by Preston James, Ph.D
March 02, 2014
VeteransToday Website
Spanish version
Secret Space War - Part XIII
Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be walking with a
prideful swagger in his step lately.
In spite of growing conflicts between Israel-driven-America and
Russia over Syria, Iran and now the Ukraine, he appears unusually
confident. Other world leaders involved appear to be increasingly
stressed out by these growing conflicts, but not President Putin.
What could be going on in the background which might explain this
blatant confidence and swagger of president Putin?
Unsubstantiated rumors have been seeping out of deep contacts inside
Russian Space Command the last few weeks that, not only does the new
Putin's Russia have a well developed Secret Space war Program,
but that this Program provides substantial ultra-high-tech
back-engineered offensive and defensive weaponry.
And that such advanced weaponry can and will be deployed if Israel
is able to once again deploy their hijacked American War Machine
to start another Proxy War, this time in the Ukraine against Putin's
New Russia.
Do Russians now have access to Space
War Weapons based on back-engineered Alien ET technology gained
through a new treaty negotiated between Putin and a 'certain
group of Alien ETs' who are enemies of the group controlling,

And even stranger,
has this same Alien ET group
(click above image) who claim to be the avowed enemies of
another Alien ET group which is directing the WZs and the IZCS
the "Dracos",
also contacted a certain newly-emerging and powerful secret
group inside the
Secret Shadow Government (SSG)
and American Intel?
And with these reputed contacts,
Has this group of American
Defense and Intel up-and-comers started to exert dominance
over the US War Machine?
Have they become convinced that
the WZs and the IZCS must be stopped because their intent is
to deploy DHS to tyrannize, enslave and serially mass-murder
about 80% of all Americans?
And have they become aware that
the 9/11 attacks were False-Flag,
Gladio-style, inside-job
attacks run by Israel, Israeli-American dual citizens,
NeoCons, and PNAC individuals and had nothing to do with
Arabs, but were merely
False-Flag terror to
justify more illegal, unprovoked, unconstitutional,
undeclared wars of aggression in the Middle East as a proxy
Wars for Israel?
Has this powerful group of
up-and-comers inside America become convinced that DHS and
its overlords and the true Hijackers of America (AIPAC,
B'nai B'rith, the ADL, SPLC and the like) must be stopped
cold now before they destroy America and all its Christian
and Deist Institutions and the very American Republic
itself, which is the secret Goal of the WZs and the IZCS?

President Putin is a
Firearms Expert (as well as a Judo Expert).
Notice how he keeps
his trigger finger
outside the trigger
guard when not firing the Pistol.
A powerful new treaty has apparently
been established between one group of Alien ETs (the 'Tall
White Nordics') and Putin's New Russia.
This new treaty President Putin has
supposedly negotiated with this particular Alien ET group is
purported to be like the ones
American leaders negotiated with in the 1950′s
and early 1960′s.
However this particular Alien Group
group is purported to be substantially anti-WZ and anti-IZCS.
Their view is reputed to be that the
core of all the mass death and destruction of at least the last 500
years has its origins all the way to the Roman Empire and
ancient Babylonia, and is now
reflected in the policies imposed on America by the WZs and the IZCS,
which is undoubtedly the world's largest organized crime syndicate.
This crime syndicate the IZCS specializes in illegal drug and arms
trafficking, money laundering, large corporate "bust-outs", sex
trafficking and sex slavery (especially eastern Euro and Ukrainian
young girls taken to Israel for "captive prostitution"), trafficking
in children for pedophilia operations, American pornography, and
massive human compromise operations to gain and hold control over
top politicians, government Intel, military and Intel officials.
The WZs and the IZCS are based on an
ancient "Death Cult", "Money-Magick" and "black arts" philosophy
dating all the way back to Babylon.
And so far the best information available suggests that this "City
of London" zionist Death Cult philosophy is based on an
anti-human death-based religion created and deployed by the Dracos (luciferian
reptilians) who reached an apex of power under the City of London
private Central Banksters (whom
they mind-kontrolled and en-cultured).
This new group of Alien ETs also has
claimed that the "Dracos", aka Reptoids from the "Dark Side",
hijacked the City of London when first incorporated.
These evil and ancient Dracos, using
the same technologies which they did in ancient Babylon before
being driven out for many centuries, built up and then deployed
their main Action-agents and Cutouts, Israel and America. they
are believed to be World Zionism and using the rackets of the
IZCS for off-the-books large funding for their zionist lackeys
to but more and more politicians through AIPAC and the like.
It was under Evil, anti-human Draco Power, the City of London
zionist private Central Banksters (COLZPCB) hijacked America in
1913. At that time America essentially became a new province of
the City of London private Central Banksters using Draco-based
Babylonian "Money-Magick."
The Dracos are believed to be the arch enemies of humankind,
actual human parasites that live off of intense human suffering
and death. Allegedly they are "negative energy vampires" that
live off of manufactured human suffering and traumatic death.
These Dracos are believed to have
set up "death Cults" like
Skull and Bones (Russell
Trust), satanic cults, pedophile rings in high government
circles, and various types of interlinked luciferian cults which
have been used to completely hijack the highest levels of
These death cults are designed to
"dirty up" and corrupt all humans, that is, to soften folks up
in order to make it easier for their very souls to be "snatched"
from them.
After the City of London established a Beachhead in America with
its unConstitutional, criminal
private Federal Reserve Central Bank,
it was then later able to create, finance, build-up and deploy
its new
nation of Khazarian Judaic
converts (the new post-WW2 "Israel").
Once accomplished, the COLZPCB has
been able to deploy Israel as their main Action-agent and Cutout
to begin the transformation of America into a zionist Israeli
province and upcoming new Gaza (Gaza II).
The party responsible for directing
this transformation of America into a neo-Bolshevik tyranny is
Israeli controlled Department of Homeland Security, which has
now been dubbed the New American Gestapo, the New American
Stasi, or the New American Red Cheka mass-murder operation (take
your pick).
The purpose of these occult-linked organizations set up all over
the world, supported by Draco powers, is believed to allow the
eradication/extinction of all humans on Earth incrementally
through war, disease, famine and pestilence. In order to
condition "up-and-comers" to do their dirty work, the Dracos
generate the false ideologies of "Survival of the Fittest" by
the "thinning of the herd" as delusions.
These delusional philosophies trick
human leaders into leading their subjects and eventually all
humans to their own destruction, like lemmings jumping off a
After the end of WW2, the City of London Banksters set up the
new phony racial
state of Israel to do their
dirty work.
To keep the new Israeli citizens
adequately motivated to do their evil, they created a strong
racial delusion based on
the so-called "holocaust,"
aka "self-deployed fiery sacrifice".
WZ propagandists periodically pound
Israeli citizens and foreign based Judaics with the idea that
unless they take down the whole world through World Zionism they
will once again be persecuted and attempts to annihilate them
will be made once again.
This deployment of an exaggerated, racial persecution delusion
created the necessary background allowing the false charge of
Anti-Semitism to be leveled against anyone or any group
attempting to investigate what really happened during the WW2
"Work Camp" persecution of "low Judaics" by "fake/high Judaics/zionists
who sat in the background in the City of London calling the
This use of Israel as an artificially constructed so-called
"racial state" based on racial delusions and falsities has
worked so well playing on the sympathies of Americans and other
Western Nations.
This has allowed Israel to
completely hijack America, asset strip it almost bare, and use
it as a captive force to wage its foreign proxy wars against
entities who were not enemies of America at all, but who were
artificially created to appear so by deception.
And now for the first time, these
toxic World Zionists (WZs), NeoCons and Israeli-American dual
citizen Traitors are transforming America into a new War Zone by
the creation and deployment of the zionist, pervert-driven
Department of Homeland Security.
Yes, WZ's are not only attacking the Ukraine to weaken President
Putin's New Russia but are now staging a serious major internal
war to be waged against Americans inside America by DHS.
And DHS has secret plans to
incrementally mass-murder up to 80% of all Americans eventually.
DHS and those behind it are the true
"Enemy Within The Gates" of America and all involved at the
senior management positions are Traitors who deserve to be
prosecuted for RICO crimes and TREASON and SEDITION, which are
capital Crimes.

President Putin is
very skilled at catching his competitors off
guard, taking them off-balance and throwing them
for a loop.
He is a very skilled
"Black Belt" Judo Expert with many years
experience. Perhaps those foreign leaders who
desire to tangle with him geopolitically had
better think twice before they charge ahead
They may get thrown
for a loop unexpectedly.
If true, this would explain the now apparent reluctance of President
Obama and his
administration to proceed with more proxy wars for Israel
in the Mideast and now specifically in the Ukraine which is loaded
with extremely valuable resources and is considered essential to the
national security of Putin's new non-Bolshevik Russia.
Now here is the grim truth.
No matter how good American Intel has
been about the Russian's Secret Space War Program and the
level of advanced back-engineered Alien ET technology, which now has
been deployed, it is limited.
And it is unlikely that the full story
has been gained by American Intel, due to the various levels of
secrecy and "need to know" installed around the Russian's secret
Space War Program.
Of course this kind of layered secrecy has been installed around
America's Secret Space War Program.
America's secret Space War program is
unfortunately now run by foreign offshore-controlled, private
defense Contractors, most of whom are deeply infiltrated by Israeli
intel, some of whom are actually deep cover spies who report
directly to Russian Intel, unbeknownst to the Israelis who are cocky
and getting quite careless lately.

Putin firing Russia's famous AK-47 (now the AK-74 upgrade).
Most don't, but this
one probably has 1 MOA
due to a longer
barrel and thicker receiver.
And must General Dempsey take strong control and stop this Israeli
Espionage through their intel fronts like,
...and the like to prevent some kind of
major international confrontation with President Putin's new Russia
over the Ukraine or
It is now generally recognized that
Israel is working very hard, deploying every espionage and
propaganda tool possible to propel American military might into
another proxy war for Israel and the City of London.
The reason?
To allow Israel to obtain its
planned new oil and gas pipeline in Syria (after Balkanizing it
through deployed terrorism). And to Balkanize the Ukraine to
obtain its vast resources and block Russia's sale of oil and gas
to Europe so that it can jump in its Russia's place and sell
British controlled oil and gas through their planned new
pipeline thorough Syria.
It is also now recognized that this
Israel Pipeline Plan for Syria has the full blessing and support
of the City of London Big Oil.
Some of those who are in a position to
know about such internal security matters deep inside the USG are
claiming the answer is YES, that General Dempsey is
completely informed about infil-Traitors, and has established the
resources necessary deeply inside this program to exert immediate
and complete control any time upon his instructions should this
become necessary and should he desire to do so.
Allegedly these Israeli moles have been
allowed to remain in place to use them to feed misinformation that
is designed to mislead any real or potential enemies.
At present, nobody on the inside has
provided complete verified information on what actual advanced
high-tech back-engineered Alien ET weapon systems the Americans
or Russians actually have developed and deployed in their
respective Secret Space War Programs.
The best we can do is construct
estimates based on the actual weapon systems we do know exist.
We know that America's
Secret Shadow Government (SSG) has
at least two separate very
advanced anti-gravity craft fleets,
Insiders have claimed that there is a
secret competition for black-budget dollars between the two that has
at times turned into space shootouts and other acts of spy-war.
The USAF and the USN have always
been at odds after WW2 ended and the Cold War started.
This deep conflict is all about
money and power and the Navy's "Grey Beards" claim that
according to the US Constitution, only the US Navy is authorized
to employ international spying on behalf of America.
It is important to note that
traditionally for many centuries, Naval Forces were the primary
sources of a King or Nation's international power and foreign
Intelligence gathering.
These Naval Forces were used to
protect trade routes and to establish the authority for new
Colonies in foreign lands.
It is now known that the US Naval Intel
and accounting sectors were specifically targeted by the USAF during
the 9/11 attacks.
During these attacks, charges were
planted inside those sections in the pentagon, including a
sophisticated covert operation using space war technology like
holographic images and sounds.
There have been isolated reports of past space shootouts between
USAF and USN anti-gravity Craft (AGCs). And there have been some
reports of serious turf wars inside Congress over funding.
It is well known that the USAF sees the
USN conventional forces, including most carriers and destroyers, as
obsolete and easy targets for any enemy.
The actual state of back-engineered Alien ET technology for Russian
weapons systems is not known by American Intel at this time. But
estimates are constructed using advanced algorithms on advanced
computers to make estimates. And the latest version of the Russian
Sunburn Missile System is a good
example of an advanced weapons system that can be used to project
what could be considered a fairly good estimate of the current state
of Russian Secret Space war weaponry that has been deployed.
Some military technology experts believe that the Sunburn is based
on Alien ET back-engineered technology.
Why would they think this? Because the
latest versions of the Sunburn are believed to have hiving
capability and the ability to travel at speeds up to 7,000 to 9,000
miles per hour. That is a lot more than the officially released
figures of Mach 2.1.
Hiving is the ability of these missiles when launched in mass to
remain in constant communication with one another on special
scrambled frequencies which constantly change.
If one or more Sunburn missile is shot down or interfered with, the
rest adjust in response to the threat, re-target, and resort to
random defensive maneuvers to make sure every target is still
covered and attacked by priority of importance.
Some of these maneuvers are so
gravity-defying, it is suspected that anti-gravity technology has
been utilized in the latest model of the Sunburn missiles.
It is also suspected that new
anti-matter light and time warping technologies are used to provide
advanced "cloaking" for these Sunburns.
If these rumors are even close to
accurate it means that any USN ships within range of these
Sunburns (which may be substantially greater than the claimed
1200 miles), could be sunk within mere minutes.
Some experts believe that the USAF
(or the USN) has nothing that can adequately respond to the
Sunburn, and even the Rail guns and high-powered particle beams
which have been secretly deployed on some carriers and
destroyers and kept under wraps until needed, or on special
Space war orbital platforms, cannot respond fast or accurately
enough to stop all of a hive of Sunburns that are launched.
As the Cold War came to a halt, it was
rumored that the Soviet Union's secret Space war stopped,
temporarily put on ice.
This occurred when the Wall was torn
down, thanks to the extremely effective efforts of the Great America
Lee Wanta, who served as
President Reagan's Secret Agent.
And it is now believed that under
Putin's new Russia, not only has a new treaty been re-negotiated
with a certain group of Alien ETs, who were introduced to the
Soviets by Nazi Scientists brought into Russia after WW2 to work on
advanced weapons systems (just like what happened under
Operation Paperclip in America).
Another way to estimate the Space
War capabilities is to examine open-source intel of any alien
technology applications that have been leaked in the press.
There is one story claiming that
Russia was in the process of developing a large anti-gravity
craft (AGC) to use as a space platform deployed space weapon
system, as well as for use as an advanced passenger airliner.
It has been claimed by some that the
first prototype has been built and tested.
Here is what may perhaps be an "Above
Top Secret" video obtained clandestinely by a Western Intel Agency
and leaked to the press, perhaps with a wink and a nod of Putin or
his deputies.
You must decide if it appears to be real
and/or could actually be real. Why would Russia allow this kind of a
leak? Such leaks can serve as a warning to western powers to show
more respect for Putin's New Russia.
If it is a faked video and purposely leaked misinformation, it can
serve as a Psyop to confuse and misdirect from real, already
deployed Russian "deep black" or "above Top Secret" Secret Space War
Systems that Putin perhaps wants to keep secret.
Decide for yourself if this video might
be real, and if so what its implications could be for Putin's New
President Putin has appeared remarkably
cool and confident in public lately. A slow controlled speech backed
by steely blue eyes and what appears to be a iron constitution, as
well as a over-confident swagger to his stride.
Not prone to careless statements or
bluffs, Putin appears to be a strong, confident leader who means
what he says and is willing to back it up.

President Putin has
been considered by some Russian Intel
to have been
Russia's equivalent of Britain's "Ian Fleming" (the Real James Bond)
in the past.
But he has a lighter
side too.
It has been reported
that he rides horses for fun,
and likes dogs and
animals in general.
Those who know President Putin claim that he does not want war for
his New Russia, but wants peace and prosperity and a major role in
International Trading of oil, gas and other Russian commodities
which are growing in development every day.
But it is also generally recognized that President Putin demands
respect from other world leaders and is not likely to be pushed
Driving out the Judaic-zionist-mobsters has appeared to have been a
high priority, and this is an extremely difficult job, since these
crime networks called the "Red Mafiya" are so entrenched.
Various Russian experts in the west
believe that Putin is committed to this and has made significant
progress, but it is an arduous process.
Those who know President Putin claim that he is very calculating
when he negotiates or pushes foreign policies for Russia. That he is
not prone to idle bluff or exaggerations, but usually means exactly
what he says.
This task of driving out Israeli-American dual citizen traitors who
are zionists is a difficult challenge for newly emerging groups
within the USG, the American Military and Intel. It is these folks
who are dedicated to fully exposing these Traitors to America the
Republic and are working hard to stop AIPAC, B'nai B'rith, the ADL,
the SPLC and the like.
Based on the deep penetration zionist
criminals and zionist espionage fronts have attained in America, one
can easily imagine how difficult a challenge it is for Putin to do
the same in Russia.
So far it seems clear that President Putin will give no new quarter
to the Red Mafiya zios, nor will he allow zionists from Israel, the
City of London or those who have infiltrated America to determine
his borders or his security situation with the Ukraine.
And besides, according to Lee Wanta, President Reagan's
Secret Agent, a binding Agreement was negotiated between the Soviet
Union's leaders who were leaving power and Russia's new up and
coming leaders, that America would not ever interfere in Russia's
close security situation along its borders, and Russia would refrain
from the same for America's borders. (1)
Sadly, recent news reports claim the the
USG has given $5 Billion USD to rebel groups inside the Ukraine to
start a Color Revolution. If true, this is a serious violation of
the Agreement that is still binding. (2)
In spite of the evidence that Israel has deployed some of its
Terrorist Patsy groups to the Ukraine to start a Color Revolution
and America has also apparently deployed its Al Cia Duh Terror
groups to the Ukraine to assist, President Putin has responded
calmly, but decisively.
He appears to have started deploying
some of his best Anti-Terror troops to Crimea to secure the Ukraine.
It should be a fair assumption that if Israel and America do not
back down and stop deploying terrorists to the Ukraine, President
Putin will likely fight fire with fire and deploy whatever Russian
Military force is necessary to stop this outside agitation and
generation of violence, terror and chaos inside the Ukraine.
Will President Putin back down and let Israel and American offshore
corporate interests Balkanize the Ukraine and divide its vast
natural resources? A fair number of experts do not believe that
President Putin will allow this to happen.
And could it be that his strong
confidence is a result of a newly updated treaty with a group of
Aliens that is working hard to expose the Franken, Sabbattean World
Zionists (WZs) and the IZCS, and to stop their evil reign of power?
If this particular group of Aliens has entered into an agreement to
establish Space war parity for Putin's new Russia, perhaps this has
bolstered his confidence and resolve to deal effectively with the
zionist Israeli/American-driven terror in the Ukraine.
Perhaps this group of anti-zionist
Aliens has told President Putin to respond confidently and not to
worry about the zios at all, that they will cover his back.