by Alex Christopher
extracted from 'Pandora's Box
The Ultimate "Unseen Hand" Behind the New
World Order'
On December 19, 1991, at about 6:00 P.M. in the evening, in an
office building just off of interstate 459 in Birmingham, Alabama,
my spouse and I were taking a work break. When we thought that we
had been goofing off long enough and started back to work it was now
10:30. We could not believe that we had lost so much time. And at
the same time we became very ill, nauseated, with a headache that
would rip your head apart.
We finished our work that night but we
both knew that something really wild had happened to us and we had
been left with a very uneasy feeling inside.
After Christmas season was over I started trying to find a good
hypnotherapist that would help people that thought that they had
been abducted by aliens. At last, in late February we found a really
good one and my spouse and I were hypnotized separately and the
stories were the same. To say the least our therapist was really
moved, scared, at the things that came out of the sessions.
When he
finished each of our sessions he did not close the sessions he left
the door to our memory open so that when we could handle more of the
information we would go into a hypnotic state and we would remember
more events.
The following is a brief recap of the memory so far:
My spouse and I were taken right through four floors and the roof of
an office building into a space ship. At that time we saw the little
gray almond eyed aliens, the big nosed grays that are around five or
so feet tall, there were also humans in black uniforms with a patch
on it that was a red triangle with a black dragon with red eves on
These humans were English and German speaking.
We were stripped and put on tables and examined. At one point they
stuck into our bodies at various places needles that were about
twelve inches long and then run a scanner of some sort around this
field of needles. At one point in the body work over they put
something into my brain through the inside corner of my left eye.
The pain was unbelievable and inside my brain it felt like and
electric egg beater was going. I remember being questioned many
times by three different humans and one was German. To the best of
my memory they did not get their answers. My spouse and I were both
at one point placed into a chair of a type and things were put on
our head and a very bright light was put in our face. We had no
choice but to look at it and then we were shown the future.
We felt
all of the emotions of the events as if we were really there but we
were at the same time removed from it. What we were shown were the
most saddening things I had ever seen. At some point we were taken
to a underground complex of some kind, we do not know where it was
When we arrived at the underground base the first thing that we saw
was black helicopters that were unmarked and there were also UFO‘s
there also we do not know if they were alien or made by humans.
There was a group of people and aliens working on the various ships.
We were taken by the guys in black uniforms down a long dark
We arrived at a point in this corridor in front of some
large steel doors that had some kind of strange markings on them and
I remembered that fear ran through me and all I knew was that I
didn’t want to go behind those doors. But. we were taken into the
room behind the doors, went through a process of removing our
cloths, being decontaminated dressed in gowns then taken and each of
us put on a table. I was strapped down on the one I was put on but
my spouse was not strapped down. In this area was about seven of the
reptilian grays, they are huge, smell bad and everyone is afraid of
They are very aggressive and evil, the same as the
These people’s only desire is for total rule over the human
race; they are in collusion with the Lucifer Rebellion (preference
for intellect, manipulation hierarchies and the use of electronics
over the preference for emotion, compassion, love, and a oneness
with the Creator) and they only want you to worship them and when
you tell them to “take a hike” they really have it in for you. I was
questioned for a long time and just by my nature I was not helpful
to them and gave them a lot of back talk.
They beat me, they used
something like a cattle prod on me, they hit me in the stomach; they
were trying to find out everything that I knew about the subjects
that I have been researching for the past few years and they wanted
to know how my spouse and I were able to do the psychic things we
do. They did not get any answers: I gave them a very hard time and
at some point they decided to call in one of the big reptilian guys
to do cruel things to me without killing me.
So from across the room
came this little Godzilla, undressing on the way to have his way
with me. At this time, for some reason, my spouse was not being very
well-guarded and made a break; he ran at this monster, knocked him
off balance and tried to break his neck; this was not a good
idea, and the reptilian hit my spouse in the chest with an open hand
and his body sailed through the air for about twenty feet. The men
in the black uniforms quickly picked my spouse up and placed him on
the table, where guards were stationed with machine guns pointed at
his head. At that time they returned their attention to me and
continued to torture me with the cattle prod.
They also attached
pads to various points on my body and stimulated me to a pre-orgastic
state and held me there in an attempt to implant suggestions that I
would follow. Their plan didn’t work, because I recognized what they
were doing and what their motivation was. At some point shortly
there after I passed out; the body can only stand so much trauma and
mine had enough.
The next thing I knew, we were back in our clothes,
in chain cuffs, hands locked behind us, being taken down a corridor.
As we moved down this corridor we could see in one room reptilians
in glass tubes in some kind of sleep state. They were all sizes,
anywhere from six feet to twelve feet tall. Next we saw the UFOs,
which were silver colored disks with three legs, and these were
parked next to black helicopters; at that point all memory ends.
In January of 1992, my spouse and
I went through some kind of
consciousness-shift and our psychic abilities and many other things
took a quantum leap beyond anything I had ever heard of. Just to
list a few of the things that were happening to us. We started
seeing auras on everything, we can see X-ray, we disrupt electricity
and dim and put out lights and power equipment.
We have energy
running in our bodies at such a high rate until sometimes we just
We gathered knowledge out of the air, we knew some of the
future, and we felt everyone's’ feelings; sometimes we felt like we
were part of everything, my spouse and I feel each others pain, joy,
sadness, all emotions. We know if someone is telling the truth or
not. We have worked on healing; sometimes it works and sometimes it
doesn’t, depending on the attitude of the person being worked on.
(We communicate by telepathy and have levitated; the list goes on,
and we are discovering more all the time).
No one could give us
answers for what had happened to us and what was happening to us.
Our families first thought was that we were going crazy or we were
on drugs and both are not true.
In March of 1992, my spouse and I were taken again at this time and
I was implanted with three different types of probes; my spouse cut
two of them out from behind my right ear. One of them dissolved away
after it was removed, and the other one remained intact, although it
was reduced in size. I have now found out who put the probes in me
and what kind of probes they were; I have found out that they used a
probe that can cause behavior modification to the point of suicide.
In the fall of 1992, I spent almost two weeks following this
traveling self-proclaimed evangelist around the country who was
telling people that he had worked for corporations that had
developed the implant probes that are being used on people for “mind
control”. Also, the new probe that is talked about in Revelations of
the Bible that will carry all of your personal and financial
information embedded in your hand or forehead. It is also a
transmitter and a receiver.
I asked this man about the probes that my spouse had dug out from
behind my right ear. When I told him what they look like, he turned
white. One was a tiny light blue sponge-ball type thing and the
other one was a red snow flake looking thing. I asked him what they
were for, and he went into great detail about the blue sponge-ball
type; it was for behavior modification and mind control, as well as
for sending and receiving messages.
When I questioned him about the
red snow flake one, he really backed off.
He didn’t really want to
tell me anything about it, then at the end of almost two weeks of
following this man, he finally talked a little more and told me that
the red one was used to render someone or a former agent incapable
of being used by anyone again. This is why I was feeling like doing
bodily harm to myself. He told me that he had never heard of them
using the two side by side, maybe I had been implanted by two
different groups. He told me that the implants or probes are placed
on particular nerves and work something like acupuncture in a way.
We also talked about the one that they had put into my brain through
the corner of my eye and he was shocked that I knew how they had put
it there. He told me that prisoners in jail are implanted that way;
no one knows how it is done except the ones that perform the
operation; he was shocked that 1 could tell him how it was done in
I asked what it is for, and he said in prison it is used on
child molesters and sex offenders. It is also used to block the
exchange function between the pineal and pituitary glands in the
brain. In short, they are trying to block the expanded evolution of
the brain. God only knows how many people are walking around with
these things in them to totally control them.
He told me that the
CIA, FBI and all agencies of the government used them.
When I
was implanted with the things there was three types of
the gray
aliens there, as well as German and American people who were wearing
special forces uniforms.
It is believed that centuries ago, the surface people of earth (some
believe it to be
the Illuminati and
the Catholic Church) entered
into a pact with a group of aliens from another world known as the
“Lucifer Rebellion”; they have been know by many different names
down through time. A few thousand years ago, their leader was flying
around in his space ship causing all kinds of problem on earth with
its occupants.
This leader of the Lucifer Rebellion called himself
“Jehovah”, although “the Jehovah” is technically a species of
beings. In the Bible are listed many aspects of “Jehovahs’ Reign of
Terror”; just to mention a few, examine Ezekiel 1:1-25, Joshua
6:21,24 and 10:40.
I guess the one thing that keeps coming to mind
about the “God” Jehovah, is a line that was in one of the “Star
Trek” movies when Spock asks an entity “why does God need a space
ship to travel “
In Ezekiel,
it talks about the landing of some kind
of flying ship. That wasn’t God landing - it was a group of highly
advanced ego maniacs that found a primitive world of people that had
decided to raise their intelligence level enough to be helpful to
them and otherwise take control of the populous and keep them
ignorant of the facts about the evolution of man.
In 1933, when
these aliens returned to earth again, they made an agreement with
the United States shadow government to trade animals and humans in
exchange for the alien technology, and to allow them to use
(undisturbed) “Underground Bases”, in the Western U.S.A.
A special
group of people was formed to deal with the alien beings. In the
1940’s, aliens began shifting their focus of operations, from South
America to the United Stales.
These aliens are of a
reptilian humanoid species which have at some
time cross-bred with a group of the sapien humans. They are
untrustworthy, manipulating mercenaries, and are nothing but bad
news. They look horrible and smell even worse.
These aliens are in
conflict over who is going to get control of the planet earth.
Meanwhile the good guys (the angels) are here trying to make contact
with the people to offset the negativity that the Lucifer Rebellion
has caused. There is a high order that forbids beings from outside
this world to interfere with our evolution, but some time back the
rule book got burned and it has obviously been a free for all over
who is going to control earth. While all this has been going on for
thousands of years, mental control has been shifted into overdrive
in even.’ form imaginable.
There is a much publicized
underground base called Dulce. It is a
joint U.S. government/Alien Base, and others are in Colorado,
Nevada, Arizona, and generally spread around the entire United
At these underground bases, there is a vast network of
underground tunnels that have electromagneticaily powered shuttle
vehicles (trains) which can travel at great speeds. They connect the
hidden cities and complexes.
Obviously these bases didn’t just suddenly appear, someone had to
build them, but who? It would have to be a corporation that was
familiar with large projects and unusual engineer problems. And of
course it would have to be assisted by corporate America. In 1959
there was the “RAND SYMPOSIUM”, which covered
advances in
underground tunneling technology: over 650 attendees came.
Most were
representatives of the corporate America.
Such companies as,
Electric Company
Hughes Aircraft
Northrop Corp.
Stanford Research Institute
Walsh Construction Company
School of Mines
The Bechtel Corporation (one of the major
underground construction companies),
...were represented.
Bechtel is a super-secret international corporate octopus, founded in 1898. Some
say the firm is really a “shadow government” which became a working
arm of the CIA.
It is the largest construction and engineering
outfit in the world (some say even beyond).
The following pictures are of the aliens
we have seen:
