEPERS is a work of
importance to Exopolitics and to our human future."
If in fact - as the multiple-source evidence set out above
establishes - U.S. President Jimmy Carter became a UFO/ET Abductee
around his initial 1969 Close Encounter of the First
Kind during the preparatory phases of his run for Governor of
Georgia; and/or
during his term as Governor of Georgia when he
made his personal 1973 UFO report; and/or
during his 1976
campaign for the Presidency of the U.S. when he "came our of
nowhere" to beat Gerald R. Ford and become U.S. President on a
Disclosure platform; and/or
during his "Disclosure Debacle" term
as President of the U.S. 1977-1981; and/or
afterward as Director of
the Jimmy Carter Centre.
If Jimmy Carter is a UFO/ET abductee, as the threshold evidence
suggests, one question is which ET civilization may have been the
abducting party - the "Educational Outreach" civilization.
Was it the
Short Greys, as Jim Sparks experience suggests, or some
other ultra-dimensional or human-form ET civilization.
UFO/ET Abduction-based Exopolitical
Management - A Hypothesis
The probable reality that President James Earl Carter is a UFO/ET Abductee, and was such at key points during his public career
leading up to his campaigns for Governor of Georgia and President of
the United States (1976) have important implications for the nature
of Exopolitical relationships and interventions in high-level
political affairs.
UFO/ET Abduction research indicates that
selected abductees may be
debriefed on high-level matters such as the state of the Earth's
environment and forthcoming political and social events of world
If we take the hypothesis that Jimmy Carter is a UFO/ET Abductee,
and realistically attempt to flesh out what his abduction
experiences may have included, it is not out of the realm of
possibility to include in-depth downloads concerning the nature of
the Extraterrestrial presence on Earth, its relationship to secret
ET-human liaison program within the U.S. military-intelligence (as
documented by Jim Sparks), and the dynamics of a plan for disclosure
during his coming Presidential administration.
Hypothetically, Carter's experiences during the ET/UFO abductions
may have included teleportation, time travel, and an intimate
experience of these secret ET-human liaison programs, as detailed in
Jim Sparks accounts. In other words, in the UFO/ET abductions, the
ETs could have been preparing Jimmy Carter along a parallel
consciousness track for a proposed Disclosure role as U.S.
President, unbeknownst to Carter's terrestrial handlers at the
Trilateral Commission level.
Jim Sparks' account of the
Short Greys is that they feel that the U.S. Administration has
violated all of the environmental and human rights aspects of their
secret agreements, and are not in accord with the Rockefeller
Trilateralists, and City of London Zionists that have privatized and
attempted to impose the ET Truth embargo for 60 years.
As director of the 1977 proposed
Carter White House Extraterrestrial
Communication Study, I can comprehend in retrospect a possible
Abduction-facilitated mechanism by which a single determined
Stanford Research Institute futurist could put together a
world-class scientific proposed study at the level of the U.S.
Presidency in the space of several months in the Spring and Summer
of 1977, while a multi-track pattern of other Carter-related
Extraterrestrial Disclosure studies, such as those initiated by
Daniel Sheehan and Marcia S. Smith, could unfold.
Exopolitics & Political, Cultural & Social Transparency
With the advent of consciousness-based Exopolitical research
tools such a backwards speech analysis and remote viewing (See
for a remote-viewing based program of public interest diplomacy with
off-planet cultures), the science of Exopolitics can now begin to
map what may be the realistic dynamics that determine our world's
government, law, and politics.
Cultural Creatives, who number 60 million people in the USA (100
million in North America and Europe), are open to the truth of the
human experience and of private life and public affairs as informed
by the emerging science of Exopolitics.
Cultural Creatives tend to
share a common set of values in:
multi-dimensionality of the
the non-locality of consciousness
the need for New Energy
and sustainability
primacy of community and culture
body, mind,
and spirit
the feminine
social conscience
lifestyle expenditures exceed $230 billion annually, and will
support a new conscious expression in every arena, from education to
communications and media to economics and finance to government and
politics to art and culture.
Exopolitics can begin to use the communication tools of media and
art to truthfully document and depict for our populations the
mutidimensional magnificence of the archetypal truth hidden in
everyday life.
On The Road To Roswell & Burlington 2008 - A
Discussion With Jon Kelly
by Thomas Horn
June 25, 2008
CaliforniaChronicle Website
Thomas Horn is the
CEO of RaidersNewsNetwork.com and SurvivorMall.com.
Over the last decade, he has authored three books, wrote
dozens of published editorials, and had several feature
magazine articles. His works have been referred to by
writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity
Today, Coast to Coast, World Net Daily, White House
Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press
agencies around the globe.
Tom's latest book is "The
Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of
biotechnology to resurrect Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is also a well known radio personality who has
guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and
television shows over the last 30 years, including "The
700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM."
Web Site:
Editors note: This is part of a special series of interviews focusing on the
Roswell UFO Festival and the Burlington Vortex Conference, October
24 - November 2nd.
RNN is joined by Jon Kelly, an experiential
researcher known for his studies of secret backwards messages
encoded in human speech along with the production of spiritual
phenomena recorded on camera.
A popular guest in the media, his
unique catalogues of audio and photographic materials have been
featured on over 1000 international radio and television programs.
RNN: Jon, thank you for doing this interview. I want to get right at
it, so let's being with the question: Are there secret unconscious
messages hidden backwards in human speech?
KELLY: Yes there are and we can detect these messages with the help
of a digital audio editing workstation. Most people know about
Freudian slips that occur when the unconscious mind takes temporary
control of the speech organs. People may end up saying things they
later regret but these slips are involuntary on their part.
For example, when
Stephen Grant told police he wanted to participate
in the search of a local Michigan park to find his missing wife, he
tried to say "I know the area". But instead, he mouthed the words "I
know ... the dead ... the area."
To the casual listener it sounded as if Grant was simply mumbling as
if he were at a loss for words. But upon closer inspection it was
obvious to me that his unconscious mind was attempting to confess to
the murder of his wife Tara Lynn Grant, whose body police found
later, hidden in the garage of the family home.
The recording of Grant's slip is significant because the unconscious
message is given in a separate voice that is easily distinguished by
tonal and inflectional qualities from Grant's normal speech. Now
imagine the same distinct voice involuntarily delivering the same
verifiable information but encoded in reverse.
This is what we are observing when we listen to speech recordings
played backwards.
RNN: What are some of the things that happen when people listen to
backwards speech recordings for the first time?
KELLY: Listening to backwards messages can provoke a number of
physiological responses, including hair-raising, goose bumps and
shivers going up and down the spine. These responses indicate the
powers of backwards messages to invoke feelings from within beyond
any powers of suggestion the presenter may have. For people learning
how to detect the messages for themselves it is not uncommon that
they will hear their own unconscious material while listening to the
speech of others.
In Yoga, the tranquil mind is like a mirror that can reflect cosmic
qualities to the observer, just like a pool of undisturbed water
that provides a clear reflection of the moon. People who want to
advance in their listening practice have to take care to maintain a
harmonious balance in their lives in order to access and share
undistorted perceptions of hidden realities with others.
RNN: You have listened backwards to the speeches of people
describing contact with space craft from other civilizations. What
did you find out?
KELLY: When President Jimmy Carter told reporters late last year
that he didn't think flying saucers were the vehicles of space
people visiting the earth, I played his speech in reverse and heard
the words "Saucer. Went out naked. Going out. They'll put it in
him". Although it was part of his campaign promise, this message
made me wonder if the President had more personal reasons for
sending Alfred Webre to SRI in the 1970's in order to release the
government's secret research on extraterrestrials. From my reading
of the message it describes Carter as a potential abductee.
RNN: You've used this method for forensic research. What are some of
the cases you've studied and what did you discover?
KELLY: Bonnie Lee Bakley's private telephone tapes of her calls to
her friends were released to the public after she was shot dead in
the front seat of actor Robert Blake's truck. When I listened to her
speech in reverse I could hear her say "I know he'll murder me".
Although Bakley's message did not name her killer, she demonstrated
the unconscious premonition of her own death and the circumstances
surrounding it.
In another case, when Wichita police arrested Dennis Rader on
suspicion as the BTK Killer, Rader gave a telephone interview from
the jailhouse. When I played the audio backwards I could hear Rader
say "The demons influence that guy". The real BTK used to send
letters to the police and media back in the 1970's claiming he was
possessed by "a demon". The parallel vocabulary in Rader's backwards
message identified him as the killer and I reported that story on
Wichita morning radio 15 minutes before Rader confessed. Rader later
gave another interview where he stated plainly that he felt he was
possessed by "a demon".
Rader's story is significant when you consider how it demonstrates
the subject's voluntary validation of the contents of their own
messages. The positive identification of BTK using this method
provides powerful testimony to the accuracy and reliability of these
studies in discovering pathways for forensic investigation.
RNN: Is there any institutional academic or scientific research that
supports your claims?
KELLY: The journal Nature reported several years ago that scientists
in the UC system had researched the human ability to detect speech
when it was incrementally time-sliced and rearranged backwards. The
AP ran the story as "The Brain Understands Backwards Speech". A
recent article in Scientific American also discusses multiple
universes where time can run in reverse. Time symmetry between
dimensions of reality could allow for circumstances under which it
may be possible to compose and transmit a message that is
time-reversed to the clock of our world. Certainly this kind of
transmission is what we are detecting in my speech studies.
Yoga also describes the mind in terms of its ability to access
multiple dimensions via the chakras. And my photography reveals the
luminous signatures of voice communications manifesting
multidimensional realities concurrently. When evaluating the overall
credibility of my research I think it's important to reflect that my
catalogue contains a wealth of instrumental recordings, a clearly
defined timeline of events where I have reported news items before
they became mainstream realities, hundreds of thousands of witnesses
to these public events and independent third-party documentation in
the form of aircheck recordings provided by the radio stations
RNN: Why are the messages encoded backwards?
KELLY: The concept of the mirror as a place of inner discovery is
ancient and universal. We find the mirror in Shamanism, Taoism,
Tantra Yoga, the water bowl of Nostradamus and the magic mirrors of
Western European folklore. In "Alice Through the Looking Glass"
Lewis Carroll leads us on an adventure into the dream world of a
child accessed by stepping through the mirror in her bedroom. There
she finds a world where time marches backwards and we know this
describes a condition of her unconscious mind because the entire
story is taking place inside of a dream.
From these examples we can see that the mirror enjoys wide
recognition in human culture as an instrument of the unconscious
mind. Backwards messages that mirror the timeline of forwards speech
distinguish themselves with this signature of unconscious
RNN: You use your own procedure based on this method to help groups
and individuals access and resolve their own unconscious issues.
What are some of the reasons people use your service and what
happens in the sessions?
KELLY: Many of the people who call for sessions are attempting to
manage transitions in their personal or professional lives and are
seeking resources that can empower them to make important changes.
The session follows a routine schedule where I interview the
participant for 10 minutes, then study the audio recording for 30
minutes. Then we share and explore the messages in the remaining
time. One thing I can say about this procedure is that it provides
an excellent short-term intervention usually leading to catharsis in
the first session. The wellness model that I use in my approach
describes the human body with energetic meridians and flow
regulators that are sensitive to pressure from sound waves. In the
session, these meridians and regulators are accessed through the
sound of the backwards messages. When people hear their messages,
they identify feelings and visual information at these particular
locations. When they engage that information through the
experiential approach used in the session, they find the creative
resources to overcome their life obstacles and demonstrate
remarkable turnarounds in their behavior and the quality of their
daily lives.
The key information discovered in the sessions that leads to the
resolution of present-day issues is usually related to the audible
residue of attachments to unresolved traumas of the past. From my
perspective as a clinician, I see that when we believe in our
ability to be well and take action to seek out resources that can
support our healthy lifestyle, we find the strength to let go and
move beyond the bondages of our unresolved pain. We begin to feel
that there is more love than pain in our lives and we learn to love
RNN: You've spent over two decades studying meditation and yoga.
What does yoga tell us about speech and the power of the human voice
to liberate our unconscious creativity?
KELLY: In Yoga, the human voice is used to express devotion through
song such as bhajan and kiirtan. The voice is also used in the
repetition of mantra, which is sound recognized for its special
abilities to liberate the microcosmic human potential known as
kundalini. The kundalini resides in the sacrum in one of the flow
regulators or chakras below the tip of the tailbone and ascends upon
awakening through a central meridian that follows the spinal column
up to and into the top of the skull.
In Yoga this ascending action is the spiritual journey and its
completion is the purpose of a multi-million year odyssey of
incarnations culminating in human birth. The completion of this
journey is accompanied by overwhelming experiences of extreme
ecstasy and is known as Samadhi in Yoga or Nirvana in Buddhism or
Satori in Zen.
Listening to secret backwards messages can also produce this
awakening effect. Radio host Lan Lamphere once told me his kundalini
had ascended as the result of my recording his voice then playing
back one of his secret messages on the air during a live show. He
said that after hearing the message powerful energies began moving
up his back and up and down his arms to the point where he was
losing control of his ability to continue the broadcast.
Yoga teaches us that with dedicated practice we can learn to use our
voices to help us achieve the goal of meditation. For those who
require immediate help with their emotional wellness, a practitioner
can facilitate access to the harmony of awakened personal creativity
by detecting messages hidden backwards in the voice and playing that
audio back to the speaker in a session. As we can see from Lan's
experience these messages can awaken the microcosmic potential,
representing an incredible increase in personal creative energy for
the participant.
RNN: You've also used your knowledge of yoga and meditation to
create photographs of spiritual events. What kinds of images have
you recorded and what do the images mean?
KELLY: According to the methods that I follow, the universe is
populated with non-physical entities called devas in Sanskrit. There
are classes of devas who are attracted to spiritual practices and
they will travel great distances to attend when people concentrate
upon a high ideal. The presence of these entities helps to create an
uplifting mental environment for meditation and they can even
manifest visibly as luminous forms.
While visiting with friends near Yosemite I was sitting in the
backyard of a home where I had been practicing meditation for
several days. I had recently visited the ranch of James Gilliland in
Washington where I was inspired by the orb photography and
appearances of visible lights when the photos were taken. I had my
digital camera with me and was casually snapping photographs as it
was getting dark when suddenly in front of me several points of
intensely bright light appeared and arcs of energy leaped between
them like lightning arcing from point to brilliant point. This
occurred while I was taking a photo, and when I saw what the camera
had recorded, there appeared to be hundreds of tiny discs emitting
colorful coronas, and within the coronas were clearly defined
To the naked eye, all that could be seen were these incredibly
bright points of light that crackled and sparkled while energies
arced between them. The camera however captured more and for me this
incident began several years of intensive practice in developing my
photography to the point where I have a substantial collection of
discs, the faces of the occupants, interdimensional wormholes and
travelers, clues to the origins of the universe, representations of
classical icons from world traditions and images with mirror-encoded
faces and icons as well.
The language of the photographs actually describes voice phenomena
visually in terms such as the "word of creation" and the "cosmic
sound" that sustains the harmonic balance of reality.
RNN: You encountered a number of mysterious experiences from the
time you were a child. What are some of the things that happened and
how did these events inform your outlook as a researcher?
KELLY: I had many experiences including the observation of
mysterious lights in the sky and the presence of ghosts. One of my
early encounters occurred during summer camp as a child where I
became the close-up witness to a juvenile Sasquatch in the woods
near Mt. Elphinstone in British Columbia. The encounter occurred on
a moon-lit night when I awoke during an overnight camping expedition
and walked into the bush to relieve myself. I looked over my
shoulder and saw the face of a young hairy being crouched in the
bushes observing me with a gentle nature. I quickly finished my
business and hurried back to camp where I crawled into my sleeping
bag, put the cover over my head and began to dream. In my dream I
received lucid instructions and guidance from an albino Sasquatch,
who from his warm and gentle behavior seemed like a "grandfather"
to me.
Visual contact with the face of the Sasquatch opened my mind like an
archetypal key opening the gateway to a lucid dream. Faces appear in
my photo collection, which is populated with faces and faces that
appear in mirrors. I also saw the face of BTK when I looked into the
mirror of Dennis Rader's speech signal. Face and language
recognition are the mind's ancient meaning-making mechanisms and
these abilities are found in insects and birds. Because we see that
these forms of life appeared hundreds of millions of years before
the first humans, we know that if people see faces or hear messages
it is because their minds are evolutionarily engineered to do so.
My Sasquatch encounter told me that every mystery has both an outer
and inner component. The sighting provided an external dimension and
the dream it inspired revealed the inner. We know that access to
special events may be rare and only possible under certain
circumstances. However, the inner world is always available with
unlimited access and I have been exploring these dimensions of
life's mysteries ever since".
RNN: Where can people find out more about your work?
KELLY: People can visit me online at www.yourinnervoice.com or call
my toll-free number 1 888 453 0751 .