by Julian Rose
September 18, 2015
ZenGardner Website
Julian is an early
pioneer of UK organic farming, author and international
activist. His widely acclaimed book 'In Defence of Life'
is available at
www.alibris.co.uk and
other independent book shops, or from Julian's website
www.changingcourseforlife.info |

True Humanity... or Transhuman Singularity and Gene Genocide?
"We are confronted here and now with
this ultra manipulative, parasitic force trying to worm its way
into the very foundations of life itself - to forever corrupt
its essence."
We individuals are here on this planet
as sentient, living beings, having the capacity to love, create,
empathize and be joyous.
But these qualities are increasingly the
object of a covert - if not overt - program of systematic
sterilization and attempted eradication.
There's a war on. Not just the continuous fabricated war between
nations and peoples - but a war to alter the very DNA of the human
race and to thereby render homo sapiens a slave race, responding
only to a computerized command system.
Don't be unduly intimidated however, for these tricks are, like most
tricks, just waiting to be exposed and rendered obsolete. Rendered
obsolete by the realization, in ourselves, of an omnipotent
universal consciousness.
Yes, it is we who are the one's best
equipped to go face to face with our oppressors - to go forth and
redeem the sanctity of life.
We are here as Earthly representatives of a divine state, an Earthly
reflection of that which would otherwise remain unseen, intangible
and without form: non-materialized divine energy. Having 'form' is
thus a blessed gift in which we should rejoice!
It is we who are thus gifted to take-on the less than human
shadow rulers of this planet - and
the Archontic other-worldly parasites that prime their
tanks. Us, and us only. Well, not really 'only', because once we
commit to the task for which we came here, unseen support floods in
to help us on our way.
But we must be the first to start the ball rolling - and this takes
courage. A kind of leap into the unknown. A leap that holds the
promise of an unprecedented adventure to follow.
So what exactly are we up against here?
It's a pretty sophisticated box of tricks, make no mistake! At its
core is the word 'subversive'. The degree to which it succeeds is
the degree to which 'subversiveness' wins over direct honesty.
Disguise over what is real. Falsity over what is true.
This means that we cannot ourselves harbor any of these subversive
tendencies, if we are to win the battle which faces us. Pretty
simple isn't it?
Provided we pass that test we are in a good shape to recognize the
falsity, dishonesty and subversive tendencies
in others. Otherwise, clearly we aren't - and there ends our
usefulness to a planet in crisis.
So the next step for those still going forward (true humanity) is
becoming aware, which means seeing the big picture and both thinking
and acting holistically.
There's nothing special about this, it's
just a question of letting that inner voice gain ground over the
outer voices of indoctrination and programmed propaganda. It means
conquering our cynical acceptance of a moribund status quo...
You know all about this - no need to say more.
So, to return to the question:
What are we really up-against here?
At the most fundamental end of the
subversive spectrum, we have the deliberate, clinical, laboratory
alteration of the very DNA from which we are manifest, as sentient
At the other end of the same subversive mind-set we have what is
the Transhumanist agenda: the
attempt to merge human brain cell activity with 'the computer
calculus', to produce an encoded, synthetic binary intelligence.
These are the twin dark prongs of absolute subversion which true
humanity is confronting.
What those engaged in this Transhuman experiment are after is what
they call 'the singularity'. A time when the fusion between these
synthetic and 'part human' energies becomes the dominant agent over
life on Earth; relegating homo sapiens to the role of slave prisoner
to a man made artifice. Not exactly a great definition of 'the good
life', I think you will agree.
Meanwhile, back in the science laboratory, the gene engineers
continue to pursue their ambition to push-back the frontiers of
moral, ethical and spiritual responsibility, by engaging in their
Frankensteinian obsession with genetically engineering not just
seeds, plants and animals - but human beings too.
The first experiments in deletion from the human embryo of
'unwanted' human genes are awaiting the green light from governments
in various Countries at this moment.
So it's important to see that the 'Transhumanists'
and the 'gene engineers' are part and parcel of the same dystopian
counterfeit cabal - which is simply approaching a common goal from
two different angles.
That goal, in case anyone needs
reminding, is the construction of a pseudo-living entity that has
had all its subtleties, mysteries and passions explicitly removed,
so as to be tailored to conform perfectly to the demands of the
Archontic designer
Matrix. To be 'a designer slave'.
Working backwards from these doctor Jeckyl like sterilizers
of the sentient world, we find a trail of incriminating evidence
exposing their diabolical ambitions.
Their sticky web can be seen spreading
out into all avenues of life as it is lived today. Although 'lived'
might be the wrong way to describe the dumbed-down, politically
correct, conformist life-styles adopted by great swathes of the
Western World and beyond.
What we are saying here, is that our current designer societies are
already constructed according to the ethos of the Transhuman, gene
altering school of subversive manipulation - and have been for some
time. Some would say for thousands of years and thanks to the
intervention of a hybrid reptilian race with a need to siphon-off
human energies for its own ends.
Ends precisely counter to the
aspirations of sentient humans: true humanity.
But never mind about this, interesting speculation as it is. The
point is, we are confronted here and now with this ultra
manipulative, parasitic force trying to worm its way into the very
foundations of life itself - and to forever corrupt its essence -
the living heart beat of the Supreme Creative Principle itself.
Now if that doesn't get you on the edge of your seat shouting
"Never!" probably nothing ever will.
The sycophantic thieves of divine life take their Earthly form as
the now infamous,
...and other Satan worshipping so called
sects'; whose job is to ensure that
the Archontic ambitions are steadily being met in the
everyday avenues of life on planet Earth.
It is their job to uphold and progress
the Matrix:
...and on it goes..
Although the CEO's of these corporate behemoths may not be aware of
what is driving their 'Big Ambition', they remain faithful to the
implementation of the dark agenda to which they have, wittingly or
unwittingly, opened themselves.
It is they who ensure funding for the
genetic engineering of the human food chain; the gene manipulation
of the human embryo and the denaturing of the very fibre of life
itself. Our governments simply rubber stamp these preplanned secret
agendas. Governments are thus also tools of enslavement
Those who support and maintain centralized top-down power are
partners in crime with those who seek to install
the Singularity insanity - as the
ultimate salvation for this planet.
They, the top down power mongers, take a cold and distanced
perspective on others. Especially the grounded, simple and warm
Something they have in common with the
unashamed adulators of 'cyborg man'; whose idea of 'heaven on earth'
is a fully automated human race, answering only to a super
computer whose program software has been invented by none other than
themselves; so as to anesthetize all that is sentient, spiritual and
sacrosanct about human life - indeed all of life.
So friends, that leaves us - who for the sake of this piece I am
calling 'true humanity' - to carry forward the gift of Supreme,
willingly, lovingly and courageously.
We have been blessed with this task and
with a very special ability that comes with it:
the ability to penetrate the
fortress of the pseudo-human life manipulators and take apart
their master plan piece by piece; rendering it, at last,
obsolete and beyond redemption.
Have no doubts - this is our reason for
We came back to fulfill this task. We
have been endowed with all that is needed to complete this mission.
It is simply down to us to do it.
There is a deadline - and it is imminent.
Do not fear, for we go forward joined as
one in this, the greatest of all challenges. Only by fully engaging
with it can we finally experience that profound awakening for which
all true humanity has been striving for so long. Maybe since our
Now this supreme challenge stands, unequivocally, at our very door.
Open the door and welcome it with open arms.